
From W3C Wiki
< TPAC‎ | 2018

We encourage attendees to start brainstorming TPAC/2018 Wednesday Technical Plenary Day Breakout sessions in advance of the meeting.

The sessions that will make it will be in the Session Grid, as well as minutes and summaries

See the TPAC 2018 FAQ for more information.

How to use this page

Please use this page to:

  • Propose sessions you wish you lead
  • Propose sessions you wish others to lead (it's a good idea to let them know ahead of time)
  • Indicate whether you plan to attend a session (helps with scheduling)
  • Please place new proposal at the bottom of this document

How to propose a session

Please provide:

    • session name (as a === subhead === )
    • session proposer (yourself, if so sign using 4 tildas; optional: name a desired session leader)
    • one sentence session summary
    • type of session: (e.g.: talk, panel, open discussion, etc.)
    • goals of session
    • additional speakers/panelists

From an idea to a breakout

Breakout preparation (also known as the 'mad scramble') takes place Wednesday 24 October at 09:00-10:00.

Proposed sessions

EXAMPLE session

  • Proposer: ~~~~ (The 4 tildas will sign your name and include a timestamp of your proposal.)
  • Summary:
  • Type of session:
  • Goals:

Spec Editing Best Practices

  • Proposer: Elika Etemad (talk) 00:00, 19 June 2018 (UTC) and Marcos Caceres
  • Summary: Spec Editing Best Practices
  • Type of session: discussion / panel as we see fit
  • Goals: Learn how to be a better spec editor from some of the awesome spec editors at W3C

Session: Maps for HTML

  • Proposer: Peter Rushforth (talk) 15:25, 6 July 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Maps are everywhere on the Web. The platform has limited / stalled support for maps. Let's discuss why and how to add maps and location to the Web.
  • Type of session: Short presentation followed by discussion.
  • Goals: Make the case that maps are a media type that should be part of the Web / HTML. Get browser developers to participate in / contribute to incubation of MapML. / SVGMap and Quad Tree Composite Tiling

Consent Management for WEB leveraging public blockchain

Session: restriction for fetch keepalive

  • Proposer: Yutaka Hirano (talk) 10:38, 26 July 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Chrome shipped the keepalive flag in fetch API with non-interoperable restrictions. We would like to replace them with interoperable ones. See
  • Type of session: Discussion
  • Goals: Have consensus.

Machine Learning for the Web

  • Proposer: Ningxin Hu, Anssi Kostiainen (talk) 10:28, 4 September 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Machine learning (ML), and especially its subset deep learning, are being successfully used in native platforms in advanced computationally-heavy areas such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. Currently, the Web is unable to support advanced machine learning use cases in a performant manner due to lack of optimized low-level APIs for machine learning.
  • Type of session: WebML-enabled Chromium proof-of-concept demos and results, short presentation, discussion.
  • Goals: Kick off incubation of a dedicated Web API for machine learning inference in the browser. Gather interested people together to continue incubation in the W3C Machine Learning for the Web Community Group.
  • Minutes

High Level Interoperability Testing for the Web of Things

  • Proposer: Dave Raggett (talk) 13:05, 4 September 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: W3C has been very successful in defining standards for browsers as the vendor neutral application platform for the Web. The Web of Things seeks to emulate this for an open standards based vendor neutral application platform (aka Web Hub), for open markets of services for things as software objects that expose sensors, actuators or related information services. This session will look at what is needed to test interoperability of Web Hubs with a demonstration of work done by the F-Interop project.
    • Device vendors provide add-on applications that expose devices as things for use by client applications in Web browsers or other Web Hubs. Client applications offer value through remote access to services, and through combining multiple information services, including models of the context. Hubs range in scale from home gateways to large cloud platforms capable of handling the demands of big data. Applications that expose things hide the details of the myriad IoT technologies and standards used to connect to sensors and actuators. Mozilla calls this class of applications “add-ons” for their Things Gateway. A similar open source project is Siemens ThingWeb. This session will also introduce a NodeJS module (Arena Web Hub) aimed at the Node community of developers.

