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Technique H59:Using the link element and navigation tools


prev and next typically have no effect on browser navigation controls.

About this Technique

This technique is not referenced from any Understanding document.

This technique applies to HTML.


The objective of this technique is to describe how the link element can provide metadata about the position of an HTML page within a set of Web pages or can assist in locating content with a set of Web pages. The value of the rel attributes indicates what type of relation is being described, and the href attribute provides a link to the document having that relation. Different link element rel values are used to create relationships:

  • next: Refers to the next document in a linear sequence of documents.
  • prev: Refers to the previous document in an ordered series of documents.


Example 1

A Web page for Chapter 2 of an on-line book might contain the following links within the head section.

<link rel="prev" href="Chapter01.html" title="01. Why Volunteer?">
<link rel="next" href="Chapter03.html" title="03. Who Volunteers?" />

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For a Web page that is within a sequence or collection of Web pages:

  1. Check that all link elements pertaining to navigation occur in the head section of the document.
  2. For each link element in the head section of the document which pertains to navigation, check that it contains at least:

    1. a rel attribute identifying the link type
    2. a valid href attribute to locate the appropriate resource

Expected Results

  • All of the checks above are true.
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