Review of current projects in progress included update of cautionary language in Training Suite (Sharron took an action to update based on comments), status of Training Suite materials themselves, and discussion of how to promote the training Suite once finalized (Jennifer took action item to review).
Further discussion of the Mobile pages update was tabled until Vicki returns from vacation. We did an action item check and shared information about other accessibility related topics and events
Shawn reminded everyone to update availability and action items
<shawn> updated cautionary language
Shawn: Link to updated cautionary language.
Sharron: It seems a bit long to me now but trying to include all the comments.
Shawn: Where to put it?
Andrew: Near the bottom of the Overview page, with the how to make them accessible.
Shadi: Is the concern that people may not prepare or that if they do a presentation, they may not be able to answer questions.
Andrew: A bit of both,. The
scenario was someone coming to hear a presentation, go back to
their workplace and are deemed the "accidental expert."
... then they are asked to present and may be less than experienced or
Shadi: At the risk of being offensive, can't we say "You could do more harm than good if you give the wrong information."
Jennifer: That would be very discouraging.
Shadi: But many don't seem
themselves as "accidental experts" and this could apply to
anyone, considering how rapidly technology changes.
... could it not be applied to everyone and made more
clear in that way?
Wayne: So for example, in the second paragraph, you might say "give structure to your PREPARATION"
Shawn: and some of the "use it freely" language is redundant.
<shawn> currently says: "Feel free to use this material as is or adapt it for your specific audience and goals, as long as you attribute it as described in the "Creative Commons License (CC)" section of Using WAI Material."
Sharron: I knew that it had been stated previously but unsure how to be encouraging before the cautionary note.
Shawn: Let's talk more about what we are trying to do for the next revision.
Sharron: If I understand what the comments are so far, there is a need to take out the repetitive language, broaden it to include everyone, not just the accidental expert.
Wayne: Yes, becasue everyone has some scope of knowledge.
<shadi> [[Raising awareness is one of the most important aspects to get web accessibility implemented. Anyone can help raise awareness and share their knowledge in web accessibility! However, it is crucial to be confident about any information you spread. [...]]
Shawn: Do we want to give an example of using a SlideShare presentation with old or outdated information?
Shadi: Rather than encouraging them to use the materials instead say encouraging things to the idea of raising awareness of web accessibility.
Jennifer: Including verification of accuracy of information in a changing technical field. Know your source.
Shadi: Yes, there are a number of ways to verify information.
Sharron: I'll take another crack at it.
<scribe> ACTION: Sharron to revise cautionary language [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-204 - Revise cautionary language [on Sharron Rush - due 2012-08-24].
<Wayne> The W3C is a primary resource for current standards on accessibility. The Training suite organizes W3C documents into a well organized study guide.
Wayne: I put a comment in IRC as suggested text
Shawn: The issue is that we point to both versions in the materials. Developers should be using 2.0 but not able to yet use 2.0 in contract language.
<shawn> "ATAG 2.0 is a mature draft and we expect that it will not change significantly. We recommend that developers use the ATAG 2.0 draft, understanding that it might change.
Shawn: One caution is not to scare people off from using 2.0. Try to keep draft wording mild rather than scary.
Shadi: Not just a distinction between developers and others. Even developers need to understand that there will likely not be big conceptual changes, but that technques could change. Some organizations will simply not be able to implement this, given the policies they have.
Shawn: The message we want to give is
(more tactfully) to let people know that the old ones are
outdated. You really should be referencing the new ones with
the understanding that changes may occur.
... "It is a mature draft and we do not expect it to change
... In most cases it is best to use 2.0 as long as you are
aware that it could change.
Andrew: yeh, that's probably fine.
Wayne: Where will it be?
<AndrewA> [[ ATAG 2.0 is a mature draft and we expect that it will not change significantly. In most cases it is preferable use the ATAG 2.0 draft, however be aware it might change. ]]
Shawn: In the accessibility
topics page.
... I recommend that we make the reference to developers
Andrew: Posted to IRC a suggestion.
SUBTOPIC: Other Updates
Andrew: I posted suggestions to the list. I am still taking comments into consideration. These updates reflect previous week comments.
Shawn: Sharron's comments are mostly to be considered for future revision.
Sharron: Wayne's interest in making more explicit the invitation to academics?
Wayne: I went over it carefully and it is actually perfectly suited to how academics would use it. No modification to the Resource Suite itself is needed. Rather will depend on targeted outreach.
