W3C | Web Accessibility Initiative

Evaluation Information

For User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, 20020821/ draft.

User agent information
Operating system information
Specification information
Reviewer information

Evaluation Summary

2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.4, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 5.4, 5.5, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 9.8, 10.7, 11.2, 11.6, 11.7, 12.2, 12.3
Almost Complete
1.1, 1.2, 3.3, 7.2
Partially Implemented
2.3, 2.7, 2.8, 3.2, 3.5, 4.14, 9.1, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, 9.9, 10.1, 10.5, 11.4, 11.5
Not Implemented
1.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.10, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 8.2, 9.3, 9.10, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 11.3, 12.4, 12.5
Not Rated
2.6, 2.9, 4.8, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 9.2, 10.6, 11.1, 12.1

Checkpoint details

1.1 Full keyboard access. (P1) [AC]

Provision details

1.1.1 [C]

1.1.1 Test details

accesskey attribute for button element [C]
ACCESSKEY attribute for CHECKBOX [C]
ACCESSKEY attribute for INPUT buttons [C]
ACCESSKEY attribute for RADIO buttons [C]
ACCESKEY attribute for TEXTAREA [C]
INPUT buttons [C]


  1. The Input button worked fine, but the referring URL link seemed to be broken. 03 Feb 2003
RADIO buttons [C]
User Agent Bindings for Activating Links [C]
User Agent Bindings for Moving Focus to Enabled Elements [PI]


  1. The onclick and mouseover commands only work with the actual mouse. 03 Feb 2003
User Agent Bindings for Searching for Text [C]
User Agent Bindings for Changing Text Size [PI]


  1. There is no specific keyboard shortcut to change text size, however, one *can* alt into the toolbar and choose view and go to text size. 03 Feb 2003

1.2 Activate event handlers. (P1) [AC]

Provision details

1.2.1 [AC]

1.2.1 Test details

ONCHANGE attribute for INPUT elements [C]
ONCHANGE attribute for SELECT elements [C]
ONCHANGE attribute for TEXTAREA elements [C]
ONFOCUS and ONBLUR attributes for BUTTON elements [C]
ONFOCUS and ONBLUR attributes for INPUT elements [C]
ONFOCUS and ONBLUR attributes for LABEL elements [NI]


  1. This test did not work with the mouse, either. I am not convinced the source code was written correctly. 03 Feb 2003
ONFOCUS and ONBLUR attributes for links [C]

1.2.2 [C]

1.2.2 Test details

Multiple Event Handlers for ONCHANGE Attribute for SELECT Elements [C]
Multiple Event Handlers for ONCLICK and ONDBCLICK [NI]
ONFOCUS and ONBLUR attributes for MAP elements [C]


  1. Actually, test works better with emulation than standard mouse. 03 Feb 2003
ONFOCUS and ONBLUR attributes for TEXTAREA elements [C]
Multiple Event Handlers for ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT [NI]


  1. With test 2, I could not even go over the image with a tab command. 03 Feb 2003

1.3 Provide text messages. (P1) [NI]

Provision details

1.3.1 [NI]

2.1 Render content according to specification. (P1) [C]

Provision details

2.1.1 [C]

2.2 Provide text view. (P1) [C]

Provision details

2.2.1 [C]

2.3 Render conditional content. (P1) [PI]

Provision details

2.3.1 [PI]

2.3.1 Test details

ABBR elements [C]
ACRONYM elements [C]
ALT attribute for AREA elements [C]
LONGDESC attribute for FRAME elements [NR]
TITLE attribute for FRAME elements [NR]
IFRAME conditional content [NR]
ALT, TITLE, and LONGDESC attributes for IMG element [C]
ALT attribute for INPUT elements [C]
TITLE attribute for MAP element [NI]
NOFRAMES elements [NR]
NOSCRIPT conditional content [C]
OBJECT element for audio [NI]


  1. Disabled audio for web pages in internet options, yet the voice still played. 03 Feb 2003
OBJECT element for images [NI]
OBJECT element for video [NI]
TH elements and the SCOPE attribute for TH elements [C]
SUMMARY attribute for TABLE elements [NI]

