The RDF developer community has been working on RDF Query for a while now... W3C even started a working group, DAWG, which has released a SPARQL query language spec and is talking about a SPARQL Protocol spec.
SparqlImplementations lists some implementations of the query language and protocol.
The following are some DAWG Shows, i.e. demo services you can play with, or events where SPARQL will be presented, that sort of thing.
Demo services and applications:
- ISWC2006 Semantic Tools includes a SPARQL endpoint
- GovTrack.us SPARQL form by Joshua Tauberer with about 10 million triples
- Schemarama 2 Test Framework and Service, from 12 Dec 2005 announcement: uses SPARQL for quality assurance and integrity testing of RDF data (a bit like 'validation'). See also specific test cases for the SKOS Core Vocabulary.
- Opera SPARQL Query Engine, from 30 Nov 2005 announcement: uses Redland/Rasqal to do the hard work, and gives you almost 2.7 million triples of my.opera.com data to play with.
- XMLArmyKnife -- SPARQL general purpose SPARQL service since announcement Nov 15, 2005 with several updates since
- SPARQLer - An RDF Query Demo by Andy Seaborne 5 Nov 2004
- SPARQLer validator - check syntax of SPARQL queries
- fun with UAProf profile repository: results of query for media types accepted by a phone model
SELECT ?TY where { ?P a :[[SoftwarePlatform]]; :[[CcppAccept]] [ ?LI ?TY ] }
- Redland Rasqal RDF Query Demonstration by Dave Beckett, Nov 2004
- Relying on RSS auto-conversion, a query of an XML RSS feed with SPARQL using Rasqal
- SPARQL demo form using RDFStore supports most of Feb 2005 sparql-query WD syntax SELECT, DESCRIBE, CONSTRCUT and basic set of op and fn functions/operators (returns RDF/XML, DAWG-XML, N-Triples)
- Leigh Dodds Twinkle application using ARQ and sample queries
- Zparqler demo from asemantics and examples using RDFStore
- julie SPARQL Query Page operated by crschmidt; based on redland; made available 2005-04-18 18:47:37
- A SPARQL demo query service with photo descriptions announced in The Gargonza Experiment, implementing a minimal protocol. Based on Redland/Rasqal. Operated by Morten Frederiksen.
- RDF Query Access to WWW2005 Conference Data in progress by EricP
- SparqlCalendarDemo in-progress by LeeF and EliasT
- RDF & SPARQL Antibodies Demo - presented at WWW2006 as a life-sciences mashup driven by SPARQL, by LeeF and EliasT (more details here)
- OpenLink Virtuoso DAWG-SPARQL Use Case Demo
Events for PathCross or ConnectingAudiences:
- XML 2004 16-18 Nov 2004 Washington, DC
- W3C Tech Plenary March around BOS... SwigAtTp2005
- XTech 2005 in Amsterdam in May
- WWW2005 in Japan May 2005
Stuff that seems straightforward to move to SPARQL:
see also: swbp apps/demos task force
EricP, is your algae-based stuff public yet?
Are there some demos from the lifesci workshop? Maybe they're mostly RDQL... any that are migrating to SPARQL?