CSS WG Blog Minutes and Resolutions TPAC 2011-10-30 Su…

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Minutes and Resolutions TPAC 2011-10-30 Sunday Afternoon: UTR50, radial-gradient(), Exclusions and Shapes, Style Attr, Selectors 4, Paginated Layout on Screen

By fantasai December 2, 2011 (Permalink)
Categories: resolutions

Vertical Text Layout

John Daggett summarized what Unicode is doing with UTR 50, which will define the default orientation of each character in vertical text. Those interested are encouraged to review the draft and send Unicode comments: Unicode Technical Report #50


Exclusions and Shapes

Rossen presented the current Exclusions and Shapes draft. Two major concerns were raised:

Resolved: Publish FPWD of Exclusions

Minutes and Resolutions TPAC 2011-10-30 Sunday Afternoon II: Style Attr, Selectors 4, Paginated Layout on Screen

Style Attributes

Selectors 4

Daniel raised some concern that web designers are assuming everything in Selectors 4 will make it to CR, even though it’s a very early stage draft and we don’t know what will make it and what not. (The ability to select ancestors of elements is a particular area of concern since it is difficult to optimize for CSS selection in dynamic environments.)

Paginated Layouts (GCPM)

Håkon presented a demo of a new paginated layout feature in Opera: it uses the overflow properties to switch the UA into a paginated mode. The demo also included some new features for UI to link independent documents together into a single paged presentation.

Full Minutes Part I Full Minutes Part II

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Last updated 2011-12-02 01:50:17