The Semantic Web Interest Group met Thursday, 2nd March, 2006 Cannes Mandelieu, France as part of the W3C Technical Plenary Week.
Participants took notes in IRC; see log, chump/weblog.
Morning Session
Welcome and Introductions
photo with notes to connect names with faces
Attendees included: Henry Story, Ralph Swick, Eric Miller, Phil Archer, Mark Baker, Tim Berners-Lee, Ivan Hermann, Giovanni Tummarello, Christian Morbidoni, Dan Connolly, Igor Mozetic, Libby Miller, Brian McBride, Alistair Miles, Jeremy Caroll, Hiroshi Yasuhara, Ian Davis, Markus Krötzsch, and Danny Ayers, guest chair. Murray Maloney joined after lunch.
See IRC notes starting 08:05:31Z for a few of the introductory remarks.
Trust RDF to describe Web content?
Phil Archer presented. Slides, content label XG charter
DBin: an all round Semantic Web platform for user communities
Giovanni Tummarello presented. DBin Project
Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group
Eric Miller gave an overview of the Interest Group.
Lightning talks, part I
- Henry Story : Atom/OWL: an example of philosophical analysis notes
- Reto Bachmann-Gmuer : "rdf-diff/rdf-patch"
- Tim Berners-Lee : Browsable data notes from 11:15Z
SPARQL Next Steps with DAWG
Discussion of SPARQL issues, especially the postponed ones.
EricP's summarized a poll:
- protocol for graph update
- querying collections
- aggregate functions
- subqueries
- told bNodes
- standardized approach to "fourth slot" queries ala RDQL
- using SPARQL via forms languages such as HTML or XForms
We discussed the possibility of a sparql-dev mailing list. Postscript: see public-sparql-dev .
DanConnolly presented a few slides from Semantic Web Data Integration with hCalendar and GRDDL and we then had a discussion. See notes starting 13:10Z thru 14:30Z.
Some points that arose:
- Tutorial for using GRDDL with xml schemas (Murray)
- An exploration for 3rd party semantics or scraping
- Embedded RDF tutorial done by Ian Davis. Reference it.
- Keep tabulator up to date with GRDDL test suite?
- http://esw.w3.org/topic/MicroModels
- do not limit rdf/xml as output
- outreach (?)
- Metadata for transformations (Brian)
A Common Web Language (CDL)
Hiroshi Yasuhara presented. See slides, irc notes starting 15:14Z.
MarkNottingham presented his work on an easy RDF API in python. See notes starting 15:44Z.
WSDL RDF mapping
(slides) and "Semantic annotations for WSDL" (slides) Jacek Kopecky
Lightning Talks, part II
- DannyAyers : The Content Model Layer
- AndyS, EliasT, LeeF: SparqlCalendarDemo irc notes
- GT, more on DBin
- Libby, an RDF calendar tool notes
- AlistairMiles, Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies
- AlistairMiles, SKOS Core Guide, SKOS Validator
- Cristian Morbidoni - "Semantic Web for the Humanities: RDF and OWL for Textual Encoding"
- Michele Nucci - "Cooperative Semantic Web geotagging tools The Eclipse SW Map/GEarth"
See Also:
- IRC irc://irc.freenode.net/swig (log, chump/weblog)
- Announcement of 29 Jan to semantic-web@w3.org
- earlier heads-up mail
Previously on swigTP :
- SWIG tp2004 agenda etc
- SwigAtTp2005
- SwigCannes04 (history of SWIG)
- Previous meeting: SwigAtTp2005 some notes