Timed Text Markup Language 2 (TTML2)

W3C Working Draft 6 January 2017

This version:
Latest editor's draft:
Latest version:
Latest recommendation:
Previous version:
Glenn Adams, Skynav
Contributing Authors:
Mike Dolan, Invited Expert
Sean Hayes, Microsoft
Frans de Jong, European Broadcasting Union
Dae Kim, Netflix
Pierre-Anthony Lemieux, MovieLabs
Nigel Megitt, British Broadcasting Corporation
Dave Singer, Apple Computer
Jerry Smith, Microsoft
Andreas Tai, Invited Expert


This document specifies the Timed Text Markup Language (TTML), Version 2, also known as TTML2, in terms of a vocabulary and semantics thereof.

The Timed Text Markup Language is a content type that represents timed text media for the purpose of interchange among authoring systems. Timed text is textual information that is intrinsically or extrinsically associated with timing information.

It is intended to be used for the purpose of transcoding or exchanging timed text information among legacy distribution content formats presently in use for subtitling and captioning functions.

In addition to being used for interchange among legacy distribution content formats, TTML Content may be used directly as a distribution format, for example, providing a standard content format to reference from a <track> element in an HTML5 document, or a <text> or <textstream> media element in a [SMIL 3.0] document.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at https://www.w3.org/TR/.

This is a Working Draft of the Timed Text Markup Language 2 (TTML2), and is intended to be progressed to a W3C Recommendation. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to public-tt@w3.org (subscribe, archives) with a subject line starting with [TTML2]. A cumulative summary of all changes applied to this version since the current (TTML1, 2nd Edition) Recommendation was published is available at Changes from TTML1 (2nd Ed.) to TTML2 Working Draft (Latest Revision).

This document has been produced by the Timed Text (TT) Working Group as part of the W3C Video in the Web Activity, following the procedures set out for the W3C Process. The authors of this document are listed in the header of this document.

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

This document is governed by the 1 September 2015 W3C Process Document.

1 Introduction

Unless specified otherwise, this section and its sub-sections are non-normative.

The Timed Text Markup Language (TTML), Version 2, also referred to as TTML2, provides a standardized representation of a particular subset of textual information with which stylistic, layout, and timing semantics are associated by an author or an authoring system for the purpose of interchange and processing.

TTML is expressly designed to meet only a limited set of requirements established by [TTAF1-REQ], and summarized in M Requirements. In particular, only those requirements which service the need of performing interchange with existing, legacy distribution systems are satisfied.

In addition to being used for interchange among legacy distribution content formats, TTML Content may be used directly as a distribution format, providing, for example, a standard content format to reference from a <track> element in an HTML5 document, or a <text> or <textstream> media element in a [SMIL 3.0] document. Certain properties of TTML support streamability of content, as described in P Streaming TTML Content.


While TTML is not expressly designed for direct (embedded) integration into an HTML or a SMIL document instance, such integration is not precluded.


In some contexts of use, it may be appropriate to employ animated content to depict sign language representations of the same content as expressed by a Timed Text document instance. This use case is not explicitly addressed by TTML mechanisms, but may be addressed by some external multimedia integration technology, such as SMIL.


In previous drafts of this specification, TTML was referred to as DFXP (Distribution Format Exchange Profile). This latter term is retained for historical reasons in certain contexts, such as profile names and designators, and the short name ttaf1-dfxp used in URLs to refer to this specification.

1.1 System Model

Use of TTML is intended to function in a wider context of Timed Text Authoring, Transcoding, Distribution and Presentation mechanisms that are based upon the system model depicted in Figure 1 – System Model, wherein the Timed Text Markup Language serves as a bidirectional interchange format among a heterogeneous collection of authoring systems, and as a unidirectional interchange format to a heterogeneous collection of distribution formats after undergoing transcoding or compilation to the target distribution formats as required, and where one particular distribution format is a TTML Content Document.

Two classes of processor are described. Authoring systems and validation processors are examples of Transformation Processors; transcoding systems and rendering processors are examples of Presentation Processors. A TTML Profile Document can be associated with a TTML Content Document or a processor, to allow each to express those features that are available, prohibited or required. Collectively this allows the constraints of the chain from authoring to presentation to be expressed in a formal language.

Processors can implement the defined mapping to TTML Intermediate Documents. The system model depicts one such rendering processor that further maps those documents into HTML and CSS fragments that could be inserted into an HTML5 document for display by a user agent.

Figure 1 – System Model
System Model

1.2 Document Example

A TTML document instance consists of a tt document element that contains a header and a body, where the header specifies document level metadata, styling definitions and layout definitions, and the body specifies text content intermixed with references to style and layout information and inline styling and timing information.

Example Fragment – TTML Document Structure
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml">

Document level metadata may specify a document title, description, and copyright information. In addition, arbitrary metadata drawn from other namespaces may be specified.

Example Fragment – TTML Metadata
<metadata xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#metadata">
  <ttm:title>Timed Text TTML Example</ttm:title>
  <ttm:copyright>The Authors (c) 2006</ttm:copyright>

Styling information may be specified in the form of style specification definitions that are referenced by layout and content information, specified inline with content information, or both.

In Example Fragment – TTML Styling, four style sets of specifications are defined, with one set serving as a collection of default styles.

Example Fragment – TTML Styling
<styling xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling">
  <!-- s1 specifies default color, font, and text alignment -->
  <style xml:id="s1"
  <!-- alternative using yellow text but otherwise the same as style s1 -->
  <style xml:id="s2" style="s1" tts:color="yellow"/>
  <!-- a style based on s1 but justified to the right -->
  <style xml:id="s1Right" style="s1" tts:textAlign="end" />     
  <!-- a style based on s2 but justified to the left -->
  <style xml:id="s2Left" style="s2" tts:textAlign="start" />

Layout information defines one or more regions into which content is intended to be presented. A region definition may reference one or more sets of style specifications in order to permit content flowed in the region to inherit from these styles. In Example Fragment – TTML Layout, the region definition makes reference to style specification s1 augmented by specific inline styles which, together, allow content flowed into the region to inherit from the region's styles (in the case that a style is not already explicitly specified on content or inherited via the content hierarchy.)

Example Fragment – TTML Layout
<layout xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling">
  <region xml:id="subtitleArea"
    tts:extent="560px 62px"
    tts:padding="5px 3px"

The content of a document instance is expressed in its body, which is organized in terms of block and inline text elements. The hierarchical organization of content elements serves a primary role in determining both spatial and temporal relationships. For example, in Example Fragment – TTML Body, each paragraph (p element) is flowed into its target region in the specified lexical order; furthermore, the active time interval of each paragraph is timed in accordance to its parent or sibling according to the applicable time containment semantics — in this case, the division parent is interpreted (by default) as a parallel time container.

