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Community & Business Groups

RDF Stream Processing Community Group

The mission of the RDF Stream Processing Community Group (RSP) is to define a common model for producing, transmitting and continuously querying RDF Streams. This includes extensions to both RDF and SPARQL for representing streaming data, as well as their semantics. Moreover this work envisions an ecosystem of streaming and static RDF data sources whose data can be combined through standard models, languages and protocols. Complementary to related work in the area of databases, this Community Group looks at the dynamic properties of graph-based data, i.e., graphs that are produced over time and which may change their shape and data over time.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Drafts / licensing info

Date Name
RDF Stream Processing: Requirements and Design Principles

Chairs, when logged in, may publish draft and final reports. Please see report requirements.

RSP F2F Meeting: discussions

Last week we had a successful F2F meeting in Sydney.

Thanks to those who could make it, and to those who tried their best to follow it online (sorry about technical difficulties). We had a nice set of slides by Oscar introducing the Group, as a keynote in the OrdRing workshop:

OrdRing 2013 keynote – On the need for a W3C community group on RDF Stream Processing from Oscar Corcho

Then, during the meeting itself we mainly discussed about the group scope, what might be in and out of our reach, and what we consider an RDF stream. I tried my best to summarize the discussions in the wiki:

In summary we got interesting comments from people involved in precedent W3C working groups. I will be proposing soon the dates for next telecons, which will be targeting the definition of key concepts we should agree on.

Keep tuned!

Collecting use cases: contribute your RDF Stream processing Use Case

As discussed in our last Telcon, we are collecting use cases from members of the group and associated parties, and we propose to have a short description of them in our W3C Group wiki. We have created a template that you can use to provide the description of your use case.

Of course if there is more relevant information you wish to provide, don’t hesitate to do so.

Thanks for your contribution!