Ege Korkan presented work on validating thing descriptions and testing Web of Things devices, see talk

  • Type of session: presentation, demonstration, discussion of testing challenges and direction for future work
  • Goals: to introduce the Web of Things and draw attention to high level interoperability testing


  • Proposer: Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (talk) 13:26, 4 September 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: W3C is represented in the MDN (developers portal on documentation for Web technologies) Product Advisory Board. During this session, MDN PAB members will present some of the work accomplished as part of that collaboration and seek input on further collaboration opportunities (see also last year's similar session minutes)
  • Type of session: presentation, discussion
  • Goals: raise awareness of MDN/W3C collaboration impact, seek input on future opportunities

Not Displaying Things: Searchable Invisible DOM + Display Locking

  • Proposer: Chris Harrelson, Domenic Denicola, Rakina Amni
  • Summary: The Chrome team has been working on two related problem areas where developers want to avoid or defer rendering work. One is motivated by use cases of virtualized content (i.e., not putting things outside the viewport into the DOM): it is popular, but does not work with stuff like find-in-page, accessibility, etc. See searchable invisible DOM explainer. Another is display locking, a way for developers to schedule and control DOM updates and rendering work to avoid jank and increase responsiveness. We'd like to explore the problem space in more depth, and seek feedback on our work so far.
  • Type of session: Short presentation followed by discussion
  • Goals: Gather feedback and interest in the use cases and proposed approaches.

Decentralized Identifiers Working Group Proposal

constraint: Prefer this breakout in the morning.

  • Proposer: Manu Sporny (talk) 15:08, 13 September 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Update W3C Membership on DID progress, the DID WG Proposal, and supporting data
  • Type of session: Informational - Q/A - high potential for chairs thrown at Manu
  • Presentation: Proposal for a W3C Decentralized Identifiers Working Group
  • Goals:
    • Introduce Decentralized Identifiers to W3C Membership
    • Update W3C Membership on Community Group and Commercial Deployment progress
    • Discuss charter and supporting organizations
    • Invite questions / discussion / debate
    • Invite participants to upcoming W3C Strong Authentication and Identity Workshop


  • Proposer: Tzviya Siegman, Natasha Rooney , Angel Li
  • Summary: Positive Workforce Environment and Working Group Effectiveness are two groups dedicated to improving the experience of W3C members. This session will focus on how the groups interact and what is next for these groups.
  • Type of session: discussion
  • Goals: Raise awareness about PWE CG and WGE, discuss ombudspersons plans, request input from membership
  • Minutes

Quick App and W3C

  • Proposer: Zhiqiang Yu
  • Summary: Quick App is a web app ecosystem proposed by China's top mobile device vendors and it uses web technologies a lot. Its goal is to combine the best part of Web technologies and native capabilities/experience, to create a new form of mobile apps. This session will introduce what Quick App is and discuss the potential relationship/collaboration w/ W3C.
  • Type of session: Short presentation followed by discussion.
  • Goals: Raise the awareness of Quick App in China, discuss potential relatiionship/collaboration w/ W3C.
  • Minutes
  • Meeting Summary

We walked through the motivation and details of Quick App, which combines the best part of Web and Native to create a new form of mobile Apps (entrance everywhere, rich api, better performance/memory footprint/binary footprint/etc). Today, A lot of major content providers have shipped product in Quick App, e.g. Tianmao, ctrip, tencent news, etc. the list keeps growing. A lots of question/comments addressed, such as comparison to PWA, how quick app internally works, what is the developer story, potential collaboration w/ other specs like web packaging, etc. which can be found in the above minutes.

Next step: 1. Push forward AR usage, API standardization and implementation w/ various partners; 2. Work w/ machine learning CG and WICG to push forward Web AI capability, including high level AI and lower level AI; 3. Work w/ web packaging team to see how Quick app leverage Web packaging technology

AMP: meta issues, enabling AMP-like user experiences on the web without requiring AMP

Constraint: Afternoon only

  • Proposers: Kenji Baheux (talk), Rick Byers (talk) 14:08, 28 September 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: discuss the meta issues around AMP and get feedback on ideas (e.g. Web Packaging, Portals) to enable AMP-like user experiences without requiring AMP nor any particular libraries. (w3c/strategy issue on AMP)
  • Type of session: short talk + discussion
  • Goals:
  1. Discuss a key threat to the web: rapidly decreasing engagement with the web with the majority of the world’s computing now happening on phones
  2. Discuss ideas on what leads users to prefer one experience over another, and how the web is falling short on users' expectations on phones
  3. Share more details of the Chrome and Google Search team's plans to try to address limitations in the web platform (as [recommended by W3C TAG](, and how they could enable AMP to become "just an optional component library"
  4. Understand concerns the community has with these plans and brainstorm opportunities to address them
  5. Identify groups interested in collaborating on defining and experimenting with new browser APIs in this space

