Recent Topics
- How to write a good IssueReport for commenting on a specification? (2008-04-01)
Writing Specifications
- what RequirementsDocument are good for
- W3C Editors Home page has links to all the useful documents on this matter
- TestableOrNot analyses what makes an assertion testable, useful when trying to ensure a spec is testable
- NormativeButNotTestable puts light on the cost of using non testable requirements as normative requirements
- RfcKeywords tries to resolve what are the good ways of using RFC 2119 keywords in a spec
- when defining a specification, how to choose between MeaningVsBehavior ?
- what are the possible approaches to deal with ErrorHandling ?
- XmlBasedLanguagesCheckpoints asks a few questions to have in mind when designing an XML based language
- what's the issues that may arise when using FormalLanguageVsProse in writing a spec?
- TrackingIssues exposes the different methods used at W3C to track issues and gather requirements on improving them
- ExtensibilityGoodOrBad
- ImplementationReport
- Why NormativeReferences matter?
- What BackwardCompatibility means? Does it really exist?
(where to speak about uses cases, stories and scenarios? see Generating Complete, Unambiguous, and Verifiable Requirements from Stories, Scenarios, and Use Cases
Building a Test Suite
- TestSuiteArchitecture tries to identify the different parts of a test suite
- TestDevelopmentMethodologies tries to gather the different approaches possible when building a test suite, with pros and cons
- TestingErrorConditions (WriteMe)
- TestableOrNot
- TestCaseMetadata
- TestMaterialsQualities covers the expected qualities of test materials
- TestCoverageInformation
- TestBooks
Old Suggested Topics
- QaFrameworkNG a reviewed version of the W3C QA framework
- QaIg
- QaTools: QA/ValidatorStatistics
- WebFaq
- EducationAndOutreach
W3C Note which needs to be updated