Details on Product HTML & ARIA Techniques TF

All Issues

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There are 14 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-18 (edit) OPEN We should have a discussion about complex maps 2014-05-19 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-20 (edit) OPEN JAWS and NVDA now read the link text AND the title contents by default 2014-05-23 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-21 (edit) OPEN We should have a conversation about decoration vs. pure decoration 2014-05-26 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-22 (edit) OPEN AIRA Labelledby on link should usually self reference 2014-05-27 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-27 (edit)
OPEN Discuss either providing a failure or clarifying placeholders as labels 2014-06-23 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-28 (edit)
OPEN Nested form fields in radio groups 2014-06-26 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-30 (edit)
anchor alt vs. ing alt
OPEN Need better clarity on (cascading) alt requirements under 2.4.4 and 1.1.1 of linked images 2014-07-07 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-31 (edit)
OPEN Advisory text indicating change of context needs to be visible for SC 3.2.2 2014-07-16 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-32 (edit)
OPEN remove example 2 of H33 2014-07-16 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-33 (edit)
OPEN H84 appears to be the same as H32 2014-07-16 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-40 (edit)
G:202 clarify function vs. control
OPEN Clarify all functionality via keyboard, vs every control 2014-10-14 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-42 (edit)
Timing Adjustable
OPEN Should we fail timing-adjustable when a session times out from inactivity 2014-11-21 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-43 (edit) OPEN ARIA2 and PDF5 do not apply to SC 3.3.3 2014-12-16 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0
ISSUE-17 (edit) CLOSED ARIA 7 has a link to the wrong name calculation <input> rather than <a> 2014-05-16 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF 0

All Actions

There is 1 action.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-176 (edit) open Create a Note for the WAI-ARIA techniques so that examples which seem to contradict the "use semantic elements" statement in the aria spec can refer to James Nurthen 2012-09-16 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF

Add a new action item.

See only open and raised issues and actions.

Alastair Campbell <>, Rachael Bradley Montgomery <>, Charles Adams <>, Chairs, Michael Cooper <>, Ruoxi Ran <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.1 2023/05/12 12:39:39 carcone Exp $