Web Packaging: concept, use cases and Fetch spec

  • Proposer: Kinuko Yasuda Kinuko Yasuda (talk) 08:56, 26 September 2018 (UTC), with Ralph Swick
  • Summary: Web Package is a set of spec drafts that tries to make Web's contents portable, making them loadable from anywhere while retaining the authority of the original publisher via signing. This session will introduce the overview of the spec proposals, discuss the potential use cases, and also briefly discuss its loading spec (written as a Fetch monkey patch).
  • Type of session: Short presentation followed by discussion.
  • Goals: Explore the use cases, benefits and concerns. Also have consensus on how the W3C-side spec work should make progress.

W3C Web site usability

Constraint: This is a two-hour session

  • Proposer: Bert Bos (talk) 12:16, 28 September 2018 (UTC) and Coralie Mercier (talk)
  • Summary: We, the ‘W3C design task force‘ (Tanya, Antonio, Coralie and Bert), want to find out where the W3C Web sites need improvement. We want you to show and tell us how you use the sites.
  • Type of session: Limited to about 12 participants. Work in groups of two or three to define the ‘information architecture’ of the W3C Web site, followed by discussion.
  • Goals: Find out how we can help people (in this case primarily people already involved in W3C work) to more quickly and easily find the information they need from W3C.

Exposing new features as modules instead of globals

  • Proposer: Domenic Denicola (talk) 21:02, 28 September 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: For a long time, the web has exposed new features on the global object. Now that JavaScript has a module system, can we consider exposing new features as built-in modules instead? Let's discuss the motivation and mechanics of how we would do this. If time permits, let's discuss the package name maps proposal, which is an important piece of making built-in modules polyfillable, virtualizable, etc.
  • Type of session: Interactive discussion guided by a presentation.
  • Goals: Gather consensus on desirability (or not). If time permits, discuss and settle on specific mechanics.

Gaming on the Web

constraint: This breakout needs to take place at 3:30pm

  • Proposer: François Daoust (talk) 15:38, 2 October 2018 (UTC) - Will need a speaker phone (all rooms ok except 3B)
  • Summary: W3C organized a workshop on games back in 2011. Games on the Web were then mostly restricted to casual/puzzle games. The Web was simply not performant enough a platform for high-end games. Today, all technologies are falling into place to make the Web a great platform for gaming, including WebAssembly, WebXR, WebGPU, WebRTC, Service Workers, Gamepad and Pointer Lock. Some of these technologies explicitly started with a view to enabling high-end games on the Web. The Games on the Web roadmap lists these technologies and others, along with their standardisation status. Are there unaddressed requirements? Other technical gaps?
  • Type of session: Short presentation to set the context and raise initial questions, followed by discussion
  • Goals:
  1. Assess whether gaming is a good topic to focus on at W3C. If so, determine scope and next steps. Workshop on games? Create a dedicated steering group (or revive the Games Community Group)? Something else? If not, would another perspective be useful to track these technologies? For instance, CAD, that has similar "needs" but very different goals?
  2. Learn about remaining technical challenges for games on the Web. Packaging? Monetization? Accessibility? Multithreading? Debugging?

Video Metadata Cue Support Including Geolocation (WebVMT)

  • Proposer: Rob Smith (talk) 17:02, 2 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Dashcams, drones, bodycams and smartphones can all capture video with geolocation, and WebVMT is an enabler for sharing location with video from such devices on the web, e.g. via YouTube. How best can metadata, including geolocation and sensor data, be exposed by the HTML5 DOM for <video> and <track> elements in a useful and coherent way to address the new requirements of this emerging market?
  • Type of session: Short presentation followed by discussion.
  • Goals:
  1. Identify video metadata requirements for these markets, and quantify their significance.
  2. Examine the current status of WebVTT metadata cue support in web browsers.
  3. Discuss whether WebVTT metadata cues are suitable for these requirements.
  4. Discuss whether a new 'map cue' is required for WebVMT.
  5. Estimate timescales and effort required for the proposed solutions.

