Category:Triple Store
Tools that can be installed to serve as RDF databases, a.k.a. triple stores. It is a subcategory of “Tool”
Some of the tools can also be used as application environments (eg, Jena, Sesame), whereas some serve primarily as database servers, not necessarily usable directly from a program (eg, Virtuoso).
Latest releases
The description of the following tools in this category have been added and/or modified most recently.
- RDFLib (last modified: 23 September 2023)
- RDFox (last modified: 11 February 2021)
- Oracle Spatial and Graph 19c (last modified: 18 February 2020)
- Apache Jena (last modified: 16 January 2018)
- GraphDB (last modified: 5 April 2016)
(Note that you can browse tools per Semantic Web technologies or programming languages, too.)
Pages in category "Triple Store"
The following 50 pages are in this category, out of 50 total.