Wednesday 3rd December
- Coffee, Registration and Conference Speed Dating
Get your badge, get a coffee, work out how you're going to spend the next 2 days by talking to session leaders.
- Welcome
Welcome: Paulo Neves, AMA President
Introduced by: Phil Archer, W3C. [notes]
- Parallel Sessions A
Come To My Session! Don't know which parallel session to go to? Come to the Auditório to hear each facilitator describe his/her session in 60 seconds. Don't be late or you'll miss it!
Share-PSI 2.0 Track
Events, hackathons and challenge series - stimulating open data reuse
Facilitators: Amanda Smith, ODI & Simon Whitehouse, Digital Birmingham [paper], Alberto Abella & Emma Beer, OKF. Scribe: Noel van Herreweghe [notes]
“We opened up some data, held a hackathon, fed people pizza, now where are all the cool apps?”
When engaging with the open data community, an organisation may hold an event to achieve one or more of the following aims: data awareness; understanding demand for, and improving the quality of, their datasets; and to encourage the reuse of datasets to create apps and other services.
This session will explore a classification scheme placing these (and other) aims against the sort of activities that organisations might engage in to achieve them.
A rich source of experience in this regard is Apps for Europe, an EU-funded support network with a mission to help turn open data based apps into viable businesses. The project developed a concept named "Business Lounge" which can be deployed at local app contests and hack events across the continent. The concept is focused on accelerating the relationship between developers and investors.
The culmination of these open data events is an International Business Lounge at Future Everything where the best apps, either invited after a local Business Lounge, or selected from an online competition, have the opportunity to pitch their idea to win investment for the future development of their product.
We will use this session to demonstrate to an organisation what they might get out of different activities, and in addition, explore what the blockers might be for ensuring sustainable data reuse following the investment of data publishers and consumers at such events. Reflecting on experiences from Apps for Europe and the Open Data Challenge Series (a programme managed by NESTA and the ODI), we will explore how significant investment in time and resources can create credible services, products and businesses.
Room 5
What do licenses that promote and don't hinder reuse look like?
Facilitators: Antigoni Trachaliou, National Documentation Center,
Leda Bargiotti, PwC EU Services [paper]
Scribe: Jo Ellis [notes]
This discussion asks whether current licensing practices of open government data hinder its commercial reuse. A crucial principle indicated in open government data policies is that legal rights in publicly owned information must be exercised in a manner that is consistent with and supports the open accessibility and reusability of the data. In particular, where government information and data is protected by copyright, access should be provided under licensing terms which clearly permit its access and reuse. In the context of Action 4.2.5 of the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme of the European Commission, PwC looked at the current licensing practices for open data across the EU and set a discussion on whether current licensing practices hinder the commercial reuse of open data. This complementes work done in the LAPSI 2.0 project’s Licensing Guidelines, which focuses on the question of the optimal licensing approach based on the best practices of various Member States and the results of previous work conducted by the Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information (LAPSI I and II) projects.
Discussion points
- Do current practices on open data licensing conditions hinder reuse?
- What re the essential steps throughout the entirety of the life-cycle of PSI, from the moment it is obtained or created by the PSB to the moment it is made available for reuse through a variety of means?
- Based on your experience are standard licences more appropriate for the reuse of open data for commercial purposes?
- Which conditions are most cumbersome? Can you give some examples?
- Giving attribution
- Commercial use restrictions
- How about Public Domain Dedication?
- What are the main consequences of licences that limit reuse of data for noncommercial purposes only?
- How does the use of non-commercial provisions affect the reuse of data?
- What are the advantages of promoting the reuse of open data for commercial purposes? Who and how can benefit from it? Can you give examples?
- Besides the examples identified in the course of our survey, what are additional obstacles that licences create to the commercial reuse of open data? Can you enlist concrete examples?
Room 6
Multilingual PSI data on the Web
Facilitator: Felix Sasaki, DFKI/W3C
Scribe: Asunción Gómez Pérez [notes]
Why is multilingual PSI data on the Web relevant for you? Reasons may be for example:
- you provide national PSI with obligations to multiple official languages;
- you provide national PSI with multilingual requirements in support of inclusion, e.g. social service access for recent immigrants;
- you provide cross border PSI (e.g. EU, UN, interpol etc) with specific language obligations to member states;
- you export (economic and/or cultural) PSI with global outreach aspirations.
We will introduce the general topic and provide demos with existing tools. Then we will discuss with you: what benefits do you seen in multilingual PSI data? Have you encountered barriers and issues? Do you have existing solutions or data sets and like them improved, in areas like:
- cross lingual cataloguing;
- indexing and search;
- localisation and machine translation;
- content analytics for international citizen/patient/learner/research engagement.
