ACTION-620: Provide an example of a link and the other show hide using aria-describedby
Provide an example of a link and the other show hide using aria-describedby
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Matthew King
- Due on:
- February 13, 2012
- Created on:
- March 8, 2010
- Associated Product:
- ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices
- Related emails:
- minutes: April 9, 2012 WAI PF ARIA Caucus (from on 2012-04-09)
- Minutes Re: Agenda: April 2, 2012 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus (from on 2012-04-02)
- Minutes: Mar 19 2012 ARIA PF Caucus teleconference (from on 2012-03-19)
- action 620: first part of proposed text for APG (from on 2012-03-19)
- Minutes: Feb 06 2012 ARIA PF Caucus teleconference. (from on 2012-02-06)
- minutes: January 16, 2012 WAI PF ARIA Caucus (from on 2012-01-16)
- Minutes of PF ARIA 26-Sep-2011 (from on 2011-09-26)
- Minutes for ARIA call - Monday 29 Aug 2011 (from on 2011-08-29)
- Fw: Minutes WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 25 July 2011 (from on 2011-07-25)
- Minutes WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 25 July 2011 (from on 2011-07-25)
- minutes: ARIA Caucus Call 2011-03-28 [draft] (from on 2011-03-28)
- minutes: ARIA Caucus Weekly Call 2011-03-07 [draft] (from on 2011-03-07)
- ACTION-620: Hide/Show link using ARIA-DESCRIBEDBY (from on 2011-02-28)
- MINUTES: 28 February 2011 WAI PF Caucus (from on 2011-02-28)
- MINUTES: 8 march 2010 ARIA Sub Group teleconference (from on 2010-03-08)
Related notes:
- Create a show/hide design pattern that references Jon's two examples:
- Make use of role="button" on show hide
- Close should be a button
- State that focus should move to the revealed content.
- State that when you close a revealed section focus should move back to the button.
Note: if you are using a role of button it should be styled accordingly.
Richard Schwerdtfeger, 7 Mar 2011, 16:19:10Work with Jon Gunderson to address dessign patterns for OAA examples, 19, 20, and 21.
Richard Schwerdtfeger, 4 Apr 2011, 14:49:21Also add aria-describedby relationships to both examples.
Richard Schwerdtfeger, 16 Jan 2012, 15:33:46[MichaelC]: address use of aria-expanded on document role as well
2 Apr 2012, 14:20:52[MichaelC]: add to APG info about why aria-expanded is on link; that button and link are often quite similar; and that an "expanded" link is like a HTML 5 expanded summary / details section
9 Apr 2012, 15:27:31Covered by disclosure patterns
James Nurthen, 11 Apr 2018, 16:47:43Display change log.