Example Fragment – TTML Body
<body region="subtitleArea">
    <p xml:id="subtitle1" begin="0.76s" end="3.45s">
      It seems a paradox, does it not,
    <p xml:id="subtitle2" begin="5.0s" end="10.0s">
      that the image formed on<br/>
      the Retina should be inverted?
    <p xml:id="subtitle3" begin="10.0s" end="16.0s" style="s2">
      It is puzzling, why is it<br/>
      we do not see things upside-down?
    <p xml:id="subtitle4" begin="17.2s" end="23.0s">
      You have never heard the Theory,<br/>
      then, that the Brain also is inverted?
    <p xml:id="subtitle5" begin="23.0s" end="27.0s" style="s2">
      No indeed! What a beautiful fact!
    <p xml:id="subtitle6a" begin="28.0s" end="34.6s" style="s2Left">
      But how is it proved?
    <p xml:id="subtitle6b" begin="28.0s" end="34.6s" style="s1Right">
      Thus: what we call
    <p xml:id="subtitle7" begin="34.6s" end="45.0s" style="s1Right">
      the vertex of the Brain<br/>
      is really its base
    <p xml:id="subtitle8" begin="45.0s" end="52.0s" style="s1Right">
      and what we call its base<br/>
      is really its vertex,
    <p xml:id="subtitle9a" begin="53.5s" end="58.7s">
      it is simply a question of nomenclature.
    <p xml:id="subtitle9b" begin="53.5s" end="58.7s" style="s2">
      How truly delightful!

The first subtitle Subtitle 1 – Time Interval [0.76, 3.45) is presented during the time interval 0.76 to 3.45 seconds. This subtitle inherits its font family, font size, foreground color, and text alignment from the region into which it is presented. Since no region is explicitly specified on the paragraph, the nearest ancestor that specifies a region determines the targeted region. Note also that content is presented at the bottom (after edge) of the containing region due to the tts:displayAlign="after" being specified on the region definition.


The notation "[X,Y]" denotes a closed interval from X to Y, including X and Y; "[X,Y)" denotes a right half-open interval from X to Y, including X but not including Y; "(X,Y]" denotes a left half-open interval from X to Y, not including X but including Y; "(X,Y)" denotes an open interval from X to Y, not including X or Y.


In this example, the p element is used as a presentational element rather than as a semantic element, i.e., as a linguistic paragraph. It is up to an author to determine which TTML elements are used to convey the intended meaning. For instance, this example could be written to use timing on span elements in order to preserve the integrity of semantic paragraphs.

Subtitle 1 – Time Interval [0.76, 3.45)
Subtitle 1

The second subtitle continues with the default style, except that it contains two lines of text with an intervening author-specified line break. Note the effects of the use of tts:textAlign="center" to specify the paragraph's alignment in the inline progression direction.

Subtitle 2 – Time Interval [5.0, 10.0)
Subtitle 2

The third subtitle continues, using a variant style which overrides the default style's foreground color with a different color.

Subtitle 3 – Time Interval [10.0, 16.0)
Subtitle 3

The fourth subtitle reverts to the default style.

Subtitle 4 – Time Interval [17.2, 23.0)
Subtitle 4

The fifth subtitle continues, again using a variant style which overrides the default style's foreground color with a different color.

Subtitle 5 – Time Interval [23.0, 27.0)
Subtitle 5

During the next active time interval, two distinct subtitles are simultaneously active, with the paragraphs expressing each subtitle using different styles that override color and paragraph text alignment of the default style. Note that the flow order is determined by the lexical order of elements as they appear in the content hierarchy.

Subtitles 6a and 6b – Time Interval [28.0, 34.6)
Subtitles 6a and 6b

The next subtitle is specified in a similar manner using a style override to give the paragraph right (end) justification in the inline progression direction.

Subtitle 7 – Time Interval [34.6, 45.0)
Subtitles 7a and 7b

The eighth subtitle uses the same style override as the previous subtitle in order to maintain the right (end) justification of the paragraph.

Subtitle 8 – Time Interval [47.3, 49.0)
Subtitle 8

During the final (ninth) active time interval, two distinct subtitles are again simultaneously active, but with a different style applied to the second paragraph to override the default color. Note that the flow order is determined by the lexical order of elements as they appear in the content hierarchy.

Subtitles 9a and 9b – Time Interval [53.5, 58.7)
Subtitles 9a and 9b

The examples shown above demonstrate the primary types of information that may be authored using TTML: metadata, styling, layout, timing, and content. In typical cases, styling and layout information are separately specified in a document instance. Content information is expressed in a hierarchical fashion that embodies the organization of both spatial (flow) and timing information. Content makes direct or indirect references to styling and layout information and may specify inline overrides to styling.

2 Definitions

2.1 Acronyms


Block Progression Dimension


Distribution Format Exchange Profile


Inline Progression Dimension


Intermediate Synchronic Document


Timed Text


Timed Text Markup Language


Timed Text Authoring Format


Timed Text Working Group

2.2 Terminology

[absolute dimension]

A scalar value that denotes a length on either the horizontal axis or the vertical axis.

[abstract document instance]

An instance of an abstract data set as represented by a reduced xml infoset.

[abstract document type]

A set of constraints that defines a class of XML Information Sets [XML InfoSet].

[anonymous profile]

See undesignated profile.

[attribute information item]

Each specified or defaulted attribute of an XML document corresponds with an attribute information item as defined by [XML InfoSet], §2.3.

[audio defining context]

The context in which an audio element is specified to serve as a sharable definition to be referenced by another audio element in an audio presentation context.

[audio presentation context]

The context in which an audio element is specified for the purpose of being presented (rendered). Such an audio element may specify the audio data inline by using a data element within a source element child, or it may reference another audio element specified in a audio defining context, or it may do both.

[audio resource]

A data resource that contains coded or unencoded audio samples.

[authoring viewport]

A viewport employed at authoring (content encoding) time.

[background painting rectangle]

A rectangle in the document coordinate space with respect to which a background presentation artifact, e.g., color or image, is (possibly) clipped and painted; more specifically, one of three rectangles: the border rectangle, the padding rectangle, or the content rectangle of an area generated by an element associated with a background. The computed value of the style property specified by the tts:backgroundClip attribute determines which rectangle applies.

[background positioning rectangle]

A rectangle in the document coordinate space with respect to which a background presentation artifact, e.g., color or image, is positioned or sized; more specifically, one of three rectangles: the border rectangle, the padding rectangle, or the content rectangle of an area generated by an element associated with a background. The computed value of the style property specified by the tts:backgroundOrigin attribute determines which rectangle applies.

[baseline profile]

A profile referenced by the use attribute of a ttp:profile element, which serves as a baseline (initial) set of specifications with which to populate the referencing profile.

[block display]

Block display is a set of layout semantics that may be applied to a content element in certain contexts, wherein child areas are composed sequentially in the block progression direction. In [CSS2], block display is indicated when a CSS display property with the value block is applied to a content element during presentation processing. In [XSL 1.1], a block display occurs when composing a fo:block element.

[block progression dimension]

A relative dimension on the block progression axis, i.e., in the positive block progression direction, abbreviated as bpd.

[block progression direction]

The direction taken by the progression of block areas in some formatting context. In the context of horizontal writing modes, the block progression direction is typically top-to-bottom; whereas, in the context of vertical writing modes, it is typically right-to-left or left-to-right.

[character information item]

Each data character appearing in an XML document corresponds with a character information item as defined by [XML InfoSet], §2.6.

[chunked data embedding]

A data element that directly embeds a representation of the actual bytes of an embedded data resource by making use of a child chunk element.

[computed cell size]

The size (extent) of a cell computed by dividing the width of the root container region by the column count, i.e., the number of cells in the horizontal axis, and by dividing the height of the root container region by the row count, i.e., the number of cells in the vertical axis, where the column and row counts are determined by the ttp:cellResolution parameter attribute.

[content element]

Any of the element types defined by the Content Module.