2.3.2 [NI]

2.3.2 Test details

ABBR elements [NI]
ACRONYM elements [NI]
ALT attribute for AREA elements [C]
LONGDESC attribute for FRAME elements [NR]
TITLE attribute for FRAME elements [NR]
IFRAME conditional content [NR]
ALT, TITLE, and LONGDESC attributes for IMG element [C]
ALT attribute for INPUT elements [C]
TITLE attribute for MAP element [C]
NOFRAMES elements [NR]
NOSCRIPT conditional content [C]
OBJECT element for audio [C]
OBJECT element for images [C]
OBJECT element for video [C]
TH elements and the SCOPE attribute for TH elements [C]
SUMMARY attribute for TABLE elements [NI]

2.4 Allow time-independent interaction. (P1) [NI]

Provision details

2.4.1 [NI]

2.5 Make captions, transcripts, audio descriptions available. (P1) [NI]

Provision details

2.5.1 [NI]

2.6 Respect synchronization cues. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

2.6.1 [NR]

2.7 Repair missing content. (P2) [PI]

Provision details

2.7.1 [PI]

2.7.1 Test details

repairing missing ALT conditional content for AREA [C]
repair missing TITLE attribute for FRAME elements [NR]
repairing missing IFRAME conditional content [NR]
repairing missing ALT conditional content for images [NR]


  1. This did not work, but I am not sure if the source code is set up correctly, because I just saw an image as the source code was written that way (?) 3 Feb 2003
repairing missing ALT conditional content for INPUT [NR]


  1. Same comment as for conditional for images.
repairing missing TITLE conditional content for MAP elements [NR]


  1. Same comment as for conditional for images.
repairing missing NOFRAMES elements [NR]
repairing missing OBJECT element conditional content for audio [NI]
repairing missing OBJECT element conditional content for images [NI]
repairing missing OBJECT element conditional content for video [NI]

2.8 No repair text. (P3) [PI]

Provision details

2.8.1 [PI]

2.8.1 Test details

No Repair Text for the ALT attribute for AREA elements [PI]


  1. ALT text sometimes displays. 03 Feb 2003
No Repair Text for the ALT attribute for IMG elements [NI]
No Repair Text for the ALT attribute for INPUT elements [NI]

2.9 Render conditional content automatically. (P3) [NR]

Provision details

2.9.1 [NR]

2.9.2 [NR]

2.10 Don't render unsupported language. (P3) [NI]

Provision details

2.10.1 [NI]

2.10.1 Test details

Unsupported Language [NI]


  1. Misspelling on page -- unsuppoerted instead of unsupported

2.10.2 [NI]

2.10.2 Test details

Unsupported Language [NI]

3.1 Toggle background images. (P1) [C]

Provision details

3.1.1 [C]

3.1.1 Test details

BACKGROUND images in the BODY element [C]


  1. Works when images turned off -- there is no specific IE command to turn background images off. 03 Feb 2003


  1. Same comment as for BODY element.


  1. Same comment as for BODY element.

3.2 Toggle audio, video, animated images. (P1) [PI]

Provision details

3.2.1 [PI]

3.2.1 Test details

Toggle animated IMG images [PI]


  1. The ALT text works... however, part 2: Configure the user agent to only render this animated image content upon explicit user request. I can not toggle requests on. Also, with images and animations ON, I can not see the animation, just the alt tag.
Toggle EMBED audio [NI]
Toggle EMBED video [NI]
Toggle OBJECT audio [NI]
Toggle OBJECT video [C]


  1. Works by prompting via ActiveX control.

3.3 Toggle animated or blinking text. (P1) [AC]

Provision details

3.3.1 [AC]

3.3.1 Test details



  1. It appears that the BLINK tag is disabled in IE 6.0. 03 Feb 2003


  1. It appears that BLINK is disable for style in IE 6.0.

3.4 Toggle scripts. (P1) [C]

Provision details

3.4.1 [C]

3.4.1 Test details

Toggle scripts on and off [C]

