Starting activity in Client and Server JavaScript APIs Community Group
Posted on:This community group wants to provide:
- a transversal work encouraging W3C API Working Groups to make their specifications:
- more easily applicable in workers and server-side contexts
- providing both Synchronous and Asynchronous APIs*
- a proposal to have a standard web worker like interface in Server-Side JavaScript contexts and maybe define the concept of remote workers
- evangelisation for having any JS implementation providing as most as possible W3C API (or at least standard ones) instead of proprietary APIs.
You can start to learn more about this group via those few resources:
- the community group wiki main page
- the slides and minutes of the “End-to-end W3C APIs” TPAC 2012 breakout session
More resources will come progressively. We are looking for representative members of most the W3C API (at least) specifications, as well as representative members of server-side (or even desktop) implementations of JavaScript.
* most server-side JavaScript implementations work synchronously, and synchronous code is non-blocking in Web Workers. Synchronous JavaScript code can then work either on the client and the server.