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Community & Business Groups

Geometry API Community Group

This group is closed - see also the W3C CSS Working Group Geometry API.

This group is to explore options and features around a native geometry API for operations on points, vectors, matrices, and so forth. Some features would include finding intersection points, centroids, shape area, and other common use cases, as well as specialized case for mapping.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

The Shape of Things to Come

I’m excited by all the interest in a general-purpose geometry API for the Web, and I look forward to working with this community group to define just what it should look like, what features we need, what the priorities are, and what the challenges will be.

If you are interested in helping define an API for vectors, points, matrixes, intersections, bounding boxes, and other geometric functions, join the Geometry API Community Group, contribute to the Geometry API CG wiki, and let’s make a specification that browser implementers are confident in and eager to support.

Once this CG has produced a specification report, we can fast-track it to a working group for standardization, either an existing group like SVG, or a new one dedicated just to this.