3.5 Toggle automatic content retrieval. (P1) [PI]

Provision details

3.5.1 [PI]

3.5.1 Test details


3.6 Toggle images. (P2) [C]

Provision details

3.6.1 [C]

3.6.1 Test details

IMG toggle [C]
OBJECT images toggle [C]

4.1 Configure text scale. (P1) [C]

Provision details

4.1.1 [C]

4.1.1 Test details

font-size [C]

4.1.2 [C]

4.1.2 Test details

font-size [C]

4.1.3 [C]

4.1.3 Test details

font-size [C]

4.2 Configure font family. (P1) [C]

Provision details

4.2.1 [C]

4.2.1 Test details

font-family [C]


  1. There is a box to check for this in accessibility options. 11 Feb 2003

4.2.2 [C]

4.2.2 Test details

font-family [C]

4.2.3 [C]

4.3 Configure text colors. (P1) [C]

Provision details

4.3.1 [C]

4.3.1 Test details

font colors and backgrounds [C]

4.3.2 [C]

4.3.2 Test details

font colors and backgrounds [C]

4.3.3 [C]

4.4 Slow multimedia. (P1) [NI]

Provision details

4.4.1 [NI]

4.4.2 [NI]

4.4.3 [NI]

4.4.4 [NI]

4.5 Start, stop, pause, and navigate multimedia. (P1) [C]

Provision details

4.5.1 [C]

4.5.2 [C]

4.6 Do not obscure captions. (P1) [C]

Provision details

4.6.1 [C]

4.7 Global volume control. (P1) [C]

Provision details

4.7.1 [C]

4.7.2 [C]

4.8 Independent volume control. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

4.8.1 [NR]

4.9 Configure synthesized speech rate. (P1) [NA]

Provision details

4.9.1 [NA]

4.10 Configure synthesized speech volume. (P1) [NA]

Provision details

4.10.1 [NA]

4.11 Configure synthesized speech characteristics. (P1) [NA]

Provision details

4.11.1 [NA]

4.12 Specific synthesized speech characteristics. (P2) [NA]

Provision details

4.12.1 [NA]

4.12.2 [NA]

4.12.3 [NA]

4.12.4 [NA]

4.13 Configure synthesized speech features. (P2) [NA]

Provision details

4.13.1 [NA]

4.13.2 [NA]

4.13.3 [NA]

4.13.4 [NA]

4.14 Choose style sheets. (P1) [PI]

Provision details

4.14.1 [NI]

4.14.1 Test details

Apply alternative author style sheets [NI]

4.14.2 [C]

4.14.2 Test details

Apply user style sheets [C]

4.14.3 [NI]

4.14.3 Test details

Ignore author and user style sheets [NI]

5.1 No automatic content focus change. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

5.1.1 [NI]

5.1.1 Test details

No focus change when script opens new viewport automatically [NI]

5.2 Keep viewport on top. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

5.2.1 [NI]

5.2.1 Test details

Current viewport focus on top [NI]

5.3 Manual viewport open only. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

5.3.1 [NI]

5.3.1 Test details

Open A target attribute opened viewport only with user request [NI]
Script opened viewport only with user request [NI]

5.3.2 [NI]

5.3.2 Test details

Open A target attribute opened viewport only with user request [NI]
Script opened viewport only with user request [NI]

5.3.3 [NI]

5.3.3 Test details

Open A target attribute opened viewport only with user request [NI]
Script opened viewport only with user request [NI]

5.4 Selection and focus in viewport. (P2) [C]

Provision details

5.4.1 [C]

5.5 Confirm form submission. (P2) [C]


  1. Can be changed with security level settings. 11 Feb 2003

Provision details

5.5.1 [C]

5.5.1 Test details

Confirm Automatic Form Submission [C]
Confirm Form Submission [C]

6.1 Programmatic access to HTML/XML infoset. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

6.1.1 [NR]

6.1.2 [NR]

6.1.3 [NR]

6.2 DOM access to HTML/XML content. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

6.2.1 [NR]

6.2.2 [NR]

6.3 Programmatic access to non-HTML/XML content. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

6.3.1 [NR]

