Web of Things

W3C WoT – Use Case Task Force

The WoT Use Case task force is responsible for collecting use cases for WoT and extracting requirements. Use cases can include both specific vertical applications as well as relevant horizontal technologies or other horizontal usage patterns. Guests who are not WoT members but who have an interest in specific vertical application domains, technologies, or usage patterns are explicitly invited to engage with this task force to provide input.

Informative Deliverables

The WoT Use Case TF is working on the following informative deliverable.

WoT Use Cases and Requirements

The WoT Use Cases and Requirements document includes a catalog and taxonomy of use cases and a set of general requirements extracted from an analysis of these use cases. These requirements are then used to drive the development of other normative WoT specifications.


Tomoaki Mizushima (Internet Research Institute, Inc.), Michael McCool (Intel Corp.)
WoT Use Cases Co-Editors:
Michael McCool (Intel Corp.), Luca Barbato (Luminem Srl), Ege Korkan (Siemens AG), Tomoaki Mizushima (Internet Research Institute, Inc.)
Previous Editors:
Michael Lagally (Oracle Corp.), Ryuichi Matsukura (Fujitsu Ltd.)
