Developing Training Notes 2012

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Resource: Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training

Nov 2012

Disposition of comments from publication survey.

June-Sept 2012

To do overall

  • [pending but we won't wait for it] add expand-collapse script - Shadi & Shawn
  • [done] make sure comments in previous survey are addressed - Andrew
  • [done] update links and references, including links to any new WAI resources - Andrew & all EOWG
  • other? - Vicki & all EOWG

here is a template for comment formatting:

  • comment {name}

High priorities to fix before publication

Lower priorities that would be nice before publication, but could wait for later revision

  • All pages
    • [done] consider expand/collapse for sections {from 2010 survey}
  • Topics page
    • [done] Migrating to WCAG2 section - first bullet under "what this topic covers" - "Accessibility is fundamentally still the same - the basic goals of accessibility have not changed" is inconsistent with others. {from 2010 survey} Any suggestions?
      • Revised wording suggestion: "Acknowledgement that the basic goals of web accessibility have not changed" {Andrew}
    • [done] WAI-ARIA section - mention/introduction of HTML5 (might come up during discussions) Perhaps state that HTML5 does not make WAI-ARIA redundant? {from 2010 survey}
      • Suggested additional bullet: "Reminder that HTML 5 does not make WAI ARIA redundant" {Andrew}
    • [done] consider Sharron's 9 Aug 2012 comments
      • Guidelines and Techniques topics
        • [done] UAAG/ATAG topics need updating to recommend the version 2.0 stable drafts - see UAAG ATAG 1.0-2.0 below
        • [done] UAAG/ATAG topics - combine primary/additional resources lists placing UAAG/ATAG 2.0 resources ahead of UAAG/ATAG 1.0 resources
        • [consider for future revision] Authoring Tool Accessibility and ATAG add a reference to the IndieUI resources when completed {Andrew}
        • [consider for future revision] Consider adding a mobile unit (to promote design strategies like Progressive Enhancement and responsive Design) - reconsider if mobile-related resources updated/created with this type of material {Andrew}
      • Managing Accessibility topics
        • [consider for future revision] recommend including more explicit reference to the work Denis did on the Roles and Responsibilities - consider adding a topic on Roles when material published {Sharron & Andrew}
        • [consider for future revision] Updates to policy and legislation to reflect 21st Century Video Act in US and new legislation in Canada and elsewhere - requires updates to Policies Relating to Web Accessibility {Sharron & Andrew}
        • [consider for future revision] a lot to add here in terms of new tools, online monitoring, and other advances - review after Evaluation suite is updated and/or the Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology is finalised {Sharron & Andrew}
      • [done] Update mobile links list under Accessibility and the Mobile Web:
  • Presentation Outlines page
    • [done] no outstanding comments from August 2010 survey
    • [done] Business Case section - under "Sample outline", there are two bullets. I think the first bullet (introducing Web Accessibility) is superfluous. Eliminating that one extra bullet should make the page cleaner in terms of presentation. {Vicki}
      • Recommend retaining the bullet (and sub-bullets) "Introducing web accessibility topic (4 minutes)" as it gives the Business Case presentation context {Andrew}
  • Workshop outline page
    • [done] suggestion to add note at start about experience of presenter {from 2010 survey}Action on Sharron to develop some appropriate (cautionary) language to address level of expertise of presenters - Training pages can then reference. See draft "Cautionary Language" below
    • [done] suggestion to note that presenter should draw upon examples that are relevant to the audience (e.g. government, industry, etc) {from 2010 survey} too directive? just general presentation advice and not required?
      • Suggested additional bullet: "Draw illustrative examples from sites and material that are relevant to the participants backgrounds, e.g. government, commerce, etc." {Andrew}
    • [done] suggestion to encourage trainers to seek daily feedback in order to adjust focus on following days {Survey} too directive? just general presentation advice and not required?
      • Partially covered in Important Notes section already - add "Seek feedback at the end of each day and adjust remaining material as appropriate." to the second bullet. {Andrew}

Presenters' Expertise Caution

[done] Add cautionary language about level of expertise of presenter to the bottom of the Overview page

  • goals and key points:
    • address our concern for people misinterpreting the material because they don't have enough knowledge
    • DO want to encourage the "accidental accessibility expert"
    • encourage people to be up front about their own level of knowledge (of course, first they need to know what they don't know " understand your own knowledge")
    • no one knows everything about accessibility
    • if people ask you something you don't know, it's OK to say you don't know specific answer -- can say, "I do know where to go to look for the answer!" WAI website and WAI IG mailing list -- so you help people know where to go to look it up!

Current text at the bottom of the Overview page:

Note: See also How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All for guidance on making your presentations and training accessible to people with disabilities and others in your audience.

