The DPUB IG drafted a comprehensive and prioritized list of W3C specifications that are important for the Digital Publishing industry. See DPUB IG charter.
The goal here is to collect W3C specifications related to Digital Publishing. This common wiki is open to everyone for editing. If you are aware of W3C specifications that are relevant to DPUB, feel free to update this table as needed.
W3C Recommendations
The following specifications are stable and have received the endorsement of W3C Members.
W3C specifications - work in progress.
The following draft documents may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time.
Useful links
Author and Acknowledgments
- This document is published by the Digital Publishing Interest Group.
- Editor: Thierry MICHEL, (W3C).
- The editor wishes to especially acknowledge the following contributers: Gerardo Capiel (Benetech), Romain Deltour (DAISY), oji Ishii (Google, Inc.), Luc Audrain (Hachette Livre), Dave Cramer (Hachette Livre), Tom De Nies (iMinds), Mohamed ZERGAOUI (innovimax), Ivan Herman (W3C), Peter Krautzberger (W3C Invited Expert).