Community & Business Groups

Participants in the Anti-Fraud Community Group


More on how to choose chairs
  • Sofia Celi's profile picture

    Sofia Celi

    Brave Software Inc.

  • No Photo

    Steven Valdez

    Google LLC


  • No Photo

    Ioan-Alexandru Achim

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Justin Adler-Swanberg


  • Kosei Akama's profile picture

    Kosei Akama

    Keio University

  • No Photo

    Clinton Allen

    American Express Company

  • Erik Anderson's profile picture

    Erik Anderson

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Ariel Antebi


  • Tomoya Asai's profile picture

    Tomoya Asai

    WebDINO Japan

  • No Photo

    Paul Asercion


  • Rossen Atanassov's profile picture

    Rossen Atanassov

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Rémi Audebert

    Google LLC

  • Christos Bacharakis's profile picture

    Christos Bacharakis

    eyeo GmbH

  • No Photo

    abbie barbir


  • No Photo

    Akanksha Bathini

    Integral Ad Science

  • No Photo

    Amandeep Batra


  • No Photo

    Remi Bazin

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Borbala Benko

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Neil Berg

    Google LLC

  • Laurent Bertrand's profile picture

    Laurent Bertrand

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    purietla bhaarrr

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Diptendu Bhowmick's profile picture

    Diptendu Bhowmick


  • No Photo

    Per Bjorke

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Maybelline Boon

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Sam Bouso


  • Aykut Bulut's profile picture

    Aykut Bulut

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Michael Busch

    Apple Inc.

  • Rick Byers's profile picture

    Rick Byers

    Google LLC

  • Marcos Caceres's profile picture

    Marcos Caceres

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Juliana Cafik

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Artiom Casapu

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Benjamin Case


  • No Photo

    Melissa Chase

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Andrew Chasin

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Helen Cho

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    David Christian

    Integral Ad Science

  • Mihai Cîrlănaru's profile picture

    Mihai Cîrlănaru

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Nate Clark

    Integral Ad Science

  • No Photo

    Steve Cole

    Merchant Advisory Group

  • Arthur Coleman's profile picture

    Arthur Coleman

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with OnlineMatters, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Antoine Comets


  • No Photo

    Andrew Comminos


  • No Photo

    Moritz Contag

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Mike Cook


  • No Photo

    Pedro Costa

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Ronan Cremin's profile picture

    Ronan Cremin


  • No Photo

    Bel Curado

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Alaa Daffalla

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Vacha Dave

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    lucas de lima silva

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Miguel de Moura


  • Jurjen de Wal's profile picture

    Jurjen de Wal


  • Jean Luc Di Manno's profile picture

    Jean Luc Di Manno


  • No Photo

    Tom Dillon

    F5 Networks

  • No Photo

    Konstantinos Dino

    Integral Ad Science

  • No Photo

    Connie Dong

    Integral Ad Science

  • Nick Doty's profile picture

    Nick Doty

    Center for Democracy and Technology

  • No Photo

    Tyrone Dougherty

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Kasada

  • No Photo

    Betül Durak

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Zach Edwards's profile picture

    Zach Edwards

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Mohamed Elgendi


  • No Photo

    Tony England


  • Steven Englehardt's profile picture

    Steven Englehardt

    Duck Duck Go, Inc.

  • Andrew Ensley's profile picture

    Andrew Ensley

    Navy Federal Credit Union

  • No Photo

    Andres F

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    GP Fasoli

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    James Ferguson

    Oracle Corporation

  • Severin Ferrand's profile picture

    Severin Ferrand

    Google LLC

  • Michael Ficarra's profile picture

    Michael Ficarra

    F5 Networks

  • No Photo

    Douglas Fisher


  • Jonathan Foote's profile picture

    Jonathan Foote


  • Fred Moratalla Fred Moratalla's profile picture

    Fred Moratalla Fred Moratalla

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Kal Gangavarapu

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Mandar Gaonkar


  • Manish Garg's profile picture

    Manish Garg


  • No Photo

    Alexandra Gerasimova

    Integral Ad Science

  • Kevin Gibbons's profile picture

    Kevin Gibbons

    F5 Networks

  • Utkarsh Goel's profile picture

    Utkarsh Goel

    Akamai Technologies

  • Kaustubha Govind's profile picture

    Kaustubha Govind

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Kevin Graney

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Ricky Grant

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Timon Grassl

    Scoria Labs GmbH

  • No Photo

    Sarino Grasso

    Google LLC

  • Fernando Guariento's profile picture

    Fernando Guariento

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Tempest Security Intelligence

  • No Photo

    Maxime Guerreiro


  • Andrei Jiroh Halili's profile picture

    Andrei Jiroh Halili

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Recap Time Squad

  • No Photo

    Chris Hamilton

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Tyler Hanway

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with

  • No Photo

    Charlie Harrison

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Haocong He

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Scott Hendrickson

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Yarne Hermann

    Socure Inc.

  • Louisa Hoberman's profile picture

    Louisa Hoberman

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Alexis Hochleutner


  • Johann Hofmann's profile picture

    Johann Hofmann

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Peiwen Hu

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Timothy Huber

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Adrian Isles

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Przemysław Iwańczak

    RTB House SA

  • Ian Jacobs's profile picture

    Ian Jacobs


  • No Photo

    Sarah Jennings

    HM Government

  • No Photo

    Ryan Kalla

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Erez Kalman

    Akamai Technologies

  • No Photo

    Adam Kelly

    Mastercard Incorporated

  • No Photo

    Brendan Kelly

    Pandora Media, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Karan Khanna Khanna

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Ray Kim

    Integral Ad Science

  • No Photo

    shinhwa kim

    Google LLC

  • Eric Kinnear's profile picture

    Eric Kinnear

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Gustavo Kok

    Netflix Inc.