Feel free to use this material as is or adapt it for your specific audience and goals, as long as you attribute it as described in the "Creative Commons License (CC)" section of Using WAI Material.

Latest Draft

Notes: (add an h2 at the bottom of the Overview page)

Feel free to use this material as is or adapt it for your specific audience and goals, as long as you attribute it as described in the "Creative Commons License (CC)" section of Using WAI Material.

We encourage you to share accessibility information. Understand your own level of knowledge (no one knows everything about accessibility), and be careful how you address sensitive topics. Be open with your audience about your background and level of expertise. If you get questions that you are unsure about, it's fine to say that you don't know the answer. That is a great opportunity to look for the answer on the WAI website with your audience, or say that you will find the answer later and ask the question on the WAI Interest Group mailing list.

See also How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All for guidance on making your presentations and training accessible to people with disabilities and others in your audience.

Previous Drafts and Notes
Second draft

With consideration of comments referenced above, suggested draft language has been revised. New draft submitted for consideration at EO meeting of Aug 17, 2012 as follows:

These materials are meant to give structure to your own accessibility knowledge and help you to teach others. They are meant to be used freely, with acknowledgement of the source. You may adapt them as needed. If you are the "accidental accessibility expert" and are new to accessibility yourself, however, you are wise to prepare.

It is important and valuable to your colleagues and communities to share accessibility information. Understand your own level of knowledge and remember that no one knows everything about accessibility. While you will certainly want to become very familiar with the materials you are presenting, you are likely to have certain areas where your expertise is stronger than others. If you are unsure of some concepts or techniques, you may want to seek support on the WAI Interest Group list or one of the other related community groups. Be very open with your audience about your background and level of expertise. You are sure to get questions and requests for more information as you present these materials and it is fine to admit when you don't know the answer. In fact, a question that you do NOT know the answer to is often a great opportunity to explore additional WAI Resources with your audience.

First draft

These materials are meant to give structure to your own accessibility knowledge and help you to teach others. If you are the "accidental accessibility expert" and are new to accessibility yourself, however, you are wise be cautious. Be sure you have a thorough understanding of the concepts and techniques because you are sure to get questions and requests for more information as you present these materials.

UAAG & ATAG 1.0-2.0 issue

[done] add wording below where atag 1.0 & 2.0 and uaag 1.0 & 2.0 are mentioned

Issue: Training materials need to address the issue that ATAG 2 & UAAG 2 are best for development, yet not ready to be referenced in some types of contracts. Probably would be good to have similar wording in the ATAG & UAAG Overview pages as well.

Draft wording for training pages (and elsewhere as appropriate)

ATAG 2.0 is a mature draft and we expect that it will not change significantly. We recommend that you use the ATAG 2.0 draft in most cases, understanding that it might change. (For more information on the status of ATAG 2.0, see the ATAG Versions section of the ATAG Overview.)

{@@ alternative wording for second sentence:@@ We recommend that you use the ATAG 2.0 draft in most cases, understand that it might change. @@
"We recommend that you use the ATAG 2.0 draft in most cases, and account for the possibility that it might change." OR
"We recommend that you use the ATAG 2.0 draft in most cases, and be aware that it might change."}

Draft wording for Overview pages

[done]{to be integrated in ATAG Versions: 1.0 and 2.0 Section}

ATAG 2.0 is a mature draft and we expect that it will not change significantly. We recommend that [@@same sentence as above]

ATAG 2.0 is currently in the Last Call Working Draft stage. To learn about the stages, see How WAI Develops Accessibility Guidelines through the W3C Process.

Possibilities for future revision

  • Workshop Outline page
    • suggestion to add a module about checking pages/sites for accessibility - maybe add after we finalise Web Accessibility Preliminary Evaluation and again after the Eval Task Force is finished. {Survey}
      • Action on Andrew to draft Training topic/module to cover Preliminary Evaluations for release with Prelim Eval update
  • Accessibility Responsibilities (ARB) as topic or module or ...
  • consider adding the mobile topic, accessibility web design topic, and quick check topic {2012 Survey - Shadi}
    • note that this would require significant revision of the existing 3-day schedule to incorporate (possible by adding a fourth day?)

Ideas for engaging WAI-Engage for future work

including gathering suggestions for future edits, AND gathering additional support material that wouldn't go into the formal document

  • Potential topics from Changelog wishlist
    • Accessibility for Content Editors/Authors/Writers - e.g., external material available from 4 Syllables and others
    • Selecting Accessible Authoring Tools and CMS's
    • ... Others?
  • Accessibility topics - provide sample answers for the Questions included as suggestions to presenters {Survey}
    • WAI-Engage could collect a range of possible answers from participants and EOWG could use them to craft a generic answer
  • ...