Community & Business Groups

Participants in the Linked Data for Language Technology Community Group


More on how to choose chairs
  • Andreas Blumauer's profile picture

    Andreas Blumauer

    Semantic Web Company GmbH

  • Christian Chiarcos's profile picture

    Christian Chiarcos

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universität Augsburg

  • Penny Labropoulou's profile picture

    Penny Labropoulou

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ATHENA RC

  • John McCrae's profile picture

    John McCrae

    INSIGHT - The Centre for Data Analytics


  • No Photo

    Guadalupe Aguado de Cea

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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    Bridget Almas

    Alpheios Project

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    Elena-Simona Apostol

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University Politehnica of Bucharest

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    Balazs Benedek

    Easyling / Skawa Ltd.

  • Martin Benjamin's profile picture

    Martin Benjamin

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

  • Renat Bikmatov's profile picture

    Renat Bikmatov

    Logrus Plus LLC

  • Julia Bosque-Gil's profile picture

    Julia Bosque-Gil

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Zaragoza (Universidad de Zaragoza)

  • Julião Braga's profile picture

    Julião Braga

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mackenzie Presbiterian University

  • No Photo

    António Branco

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Charalampos Bratsas's profile picture

    Charalampos Bratsas

    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • Paul Buitelaar's profile picture

    Paul Buitelaar

    INSIGHT - The Centre for Data Analytics

  • Elena Cabrio's profile picture

    Elena Cabrio

    Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)

  • Manuel Tomas Carrasco Benitez's profile picture

    Manuel Tomas Carrasco Benitez

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with European Commission

  • Steve Cassidy's profile picture

    Steve Cassidy

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Macquarie University

  • Miquel Centelles Velilla's profile picture

    Miquel Centelles Velilla

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universitat de Barcelona

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    Khalid CHOUKRI

    European Language Resource Association

  • Philipp Cimiano's profile picture

    Philipp Cimiano

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with CITEC, University of Bielefeld

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    Mariana Damova


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    Thierry Declerck

    German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Gmbh

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    Riccardo Del Gratta

    CNR-ISTI (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo")

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    Maria Pia di Buono

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Naples "L'Orientale"

  • Milan Dojchinovski's profile picture

    Milan Dojchinovski

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Czech Technical University in Prague

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    Matej Durco

    Austrian Academy of Sciences

  • Maud Ehrmann's profile picture

    Maud Ehrmann

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Tiziano Flati

    Sapienza University of Rome

  • Angel Luis Garrido's profile picture

    Angel Luis Garrido


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    Laurent Gautier

    University of Burgundy

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    Maria Gavrilidou

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ATHENA RC

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    Tewodros Gebreselassie

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with PESC Information Systems College

  • Frances Gillis-Webber's profile picture

    Frances Gillis-Webber

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Pau Gimenez

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Voula Giouli


  • Katerina Gkirtzou's profile picture

    Katerina Gkirtzou

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ATHENA RC

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    Serge Gladkoff

    Logrus Plus LLC

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    Asunción Gómez Pérez

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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    Miguel Angel Gómez Zotano

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Tatiana Gornostay's profile picture

    Tatiana Gornostay


  • Jorge Gracia's profile picture

    Jorge Gracia

    University of Zaragoza (Universidad de Zaragoza)

  • Dagmar Gromann's profile picture

    Dagmar Gromann

    University of Vienna

  • Pieter Heyvaert's profile picture

    Pieter Heyvaert


  • No Photo

    Chris Hokamp


  • Ali Hosseinzadeh Vahid's profile picture

    Ali Hosseinzadeh Vahid


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    Nancy Ide

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Department of Computer Science, Vassar College

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    John Judge

    Centre for Next Generation Localisation

  • Joel Kalvesmaki's profile picture

    Joel Kalvesmaki

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with U.S. Government Publishing Office

  • Fahad Khan's profile picture

    Fahad Khan

    Institute for Computational Linguistics "A. Zampolli"

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    Bettina Klimek

    Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) e.V.

  • Kevin Koidl's profile picture

    Kevin Koidl

    Trinity College Dublin

  • Peep Küngas's profile picture

    Peep Küngas

    University of Tartu

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    Jean-Marie Le Ray

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Translation 2.0

  • Gary Lefman's profile picture

    Gary Lefman

    Trinity College Dublin

  • Nathan LEGER-TANGER's profile picture


    Individual CLA commitment

  • David Lewis's profile picture

    David Lewis

    Trinity College Dublin

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    Nikola Ljubešić

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Zagreb

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    Francesco Mambrini

    Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

  • Luca Matteis's profile picture

    Luca Matteis

    Sapienza University of Rome

  • Kris McGlinn's profile picture

    Kris McGlinn

    Trinity College Dublin

  • No Photo

    David Meikle


  • Monica Monachini's profile picture

    Monica Monachini

    CNR-ISTI (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo")

  • Elena Montiel Ponsoda's profile picture

    Elena Montiel Ponsoda

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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    Julian Moreno Schneider

    German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Gmbh

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    Andrea Moro

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Diego Moussallem's profile picture

    Diego Moussallem

    Universität Leipzig

  • Kay Mueller's profile picture

    Kay Mueller

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Roberto Navigli

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Sapienza University of Rome

  • Tomislav Novak's profile picture

    Tomislav Novak

    University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics

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    Alexander O'Connor

    Trinity College Dublin

  • Paul Park's profile picture

    Paul Park

    Historic England

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    Georgios Petasis

    Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications (IIT), NCSR

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    Despina Pilou

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Ronan Power

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Ronald Reck's profile picture

    Ronald Reck

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Georg Rehm's profile picture

    Georg Rehm

    German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Gmbh

  • Mariano Rico's profile picture

    Mariano Rico

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

  • Phil Ritchie's profile picture

    Phil Ritchie


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    Antonio Roa

    The English Bubble Ltd.

  • Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel's profile picture

    Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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    Elie Roux

    Buddhist Digital Resource Center

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    Bruno Sanz


  • Gilles Sérasset's profile picture

    Gilles Sérasset

    Université de Grenoble

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    Kiril Simov

    Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

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    Gerd Sjogren

    Interverbum Technology

  • Ana-Maria Sora's profile picture

    Ana-Maria Sora

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Giulia Speranza

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Naples "L'Orientale"

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    Ranka Stanković

    University of Belgrade

  • James Tauber's profile picture

    James Tauber


  • Andon Tchechmedjiev's profile picture

    Andon Tchechmedjiev

    IMT Mines Ales

  • Sabine Tittel's profile picture

    Sabine Tittel

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

  • Christina Unger's profile picture

    Christina Unger

    CITEC, University of Bielefeld

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    paola velardi

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Sapienza Università di Roma

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    Marta Villegas

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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    Cong Wang

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Menzo Windhouwer

    Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

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    Karolina Zaczynska

    German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Gmbh