Minutes and Resolutions Seattle F2F Monday AM: CSSOM, Regions, Floats/Exclusions
- Discussed scope of CSSOM spec wrt new features
- Discussed interaction of CSSOM with other modules
- Anne needs more implementer feedback on the draft
- WG needs more developer feedback on what’s needed
- Resolved: Publish update of CSSOM View module
CSS Regions
- Resolved: Copying Flow Content is not something we are looking at right now.
- Resolved: Change the grid to integrate with css regions through regular elements
- Resolved: Stick to content property and content: from-flow(flow-name>)
- Resolved: change flow to flow-smthing
- Resolved: rename content: from-flow to content: flow-from
- Discussed intrinsic sizing and auto sizing of regions
- Resolved: for this version we are limiting regions to be block containers; will add a note that this may be expanded in future levels
- Resolved: we need breaks that are specific to containers they are part of; still need a proposal for this
- Discussion if iframe behavior in spec and how it relates to HTML5 seamless
CSS Exclusions
- Discussion of the processing model, scope of exclusions’ effect, interaction
with z-index, shrink-to-fit, etc.
Full minutes
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