ISSUE-705: Harmonize the list of mappings for MSAA, UIA, IA2, and possibly other platforms.

Harmonize mappings across MSAA, UIA, IA2 (and other platfroms?)

Harmonize the list of mappings for MSAA, UIA, IA2, and possibly other platforms.

ARIA 1.1 Core Mapping Specification
Raised by:
Joseph Scheuhammer
Opened on:
Email from Rich:

Joseph, Steve, Cynthia, Alex,

Dominic is trying to add some support for UIA to support Narrator in Chrome. He is having to deal with inconsistencies in working with MSAA+UIA and MSAA+IA2.

For example, in _, <article> maps to ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING for UIA, but ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT for IA2. Those are incompatible, it means the application can't be compliant with both UIA and IA2 at the same time.
Let's see if we can get some homogeneity on this like we are doing with <div> and <section> and help Dominic out.

Joseph, Would you please raise this issue for the Accessibility API mapping work. We should go through the entire list of mappings for MSAA and try to harmonize like we are doing with <div> and <section> and help Dominic out.


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Closed as overtaken by events.

Joseph Scheuhammer, 6 Dec 2016, 20:40:52

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