ACTION-1568: Determine if and how and when to indicate new API (e.g. roles)

Determine if and how and when to indicate new API (e.g. roles)

Joanmarie Diggs
Due on:
March 19, 2015
Created on:
January 22, 2015
Associated Issue:
Related emails:
  1. PFWG-ACTION-1568: Determine if and how and when to indicate new API (e.g. roles) (from on 2015-01-22)

Related notes:

James mentioned a couple of meetings ago that we should indicate that new roles (e.g. searchbox) should be marked with the version [ARIA 1.1].

This week, the group questioned whether or not we want to do this (some think so, including me). The format/string of the notification, etc.

Also what else they should be applied to (new roles only, or also significantly modified ones like region).

Also, what about new attributes (like when we add aria-rowindex)?

Joanmarie Diggs, 22 Jan 2015, 18:47:15

Joseph just suggested a tag or a class.

Joanmarie Diggs, 22 Jan 2015, 18:48:44

Asked on the PF Editors list (which tracker failed to pick up):

Joanmarie Diggs, 22 Jan 2015, 21:52:02


Richard Schwerdtfeger, 23 Jul 2015, 17:48:46

Display change log.

James Nurthen <>, Valerie Young <>, Chairs, Daniel Montalvo <>, Staff Contact
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