Minutes and Resolutions Seattle F2F Monday PM: Writing Modes, Gradients, Grid, Positioning
Writing Modes
- Resolved: Remove the concept of glyph-size tolerance from this level of the spec for
- Discussed scaling methods for tate-chu-yoko effects.
- Discussed name and legacy of
- Resolved: When the UA has knowledge of the output resolution, it’s allowed to substitute an average color for the repeating color when the device does not have the resolution to capture the gradient correctly.
- Resolved:Use premultiplied colors for gradients and transitions.
- Resolved:Split css3-images into level 3 and level 4 with level 3 containing the more stable things.
- Discussion of removing keywords from level 3 for more work: corner-to-corner
gradients need a change of definition to work right, and other keywords are
confusing to some people. No objections to deferring corner-to-corner gradients.
However, no consensus on removing horizontal/vertical keywords.
Grid Layout
Phil summarized changes since March F2F. Brief discussion on ‘fr’ unit and relation to flex() and flexbox.
CSS Positioning
- Arron and Rossen presented draft for CSS3 Positioning, which is mainly old stuff.
- Proposed ‘position: page’, but some problems with its model were noted.
- Resolved: put CSS3 Positioning draft on dev.w3.org
Conditional Rules
- Resolved: Mark URL matching as an issue, publish FPWD of CSS Conditional Rules Level 3.
Full minutes
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