Web and Mobile Interest Group Charter

The mission of the Web and Mobile Interest Group, part of the Mobile Web Initiative Activity, is to accelerate the development of Web technology so that it becomes a compelling platform for mobile applications and the obvious choice for cross platform development.

Join the Web and Mobile Interest Group.

End date31 October 2015 [updated]
ConfidentialityProceedings are public
ChairsMarcos Caceres (Mozilla), Natasha Rooney (GSMA) [updated]
Initial Team Contacts
(FTE %: 10)
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux <dom@w3.org>
Usual Meeting ScheduleTeleconferences: Monthly
Face-to-face: Once Annually


The Web and Mobile Interest Group is a forum for discussion of requirements of Web technologies that enable the development of competitive products and services that operate on mobile devices, or use mobile devices as hubs of connected user experiences. Mobile devices include but are not limited to mobile phones.

The forum is intended to include organisations that commission such products and services, designers, developers, equipment manufacturers, tool and platform vendors, browser vendors, operators and other relevant participants in the value chain that creates and operates such products and services.

It is intended that the forum provides a focus for participants from a wide range of sectors including retail, advertising, technology, network operators, content creation and content distribution.

The tasks the Interest Group will undertake include:

Success Criteria

Out of Scope

The technical development of standards is not in the scope of the Interest Group. Instead the Interest Group will recommend work items for other groups.


Core Mobile Web Platform 2012 Deployment Status
This document will summarize the various actions that the Interest Group is undertaking to ensure that the relevant stakeholders (W3C Working Groups, browser vendors, outreach to developers, test developers) facilitate the deployment and adoption of the features that have been identified in the Core Mobile Web Platform 2012 report
Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap
This document takes a broader look at all the Web technologies under development that are particularly relevant to mobile devices, and tracks their status and adoption
New versions of Core Mobile Web Platform report
The Interest Group will assess the need to define a broader set of features required to enable the next generation of Web applications on mobile than those identified in the Core Mobile Web Platform 2012 report
Gap analysis
This document will provide an overview of the differences between the Web as a platform on mobile and other popular platforms and ecosystems, both from a technical and commercial perspective. It will also identify which of these gaps are already being closed, which need to be addressed, and which are key-differentiator of the Web; this document will also propose plans for the various items that have been identified as needing action
Use cases and scenarios for context-relevant user experiences
This report will document the use cases and scenarios of usage of Web technologies in a way that is responsive to the user’s context, including her location, her activities, her connected devices, etc.
Multi-device and cross-device user experiences on the Web
This document will analyze how the Web can be used to create user experiences that span multiple devices, and define use cases and requirements for technologies that are needed to enable widespread adoption of these use cases
Usability and Efficiency Considerations for the Web on Mobile
This document will analyze use cases and derive related guidelines and requirements that promote app usability and efficiency for the web on mobile devices.

Timeline View Summary

  • July 2013: First teleconference
  • August 2013: First IG Publication of Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap
  • September 2013: Core Mobile Web Platform 2012 Deployment Status
  • December 2013: Gap Analysis
  • Q1 2014: Use cases and scenarios for context-relevant user experiences, Multi-device and cross-device user experiences on the Web

Dependencies and Liaisons

W3C Groups

Web and TV Interest Group
The Web and TV Interest Group addresses a lot of the same needs for TV sets as the Web and Mobile Interest Group intends to address for mobile devices, and thus will be an important group with which to coordinate and unite efforts. In particular, the Web and Mobile IG intends to work with the Web and TV IG on multi-device scenarios.
Device APIs, System Aplications, Web Applications, HTML, Geolocation, Web Performance, NFC, SVG, IndieUI, Pointer Events, Web Notifications, Web Real-Time Communications, Audio, CSS Working Groups
These groups are developing technologies that have a particular relevant to mobile devices, and the Interest Group will thus coordinate with them on the definition of use cases and requirements, provide review specifications that bring perspectives on mobile specificities, and bring input on the priorities as assessed from mobile developpers needs.
Technical Architecture Group
Gaps that impact the usage of Web on mobile are likely to also impact the usage of Web on other devices, and can inform the general problem of bringing the Web to an ever larger number of devices; the Technical Architecture Group is the best positioned to gather these considerations and build a vision on this broader deployment of Web technologies.
Web Security Interest Group
As security is a critical component of making the Web a robust platform on mobile, the Web and Mobile Interest Group will collaborate with the Web Security Interest Group on ensuring these needs are properly catered for.
WAI Protocol and Formats Working Group
Review of accessibility perspectives in mobile-relevant technologies
WAI Education and Outreach Working Group
The WAI Education and Outreach Working Group has an ongoing focused effort on applicability of accessibility techniques and technologies to mobile devices
Browser Testing and Tools Working Group
The Browser Testing and Tools Working Group provides technologies that help make the Web a better development platform, as well as eases efforts around testing and interoperability.
W3C Community and Business Groups
The Web and Mobile Interest Group will watch for and coordinate with Community Groups whose work are likely to have an impact on the usage of Web technologies on mobile devices.

External Groups

The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) develops technologies targeted at mobile devices that may have a direct relevance to the deployment of some Web technologies on mobile.
The mobile network technologies developed by 3GPP may involve specific benefits or constraints on network operations of Web applications on mobile networks.
The GSM Association (GSMA) represents mobile operators and develops proposals that can bring important value to the usage of Web on mobile devices.
The Internet Engineering Task Force develops the protocols that clients use to connect to the Web; ensuring these protocols match the needs of mobile devices and networks is an important part of achieving the group's mission


Participation is open to W3C Members and invited experts and others who have observer status. The Chairs and document Editors are expected to contribute one to two days per week towards the group. There is no minimum requirement for other Participants. [updated]

In order to make rapid progress, the group MAY form several task forces, each working on a separate topic. The group members may participate in one or more task forces.


This group conducts its substantive work exclusively on the public mailing list public-web-mobile@w3.org and encourages non-member contributions on that list. Administrative tasks may be conducted in Member-only communications. Task forces may use separate public mailing lists to conduct their work.

Information about the group (deliverables, participants, face-to-face meetings, teleconferences, etc.) is available from the Web and Mobile Interest Group home page.

Decision Policy

Consistent with its mission, this group is not a decision-making body, but rather provides a forum for discussion and advice on different topics relating to its scope.

Where there is consensus among the representatives of W3C members in the group, it will be forwarded as a consensus position. Where the group does not reach agreement, the different positions (whether held by W3C members or other members of the group) will be forwarded together, with any decisions to be made by a relevant working group according to its processes.

Patent Disclosures

The Web and Mobile Interest Group provides an opportunity to share perspectives on the topic addressed by this charter. W3C reminds Interest Group participants of their obligation to comply with patent disclosure obligations as set out in Section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy. While the Interest Group does not produce Recommendation-track documents, when Interest Group participants review Recommendation-track specifications from Working Groups, the patent disclosure obligations do apply.

For more information about disclosure obligations for this group, please see the W3C Patent Policy Implementation.

About this Charter

This charter for the Web and Mobile Interest Group has been created according to section 6.2 of the Process Document. In the event of a conflict between this document or the provisions of any charter and the W3C Process, the W3C Process shall take precedence.

On December 3rd 2013, this charter was updated to reflect Jo Rabin’s resignation as a co-chair. The participation commitment was revised to reflect that not all participants need to be able to spend one day a week in the group.

On August 20 2015, it was updated to reflect the extension of the charter till the end of October 2015.

See also the original charter sent to the W3C Advisory Committee for review.

Charter authors: Dominique Hazael-Massieux, Jo Rabin

$Date: 2015/08/20 15:30:13 $