6.3.2 [NR]

6.3.3 [NR]

6.4 Programmatic access to information about rendered content. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

6.4.1 [NR]

6.4.2 [NR]

6.4.3 [NR]

6.5 Programmatic operation of user agent user interface. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

6.5.1 [NR]

6.5.2 [NR]

6.5.3 [NR]

6.6 Programmatic notification of changes. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

6.6.1 [NR]

6.6.2 [NR]

6.7 Conventional keyboard APIs. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

6.7.1 [NR]

6.8 API character encodings. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

6.8.1 [NR]

6.9 DOM access to CSS style sheets. (P2) [NR]

Provision details

6.9.1 [NR]

6.9.2 [NR]

6.10 Timely exchanges through APIs. (P2) [NR]

Provision details

6.10.1 [NR]

7.1 Respect focus and selection conventions. (P1) [C]

Provision details

7.1.1 [C]

7.2 Respect input configuration conventions. (P1) [AC]

Provision details

7.2.1 [AC]


  1. Accesskeys interfere with toolbar conventions. 26 Feb 2003

7.3 Respect operating environment conventions. (P2) [C]

Provision details

7.3.1 [C]

7.4 Provide input configuration indications. (P2) [C]

Provision details

7.4.1 [C]

8.1 Implement accessibility features. (P1) [C]

Provision details

8.1.1 [C]

8.2 Conform to specifications. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

8.2.1 [NI]

9.1 Provide content focus. (P1) [PI]

Provision details

9.1.1 [NI]

9.1.2 [C]

9.2 Provide user interface focus. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

9.2.1 [NR]

9.3 Move content focus. (P1) [NI]

Provision details

9.3.1 [NI]

9.3.1 Test details

Move Content Focus to Enabled Elements [NI]

9.3.2 [NI]

9.3.2 Test details

Move Content Focus to Enabled Elements [NI]

9.3.3 [NI]

9.3.3 Test details

Move Content Focus to Enabled Elements [NI]

9.4 Restore viewport state history. (P1) [PI]

Provision details

9.4.1 [NI]

9.4.2 [C]

9.5 No events on focus change. (P2) [NA]

Provision details

9.5.1 [NA]

9.5.1 Test details

No automatic activation of ONCHANGE events [NI]
No automatic activation of ONFOCUS and ONBLUR events [NR]


  1. I do not think this and the next test are working properly as it appears the images are broken. 11 Feb 2003
No automatic activation of ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT events [NR]

9.6 Show event handlers. (P2) [PI]

Provision details

9.6.1 [PI]

9.6.1 Test details

Listing Element Event Handlers [PI]

9.7 Move content focus in reverse. (P2) [PI]

Provision details

9.7.1 [PI]

9.7.1 Test details

Move Content Focus in Reverse Order to Enabled Elements [PI]


  1. Works for some elements, but not all. 11 Feb 2003

9.7.2 [PI]

9.7.2 Test details

Move Content Focus in Reverse Order to Enabled Elements [PI]

9.8 Provide text search. (P2) [C]

Provision details

9.8.1 [C]

9.8.1 Test details

Rendered Text Search Capabilities [C]

9.8.2 [C]

9.8.2 Test details

Rendered Text Search Capabilities [C]

9.8.3 [C]

9.8.3 Test details

Rendered Text Search Capabilities [C]

9.8.4 [C]

9.8.4 Test details

Rendered Text Search Capabilities [C]

9.8.5 [C]

9.9 Allow structured navigation. (P2) [PI]

Provision details

9.9.1 [PI]

9.9.1 Test details

Form navigation [C]
Heading navigation [NI]
Anchor navigation [C]
LIST ITEM navigation [NI]
TABLE CAPTION navigation [NI]
TABLE HEADER navigation [NI]

9.9.2 [PI]

9.9.2 Test details

Form navigation [C]
Heading navigation [NI]
Anchor navigation [NI]
LIST ITEM navigation [NI]
TABLE CAPTION navigation [NI]
TABLE HEADER navigation [NI]

9.10 Configure important elements. (P3) [NI]

Provision details

9.10.1 [NI]

