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Community & Business Groups

Native Web Apps Community Group

A community driven take on the concepts driving the Widgets and Device APIs. Collectively understood these technologies form the basis for installable web apps. Living in a secured context these applications give the web access to traditionally native capabilities.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Missing bits from Widget side

On the widget side, technically, we need to finish the widget URI scheme spec. It currently lacks a proper dereferencing model, which means it does not work well as a protocol. What it needs is to work like blob:// so that it can be used with XMLHTTPRequests (i.e., fake HTTP responses). This will allow things like JQuery mobile to work better… or we need to look to switching to blob://.  Also, Widget Updates needs to be finished.

We also need to continue investigating how to get widgets to work better with OAuth. This is a general problem with native applications, and the OAuth 2 spec does not provide too much guidance:(

Politically/Business-wise, we need to get Moz, Google, or somehow get this supported in Webkit… otherwise, this is not going anywhere.