[conditionalized element]

Any element of a type defined in or for use by this specification that permits the specification of a condition attribute the evaluation of which determines whether the defined semantics of the element apply or are ignored. In the absence of such attribute, the semantics of the element always apply.

[content image]

An image resource that contains semantically significant content, e.g., a raster image representing the rendering of a caption.

[content processor]

A processing system capable of importing (receiving) Timed Text Markup Language content for the purpose of transforming, presenting, or otherwise processing the content.

[content profile]

A collection of features and extensions that must not, must, or may be employed by Timed Text Markup Language content.

[content region]

A logical region into which rendered content is placed when modeling or performing presentation processing.

Editorial note: Content Region vs Region2014-12-10
Clean up terminology regarding content region vs region, which difference is vague at best.

[data binding context]

The context in which an data element is specified for the purpose of semantic binding (association). Such a data element may specify the data inline by using a data element within a source element child, or it may reference another data element specified in a data defining context, or it may do both. No presentation (rendering) semantics are implied by the mere presence of a data element in this (or any) context.

[data binding context for metadata]

A data element the parent of which is a metadata element.

[data binding context for source]

A data element the parent of which is a source element.

[data defining context]

The context in which an data element is specified to serve as a sharable definition to be referenced by another data element in an data binding context, namely, a data element the parent of which is a resources element.

[data element]

Any of the element types defined by the Data Module.

[data resource]

An arbitrary data resource represented or referenced using a data element. For example, a data resource may be used to embed or refer to an audio clip, a font, an image, or arbitrary application data in a timed text content document instance.

[default processor profile]

A default processor profile used to compute an effective processor profile in the absence of a declared or inferred processor profile, where this default processor profile is determined by the construct default processor profile procedure.

[default profile]

To Be Defined

[default region]

A default out-of-line region that is implied in the absence of an explicitly specified out-of-line region element, i.e., when no region element is specified as a child of a layout element.

[designated profile]

A profile that is associated with a profile designator by means of a designator attribute or prose text in a specification of profile.

[display aspect ratio]

The ratio between the horizontal dimension and vertical dimension of a displayed image, video frame, viewport or region, display device, etc. Equal to the product of storage aspect ratio and pixel aspect ratio.

[display region target]

A viewport targeted to a rectangular region of a display device, i.e., not in full-screen mode.

[display target]

A viewport targeted to a display device as a whole, i.e., in full-screen mode.

[document coordinate space]

A logical coordinate space which determines the aspect ratio and resolution of the root container region used to format and present a document instance, more about which see H Root Container Region Semantics.

[document instance]

A timed text document instance.

[document interchange context]

The implied context or environment external to a content processor in which document interchange occurs, and in which out-of-band protocols or specifications may define certain behavioral defaults, such as an implied profile.

[document processing context]

The implied context or environment internal to a content processor in which document processing occurs, and in which out-of-band protocols or specifications may define certain behavioral defaults, such as the establishment or creation of a synthetic document syncbase.

[dot pitch]

Depending upon display device technology, the distance between holes in the shadow mask, the distance between wires in the aperture grill, the distance between sub-pixels of the same color, etc.

[effective content profile]

The content profile computed from the set of all content profiles explicitly or implicitly referenced by or assigned to a TTML document instance after applying any explicit or implicit profile and profile specification combination methods. When performing validation on a given document instance, then this validation is performed by making use of a document's effective content profile.

[effective processor profile]

The processor profile computed from the set of all processor profiles explicitly or implicitly referenced by or assigned to a TTML document instance after applying any explicit or implicit profile and profile specification combination methods. When determining if a content processor can or cannot process a given document instance, then this determination is performed by making use of a document's effective processor profile.

[element information item]

Each element appearing in an XML document corresponds with an element information item as defined by [XML InfoSet], §2.2.

[embedded content element]

Any of the element types defined by the Audio Module, Data Module, Font Module, or Image Module.

[embedded content resource]

An audio resource, data resource, font resource, or image resource.

[embedded data resource]

A data resource embedded in a timed text content document instance, represented by means of a data element, whether or not that data element represents the actual bytes of the data resource or refers to an external data resource

[enclosing document instance]

The document instance that encloses or otherwise contains an enclosed feature or component.

[exchange profile]

A profile of content that serves a set of needs for content interchange.


A syntactic or semantic expression or capability that is defined and labeled (using a extension designation) in another (public or private) specification.

[extension specification]

A specification of a constraint or requirement that relates to an extension, typically expressed by an ttp:extension element.

[external data resource]

A data resource external to a timed text content document instance, referenced by means of a source element or a src attribute of a source element or embedded content element.

[external source]

Either (1) a source element or a src attribute that refers to an external data resource or (2) the referenced external data resource.


A syntactic or semantic expression or capability that is defined and labeled (using a feature designation) in this specification (or a past or future revision of this specification).

[feature specification]

A specification of a constraint or requirement that relates to an feature, typically expressed by an ttp:feature element.

[forced subtitle]

A subtitle (or caption) that is intended to always be displayed even if subtitles (captions) are not enabled. Forced subtitles (captions) are used to prevent open captioning of, i.e., burning in, subtitles (captions) related to foreign or alien language or translation of text that appears in media, such as in a sign.

[font defining context]

The context in which a font element is specified to serve as a sharable definition to be referenced indirectly by a font selection process.

[font selection process]

An internal process used by a presentation processor which purpose is to select a set of author defined fonts and platform fonts for use during layout and presentation processing, where input parameters to this process include the computed values of font related properties, the capabilities of individual fonts, and the text content being presented.

[font resource]

A data resource that contains font information, such as character to glyph mapping data, glyph outlines or images, glyph metrics, and other data used in the character to glyph mapping and rendering process.


An absolute dimension on the vertical axis.

[fragment identifier]

A syntactic expression that adheres to the fragment identifer syntax defined by [URI], Section 4.1.

[image defining context]

The context in which an image element is specified to serve as a sharable definition to be referenced by another image element in an image presentation context.

[image presentation context]

The context in which an image element is specified for the purpose of being presented (rendered). Such an image element may specify the image data inline by using a data element within a source element child, or it may reference another image element specified in a image defining context, or it may do both.

[image resource]

A data resource that contains a raster image.

[implied inline region]

An anonymous (unidentified) inline region that is implied in the context of a block level content element due the presence of a tts:extent or tts:origin style attribute on the content element.

[inferred processor profile]

To Be Defined

[inline animation]

An animate or set element that is defined inline as an immediate child of a content element or region element associated with the animation. There is a one-to-one relation between an inline animation element and its parent content element or region element.

[inline block display]

Inline block display is a set of layout semantics that may be applied to a content element in certain contexts, wherein a generated block area is treated as an an atomic area to be composed in an inline layout context, i.e., the block area is treated as if it were itself an inline area when considered externally, but as a block area which considered internally. In [CSS2], inline block display is indicated when a CSS display property with the value inline-block is applied to a content element during presentation processing. In [XSL 1.1], an inline block display occurs when block content appears in an inline content context, e.g., when a fo:block appears as a child of fo:inline.

[inline display]

Inline display is a set of layout semantics that may be applied to a content element in certain contexts, wherein child areas are composed sequentially in the inline progression direction. In [CSS2], inline display is indicated when a CSS display property with the value inline is applied to a content element during presentation processing. In [XSL 1.1], an inline display occurs when composing a fo:inline element.

