ISSUE-188: special handling of % in IRI
special handling of % in IRI
- State:
- Product:
- turtle
- Raised by:
- Addison Phillips
- Opened on:
- 2012-09-07
- Description:
Section 6.4 contains this Note:
%-encoded sequences are in the character range for IRIs and are explicitly allowed in local names. These appear as a '%' followed by two hex characters and represent that same sequence of three characters. These sequences are not decoded during processing. A term written as <http://a.example/%66oo-bar> in Turtle designates the IRI http://a.example/%66oo-bar and not IRI http://a.example/foo-bar. A term written as ex:%66oo-bar with a prefix @prefix ex: <http://a.example/> also designates the IRI http://a.example/%66oo-bar.
We don't understand why you do this. Can you clarify? - Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Review of Track Issues for Best Practices (Part VII) (from on 2015-05-28)
- RE: Final ping on turtle i18n issues (from on 2012-12-10)
- RE: Final ping on turtle i18n issues (from on 2012-12-10)
- explaination of I18N-ISSUE-188: special handling of % in IRI (from on 2012-10-02)
- Re: I18N-ISSUE-188: special handling of % in IRI [TURTLE] (from on 2012-09-08)
- I18N-ISSUE-188: special handling of % in IRI [TURTLE] (from on 2012-09-07)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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