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Community & Business Groups

Algorithmic Modelling Community Group

The mission of this group is to propose foundational specifications relating to "algorithmic modelling": a "model", in this context, being a description of the composition and relative dynamic behaviour of the sub-parts of a system, as exemplified by the Object Management Group's Model Driven Architecture. The output of this group may then act as a reference point for groups requiring the use of specific types of models, conceptual and computational being two such.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Final reports / licensing info

Date Name Commitments
Algorithmic Modelling Reference Model Licensing commitments

RTC model has a low security management

A browser client can accept a RTC connection from any other client. The connection is established using a offer/answer model. It is good model surely but how can i understand if the offer contains the properties of connection i m expecting? The problem seams in particular about data channels. In SDP protocol for now  there is no information about the count/identifiers  of datachannels …. so a bad client could send a offer for 100000 datachannels  when the other peer was expecting 1 datachannel. Same problem in renegotiation of offer/answer. For my opinion it was better to introduce a more adavanced security management in the native RTC model instead to leave to develop it by  web developer.


Service Worker Lifecycle to improve

I m testing the possibilities offered by service worker for now and for the future.

I tried to realize a service worker for proxying the clients connection so the browser doesn’t make a new connection for every page reload. In addition i want the connection stay alive during the navigation so if the websocket sent a event , i can notify the event to the user.
Now it is impossible to do it.
Using shared worker now at maximum you can proxy a connection until user has a page opened in that domain. Considering that it is the minimum to do , because else
1) ws loses perfomance
2) you can miss the business logic state for every page reload (inter time between reloading phase)

But if i go in another domain , i can’ t notify the user. HTML5 added async events generated by http protocol , but service worker doesn’t handle them.

Problem in service worker:
1) there is no onstart/onstop event for managing in intelligent way the connection. Anyway it could be usefull also for other reasons.
2) it is missing a general abstract concept for waking up the service on “alive objects” as websocket,server sent messages. On message event it might wake up the service as now it does it for pushmanager. Pushmanager use a protocol that don’t add anything to the actual http abilities. I don’t understand for what reason to add another protocol. I might registerAliveObject(ws) in serviceWorkerScope and the browser manages the wakeing up on message. Conceptually it is more general and permits to do all what a developer can imagine. Service worker has short life as now.

The push notification model seams too much trial for the new challenges of the future.

I thing they could be added to w3c specifications.

Call for Final Specification Commitments for Use Cases and Requirements

On 2013-06-19 The Algorithmic Modelling Community Group published the following specification:

This is a call for Final Specification Commitments. To provide greater patent protection for this specification, participants in the Algorithmic Modelling Community Group are now invited make commitments under the W3C Community Final Specification Agreement by completing the commitment form. Current commitments are listed on the Web. There is no deadline for making commitments.

If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the Algorithmic Modelling Community Group.

First Draft of Algorithmic Modelling Reference Model published by Algorithmic Modelling Community Group

On 2013-05-31 the Algorithmic Modelling Community Group published the first draft of the following specification:

Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the Algorithmic Modelling Community Group.

First Draft of Use Cases and Requirements published by Algorithmic Modelling Community Group

On 2013-05-31 the Algorithmic Modelling Community Group published the first draft of the following specification:

Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the Algorithmic Modelling Community Group.

Many thanks to all of you you who have supported this group in sufficient numbers to enable its graduation from that of “mere” proposed group. Many things a been afoot during this (extremely long 🙂 incubation period, so expect the imminent publication of a set of reports as the fruit of this behind-the-scenes toil 🙂