W3C TAG meeting 24-26 March 2010 in Cambridge, MA, USA
Noah Mendelsohn, Dan Connolly, Jonathan Rees, Tim Berners-Lee, T.V. Raman, Dan Appelquist, Larry Masinter, John Kemp, Henry Thompson, Ashok Malhotra
Agenda Summary
- Venue
- MIT, Stata Center, Room 346
32 Vassar Street
Cambidge, MA 02139
See logistics
for further details.
See "(required reading)" annotations in agenda items below.
Agenda Details
This is a preliminary list of topics. It is not not in order, is somewhat rough and incomplete, etc.
- Convene, review agenda
- Scribes: TAG members are encouraged to sign up by email in advance of the meeting
- Roll call
- F2F Main Goals: TBD
- Joint session w/HTML WG Chairs:
- Meeting with Jeff Jaffe:
- We will have a 60 or 90 minute get acquainted session with incoming
W3C CEO, Jeff Jaffe. (currently working with Marisol to set a time)
- The overall goal is to introduce the TAG to Jeff, understand his
interests and priorities, start to explore how we can help
him to be more effective, etc.
- Some specific issues TAG members may wish to discuss include:
- The TAG's impact and effectiveness within W3C and on the
community as a whole
- Web security (also noting Jeff's postings on Secure Natural Communications)
- HTML 5 review: ISSUE-41 (LanguageVersioning-41): HTML5 Doctypes, Media-types, & support for older versions
- Note from Noah to HTML WG chairs: "TAG work on HTML Doctypes, Versioning, etc." NOTE: HTML WG has asked for input by 23 March, and in Noah's note he suggests TAG will attempt to have a response by end of this F2F.
- ACTION-364: on - Dan Connolly - Ask HTML WG team contacts to make a change proposal re issue-53 mediatypereg informed by HT's analysis and today's discussion - Due: 2010-02-25 - PENDING REVIEW
- ACTION-393: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Update HTML WG co-chairs along the lines of ... DOCTYPE... workflow... media type.. - Due: 2010-03-09 - PENDING REVIEW
- Note from Dan reporting some progress
- HTML 5 review: ISSUE-54 (TagSoupIntegration-54): HTML5 Decentralized Extensibility
- (somewhat related) ACTION-113: on - Henry S. Thompson - HT to a) revise composition.pdf to take account of suggestions from Tim & Jonathan and feedback from email and b) produce a new version of the Elaborated Infoset finding, possibly incorporating some of the PDF - Due: 2010-03-16 - OPEN
- ACTION-356: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Work with Carine Bournez to schedule followup meeting on xmlnames followup discussion - Due: 2010-03-27 - OPEN
- ACTION-357: on - Henry S. Thompson - Elaborate the DPD proposal to address comments from #xmlnames and tag f2f discussion of 2009-12-10, particularly wrt integration with XML specs and wrt motivation - Due: 2010-03-16 - OPEN
- ACTION-374: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Schedule discussion of broader extensibility mechanisms question (including this) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2010Jan/0043.html - Due: 2010-04-01 - OPEN
- ACTION-396: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Henry to draft emails for NM to send to HTML WG chairs and to Liam+MS authors encouraging a change proposal wrt distr. extensibility by 23 March - Due: 2010-03-05 - PENDING REVIEW (email from Noah to HTML WG chairs)
- ISSUE-24: Content-type override
- Goals: Discuss what (if anything) can be done by the TAG to improve the situation of content-type mis-labeling errors and reporting; Discuss the requirements for a content-sniffing algorithm given the constraints discussed in Authoritative Metadata, and in relation to the content-sniffing draft proposed in http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-abarth-mime-sniff-04; Establish any updates to Authoritative Metadata and Self-describing Web findings based on these discussions; Discuss other instances of sniffing, as noted by Larry in email to TAG
- ACTION-370: on - Henry S. Thompson - HST to send a revised-as-amended version of http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2009Dec/0068.html to the HTTP bis list on behalf of the TAG - Due: 2010-03-09 - OPEN
- ACTION-376: on - Daniel Appelquist - Send to www-tag a pointer to and brief summary of Mobile Web Best Practices working group's "Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies" and its implications for content sniffing : http://www.w3.org/TR/ct-guidelines/ - Due: 2010-03-17 - OPEN
- ACTION-386: on - Larry Masinter - Review draft-barth-sniff-4 and send comments, cc TAG - Due: 2010-04-08 - OPEN
- ACTION-387: on - Henry S. Thompson - Review JK/NM's stuff on sniffing, authoritative metadata, self-describing web, incl. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2010Jan/0025.html - Due: 2010-03-17 - OPEN
- ACTION-399: on - John Kemp - Prepare F2F discussion of sniffing, being sure to check status of other pertinent actions - Due: 2010-03-04 - OPEN
- Email from Larry Masinter: What is "the type of X" if X doesn't have a declared type?
- Email from John Kemp: About sniffing
- ISSUE-31 (metadatainURI-31): Secrets in URIs
- Goal of this session: the TAG hopes to frame questions relating
to secrets in URIs to prepare for review by the security community.
- ACTION-278: on - Jonathan Rees - Draft changes to 2.7 of Metadata in URIs to cover the "Google Calendar" case - Due: 2010-02-07 - CLOSED
- ACTION-394: on - John Kemp - Compare Noah and Tyler's proposals on this subject - Due: 2010-03-17 - OPEN (Why is this action associated with tagSoupIntegration? Suggest we change to metadataInURI-31)
- Informal "cheat sheet" from Jonathan Rees on ACTION-278 (required reading)
- Pertinent section of Metadata in URI finding (required reading)
- Mashing with permission (the Web-Key paper) by Tyler Close (required reading)
- Comments on web-keys from Noah & response from Tyler and thread that follows (required reading)
- ACTION-341: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Follow up with Thomas about security review activities for HTML5 - Due: 2010-03-12 - OPEN
- HTTP Semantics: ISSUE-57 (HttpRedirections-57): The use of
HTTP Redirection
- Web Application Architecture: Taxonomy of Web Application Structures
- ACTION-352: on - John Kemp - Integrate whiteboard drawings into a prose document about ways to distribute applications - Due: 2010-03-08 - PENDING REVIEW
- A proposed taxonomy from John Kemp (required reading)
- ACTION-401: on - Ashok Malhotra - Ask WebApps working group to review John Kemp's taxonomy - Due: 2010-03-18 - OPEN
- Web Application Architecture: Client-side storage
- ACTION-354: on - Ashok Malhotra - Review client side storage apis (web simple storage etc.), looking for architectural issues or other critical problems... or interesting design features the TAG should know about - Due: 2010-03-08 - PENDING REVIEW
- Emails from Ashok: TAG Action-354 Review client-side storage API's and followup email (both required reading)
- ISSUE-50 (URNsAndRegistries-50): Persistent naming
- Web Application Architecture: URIs and Identification for Web Applications
- Web Application Architecture: Security, Policy & privacy
- ISSUE-27 (IRIEverywhere-27): Promoting IRIs - Closing ISSUE-27
- Administrative issues:
- Future TAG F2F meetings
- Henry expects to offer Edinburgh as a meeting location
in June
- W3C management solicits (member-only) intentions from working groups
regarding participation in November TPAC (response due 16 April 2010).
- Mailing lists
- Action item review:
Noah Mendelsohn for the TAG
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