- Introduce general topic (select some monolingual data in various languages, ...), ask general questions for feedback
- Demos and Q&A
- Elevator pitch from people on issues with multilingual data? or moving from monolingual into multilingual…. → Eliciting requirements
- Elevator pitch with current working solutions → invite regional data providers
Open Track
Room 4
Facilitator: Miguel García (Zabala Innovation Consulting) [paper]
Scribe: Muriel Foulonneau [notes]
Target audience: SMEs, entrepreneurs or representatives of organisations and networks reaching to them.
The session will facilitate a debate about the generation of business from the reuse of open data in the context of the FINODEX project.
FINODEX, Future Internet Open Data Expansion, is a European Project co-funded by the European Commission that is fostering the creation of innovative services and products based in open data and in the developments coming from other EU projects within the Future Internet Public Private Partnership, FI-PPP.
The FI-PPP has been in charge of the creation of the biggest European platform for developers, FIWARE, which seeks to provide a truly open, public and royalty-free architecture and a set of open specifications that will allow developers, service providers, enterprises and other organizations to develop products that satisfy their needs while still being open and innovative.
FINODEX is an accelerator for SMEs and Web Entrepreneurs from Europe, offering funds and services totally free and under a two open calls scheme. The first of those will be closing on 19th of December and a new one is planned for the spring of 2015.
Within this session, the FINODEX call for proposals will be briefly introduced to open then the conversation about the first call itself, our expectative for new businesses generation thanks to FINODEX, sort out any kind of doubt about the operative of the project and have a debate about the business models that can be attached to open data in a wider sense.
Portuguese Track
(in Portuguese)
Open Data in Portugal I
- Ana Martinho, Open Data Journalism
- João Vasconcelos, AMA
- Paulo Rupino, Instituto Pedro Nunes
- Coffee
- Plenary Session
Facilitatior: Phil Archer, W3C. Scribe: Harris Alexopoulos [notes]
- João Vasconcelos, AMA
- Beatrice Covassi, Deputy Head of Unit, Data Value Chain, European Commission DG CONNECT [notes]
- Feedback from the Open Data Day in Flanders, 3 October 2014. Noël Van Herreweghe, CORVe [slides]
- Almoço/Lunch
- Parallel Sessions B
Come To My Session! Don't know which parallel session to go to? Come to the Auditório to hear each facilitator describe his/her session in 60 seconds. Don't be late or you'll miss it!
Share-PSI 2.0 Track
Open Data Startups: Catalyzing open data demand for commercial usage
Facilitator: Amanda Smith & Elpida Prasopoulou,
Martin Alvarez-Espinar, CTIC [paper]
Scribe: Jan Kucera [notes]
A discussion on startup incubation as a way to catalyze the demand-side of open data. Incubating startups that build products and services around open data provides great opportunities to enable the creation of an innovative commercial ecosystem. It also ensures that open data reuse is not limited to innovative ideas but actually contributes to sustainable economic growth. The session will include insights on how to run a successful open data incubation programme focusing on the opportunities and challenges faced by the startups as well as the incubator.
The objective of this session is to discuss in more detail the role of incubation programmes in the promotion of open data innovation for commercial use. During the session, we will briefly present the ODI’s start-up programme, currently in its second year. This will include the following:
- An outline of the ODI startup programme, focusing on its main objectives but also its commitment to economic, environmental and social impact (triple bottom line)
- Brief introduction to the startups currently incubating at the ODI. These include: Mastodon C, TransportAPI, 3D Repo, Carbon Culture, Datapress, Demand Logic, I Can Make, Open Bank Project, OpenCorporates, Open Data Soft, Pesky People, Provenance, Resurgence, Spend Network,
- Overview of the programme’s impact and success stories that unlocked value and had significant economic and societal impact.
The discussion will then have to address the following topics of interest:
- Selecting startups with the potential to achieve economic, environmental and societal impact.
- Following up from early success stories that unlocked value in order to develop a commercially successful product.
- Assessing the economic and societal impact of startups/social ventures. Developing metrics beyond market valuation and exits.
- Opportunities and challenges when building products/services around open data
- Facilitating the open innovation through the collaboration of startups with big companies. Showcasing the value of open data and catalyzing the publication of open datasets in the commercial sector.
- Scaling successful products - opportunities for collaborations across the EU.
Room 5
Steps to a suitable redress mechanism
Facilitatior: Cristiana Sappa (KU Leuven, LAPSI coordinator)
Scribe: Maria Magnolia Pardo, Murcia University [notes]
Discussion on the suitable features of an appropriate redress mechanism related to the access and reuse of PSI including some good and bad European examples.