  • Arun Kumar's profile picture

    Arun Kumar


  • Bartosz Kwitkowski's profile picture

    Bartosz Kwitkowski


  • No Photo

    Yaacov Lacher

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Kim Laine

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Daniel LaLiberte's profile picture

    Daniel LaLiberte

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Yuyan Lei

    The Washington Post

  • No Photo

    Arseny Levin


  • Mike Lewis's profile picture

    Mike Lewis


  • No Photo

    Cathy Li


  • No Photo

    Duke Liang

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Shopee

  • No Photo

    Curtis Light

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Jonh Lins

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Matthew Liu

    The Washington Post

  • No Photo

    Omkumar Mahalingam


  • No Photo

    Sam Mansour

    Oracle Corporation

  • No Photo

    Daniel Margolis

    Google LLC

  • Don Marti's profile picture

    Don Marti


  • Zach Mastromatto's profile picture

    Zach Mastromatto

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Brian May


  • No Photo

    Neha Megchiani

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Sanketh Menda

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Rowan Merewood's profile picture

    Rowan Merewood

    Google LLC

  • Martin Meyer's profile picture

    Martin Meyer

    Akamai Technologies

  • No Photo

    Luciano Montenegro

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Will Morgan


  • No Photo

    Angelo Moura


  • No Photo

    Daniel Ndungu

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Chris Needham's profile picture

    Chris Needham

    British Broadcasting Corporation

  • Jeremy Ney's profile picture

    Jeremy Ney

    Google LLC

  • Theresa O'Connor's profile picture

    Theresa O'Connor

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Michael O'Neill

    Baycloud Systems

  • No Photo

    Theodore Olsauskas-Warren

    Google LLC

  • Gerhard Oosthuizen's profile picture

    Gerhard Oosthuizen


  • No Photo

    Koji Ota

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with CyberAgent, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Martin Pal

    Google LLC

  • Vinod Panicker's profile picture

    Vinod Panicker


  • No Photo

    Panagiotis Papadopoulos


  • No Photo

    Neeraj Parmar

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Andrew Pascoe's profile picture

    Andrew Pascoe


  • Tommy Pauly's profile picture

    Tommy Pauly

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Jaime Perez

    Yahoo Holdings Inc.

  • No Photo

    Philipp Pfeiffenberger

    Google LLC

  • Scott Pierce's profile picture

    Scott Pierce

    Integral Ad Science

  • Kashyap Puranik's profile picture

    Kashyap Puranik

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Mike Redan


  • No Photo

    Zainab Rizvi

    Google LLC

  • Daniel Rojas's profile picture

    Daniel Rojas

    Google LLC

  • Jordan Ross's profile picture

    Jordan Ross

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Tom Rowledge


  • Alex Russell's profile picture

    Alex Russell

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Shivan Kaul Sahib's profile picture

    Shivan Kaul Sahib

    Brave Software Inc.

  • No Photo

    Sid Sahoo

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    David Schinazi

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Samuel Schlesinger

    Google LLC

  • Nathan Schloss's profile picture

    Nathan Schloss


  • Lars Schumann's profile picture

    Lars Schumann

    Risk.Ident GmbH

  • Wendy Seltzer's profile picture

    Wendy Seltzer


  • Nick Shearer's profile picture

    Nick Shearer

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Amit Shetty

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Pixalate

  • No Photo

    George Singleton


  • No Photo

    Hillary Slattery

    IAB Technology Laboratory, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Nick Smith


  • Rouslan Solomakhin's profile picture

    Rouslan Solomakhin

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Ranjita Sridhar

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Joshua Ssengonzi

    ARTICLE 19

  • No Photo

    David St Pierre


  • No Photo

    Brian Strauch


  • Russell Stringham's profile picture

    Russell Stringham


  • No Photo

    Martin Sweeney


  • No Photo

    Nathan Tacha

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Amit Tagore

    Integral Ad Science

  • No Photo

    Yuval Tanny

    Oracle Corporation

  • No Photo

    Sameer Tare

    Mastercard Incorporated

  • Mike Taylor's profile picture

    Mike Taylor

    Google LLC

  • Dimitris Theodorakis's profile picture

    Dimitris Theodorakis


  • Michael Tiffany's profile picture

    Michael Tiffany


  • No Photo

    Robert Townley

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with EyeConsultants eyeoptics

  • David Triger's profile picture

    David Triger


  • No Photo

    Eric Trouton

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    David Turner

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    George Tuvell

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Tal Tversky

    Apple Inc.

  • No Photo

    Marshall Vale

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Arno Van Der Merwe


  • No Photo

    Antoine Vastel


  • No Photo

    Bhanu Vattikonda

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    shaojie wang

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Sam Weiss


  • No Photo

    Tara Whalen


  • No Photo

    Marc Willis

    Apple Inc.

  • Chris Wilson's profile picture

    Chris Wilson

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Kurt Wilson

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Robin Wilson's profile picture

    Robin Wilson

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Rupert Wiser's profile picture

    Rupert Wiser

    Google LLC

  • Lukasz Wlodarczyk's profile picture

    Lukasz Wlodarczyk

    RTB House SA

  • No Photo

    Ari Wong


  • No Photo

    Yanxiang Julian Wu

    Google LLC

  • Rachel Yager's profile picture

    Rachel Yager

    FortuneTimes Group

  • No Photo

    Jeffrey Yasskin

    Google LLC

  • Aram Zucker-Scharff's profile picture

    Aram Zucker-Scharff

    The Washington Post