Minutes: Low Vision Task Force 17 Nov 2016

from: https://www.w3.org/2016/11/17-lvtf-minutes.html
Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 17 Nov 2016

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2016/11/17-lvtf-irc>
PresentJohnRochford, AllanJ, erich, Laura, Marla, Wayne, AWK, Scott, laura
RegretsShawn, Alastair, glendaChairJimScribeJohnRochford, erich

   - Topics <https://www.w3.org/2016/11/17-lvtf-minutes.html#agenda>
      1. Contrast: Informational Graphics
      2. Line Length
      3. Reflow to Single Column
      4. Text Colors
      5. Metadata on Hover
      6. hyphenation
   - Summary of Action Items
   - Summary of Resolutions


<AllanJ> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page

<laura> Welcome Marla!

<JohnRochford> scribe:JohnRochford

<AllanJ> open item 1


AllanJ: This is as close as we are going to get, I think.

(referring to the SC with URL above)

AllanJ: John Avila had an exception, but I agree with Glenda that we should
leave it out for now.

+1 to leaving it out for now

AllanJ: Okay with all to leave it out for now?

Hey you, TF members, how about a

+1 or -1?

<erich> +1

<AllanJ> 1

<laura> +1

Wayne: +1

<AllanJ> +1

Andrew: WCAG working group meetings are Tuesdays, 11 AM Eastern Time.

... https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Contrast_(Minimum)
Ready for WCAG.

<AWK> Jim will update Issue #10 (https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/10)
with the wiki content

<AllanJ> Actiion: Jim to update WCAG Github with new text for contrast
Minimum (tag with LVTF and ready for review)

<AllanJ> *ACTION:* Jim to update WCAG Github with new text for contrast
Minimum (tag with LVTF and ready for review) [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-86 - Update wcag github with new text for
contrast minimum (tag with lvtf and ready for review) [on Jim Allan - due

<AllanJ> open, item 2
Contrast: Informational Graphics

<Wayne> +1

Wayne: +1 to this SC

JohnRochford: +1

<laura> +1

AllanJ: Any objections to this one?

<AllanJ> no objections


Ready for WCAG.*

<AllanJ> *ACTION:* Jim to update WCAG Gitup for Graphic Contrast Minimum
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/11/17-lvtf-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-87 - Update wcag gitup for graphic contrast
[on Jim Allan - due 2016-11-24].

<laura> https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/9
Line Length

<AllanJ> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Line_Length

<AllanJ> alastair: I'm not convinced that this SC adds anything if we have
reflow. I might just not be getting it, see my email in that thread.

Andrew: Is there any scenario that someone would want fewer than 80
... Why 25 characters?

Wayne: 25 is outside the deviation for word length in many languages.

<AllanJ> wayne will add the references to the wiki

Wayne: Example: Russians and Germans are in about the 18 range.

Andrew: Submit the 2 success criteria separately, I suggest.

Wayne: I offer to write an understanding page: short work up this week with

<AllanJ> Any objections?


<AllanJ> heard no objections

*RESOLUTION: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Line_Length
<https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Line_Length> Ready for

<AllanJ> *ACTION:* Jim to add
https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Line_Length to WCAG
GitHub (after wayne update descriptions and references) [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-88 - Add
https://www.w3.org/wai/gl/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/line_length to wcag
github (after wayne update descriptions and references) [on Jim Allan - due
Reflow to Single Column


AllanJ: Any issues with this one?

Wayne: Will change if clause right now based upon suggestion from Andrew.

Thanks, Laura.

+1 to if-clause update

<erich> +1

<AllanJ> +1

<laura> +1

AllanJ: Any objections to sending this SC to WCAG?

<AllanJ> no objections heard

Ready for WCAG.*

<AllanJ> *ACTION:* Jim to post Reflow
to WCAG github [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-89 - Post reflow
to wcag github [on Jim Allan - due 2016-11-24].
Text Colors

<AllanJ> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Text_Colors

<AllanJ> alastair: I suggested turning the SC text around so it is about
maintaining functionality when the user applies color changes, I think that
would align with WCAG 2 a bit better.

AllanJ: Reviewing suggestions from Alastair.

<AWK> Suggest change: Users must be able to view text with foreground and
background colors chosen from the full range of color choices provided by
the user agent.

