This page lists current implementations of ODRL, both made by commercial and research efforts.
ODRL 2.2
An implementation report was made in November 2017.
Other implementations:
- 2024. Gaia-X: Policy Decision Point (for demonstration purposes)
- 2024. Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM): the ODRE (Open Digital Rights Enforcement Framework) Framework (paper, web, code)
- 2024. Ghent University: ODRL Evaluator (presentation)
- 2024. Marketdata (web)
- 2017. International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC): evaluator in Javascript
- 2017. Univ. Politécnica de Madrid and Wright State University: ODRL Validator
ODRL 2.0/2.1
- Experimental API for ODRL and RightsML from IPTC
- Javascript for ODRL and RightsML from IPTC
- ODRLAPI – A Java API to manipulate ODRL2.0 RDF expressions
- Java library to parse and serialize ODRL v2.1 to and from JSON and XML
ODRL 1.1
- Ruby-odrl – library for creating and evaluating ODRL documents as a policy decision point
- OpenSDRM – digital object rights management solution based on open-source components and open standards
- OpenIPMP – Open source DRM project utlising numerous standards
- OMA DRM REL – See the list of Commercial providers of the ODRL Profile used in the Open Mobile Alliance DRM Rights Expression Language
- RightsPro – RightsPro enables you to create your own licensing agreements and send or receive payment immediately