[inline progression dimension]

A relative dimension on the inline progression axis, i.e., in the positive inline progression direction, abbreviated as ipd.

[inline progression direction]

The direction taken by the progression of inline areas in some formatting context. In the context of horizontal writing modes, the inline progression direction is typically left-to-right or right-to-left; whereas, in the context of vertical writing modes, it is typically top-to-bottom.

[inline region]

A region that is defined in an inline manner with respect to some content element to be selected into (targeted to) the region. An inline region is specified either explicitly by a region element child of a content element or implicitly by specifying a tts:extent or tts:origin style attribute on a content element. There is a one-to-one relation between an inline region element and its parent content element. An inline region is assigned its parent element's time interval as its active time interval. No region attribute makes reference to an inline region.

[intermediate synchronic document]

A timed text intermediate document or a timed text intermediate document instance, according to the context of use, where the root (document) element is an isd:isd element, and which represents a non-overlapping temporal interval that intersects with the content, styling, layout, and timing of a source timed text content document.

[intermediate synchronic document sequence]

A timed text intermediate document or a timed text intermediate document instance, according to the context of use, where the root (document) element is an isd:sequence element, and which represents a sequence of intermediate synchronic document instances that effectively represent the content, styling, layout, and timing of a source timed text content document.

[intermediate document syntax]

A formalism for use in the concrete representation of an intermediate synchronic document sequence or an intermediate synchronic document.

[intrinsic block content extent]

The extent, i.e., width and height, of a sequence of block level content determined by formatting the content to an unbounded block container area, and determining the width and height of the resulting, formatted block container.

[intrinsic image extent]

The extent, i.e., width and height of an image determined from information internal to the image itself, e.g., the width and height of the image's pixel array.

[intrinsic inline content extent]

The extent, i.e., width and height, of a sequence of inline level content determined by formatting the content to an unbounded inline container area, and determining the width and height of the resulting, formatted inline container.

[higher level protocol]

A protocol or process of the document processing context that is outside the scope of this specification.

[horizontal axis]

An axis parallel to the plane of the horizon.

[nested profile]

A constituent profile of a nesting profile, i.e., one of the descendant ttp:profile element(s) of a higher level (ancestor) ttp:profile element. A given ttp:profile may serve as both a nested profile and a nesting profile.

[nesting profile]

A profile defined by making reference to one or more child ttp:profile element(s), wherein a profile combination method determines how profile specifications from the multiple child ttp:profile element(s) are combined.

[nested embedded source]

A source element that specifies a child data element which embeds the actual bytes of the embedded data resource, whether by simple data embedding or chunked data embedding.

[non-content image]

An image resource that does not contain semantically significant content, e.g., a raster image representing a background design, which, if not presented, would not affect the presentation of semntically significant content.

[non-nested embedded source]

A source element that specifies a child data element which does not embed a representation of the actual bytes of the embedded data resource.

[non-nesting profile]

A profile defined without making reference to one or more child ttp:profile element(s); that is, by including only child ttp:features and ttp:extensions element(s).

[out-of-line animation]

An animate or set element that is defined out-of-line from the content element or region element associated with the animation. An out-of-line animation appears as a child of an animation element in the header (head element) of a document instance, and specifies an xml:id attribute which value is referenced by an animate attribute on the associated element to be animated. There is a one-to-many relation between a referenced out-of-line animation element and referencing content elements and region elements.

[out-of-line region]

A region element that is defined out-of-line from a content element associated with (to be selected into) the region. An out-of-line region appears as a child of a layout element in the header (head element) of a document instance, and specifies an xml:id attribute which value is referenced by a region attribute on the associated element to be selected into the region. There is a one-to-many relation between a referenced out-of-line region element and referencing content elements. A default out-of-line region is implied if no out-of-line region is specified explicitly.

[pixel aspect ratio]

The ratio between the horizontal dimension and vertical dimension of a displayed pixel. Note that the dimensions of a display pixel may or may not correspond to the dot pitch of the display device on which it is rendered.

[presentation context coordinate space]

Editorial note: Presentation Context Coordinate Space Definition2015-01-05
Either define or express in terms of (some) viewport.

[presentation processor]

A content processor which purpose is to layout, format, and render, i.e., to present, Timed Text Markup Language content by applying the presentation semantics defined in this specification.

[presentation viewport]

A viewport employed at presentation (content decoding) time.

Note well that the characteristics of a presentation viewport may or may not match the characteristics of the authoring viewport used when content was authored (encoded). In particular, the storage aspect ratio and (or) the pixel aspect ratio of the former may differ from that of the latter.


See content processor.

[processor profile]

A collection of features and extensions that must or may be implemented (supported) by a content processor.


A content profile or processor profile.

[profile definition document]

A timed text profile document or a timed text profile document instance, according to the context of use.

[profile designator]

An absolute URI used to label or reference an externally defined profile, where external refers to being external to a document instance.

[profile fragment identifier]

A fragment identifier used to label or reference an internally defined profile, where internal refers to being internal to a document instance.

[profile specification]

A feature specification or an extension specification or the internal state representation thereof.

[reduced xml infoset]

An XML Information Set [XML InfoSet] that satisfies the constraints specify by B Reduced XML Infoset.


A logical construct that models authorial intention regarding desired or potential presentation processing, and which is represented as a rectangular area of a presentation surface into which content is composed and rendered during presentation processing.

[related media object]

A (possibly null) media object associated with or otherwise related to a document instance. For example, an aggregate audio/video media object for which a document instance provides caption or subtitle information, and with which that document instance is associated.

[related media object region]

When a non-null related media object exists, the region of this media object, expressed in the coordinate system that applies to the document instance that is associated with the related media object.

Editorial note: Update Definition of Related Media Object Region2014-12-02
Untangle definition from use of document coordinate space.

[related media object region target]

A viewport targeted to a related media object region.

[relative dimension]

A scalar value that denotes a length on either the inline or block progression axis in accordance with the applicable writing mode.

[root container region]

A logical region that establishes a coordinate system into which content regions are placed and optionally clipped, about which see also H Root Container Region Semantics.

[root temporal extent]

The temporal extent (interval) defined by the temporal beginning and ending of a document instance in relationship with some external application or presentation context.

[simple data embedding]

A data element the directly embeds a representation of the actual bytes of an embedded data resource without making use of a child chunk element.

[smpte time code]

A time code whose format and semantics are established by [SMPTE 12M], which may be embedded into or otherwise associated with media content, such as a broadcast audio/video stream.

[sourced data embedding]

A data element that indirectly references the content of an embedded data resource by making use of a child source element.

[storage aspect ratio]

The ratio between the number of horizontal samples and the number of vertical samples of a two-dimensional representation of an image, a video frame, a viewport or region, etc.

[synthetic document syncbase]

A document level syncbase [SMIL 3.0], § 5.7.1, synthesized or otherwise established by the document processing context in accordance with the related media object or other processing criteria.

[synthetic smpte document syncbase]

A synthetic document syncbase constructed from smpte time code values embedded in or associated with the related media object or otherwise determined by the document processing context.

[temporally active]

A syntactic or semantic feature, e.g., an element or the presentation of an element, is temporally active when the current time of selected time base intersects with the active time interval of the feature.

[temporally active region]

A region that is temporally active.