Wayne: +1 to AWK's suggestion.
... Will replace SC text right now, withh

with AWK's suggestion.

<AllanJ> jim: Wayne to change wording, review the rest of the document for
alignment with the new wording and bring it up on Dec 1

Gotta go, folks. Erich, will you please take over scribing?

<erich> Scribe:erich
Metadata on Hover

<AllanJ> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Metadata_On_Hover

Jim: What is the scoop?

Laura: Katie came up with best wording for the SC

<AllanJ> Content that is necessary for understanding which appears on
hover, must be:

<AllanJ> discernible,

<AllanJ> not obscured by other content, and

<AllanJ> available via any input method.

Jim: I have a thought on second bullet, is the mouse arrow considered

Laura: We could drop "by other content"

<AllanJ> Content that is necessary for understanding which appears on
hover, must be:

<AllanJ> discernible,

<AllanJ> not obscured, and

<AllanJ> available via any input method.

Marla: The mouse arrow size is user adjustable

Laura: It's constantly obscured in many cases though

<scottm> yes

Jim: Does this new wording work for people?

Marla: What about content that appears on hover and has an on-mouse out
... Would that be an example of a failure of this, or not apply?

<scottm> Chasing the tooltip

Laura: It's another good example

Jim: So is this situation covered by the wording we have, or not?

Wayne: I think it is

Marla: My last comment, is it's a difficult test case

Jim: Laura, is there anything we can add to the testability, such as
"display all metadata" or something like that?
... You can get tooltips on some mobile devices, via long press vs. simple

Laura: "display the full metadata"? How about that?

Jim: I am assuming we are only talking about title

Andrew: why? the goal is for it to be technology independent

Laura: Good point

Jim: What do we think? Are we good, or is there any other review that needs
to happen?

Marla: Is there a way to elaborate on what 'discernible' means?
... Is there a way to build in to this that the content has to remain open
for some time?

Laura: Maybe we need a definition? Would you like to work together on that

Marla: Yes

Wayne: If you look down the page, I have the other situation where you
don't have mouse-out

Marla: Those are good examples

Jim: I was looking at WCAG and thought about 'perceivable', but there's no
definition of 'perceivable' in there
... What if we said 'fully visible'?
... Does 'fully visible' work?

+1 to fully visible

Marla: +1

<Wayne> +1 to fully visible

Andrew: I think there may be something in the mobile group about device

<scottm> My phone just died

Andrew: we should look at those

<scottm> be back on in a minute

Wayne: We're considering text to all kinds of presentations of text, so the
testability needs to be re-thought, because with 6 people with low-vision
there are 6 different ways of looking at this

Andrew: If too funamentally different, we may be talking about Silver


Jim: In the meantime I reviewed the mobile and not seeing any that pertain

<AllanJ> so we will defer till Dec 1.

<AllanJ> wayne: don't want to drop this.

Jim: That's the end of the agenda, if anyone has anything else to bring up

Wayne: Hyphenation
... Wondering whether this is a Silver one

Jim: The mechanisms seem like sort of a dodge

<AllanJ> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Hyphenation

Jim: Is this a make or break? Shawn suggests it should be AA or AAA

<scottm> and we're back

Wayne: Doesn't seem like one we can put forward at this time

Jim: Ok, we won't address at this time
... Anything else?


<laura> bye

rrsagent: make minutes
Summary of Action Items *[NEW]* *ACTION:* Jim to add
https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Line_Length to WCAG
GitHub (after wayne update descriptions and references) [recorded in
*[NEW]* *ACTION:* Jim to post Reflow
to WCAG github [recorded in
*[NEW]* *ACTION:* Jim to update WCAG Github with new text for contrast
Minimum (tag with LVTF and ready for review) [recorded in
*[NEW]* *ACTION:* Jim to update WCAG Gitup for Graphic Contrast Minimum
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/11/17-lvtf-minutes.html#action02]

Summary of Resolutions

   1. https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Contrast_(Minimum)
   2. https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Informational_Graphic_Contrast_(Minimum)
   Ready for WCAG.
   3. https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Line_Length Ready
   for WCAG. <https://www.w3.org/2016/11/17-lvtf-minutes.html#resolution03>
   4. https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Reflow_to_Single_Column
   Ready for WCAG.

[End of minutes]

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264  http://www.tsbvi.edu/
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Thursday, 17 November 2016 18:14:57 UTC