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Community & Business Groups

Remote DOM Community Group

See the Web Screens Community Group and the Second Screen Working Group instead.

Similarly to how the Shadow DOM paved the way for custom elements using web technologies, a "Remote DOM" could allow display of portions of the web app to be displayed on "remote" (i.e. "external") devices, such as screens, Smart TVs, etc.

This brings interesting capabilities to web apps, such as leveraging external screens for presentation, supplemental content or second screen experiences.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

What Remote DOM tries to achieve

With devices such as Google Chromecast, Smart TVs and other web-capable and “smart” larger screen devices, it is time to leverage the full set of benefits such a device can offer directly from within your web application.

Why shouldn’t your web app be able to display additional, different content on an attached big screen? While this is possible using hybrid approaches, such as Cordova with plugins for iOS, we should try to create an open standard, so that functionalities, such as the second screen, become available for the web platform.

If you want to see a very rudimentary demo implementation, check out or see it in action here: