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Community & Business Groups

Multi-technology positioning professionals Community Group

The MULTI-POS CG will provide use cases, requirements, and other information, to ensure that the state of the art research is recognized in the development of global standards. The MULTI-POS CG bridges the W3C community and the MULTI-POS Marie Curie Initial Training Network.

The MULTI-POS CG has the following goals: 1) Identify business and technology application scenarios based on the new positioning methods; 2) Specify the key technological, scientific, and industrial elements and their relationships in the new positioning ecosystem; and 3) Identify standardization opportunities.

The first concrete work item is a review of the current state of the art, providing a common framework of reference for future work.

What is the benefit (for you): Meet the professionals, get the big picture, have influence on use cases and requirements, get cited.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

MULTI-POS ITN finishing

(Posted on behalf of Ossi)

Deal all,

As the MULTI-POS ITN project is now about to finish, it is time to close this community group.

It turned out that the communications and the joint activities took effectively place outside this community group. Nevertheless, thank you for your participation.

Best regards,

Ossi Nykänen

Winter School in Ruka (Finland): Platforms, services and applications in localization

Dear Positioning Professionals,

It’s my great pleasure to invite you to take part in DELTA/MULTI-POS Winter School. The topic is Platforms, services and applications in localization. This event takes place in Ruka(Finland), from 10 to 12 of February, 2014. Please read below the abstract and some information about the event. For more information, check the pdf file attached.

The use of localization information in internet applications and in all fields of human life has increased drastically in recent years. In this course we will look at the principles of Location Based Services, usage of contextual information in internet applications, and particular aspects of localization in social media. We will also have an overview of localization in different societal sectors, and EU legislation on using position data of users. Device-free positioning concept will also be introduced.

The event is free of charge (pre-paid) for DELTA doctoral training network PhD students, MULTI-POS initial training network fellows and supervisors (or partner representatives) and for the lecturers. For others, a nominal fee of 300 euros (+24% VAT) applies and will be invoiced after the registration. The participation includes lectures, coffee breaks, and two dinners. It does NOT include travel, accommodation, lunches, or any other related cost items.

Looking forward to see you there.
Kind Regards.
Alejandro Rivero.


Getting started. Wiki is active now

Dear all,

MULTI-POS community group has started with the creation of the wiki. The wiki is our communication channel. The wiki is located on the left menu bar, clicking on wiki or visiting [1]. Firstly, you can add some of your publications or courses you have taught. Secondly, wiki is the place to share our ideas, discuss them, drafting, etc. Our team is multidisciplinary and these different approaches enrich our research.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask them in this page. Others might have the same question as well.

Note: This group is public, so all our posts are visible by other people out of the MULTI-POS Community Group. Therefore sensitive information should be managed accordingly.

Kind Regards,

Alejandro Rivero.



Dear all,

The MULTI-POS community group has now been established. Thank you all for your support and welcome to the group!

The related MULTI-POS Marie Curie ITN will organize its project kick-off event next week, 9-11 September 2013 [1,2]. The plan is that this community group starts getting organized the week after.

Look forward working with you all!

Best regards,

Ossi Nykänen