This session is aimed at pointing out good practices with regards to the PSI framework for institutional embedding and enforcement. Policy makers, the public sector, civil society, businesses and the general public have all broadly accepted the value of public sector information (PSI) for economic growth, public participation and accountability. In many countries, there is a “right to information” and the re-use of PSI and open data are encouraged. When the new PSI directive will be transposed in the Member States of the European Union, citizens and businesses will have a right to re-use information held by public sector bodies.
However, having such a right is not useful, if one cannot enforce it. Therefore, it is essential that the right to re-use PSI is supported by an effective redress mechanism. Criteria to which redress mechanisms should answer have to be identified, to provide the reusers with sufficient guarantees and to ensure that the economic potential of PSI can actually be realised. For each criterion, one or more “good examples” can be described from redress processes already existing in different EU Member States. These examples may serve as inspiration for other organisations or countries when implementing or adapting their redress mechanisms.
Room 6
Making your PSI data multilingual and interoperable
Facilitator: Asunción Gómez Pérez
Scribe: Felix Sasaki [notes]
What steps are needed to make your PSI data multilingual and interoperable? Why should you care? We will gather your input why the question of data formats is important - or not. We then will introduce the linked data representation of PSI data in general and the role of linguistic linked data specifically.
- Beyond CSV….why?
- LD presentation for interoperable PSI data.
- Linguistic Linked Data presentation for creating multilingual PSI data.
Open Track
Open Data Business Model Generation
Facilitator: Clemens Wass,,
Fatemeh Ahmadi, Insight Centre for Data Analytics [paper]
Scribe: Leda Bargiotti [notes]
Target audience: SMEs, entrepreneurs, open data providers
A discussion about innovative business models that are based on open data and open innovation.
If open data is the new oil, we still have to build cars and roads - any commercial and sustainable exploitation needs innovative business models. We will take a look at real world examples that are already working on the market. In addition, a few sample business model concepts and frameworks will be discussed and analyzed.
Knowing and understanding open data business models will encourage entrepreneurs to use open data. Furthermore, open data providers will get a better understanding of the needs of entrepreneurs (including but not limited to licensing issues, which will be discussed in separate sessions).
About: Dr. Clemens Wass, MBL, MBA has studied law, business law, and entrepreneurship & innovation. He has been working for Sony and Skidata and is now project partner of the EU project, funded by DG Justice. is creating an innovative legal information platform based on open data, open innovation and open source software. The project includes the development of a sustainable business model for the platform.
Fatemeh Ahmadi is a researcher in e-Government unit at Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Galway, Ireland (formerly Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) - a leading research center in Semantic Web and Linked Data research). At Insight Centre, her research addresses the problems exist in Business Models more specifically Open Data Business Model. She has been working on Finnish and Swedish e-Government projects and is an active member of the Swedish Research Network in e-Government and now she is (Insight Centre as the RTD Partner) working on PaaSport Project - the European project developing semantically-enhanced marketplace of interoperable platform-as-a-service offerings for the deployment and migration of business applications of SMEs.
During this session, she will be talking about the 6-V Business Model which claims to be a complete and comprehensive business model in the existing business model literature. Its main improvement and contribution compared to other models is that it seems to cover all the relevant components of a business model and to provide the relationships between the main components through a modeling approach.
Open Track
Room 4
Model-Driven Engineering for Data Harvesters
Facilitator: Nikolay Tcholtchev, Fraunhofer FOKUS [paper]
Scribe: Daniel Pop [notes]
Since its launch in February 2013, the German governmental data platform GovData.DE, has accommodated a large number of datasets. It serves as a metadata hub providing a single point of access to governmental data, whereby the data itself is available over the web portals of the partner institutions, e.g. municipalities, city councils, or federal institutions such as the Federal Statistical Office of Germany.
The metadata is regularly obtained from the Internet platforms of the institutions in question. In order to achieve this, a large number of so-called data harvesters had to be developed, which regularly update the metadata on GovData.DE, based on the data providers’ information. In this session, we will discuss our experiences in developing data harvesters and identify the need for a model-driven approach to the engineering of data harvesters, which at the same time constitutes a potential for various tool providers to sell and commercialize their MDE (model-driven engineering) tools. Furthermore, we argue that the use of MDE based harvesting will improve the quality and timeliness of the provided datasets (including their metadata) and will correspondingly encourage the utilization of Open Data platforms for commercial developments.
- Coffee
- Parallel Sessions C
Come To My Session! Don't know which parallel session to go to? Come to the Auditório to hear each facilitator describe his/her session in 60 seconds. Don't be late or you'll miss it!
Open Track
Open Data Economy: from ‘Wow’ to ‘How’
Facilitator: Michele Osella, Istituto
Superiore Mario Boella [paper]
Scribe: Lorenzo Canova [notes]
Target audience: Entrepreneurs, start-ups, IT professionals, researchers, policy makers.