App & Network collaboration: Web5G Next Steps

  • Proposer: Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (talk) 15:23, 9 October 2018 (UTC), Eric Siow (Intel), Dan Druta (AT&T), Stéphane Tuffin (Orange)
  • Summary: The Web5G workshop identified the need and opportunities for greater collaboration between apps and networks: both layers are gaining in strength, but the way these strengths can be used often end up conflicting one with another for lack of coordination. In this session, we propose to review specific opportunities where such a collaboration could happen, and more importantly, a framework to evaluate and make progress on opportunities where enough momentum exists.
  • Type of session: Presentation and discussion
  • Goals:
    • get feedback on framework for evaluating more cooperation between apps & networks
    • identify forum to bring the discussions to the next level of detail

Exposing the URLs of non-CORS cross-origin CSS subresources

  • Proposer: Yoav Weiss
  • Summary: URLs of cross-origin non-CORS CSS subresources have been exposed on the web for a long while through Resource Timing and Service Worker. It's not clear if implementers are interested in changing that behavior. This session's purpose is to find out!

DNT: Lessons Learned and What's Next

  • Proposer: Jason Novak (talk) 15:02, 10 October 2018 (UTC) and David Singer
  • Summary: Discussion of lessons learned from DNT and what comes next.
  • Type of session: open discussion
  • Goals:
    • Present current status of DNT
    • Discuss process and lessons learned
    • Survey of what's next

Note: For TPWG Members, we will use the TPWG Teleconference:

Personalization - How Should It Be Implemented?

  • Proposer: Charles LaPierre (talk) 14:10, 12 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: The Personalization TF now part of the APA would like your help in deciding which implementation schema we should use for our Personalization modules we have been developing.

This work came out of the Cognitive Accessibility Task Force (COGA), the former Indie-UI WG, and other WAI groups and has been worked on previously under ARIA. The goal of the Personalization task force is to enable the adaptation of web content to user needs far beyond what is currently supported, so that more usergroups can be included in the digital world and content can adapt to more scenarios such as stress and illness. Sometimes users may need simplification of text and concepts or translation into symbols. Others may need content that is free of numbers, minimizes distractions, or provides additional help. The author augments the content to identify options, simplications, or replacements. User agents or other technologies use these semantics to augment or adapt the content based on identified user preferences.


  • The content might specify that, "9 out of 10 people prefer coffee over tea". The author would identify the "9 out of 10” phrase and provide "almost all" as the number free alternative. Most symbol sets are proprietary.
  • People who use symbols to communicate often don’t understand symbols from another set. There is a need for a standard vocabulary that content authors can use to identify items, and an open source symbol set is being developed through UNICEF. These standard tokens can then be mapped to each unique symbol set.

The task force has 3 modules and an explainer document in editor draft status. Below are links to these documents and to a Google Document comparing the implementation strategies we have explored. The task force needs your help to select the best implementation schema for the personalization semantics. We have eliminated RDFa, HTML Microdata, and ARIA attributes as not practical at this time.

Horizontal review coordination

  • Proposer: Michael Cooper (talk) 17:50, 12 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Gather stakeholders who work on horizontal review to share common practices and challenges and identify ways to better institutionalize the practice. Horizontal review involves examining technologies from the perspective of broad user groups, such as accessibility, architecture, internationalization, privacy, security.
  • Type of session: open discussion
  • Goals: Consider challenges in conducting timely comprehensive reviews and challenges caused by evolution of the standards development process. Walk through each of our processes and tools to share experience with our efforts, consider how effective they are, and identify general suggestions we could make. Finally, plan for future work to improve horizontal review.

Roadmap for Self-Sovereign Identity

constraint: This breakout should not conflict with the "Decentralized Identifiers" breakout

  • Proposer: Joe Andrieu (talk) 22:30, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Verifiable Credentials and DIDs are only two parts of an imagined architecture for decentralized identity aka self-sovereign identity aka self-administered identity. What's the overall vision and how are different efforts related? We'll relate the current work in the Credentials Community Group and the Verifiable Claims Working Group to planned work, both within and outside the W3C, including Data Minimization, WebAuthn+DIDs+VCs, Linked Data Proofs/Signatures + alignment w/ COSE, Object Capabilities, Resource Integrity Proofs, Data Hubs, and more.
  • Type of session: Brief presentation followed by open discussion
  • Goals: Identify & discuss current and future standards efforts required for realizing decentralized identity. Describe these standards efforts as they relate to each other and along a timeframe for development, standardization, and adoption.