[text orientation]

A characterization of the orientation of a glyph area in terms of degrees of rotation, where 0° designates an upright orientation, 90°, i.e, 90 degrees clockwise, designates a sidewaysRight orientation, and 270°, i.e, 90 degrees counter-clockwise, designates a sidewaysLeft orientation, about which see also 10.2.46 tts:textOrientation.

[timed text]

Textual information that is intrinsically or extrinsically associated with timing information.

[timed text authoring system]

A content authoring system capable of importing and exporting Timed Text Markup Language content.

[timed text content document]

An abstract document that is purported or confirmed to be a valid abstract document instance of the TTML Content Document Type.

[timed text content document instance]

A concrete realization of a timed text content document, about which see also A Concrete Encoding.

[timed text document instance]

A concrete realization of a timed text markup language document, where the concrete form is specific to the context of reference. Also referred to as a TTML document instance or simply document instance.

[timed text intermediate document]

An abstract document that is purported or confirmed to be a valid abstract document instance of the TTML Intermediate Document Type.

[timed text intermediate document instance]

A concrete realization of a timed text intermediate document, about which see A Concrete Encoding.

[timed text markup language]

A content type that represents timed text content, intermediate representations of this content, or profiles of this content or content processors.

[timed text markup language document]

An abstract document that is purported or confirmed to be a valid abstract document instance.

[timed text profile document]

An abstract document that is purported or confirmed to be a valid abstract document instance of the TTML Profile Document Type.

[timed text profile document instance]

A concrete realization of a timed text profile document, about which see A Concrete Encoding.

[top-level profile]

A profile defined by a ttp:profile element that appears as a child of the head element.

[transformation processor]

A content processor which purpose is to transform or otherwise rewrite Timed Text Markup Language content to either Timed Text Markup Language or to another (arbitrary) content format. An example of the first is a processor that removes or rewrites TTML features so as to conform to a profile of TTML. An example of the latter is a processor that translates TTML into a completely different timed text format. Because this specification does not otherwise define a target profile or format for transformation processing, no further transformation semantics are defined by this specification.

[undesignated profile]

A profile that is not associated with a profile designator, and which is referred to implicitly in the context of the profile's definition. Also referred to as an anonymous profile.

[valid abstract document instance]

An abstract document instance which has been assessed for validity and found to be valid as defined by 4 Document Types.

[validating content processor]

To Be Defined

[vertical axis]

An axis perpendicular to the plane of the horizon.


A logical, rectangular area with respect to which content is encoded or decoded for the purpose of presentation, where such area may be employed by or for the authoring or presentation of a related media object or the root container region and its constituent regions.

[viewport target]

An implied or explicit target or mapping of a viewport to some logical or physical entity, of which this specification identifies three such targets: display target, display region target, and related media object region target.


An absolute dimension on the horizontal axis.

[writing mode]

An enumeration collection of tokens, each of which designates a combination of the axis and direction of flow of both inline and block oriented content, about which see 10.2.52 tts:writingMode.

2.3 Documentation Conventions

Within normative prose in this specification, the words may, should, and must are defined as follows:


Conforming documents and/or TTML processors are permitted to, but need not behave as described.


Conforming documents and/or TTML processors are strongly recommended to, but need not behave as described.


Conforming documents and/or TTML processors are required to behave as described; otherwise, they are in error.

If normative specification language takes an imperative form, then it is to be treated as if the term must applies. Furthermore, if normative language takes a declarative form, and this language is governed by must, then it is also to be treated as if the term must applies.


For example, the phrases "treat X as an error" and "consider X as an error" are to be read as mandatory requirements in the context of use. Similarly, if the specification prose is "X must apply", "X applies", or "X is mandatory", and "X" is further defined as "X is Y and Z", then, by transitive closure, this last declarative phrase is to be read as "Y is mandatory" and "Z is mandatory" in the context of use.

All normative syntactic definitions of XML representations and other related terms are depicted with a light yellow-orange background color and labeled as "XML Representation" or "Syntax Representation", such as in the following:

XML Representation – Element Information Item: example
  count = xsd:integer
  size = (large|medium|small|tiny|micro) : medium>
  Content: (all | any*)

In an XML representation, bold-face attribute names (e.g. count above) indicate a required attribute information item, and the rest are optional. Where an attribute information item has an enumerated type definition, the values are shown separated by vertical bars, as for size above; if there is a default value, it is shown following a colon. Where an attribute information item has a built-in simple type definition defined in [XML Schema Part 2], a hyperlink to its definition therein is given.

In an XML representation, the expression {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace} applies only to namespace qualified attributes; unqualified attributes are not permitted unless explicitly defined in this specification.

An information item depicted with a light yellow orange background color is deprecated (e.g., the tiny value of the size attribute shown above). An information item that is deprecated may but should not appear in a TTML document instance, and a validating processor should report a warning if it does appear. An information item depicted with a light magenta red background color is obsoleted (e.g., the micro value of the size attribute shown above). An information item that is obsoleted must not appear in a TTML document instance, and a validating processor should report an error if it does appear. These designations of an item are also explicitly called out in specification text.

The allowed content of the information item is shown as a grammar fragment, using the Kleene operators ?, * and +. Each element name therein is a hyperlink to its own illustration.

The term linear white-space (LWSP) is to be interpreted as a non-empty sequence of SPACE (U+0020), TAB (U+0009), CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D), or LINE FEED (U+000A), which corresponds to production [3] S as defined by [XML 1.0].

Unless stated to the contrary, the terms horizontal and vertical are interpreted in an absolute sense, not relative to writing mode, while width refers to a dimension along the horizontal axis and height refers to a dimension along the vertical axis. All exceptions are explicitly noted in the text.

All content of this specification that is not explicitly marked as non-normative is considered to be normative. If a section or appendix header contains the expression "Non-Normative", then the entirety of the section or appendix is considered non-normative.

All paragraphs marked as a Note are considered non-normative.

Example code fragments are depicted with a light blue-green background color and labeled as "Example Fragment", such as in the following:

Example Fragment – Sample
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml">

Unless specified otherwise, the vocabulary defining sections of this specification define vocabulary in alphabetical order rather than logical order.

3 Conformance

This section specifies the general conformance requirements for TTML documents and processors.

3.1 Document Conformance

Editorial note: Media Type Parameters2015-01-14
Update step (1) below to account for to be defined processorprofiles media type parameter.

A timed text document instance conforms to this specification if the following criteria are satisfied:

  1. When transporting a document instance in a document interchange context in which a Media Type [MIME Media Types] identifies the content type of the interchanged document instance, then the specified media type is application/ttml+xml in conformance with [XML Media Types] § 7, with which an optional profile parameter may appear, the value of which conforms to a profile designator as defined by 5.2 Profiling.

  2. The document instance is or can be represented as a reduced xml infoset as defined by B Reduced XML Infoset.

  3. The reduced xml infoset that corresponds to the document instance is or can be associated with one of the abstract document types defined by 4 Document Types.

  4. The reduced xml infoset that corresponds to the document instance is a valid abstract document instance of the associated abstract document type.

  5. The reduced xml infoset satisfies all additional mandatory syntactic and semantic constraints defined by this specification. In addition, this infoset should satisfy the web content accessibility guidelines specified by [WCAG].

3.2 Processor Conformance

3.2.1 Generic Processor Conformance

Editorial note: Profile Processing2014-05-21
Add requirement to invoke abort if unsupported processor profile procedure.