Shawn: We can then upload Andrew's changes and survey for approval.
Shawn: Thanks to Jennifer, Wayne,
and Sharron for updates to wiki. Let's talk about Audiences and
messaging first.
... take a minute to read and consider
Wayne: My plan this week is to add a bit to the academic audience.
Shawn: This is particularly the
audience, not for the Resources themselves, but for our
outreach effort.
... you have just two - General and Academic. Do we want to
consider them more granualrly - teachers, instructors who will
integrate into their classes, another is the "accidental
expert," another might be people who already know about
accessibility and looking for materials to expand
Andrew: Another might be the person who is on top of accessibility, but want to check in for updates and accuracy of informaiton.
Wayne: Professional trainers for institutions, like Knowbility.
Shawn: So rather than being so broad about general public, let's focus on who they are.
Wayne: They are professional trainers.
Shawn: ...AND the accidental expert.
<Sinarmaya_> For academic audience, maybe can be important a mention to regulations, like the european about the Access for All inclusion in the curricula.
Shawn: in the messaging, I wonder if we want to include some of the cautionary messaging even in the outreach.
Andrew: We may want to expand from the web and all its aspects, so that people get the message that it goes beyond programmers.
Jennifer: +1 to that. Designers and content providers and writers too.
Wayne: Instruction for any aspect
of the web if it is to be of high quality, must include
... one of the reasons this Suite is so usefulis how it breaks
it down into useful packets or learning modules.
... that should be part of the message.
Andrew: Reads messaging intended for College Professors.
Shawn: This is useful, thanks Wayne.
Wayne: Most of this is laid out in a way that instructors would layout courses, so it is easily applied.
Shawn: Let the group know if you have any other questions
Sharron: We'd like group to consider other conferences and brainstorms for outreach.
Shawn: I've done an update on WAI Resoruces in the past and people who attended that would be very interested in this. The question is whether to provide it as a separate presentation or fold into a look at other stuff?
Jennifer: It could be boring.
Shawn: Could make it more
interactive using BAD.
... like when we did training Best Practice exchange.
... So yes, to reiterate, every one is encouraged to add to
these preliminary thoughts for outreach.
... and remember that we have an overall contact list that we
will refer to as well
<shawn> overall contacts
Shawn: Since Vicki is leading on that and is out on vacation, just wanted to remind folks to update your ideas on mobile. Also, comment on how we comment on overlap within the Business pages.
<shawn> in the EOWG wiki page category:
Shawn: Also really want to look at Business case and plug in the mobile updates.
Shawn: Sharron has one.
... none others to talk about with people who are here
Sharron: Am I supposed to just post general info to get people to respond?
Shawn: No I think it is more related to Resource Training Suite. To create a page that allows people to share tips and tricks.
Andrew: I remember that as well.
Jennifer: Yes, I think that's right. I'll add to the wiki To-Do list.
Shawn: Denis is going to take a
pass at significantly rewriting what is there now. When he
submits, please plan on review.
... we will also need to consider Audience and Goals. Anyone in
the group can do that and it would be very helpful. Ian, any
chance you could do that today?
Ian: I could take a few minutes now but heading to a meeting.
Shawn: Emmanuelle, you may want to do that too.
<Sinarmaya_> ok :)
<shawn> WCAG-EM Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology
Shawn: Shadi may have questions related to WCAG-EM
Shadi: We have been pulling
together documents and now have a full draft and want to refine
and be able to publish a preliminary draft in the next few
... It would be a good time to ask for EO review and comment
and maybe can work on it at TPAC, get it aligned with other
Shawn: Any peferences about
meeting next week?
... reminder about updating availability, look at EO schedule
within TPAC.
<AndrewA> Sharron: excited about openAIR as going international - 2 Australia teams + one Canadian already
<AndrewA> ... still looking for participants
<AndrewA> ... Rich Schwerdfeger (2012 Chair) promoted in Australia on recent travels
<AndrewA> ... lots of verbal commitment but still need the teams to sign up
<Wayne> I looked at one of the wiki pages and enlarge it to 200% ctl-+ 5 times, it works well in Opera.
Sharron: Will be at Southwest Conference on Disability in October in Albuquerque. Please let me know if there are materials to distribute.
Shawn: Thanks everyone, have a good week, check action items and group work