Welcome and Getting Started
Posted on:Greetings GPU fans, (not the actual spinning fans on the hardware… let’s say GPU enthusiasts!)
After only one week, the GPU for the Web Community Group has 90 members from all areas of the industry. It’s now time to start work. I expect we’ll develop a working style over time, but there are some important things we should work out as soon as possible.
The first is to formally accept the group’s charter. There are a few open issues being discussed, so please give feedback. You’re also all welcome to file new issues. Some of the discussions have been slightly political and may be difficult to resolve in a manner that everyone will be happy with, but that’s not unusual in standards.
I propose that we attempt to close the issues on the charter and consider it accepted on Friday 24 February 2017. I’ll send out a reminder next week. If there is still active disagreement at that time, we’ll wait until we can resolve it. Any new issues filed on the charter after that date will need substantial justification.
Now, to the more interesting technical work.
We have proposals from Google and Apple, both linked from the Wiki and stored in GitHub. We welcome different proposals from the community, no matter how complete they are. Make a wiki page and describe it. And if you have something bigger that doesn’t fit on a wiki page, submit it to the repository.
I’m not sure how best to gather comments on the proposals. For now, I suggest using the mailing list.
As for the actual specification work itself, I’d love to hear opinions on how to start. The sooner we have documents, the sooner we can raise issues and discuss concrete topics. My suggestion is to begin with a document that describes the requirements and use cases. I’ll draft this today or tomorrow.
If you need member access to the gpuweb GitHub organization, you can email me. We already have a few “owners” who have administrative control, but I believe member access is enough for most actions, such as editing the wiki.
(Note: I posted this message to the blog and the email list. I won’t do that for all messages. The blog will only get newsworthy updates.)