Editorial note: Validation Processing2014-05-21
Add requirement to invoke validation processing procedure. Add and use definition of 'validating processor'.

A TTML content processor conforms to this specification if the following generic processor criteria are satisfied:

  1. The processor provides at least one mechanism for notionally instantiating a reduced xml infoset representation of a conformant document instance.

  2. If a processor does or can perform validation of a candidate document instance, then it provides at least one mechanism to implicitly or explicitly associate the reduced xml infoset representation of a conformant document instance with one of the Abstract Document Types defined by 4 Document Types.

  3. The processor does not a priori reject or abort the processing of a conformant document instance unless the processor does not support some required (mandatory) feature specified or implied by a TTML profile declared to apply to the document instance.

  4. The processor supports all mandatory processing semantics defined by this specification.


    The phrase mandatory semantics refers to all explicit use of the conformance key phrases must and must not as well as any declarative statement that can be reasonably inferred from such key phrases. For example, these mandatory semantics include support for all features marked as mandatory in E.2 Feature Support.

  5. If the processor supports some optional processing semantics defined by this specification, then it does so in a manner consistent with the defined semantics.


    The phrase optional semantics refers to all explicit use of the conformance key phrases should, should not, may, and may not, as well as any declarative statement that can be reasonably inferred from such key phrases. For example, these optional semantics include support for all features marked as optional in E.2 Feature Support.

3.2.2 Transformation Processor Conformance

A TTML content processor is a conformant TTML transformation processor if the following criteria are satisfied:

  1. The processor satisfies all requirements specified by 3.2.1 Generic Processor Conformance.

  2. The processor supports the TTML Transformation profile as specified by G.3 TTML2 Transformation Profile.

Editorial note: Mandatory Support for DFXP Transformation Profile2014-07-31
Should we also require support for DFXP Transformation Profile?

3.2.3 Presentation Processor Conformance

A TTML content processor is a conformant TTML presentation processor if the following criteria are satisfied:

  1. The processor satisfies all requirements specified by 3.2.1 Generic Processor Conformance.

  2. The processor supports the TTML Presentation profile as specified by G.2 TTML2 Presentation Profile.

Editorial note: Mandatory Support for DFXP Presentation Profile2014-07-31
Should we also require support for DFXP Presentation Profile?

3.3 Claims

Any claim of compliance with respect to the conformance of a TTML document instance or content processor must make reference to an implementation compliance statement (ICS).

An implementation compliance statement must identify all mandatory and optional features of this specification that are satisfied by the document instance or the content processor implementation. In particular, the statement must identify the utilized or supported TTML vocabulary profile(s) as defined by 5.2 Profiling, and, if a subset or superset profile is used or supported, then what features are excluded or included in the subset or superset profile.

A document instance for which a compliance claim is made must specify either (1) a ttp:profile attribute on its root tt element as defined by 6.2.7 ttp:profile or (2) a ttp:profile element as a child of the head element as defined by 6.1.1 ttp:profile. In addition, it must specify a ttp:version attribute on its root tt element if it requires support for a feature not defined by [TTML1].

4 Document Types

This section defines the following TTML Abstract Document Types:

Each abstract document type consists of the following constraints:

An abstract document instance may be assessed in terms of validity, and is considered to be a valid abstract document instance if it satisfies the following condition: if after

  1. pruning all element information items whose names are not members of the collection of element types defined by the associated abstract document type, then

  2. pruning character information item children from any remaining element in case that all character children of the element denote XML whitespace characters and the element's type is defined as empty in the associated abstract document type, and then

  3. pruning all attribute information items having expanded names such that the namespace URI of the expanded names are not listed in Table 5-1 – Namespaces,

then the document element is one of the document element types permitted by the associated abstract document type, the descendants of the document element satisfy their respective element type's content specifications, all required attributes are present, and the declared value of each attribute satisfies the type declared by the associated abstract document type.

Issue (issue-ttml1-196):

Attribute Forward Compatibility

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/issues/196

Enhance step (3) to handle forward compatibility of new attributes introduced into TT namespaces.


None recorded.


While a conformant processor may not a priori reject a conformant document instance, a given document instance may be constrained by the author or authoring tool to satisfy a more restrictive definition of validity.

4.1 TTML Content Document Type

The TTML Content Document Type is an abstract document type of a profile of the Timed Text Markup Language intended to be used for interchange among distribution systems. This document type is defined in terms of the element and attribute vocabulary specified in 5 Vocabulary.

This specification references two types of schemas that may be used to validate a superset/subset of timed text content document instances:

The (root) document element of a TTML Content document instance must be a tt element, as defined by 8.1.1 tt.


The schemas referenced by this specification do not validate all syntactic constraints defined by this specification, and, as such, represent a superset of conformant TTML Content. In particular, performing validation with one of the above referenced schemas may result in a false positive indication of validity. For example, both the RNC and XSD schemas specify that a tts:fontFamily attribute must satisfy the xsd:string XSD data type; however, this data type is a superset of the values permitted to be used with the tts:fontFamily attribute.

In addition, the RNC schema may produce a false negative indication of validity when using the xml:id attribute with an element in a foreign namespace, thus representing a subset of conformant TTML Content. This is due to a specific limitation in expressing wildcard patterns involving xsd:ID typed attributes in Relax NG schemas. Note that this specification defines the formal validity of a document instance to be based on an abstract document instance from which all foreign namespace elements and attributes have been removed. Therefore, the exceptional reporting of this false negative does not impact the formal assessment of document instance validity.


A conforming Generic Processor is required to support the ingestion and processing of a timed text content document.

4.2 TTML Intermediate Document Type

The TTML Intermediate Document Type is an abstract document type intended to be used to represent the content of a timed text content document in such a manner that all discrete animation, styling, and timing information is denoted in a non-hierarchical (flat), temporally linear manner. This document type is defined in terms of the element and attribute vocabulary specified in J Intermediate Document Syntax and 5 Vocabulary.

This specification references two types of schemas that may be used to validate timed text intermediate document instances:

The (root) document element of a TTML Intermediate Synchronic document instance must be an isd:sequence or isd:isd element, as defined by J Intermediate Document Syntax.


A conforming Generic Processor is not required to support the ingestion or processing of a timed text intermediate document.

4.3 TTML Profile Document Type

The TTML Profile Document Type is an abstract document type intended to be used for defining and communicating constraints on the support or use of TTML features or extensions. This document type is defined in terms of the element and attribute vocabulary specified in 5 Vocabulary.

This specification references two types of schemas that may be used to validate timed text profile document instances:

The (root) document element of a TTML Profile document instance must be a ttp:profile element, as defined by 6.1.1 ttp:profile.


A conforming Generic Processor is recommended, but not required to support the ingestion or processing of a timed text profile document. However, a content processor that claims to support the http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/feature/#profile feature is required to support this (ingestion and processing of a timed text profile document).

5 Vocabulary

This section defines the namespaces, profiles, and vocabulary (as an element and attribute catalog) of the Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) as follows:

5.1 Namespaces

The Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) employs a number of XML Namespaces [XML Namespaces 1.0] for elements and certain global attributes. The following table specifies this set of namespaces and indicates the default prefix used within this specification and the normative URI that denotes each namespace.

