
From Semantic Web Standards

Apache Marmotta

Name of the tool: Apache Marmotta
Home page:
Date of latest release:
Programming language(s) that can be used with the tool: Java
Relevant semantic web technologies: RDF, SPARQL, SKOS
Categories: Triple Store, Rule Reasoner
See also:
Public mailing list:
Preferred project URI:
DOAP reference:
Company or institution: Apache Software Foundation

(Tool description last modified on 2014-02-9.)


Apache Marmotta is an Open Platform for Linked Data that can be used, extended and deployed easily by organizations who want to publish Linked Data or build custom applications on Linked Data.

Right now the project is being setting up installed in the Apache Software Foundation infrastructure. The team is working to have available to download in the upcoming weeks the first release under incubator. Check the development section for further details how we work or subscribe to our mailing lists to follow the projects day to day.


  • Read-Write Linked Data
  • RDF triple store with transactions, versioning and rule-base reasoning
  • SPARQL and LDPath query languages
  • Transparent Linked Data Caching
  • Integrated security mechanisms


Marmotta comes as a continuation of the work in the Linked Media Framework project. LMF is an easy-to-setup server application that bundles some technologies such as Apache Stanbol or Apache Solr to offer some advanced services. After the release 2.6, the Read-Write Linked Data server code and some related libraries have been set aside to incubate Marmotta within the The Apache Software Foundation. LMF still keeps exactly the same functionality, but now bundling Marmotta too.