4. The XHTML 2.0 Document Type


This section is normative.

The XHTML 2.0 document type is a fully functional document type with rich semantics. It is a collection of XHTML-conforming modules (many of which are defined in this specification). The Modules and the elements and/or attributes they define are listed here for information purposes, but the definitions in their base documents should be considered authoritative. In the on-line version of this document, the module names in the list below link into the definitions of the modules within the relevant version of the authoritative specification.

Document Module
body, head, html, title
Structural Module
address, blockcode, blockquote, div, h, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, pre, section, separator
Text Module
abbr, cite, code, dfn, em, kbd, l, q, samp, span, strong, sub, sup, var
Hypertext Module
List Module
dl, dt, dd, label, nl, ol, ul, li
Core Attributes Module
class, id, and title attributes
Hypertext Attributes Module
href, hreftype, cite, target, rel, rev, access, nextfocus, prevfocus, and xml:base attributes
Internationalization Attribute Module
xml:lang attribute
Bi-directional Text Module
dir attribute
Edit Attributes Module
edit and datetime attributes
Embedding Attributes Module
src and type attributes
Image Map Attributes Module
usemap, ismap, shape, and coords attributes
Media Attribute Module
media attribute
Metainformation Module
meta, link
Object Module
object, param, standby
Style Attribute Module
style attribute
Stylesheet Module
style element
Tables Module
caption, col, colgroup, summary, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr

XHTML 2.0 also uses the following externally defined modules:

Ruby Annotation Module [RUBY]
ruby, rbc, rtc, rb, rt, rp
XForms 1.1 [XFORMS11]
alert, bind, case, choices, copy, delete, extension, filename, group, help, hint, input, insert, instance, item, itemset, label, load, mediatype, message, model, output, range, rebuild, recalculate, refresh, repeat, reset, revalidate, secret, select, select1, send, setfocus, setindex, setvalue, submission, submit, switch, textarea, toggle, trigger, upload, and value elements, and repeat-model, repeat-bind, repeat-nodeset, repeat-startindex, and repeat-number attributes
XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module [RDFA]
about, content, datatype, typeof, property, rel, resource, and rev attributes
XML Events Module [XMLEVENTS2]
listener element, and defaultAction, event, handler, objserver, phase, propagate, and target attributes
XML Handlers Module [XMLEVENTS2]
action, dispatchEvent, addEventListener, removeEventListener, stopPropagation, preventDefault attributes
XML Script Module [XMLEVENTS2]
script element
Internationalization Tag Set [ITS]
rules element, translate attribute, etc. @@@@need to determine how to best integrate this into the content model@@@@

An implementation of this document type as a RELAX NG grammar is defined in Appendix B, as an XML Schema in Appendix D, and as a DTD in Appendix F.

4.1. Issues

Identifying XHTML version in ansence of DTDs PR #7336
State: Suspended
Resolution: Defer
User: None

BAE F2F: for the present DTD's are required for entity resolution. This is a tricky issue, and the working group needs to resolve it quickly. We are asking for input from the Hypertext Coordination Group and others in our quest to sort it out.