Table 5-1 – Namespaces
TT Parameterttp:http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#parameter
TT Styletts:http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling
TT Metadatattm:http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#metadata
TT Intermediate Synchronic Documentisd:http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#isd
TT Profilenonehttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/
TT Featurenonehttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/feature/
TT Extensionnonehttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/extension/

All TTML Namespaces are mutable [NSState]; all undefined names in these namespaces are reserved for future standardization by the W3C.


In a specific document instance, it is not required that the default prefixes shown below are used. Any prefix or namespace binding that satisfies the constraints of XML Namespaces [XML Namespaces 1.0] may be used that is associated with the specified namespace URI.


If a reference to an element type is used in this specification and the name of the element type is not namespace qualified, then the TT Namespace applies.

If a reference to an attribute is used in this specification and the name of the attribute is not namespace qualified, then the attribute is implicitly qualified by the element type with which it is used. That is, the attribute resides in the so-called per-element-type namespace partition [NSOriginal], the members of which are interpreted in accordance with the definition of the element type on which they appear.

For certain namespaces defined above, the default prefix is specified as none if no XML vocabulary is defined in the namespace by this specification (nor expected to be defined in a future version of this specification). In such cases, the use of the namespace URI is for purposes other than defining XML vocabulary, e.g., for designating profiles, features, extensions and for dereferencing standard profile definitions.

5.2 Profiling

This section describes the TTML profiling sub-system and high level requirements that apply to this sub-system. At the end of this section appears a sub-section containing examples of profile specifications and examples of how these specifications are referenced and used.

5.2.1 Introduction

This sub-section is non-normative.

A given profile may be used by a Timed Text Markup Language content author for one of two functions: (1) to declare that a document instance adheres to a collection of constraints on what vocabulary is used and how it is used, or (2) to declare that a processor must satisfy certain conditions on how content is processed. The first of these functions is termed a content profile, while the second is termed a processor profile.

A content profile is used to allow an author to declare, at authoring time, what constraints the author intends to apply to a document instance. Such a declaration permits downstream processors to perform content validation or verification, as well as to guide or limit subsequent transformation or editing of content in order to maintain adherence to an author specified content profile. In addition, a downstream processor may use a content profile declaration to perform an early determination of its ability to process the features implied by the content profile.

Content profiles are declared by using (1) the ttp:contentProfiles attribute on the root tt element, (2) one or more top-level ttp:profile elements of type content, or (3) a combination of these two mechanisms. If not declared, no content profile is implied.

A processor profile is used to allow an author to declare, at authoring time, what processing must be supported when processing a document instance, such that, if a processor is not able to perform the indicated processing, then processing should be aborted. Such a declaration permits downstream processors to avoid processing content that cannot be processed in a manner that meets the requirements of the content author.

Processor profiles are declared by using (1) the ttp:processorProfiles attribute on the root tt element, (2) one or more ttp:profile elements of type processor, or (3) a combination of these two mechanisms. If not declared, a processor profile is inferred from a declared content profile or from a default profile.


It is not a requirement on a conformant document instance that a processor profile be internally declared by use of a ttp:profile element or internally referenced by a ttp:processorProfiles attribute. More specifically, it is permitted that the document interchange context determines the applicable processor profile through private agreement, out-of-band protocol, or common use (between sender and receiver) of a processor profile defined by an external specification.


It is intended that the ttp:processorProfiles attribute be used when the author wishes to reference one (or more) of the standard, predefined processor profiles of TTML Content, and does not wish to modify (by supersetting or subsetting) that profile. This attribute may also be used by an author to indicate the use of a non-standard profile, in which case the specified profile designator expresses a URI that denotes an externally defined profile definition document. However, it is not required that a conformant TTML content processor be able to dereference such an externally specified profile definition.

In contrast, it is intended that the ttp:profile element be used when the author wishes to make use of a modified predefined profile or wishes to include in the document instance a non-standard profile definition not based upon one of the predefined profiles.

A predefined profile is supersetted by specifying some feature or extension to be required (mandatory) that was either not specified in the underlying, baseline profile or was specified as optional (voluntary) in the baseline profile. A predefined profile is subsetted by specifying some feature or extension to be optional (voluntary) that was specified as required (mandatory) in the underlying, baseline profile.

When a baseline profile is modified by subsetting, the resulting, derived profile is referred to as a subtractive profile; when modified by supersetting, the result is referred to as an additive profile. It is also possible to define a derived profile that is simultaneously subtractive and additive.

A content author is not limited to using a single profile, but may make reference to multiple profiles of either type, i.e., multiple content profiles and/or multiple processor profiles. When multiple profiles are referenced, their respective specifications are combined to form a single effective content profile that applies to the document and a single effective processor profile that applies to a processor when processing the document. In addition, an author is not limited to making reference to externally defined profiles, but may define one or more profiles inline within a document.

5.2.2 Profile Examples

This sub-section is non-normative.

Editorial note: More profile examples.2014-05-21
Add more examples depicting new profiling features defined in TTML2.

An example of an author defined additive, derived profile of the TTML Presentation profile is shown below in Example Fragment – TTML Additive Profile.

Example Fragment – TTML Additive Profile
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml">
   <profile use="ttml2-presentation" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#parameter">
     <features xml:base="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/feature/">
       <feature value="required">#fontStyle-italic</feature>


In the above example, the baseline profile is declared to be the TTML Presentation profile, which is then additively modified by making the #fontStyle-italic feature required (rather than optional as it is defined in G.2 TTML2 Presentation Profile). Note also the resetting of the default XMLNS binding on the profile element to the TT Parameter Namespace.

5.2.3 Profile Designators

Editorial note: Reference by designator to internally defined profile.2014-05-26
Handle case where a designator refers to an internally defined profile.

A profile is referenced in one of two ways according to whether the profile is defined externally to the referring document or is defined inline within the referring document. When defined externally, a profile is referenced by means of a profile designator. When defined internally (inline), a profile is referenced either implicitly or by means of profile fragment identifier.

Editorial note: Profile Fragment Identifiers.2014-05-26
Update following to account for use of profile fragment identifier as a profile designator.

A profile designator must adhere to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17. If the profile designator is expressed as a relative URI, then it must be absolutized by using the TT Profile Namespace value as the base URI.


For example, if a profile designator is expressed as ttml2-presentation, then the absolutized profile designator would be http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/ttml2-presentation.

All profile designators which have the TT Profile Namespace as a prefix but are otherwise not listed in Table 5-2 – Profiles are reserved for future standardization, and must not appear in a conformant document instance. Nothwithstanding this constraint, a profile designator is not restricted to the set of designators enumerated in Table 5-2 – Profiles, but may be any URI that feasibly dereferences a TTML profile definition document provided it does not use the TT Profile Namespace as a prefix. Standard Designators

The Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) employs a number of standard, predefined profiles of its vocabulary and associated semantics.

The following table specifies this set of profiles, indicating a normative name and designator for each predefined profile, and where each of these profiles is formally elaborated in G Standard Profiles, in [TTML1], or in another TTWG specification.

Table 5-2 – Profiles
DFXP Fullhttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/dfxp-full
DFXP Presentationhttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/dfxp-presentation
DFXP Transformationhttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/dfxp-transformation
SDP UShttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/sdp-us
TTML2 Fullhttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/ttml2-full
TTML2 Presentationhttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/ttml2-presentation
TTML2 Transformationhttp://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/ttml2-transformation


For definitions of the DFXP profiles, see [TTML1]. For definition of the SDP US profile, see [SDP US].