9.10.2 [NI]

10.1 Associate table cells and headers. (P1) [PI]

Provision details

10.1.1 [PI]

10.1.1 Test details

the ABBR attribute for TH elements [NI]
AXIS attribute for table cells [C]
SUMMARY attribute for TABLE element [NI]
TD headers attribute [C]
navigating THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT with CSS overflow styling [NI]

10.2 Highlight selection, content focus, enabled elements, visited links. (P1) [NI]

Provision details

10.2.1 [NI]

10.2.1 Test details

Highlight Styles [NI]

10.2.2 [PI]

10.2.2 Test details

Highlight Styles [NI]

10.2.3 [C]

10.2.4 [C]

10.3 Single highlight configuration. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

10.3.1 [NI]

10.4 Provide outline view. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

10.4.1 [NI]

10.4.1 Test details

Outline View of the CAPTION attribute for TABLE elements [NI]
Outline View of Headings [NI]

10.5 Provide link information. (P3) [PI]

Provision details

10.5.1 [PI]

10.5.1 Test details

Provide Link Information [PI]

10.6 Highlight current viewport. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

10.6.1 [NR]

10.6.1 Test details

Highlight the viewport with current focus [NR]


  1. No frameset written. 11 Feb 2003

10.6.2 [NR]

10.6.2 Test details

Highlight the viewport with current focus [NR]

10.6.3 [NR]

10.7 Indicate viewport position. (P3) [C]

Provision details

10.7.1 [C]

11.1 Current user input configuration. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

11.1.1 [NR]

11.2 Current author input configuration. (P2) [C]

Provision details

11.2.1 [C]

11.2.1 Test details

View author bindings for accesskey [C]

11.3 Allow override of bindings. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

11.3.1 [NI]

11.4 Single-key access. (P2) [PI]

Provision details

11.4.1 [NI]

11.4.2 [NI]

11.4.2 Test details

Control Animated Images Using Single Keys [NR]


  1. Gif is not working properly. 11 Feb 2003.
Control Audio Using Single Keys [PI]


  1. I found out that the space bar plays and pauses and the m key mutes the sound, however, I could not seem to find the stop button. Also, I could not find any help file for these keys, I just played around. 11 Feb 2003
Activate Enabled Elements Using a Single Key [NI]
Decrease and Increase Global Volume Using a Single Key [C]


  1. Up and Down area to adjust volume, M key to mute. I only found these by playing around. 11 Feb 2003
Activate Links Using Single Key [C]


  1. Works with tab key and enter. 11 Feb 2003
Search Text Using a Single Key [NI]


  1. Ctrl+F works, but that is two keys, not one. 11 Feb 2003
Change Text Size Using a Single Key [NI]
Control Video Using Single Keys [NI]


  1. Dual key bindings only. 11 Feb 2003

11.5 Default input configuration. (P2) [PI]

Provision details

11.5.1 [PI]

11.5.1 Test details

User Agent Bindings for Activating Links [C]
User Agent Bindings for Moving Focus to Enabled Elements [NI]
User Agent Bindings for Searching for Text [C]
User Agent Bindings for Changing Text Size [NI]

11.5.2 [C]

11.6 User profiles. (P2) [C]

Provision details

11.6.1 [C]

11.6.2 [C]

11.7 Tool bar configuration. (P3) [C]

Provision details

11.7.1 [C]

11.7.2 [C]

11.7.3 [C]

12.1 Provide accessible documentation. (P1) [NR]

Provision details

12.1.1 [NR]

12.2 Document accessibility features. (P1) [C]

Provision details

12.2.1 [C]

12.3 Document default bindings. (P1) [C]

Provision details

12.3.1 [C]

12.4 Document changes between versions. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

12.4.1 [NI]

12.5 Provide dedicated accessibility section. (P2) [NI]

Provision details

12.5.1 [NI]

Jon Gunderson (jongund@uiuc.edu)
Ian Jacobs (ij@w3.org)
Matt May (mcm@w3.org)
Last revised: $Date: 2003/02/26 20:55:18 $