
From Semantic Web Standards


Name of the tool: Strabon
Home page:
Date of latest release:
Programming language(s) that can be used with the tool: Java
Relevant semantic web technologies: RDF, SPARQL, Geospatial, stSPARQL, GeoSPARQL
Categories: Triple Store, SPARQL Endpoint, Visualizer, Geospatial Visualizer
See also:
Public mailing list: http://
Preferred project URI:
DOAP reference:
Company or institution: Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens

(Tool description last modified on 2013-01-11.)


Strabon is a fully implemented semantic geospatial database system that can be used to store linked geospatial data expressed in RDF and query them using an extension of SPARQL. Strabon supports spatial selections, spatial joins, a rich set of spatial functions similar to those offered by geospatial relational database systems, support for multiple Coordinate Reference Systems and widely used serializations for geometric objects such as WKT and GML. Strabon is built on top of the well-known RDF store Sesame and extends Sesame’s components to be able to manage thematic and spatial data that are stored in PostGIS.

The development of Strabon started in the context of European FP7 project SemsorGrid4Env (Semantic Sensor Grids for Rapid Application Development for Environmental Management). Starting September 2011, Strabon is being utilized and extended with new functionalities in the FP7 project TELEIOS (Virtual Observatory Infrastructure for Earth Observation Data) which our group leads.

The query language of Strabon is called stSPARQL. stSPARQL can be used to query data represented in an extension of RDF called stRDF. stRDF and stSPARQL have been designed for representing and querying geospatial data that changes over time (e.g., the growth of a city over the years due to new developments).

Currently, only the geospatial features of stSPARQL have been implemented fully. The temporal features are the subject of current work.