constraint: This breakout should not conflict with the "Gaming on the Web" breakout

  • Proposer: Corentin Wallez (talk) 11:57, 16 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: The GPU for the Web CG is making a (tentatively named) WebGPU API that will provide efficient access to modern GPU features on the Web. The group has been focusing on making a portable GPU API and hasn't done much outreach yet so WebGPU is still quite mysterious. This is the opportunity to make less mysterious and answer questions like what will WebGPU enable? How supported will it be? What other parts of the Web does it interact with? When will it be ready? (ITRWITR)
  • Type of session: Discussion, potentially preceded by a short presentation
  • Goals: Introduce WebGPU, answer questions people might have.

Contributing to HTML

  • Proposer: Domenic Denicola, Anne, Philip Jägenstedt, Simon Pieters
  • Summary: Previous and ongoing work on the HTML Standard, and how W3C participants can effectively contribute to the effort.
  • Type of session: presentation with discussion.
  • Goals:
  1. Update the W3C community on the status of the HTML Living Standard
  2. Introduce the WHATWG working mode to the W3C community
  3. Give attendees the knowledge to contribute pull requests and tests productively to HTML
  4. Answer questions folks might have

Toward Fair Use of Digital Content; ID Management and Utilization of Blockchain

  • Proposer: Shigeru Fujimura (talk) 00:40, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Introduction of ID management of digital content utilizing blockchain and distribution method using digital watermark as an example
  • Type of session: Short presentation followed by open discussion
  • Goals: Get feedback on these topics and identify appropriate group to bring the discussions to the next level of detail

Immersive telepresence use-case in WebRTC

  • Proposer: Toshiya Nakakura and Kensaku Komatsu (slide)
  • Summary: WebRTC is a sophisticated technology and useful in a lot of use-case. Therefore, many engineers utilize it in their own area which are out of the original WebRTC's scope. For further enhancement, I'd like to share my case, Immersive Style Telepresence( It needs to send haptics as well as media streaming. But it requires synchronization between them, which is not supported in current spec. The word "synchronization" means not only physically-synchronization, but also psychological-synchronization. At this time, I have started implementing my own custom WebRTC engine following the knowledge of Psychophysics. I can share the idea and also need advice from WebRTC Experts.
  • Type of session: Short presentation followed by open discussion
  • Goals: Get feedback on edge use-case of WebRTC to lead the further enhancement


  • Proposer: Philip Jägenstedt (talk) 13:23, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: web-platform-tests and are rapidly evolving and maturing. This session is intended primarily for current or would-be web-platform-tests test authors/maintainers to catch up with wpt and ask questions.
  • Type of session: Short presentation, then open for questions.
  • Goals: Highlight new capabilities of wpt and, gather feedback about top pain points for users.

Client Hints and Privacy

  • Proposer: Yoav Weiss
  • Summary: Client Hints is a content-negotiation framework that enables developers and services to adapt their content to the user's device, conditions and preferences. Special care was taken in order to make sure it doesn't increase the fingerprinting surface, and would not enable passive fingerprinting. This session will discuss the current mechanism in place to ensure the framework ensures user's privacy.
  • Type of session: Short presentation, then open for questions.
  • Goals: Get the privacy community familiar with the mechanisms in place, and make sure nothing more is required.

Credible Web and "Fake News"

Silver Accessibility Guidelines Update

  • Proposer: Jeanne F Spellman (talk) 23:08, 19 October 2018 (UTC) and Shawn Lauriat
  • The Silver project incubates the next major version to replace the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.x). Silver Community Group and Silver Task Force of the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group have been creating prototypes of a new structure for Silver guidance. We will be showing the prototypes and getting feedback.
  • Type of session: Short presentation, then open for feedback and discussion
  • Goals: To keep people informed and get feedback early in the process.

