Participants in the Advancing Accessibility Resources Community Group
More on how to choose chairs-
Brian Elton
Kris Anne Kinney
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Educational Testing Service
Andrew Arch
Leonard Beasley
CVS Pharmacy, Inc.
Julie Belisle Boutet
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Government of Canada
Denis Boudreau
Inklusiv Communication
Bev Corwin
Individual CLA commitment
Sylvie Duchateau
Individual CLA commitment
Emilie Brown Emilie
Continual Engine LLC
Charles Franklin
Individual CLA commitment
Mingren (Michael) Fu
Individual CLA commitment
Oana Galbenu
Individual CLA commitment
Mike Gifford
Rabab Gomaa
Individual CLA commitment
Julia Havard
Individual CLA commitment
Judith Hellerstein
Shawn Lawton Henry
Tom Holub
Individual CLA commitment
Luci Iley
Individual CLA commitment
Robert Jolly
Individual CLA commitment
Kazuhito Kidachi
Mitsue-Links Co., Ltd.
John Kirkwood
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with CityMouse, inc
Régine Lambrecht
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Eleven ways
Pär Lannerö
Metamatrix AB
Sarah Lewthwaite
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Southampton
Emanuele Longhi
dunp scpl
Jade Matos Carew
The Open University
Chris O'Brien
Lewis Phillips
Individual CLA commitment
Laurie Reynolds
Individual CLA commitment
Sharron Rush
Anya Sims
Individual CLA commitment
Kit Tang
Individual CLA commitment
Bill Tyler
UnitedHealth Group
marisol villena
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Accenture
Kevin White
Frankie Wolf
Individual CLA commitment