Details on Product turtle

All Issues

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There are 17 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-177 (edit) CLOSED Language declaration on example 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-178 (edit) CLOSED Reference IETF BCP 47 for language declaration 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-179 (edit) CLOSED Scope of document language label 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-180 (edit) CLOSED Various random character references should be more explicit 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-181 (edit) CLOSED Non-ASCII IRI example 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-182 (edit) CLOSED cultural relevance of examples 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-183 (edit) CLOSED Use of types questionable? 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-184 (edit) CLOSED Malformed escapes 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-185 (edit) CLOSED Line terminator assumptions 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-186 (edit) CLOSED Encoding of document vs. form of document? 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-187 (edit) CLOSED escape syntax 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-188 (edit) CLOSED special handling of % in IRI 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-189 (edit) CLOSED reference obs-language-tag instead of defining your own 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-190 (edit) CLOSED attempting to erase combining marks? 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-191 (edit) CLOSED Various nits in Appendix B 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-192 (edit) CLOSED referencing Unicode 2012-09-07 turtle 0
ISSUE-193 (edit) CLOSED define when escapes are evaluated 2012-09-07 turtle 0

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Addison Phillips <>, Chair, Richard Ishida <>, Bert Bos <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.1 2023/07/19 12:02:07 carcone Exp $