Welcome to the Age Labels Data Model Community Group!
Posted on:There are a lot of supranational, national, regional, media-, OS- and platform-specific classification systems and age labels out there, all aiming at informing children, their parents and other consumers about potentially harmful or unwanted content. The more these labels become digitized, the more potentials grow to extend the basis of consumer information by making existing labels (technically) interoperable.
Starting point for this community group have been considerations during discussion rounds within the European Commission-initiated “CEO Coalition to make the Internet a better place for kids“, namely within the Working Group 3 (“Wider use of content classification”). It has been agreed that to make classification data interoperable on a very basic level, we need to have a common reference model to exchange data and make it technically processable. A Technical Task Force on Interoperability and Machine-Readability has been created in autumn 2012 that convenes throughout 2013 to develop a proposal of such a data model.
The Task Force members agree to share the draft proposals here to extend the group of participating parties and to open the discussion to stakeholders and persons interested in interoperable age labels. Please join the group and briefly introduce yourself on the group’s mailing list: public-agelabels@w3.org (here’s the archive)