This highly interactive and cross-disciplinary session calls upon a broad range of stakeholders to debate blind spots still affecting the yearned-for Open Data Economy. As the title suggests, the idea behind this session is to overcome the great deal of initial excitement (‘wow’) – frequently accompanied by a leap of faith about the future to come – in order to get a realistic vision that draws on evidence to distill actionable insights (‘how’). Consequently, the main objective of the session is to portray a neat and up-to-date picture of the multi-faceted mechanisms underlying the creation and appropriation of value from Open Data. Outcomes of the discussions – in the guise of experiences brought by participants, lessons learnt, and guidelines – will represent valuable takeaways for policy makers.
Consequently, the main objective of the session is to portray a neat and up-to-date picture of the multi-faceted mechanisms underlying the creation and appropriation of value from open data. Outcomes of the discussions – in the guise of takeaways, lessons learnt, and guidelines – will be collected and systematized in the “Open Data Economy Primer”, a co-created 5-page essay to be given to policy makers as a present from the “Share-PSI 2.0” community.
Room 5
Access and Accessibility for Data
Facilitatior: Linda Austere, Providus
Scribe: Maja Lubarda [notes]
Access is the first step one needs to go through when he/she wishes to reuse data. When is access enabled? Is there a difference between access and accessibility? What about accessible data that cannot downloaded nor reused: are they really open?
Reuse of government information naturally requires access to the information. However, the PSI Directive itself does not oblige Member States to provide access. This can be explained by the fact that the legislative competences of the EU to regulate access to public sector information within a national setting. The PSI Directive applies to documents that are already made publicly accessible under the national rules for access to documents (art. 1(3) PSI Directive). It does not add to them or change them. An important improvement of the PSI Directive as amended in 2013 is that it requires rather than invites Member States to allow the re-use of documents of information that can be accessed under national access regimes (art. 3(1) PSI Directive). Effective access is a conditio sine qua non for re-use. This session discusses the relationship between Directive 2003/98/EC (PSI Directive) and national access regimes and the methods by which good practices can be identified and structured with rights of access to data. Good practices have an effect on the three main aspects: data must be discoverable (what information is held by which organisation?), available (public under FOIA, at reasonable terms and prices) and usable (meeting user needs, e.g. as regards format, timeliness, etc.).
Open Track
Room 4
Roadblocks in Commercial Open Data Usage
Facilitator: Ingo Keck, Centre for Advanced Data Analytics Research [paper]
Scribe: Martin Alvarez-Espinar [notes]
What keeps people from using Open Data for commercial purposes? Find out what happens in the mind of an entrepreneur by developing a business plan for a fictive open data based product!
One big problem in the field of open data is that there is a fundamental difference in the mind sets between the people that are in charge of opening up government data, i.e. civil servants with very high job security, and people who want to create a business on top of it, i.e. the commercial users. The idea of this session is to get the participants to understand what drives commercial users and what are the special restrictions they have to adjust to if they want to successfully make money out of open data. The session will focus on subjects that hinder commercial open data usage and that can be seen as risks that are involved for business users.
Open Track
Room 6
COOLTURA: scalable services for cultural engagement through the cloud
Facilitators: Nikolay Tcholtchev, Fraunhofer FOKUS [paper] [slides]
Scribe: Peter Krantz [notes]
Although culture is a very important asset of population the engagement of citizens with their cultural heritage environment still remains low. Coupled with the efforts of Cultural Heritage institutions with access to digital content for actively encouraging learning, debate, action and interaction of culture consumption, the European project TAG CLOUD explores the use of cloud-based technologies that lead to adaptability and personalisation to promote lifelong engagement with Culture.
Within the context of this project, user centered evaluations as well as scenarios and use cases have been developed to thrive the COOLTURA Platform and COOLTURA App. This session presents the introduction to COOLTURA by TAG CLOUD, the creation of an intelligent layer based on harvesting tools as the key approaches allowing the building of personalized visualization and social interaction services.
The aim of the COOLTURA workshop session is to facilitate discussion and interaction to share experience and knowledge for increasing the usability of eGov standardized cultural content (especially digital cultural content from public sector or domain) for non-commercial and commercial purposes. The COOLTURA platform aims at fostering the creation of innovative services and software developments for supporting not only cultural engagement but also a set of business models that extend over the cultural heritage environment.
- Session Reports
Brief (3 minute) summaries from each session, focusing on three questions:
- What X is the thing that should be done to publish or reuse PSI?
- Why does X facilitate the publication or reuse of PSI?
- How can one achieve X and how can you measure or test it?
End of Day 1