W3C/TC39 Collaboration

  • Proposer: Daniel Ehrenberg (talk) 10:26, 20 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Ecma TC39 is the standards committee that defines the JavaScript programming language. TC39 standards significantly affect the Web Platform, and often similar concepts are discussed in web standards forums and TC39, but we have very little overlap between the membership of the groups. Let's very briefly review how TC39 works and what we're working on, and discuss how to collaborate better.
  • Type of session: Discussion, preceded by a short presentation.
  • Goals: Encourage collaboration and answer questions

Spatial Navigation

  • Proposer: JihyeHong, Florian Rivoal
  • Summary: Since first introduce the spatial navigation last year, there has been the progress on the spec and also the polyfill has been implemented. But there are open issues and we’d like to discuss about it.
  • Type of session: Short presentation, then open for feedback and discussion
  • Goals: Get feedbacks and encourage collaboration

Enhanced security with Trusted Execution Environments

  • Proposer: Aritamk, Mark Arita
  • Summary: Security is essential to protected users from malicious , as well as content creators' intellectual property.
  • Type of session: Open discussion
  • Goals: Discuss use cases and benefits of enhanced security, and gauge interest in moving a proposal to relevant Community Group

Web Accessibility Communication (Comm. + AI)

  • Proposer: Baoping Cheng & Yefeng Xia (China Mobile)
  • Summary: Discussion AI based on accessibility communication technology
  • Type of session: Presentation and discussion
  • Goals:
    • Collect information on accessibility issues
    • Explore key technologies for web accessibility communication,such as speech recognition, machine vision, NLP, 5G slicing network.

Accessibility Tree

  • Proposer: Alice Boxhall (talk) 11:59, 22 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: Working towards a normative specification for how the accessibility tree is computed from the DOM tree, CSS box tree and other factors.
  • Type of session: Discussion
  • Goals: Try to build consensus around basic principles, find important stakeholders, ideally create a minimal sketch of a document to be fleshed out later.
  • [Minutes][1]

Introducing the HEIF Image File Format

  • Proposer: David Singer
  • Summary: The new image file format produced by MPEG -- what is it and what does it do?
  • Type of session: Information, discussion
  • Goals: Help the community be aware of this format and the possibilities it offers (including intrinsic alt text support!)

Evergreen standards and Registries at the W3C

  • Proposer: David Singer
  • Summary: Discuss the thinking to date of how we might support evergreen (aka living) standards, and registries, better
  • Type of session: Discussion, needs exploration
  • Goals: Get a sense of the way ahead for specifying this in a way that fits the W3C needs and culture
  • Minutes:

Procedural Algorithms for UI Events

  • Proposer: Gary Kacmarcik (talk) 15:35, 22 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: The current UI Events spec is rather vague WRT event ordering. We'd like to improve that by having a more rigorous algorithmic description of event firing.
  • Type of session: Discussion
  • Goals: Create an initial skeleton draft for Mouse Move and Mouse Click events and also discuss the best way for UI Events to support other specs that define events. Algorithms for other event types (Focus, Keyboard) may occur if there is time.

Improving Spoken Presentation of Web Content: A new APA Task Force

  • Proposer: Markku Hakkinen (talk) 22:50, 22 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: We are working to allow authors to improve the quality and accuracy of content spoken by assistive technologies and other apps that use speech synthesis.
  • Type of session: Discussion
  • Goals: Introduce the newly formed APA Spoken Presentation Task Force, discuss the use cases and real world impact of not having a solution, and the challenges that led to the formation of the group. We'll review what is there and what isn't in terms of standards, and seek participation and input as the TF delves into a solution that works for content authors, user agents, and assistive technologies. The task force page is:
  • Minutes:

ResizeObserver extensions

  • Proposer Aleks Totic (talk) 08:11, 23 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: looking for feedback on extending ResizeObserver API. The extended API can observe more Element boxes. These additions are a response to CSSWG and user feedback.
  • Type of session: Discussion
  • Goals: Gather feedback from on the proposed approach. Enough boxes? Too few?


  • Proposer Anne
  • Summary: discussing clearing browsing context openers and a mechanism that'll allow for enabling high precision timers.
  • Goals: Get more cross-browser agreement on the approach.

CSSWG Community Engagement Regarding Testing

  • Proposer Greg Whitworth (talk) 09:23, 24 October 2018 (UTC)
  • Summary: We need tests, and one resource of this can be web developers. Over the last year we've worked with folks from the community, what did we learn and what can we do better.
  • Type of session: Discussion
  • Goals: Determine action items to help mentor new test authors that can then become spec authors, etc.
  • Minutes