5.2.4 Profile Semantics Profile State Object Concepts

This section defines a number of conceptual state objects used by subsequently defined algorithms (procedures and functions). It is not required that an implementation create such objects in the form specified here, but may use any convenient, internal representation that represents equivalent information.

[profile specification]

a profile specification represents the following internal state information that corresponds with a ttp:feature or ttp:extension element


an absolute xsd:anyURI denoting a feature or extension designator depending upon the type





[combined profile specification set]

a combined profile specification set represents the following internal state information that corresponds with a set of profile specifications, additionally recording the constituent profiles from which these specifications were obtained (or derived)


ordered list of absolute profile designators, where each designator denotes a constituent profile, i.e., a profile from which this combined profile specification set is composed


ordered list of profile specifications

[empty profile specification set]

a combined profile specification set which constituents and specifications fields are empty sets


a profile represents the following internal state information that corresponds with a ttp:profile element, whether specified explicitly or implied


an absolute profile designator that is associated with (and uniquely labels) this profile






either null or an absolute profile designator denoting a profile that serves as the baseline profile for this profile


if profile is a nesting profile, then an ordered list of absolute profile designators, where each designator denotes a constituent nested profile; otherwise, null


if profile is a non-nesting profile, then an ordered list of profile specifications; otherwise, null

combined specification set

a combined profile specification set that represents the results of combining the specifications specified or referenced by this profile Content Profile Semantics
Editorial note: Validation Processing2014-05-21
Add validation processing procedures.
[construct effective content profile]

Every TTML document instance is associated with an effective content profile which may be used by a content processor to perform any (or all) of the following:

  1. infer an effective processor profile;

  2. perform validation processing on the document instance;

  3. constrain transformation processing on the document instance in order to maintain content profile invariants.

The effective content profile is determined according to the construct effective content profile procedure defined as follows:

  1. if a ttp:contentProfiles attribute is specified on the root tt element, then

    1. if the ttp:contentProfiles attribute is specified using the all(...) function syntax or using no function syntax, i.e., as only a list of designators, then the effective content profile is the combined profile specification set produced by combining the combined profile specification sets of the designated profiles, where the mostRestrictive content profile combination method applies;

    2. otherwise, if the ttp:contentProfiles attribute is specified using the any(...) function syntax, then the effective content profile is the combined profile specification set produced by combining the combined profile specification sets of the designated profiles, where the leastRestrictive content profile combination method applies;

  2. otherwise, if one or more top-level content profiles are defined, then the effective content profile is the combined profile specification set produced by combining the combined profile specification sets of all such top-level content profiles, where the content profile combination method specified by (or the default value of) the ttp:contentProfileCombination attribute on the root tt element applies;

  3. otherwise, the effective content profile is null; Processor Profile Semantics
[abort if unsupported processor profile]
  1. set EPP to the effective processor profile obtained by performing the construct effective processor profile procedure;

  2. for each profile specification S in the combined profile specification set of EPP, perform the following steps:

    1. if the value field of S is required, and the content processor does not support S, then abort processing of the document instance unless overridden by the end-user or some implementation specific parameter traceable to an end-user or to a user or system configuration setting;

[construct effective processor profile]

Every TTML document instance is associated with an effective processor profile which is used by a content processor to determine whether it meets the minimum processing requirements signaled by the content author, and if not, then must abort further processing unless overridden by the end-user or an implementation specific parameter traceable to an end-user or to a user or system configuration setting. The effective processor profile is determined according to the construct effective processor profile procedure defined as follows:

  1. if a ttp:processorProfiles attribute is specified on the root tt element, then

    1. if the ttp:processorProfiles attribute is specified using the all(...) function syntax or using no function syntax, i.e., as only a list of designators, then the effective processor profile is the combined profile specification set produced by combining the combined profile specification sets of the designated profiles, where the mostRestrictive processor profile combination method applies;

    2. otherwise, if the ttp:processorProfiles attribute is specified using the any(...) function syntax, then, for each designated profile, the effective processor profile is the combined profile specification set of the first profile in the list of designated profiles that is supported by the content processor;

  2. otherwise, if one or more top-level processor profiles are defined, then the effective processor profile is the combined profile specification set produced by combining the combined profile specification sets of all such top-level processor profiles, where the processor profile combination method specified by (or the default value of) the ttp:processorProfileCombination attribute on the root tt element applies;

  3. otherwise, if a ttp:profile attribute is specified on the root tt element, then the effective processor profile is the combined profile specification set of the profile designated by this attribute;

  4. otherwise, the effective processor profile is the result of performing the construct inferred processor profile procedure;

[construct inferred processor profile]
  1. set ECP to the effective content profile;

  2. if ECP is not null, then perform the following steps:

    1. if the computed value of the ttp:inferProcessorProfileSource parameter is combine, then the inferred processor profile is the result of applying the infer processor profile function to the combined profile specification set of ECP;

    2. otherwise, if the computed value of the ttp:inferProcessorProfileSource parameter is first, then the inferred processor profile is the first inferred processor profile, IPP, produced by applying the infer processor profile function to the combined profile specification set of each constituent of ECP such that IPP is supported by the content processor;

  3. otherwise, the inferred processor profile is the result of performing the construct default processor profile procedure;

[infer processor profile](content profile CP)
  1. initialize inferred processor profile IPP to the empty combined profile specification set;

  2. for each profile specification, S, in the combined profile specification set of content profile CP:

    1. map content profile specification S to processor profile specification S'  according to the computed value of the ttp:inferPresentationProfileMethod parameter and Table 6-2 – Infer Processor Profile Method;

    2. add S'  to the combined profile specification set of IPP;

  3. return IPP as the inferred processor profile;

[construct default processor profile]
  1. if the document interchange context is associated with a processor profile or with a content profile from which a processor profile can be inferred, then the default processor profile is that processor profile;

  2. otherwise, if the content processor is primarily characterized as a presentation processor, then:

    1. if the ttp:version attribute is not specified on the root tt element or if the computed value of its property is 1 (one), then the default processor profile is the profile constructed by interning the DFXP Presentation profile (http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/dfxp-presentation);

    2. otherwise, if the computed value of the ttp:version property is 2 (two), the default processor profile is the profile constructed by interning the TTML2 Presentation profile (http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/ttml2-presentation);

    3. otherwise, the default processor profile is the profile constructed by interning a TTML presentation profile associated with the computed value of ttp:version, if one is known, or, if not known, then the most recently defined presentation profile;

  3. otherwise, if the content processor is primarily characterized as a transformation processor, then:

    1. if the ttp:version attribute is not specified on the root tt element or if the computed value of its property is 1 (one), then the default processor profile is the profile constructed by interning the DFXP Transformation profile (http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/dfxp-transformation);

    2. otherwise, if the computed value of the ttp:version property is 2 (two), the default processor profile is the profile constructed by interning the TTML2 Transformation profile (http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/ttml2-transformation);

    3. otherwise, the default processor profile is the profile constructed by interning a TTML transformation profile associated with the computed value of ttp:version, if one is known, or, if not known, then the most recently defined TTML transformation profile;


A content processor intended to be used with one or more distinct versions of TTML greater than version 2 (TTML2) may choose a default processor profile based upon a future version of a TTML presentation or transformation profile.

5.3 Catalog

The vocabulary of the Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) is defined in the following major catalogs (divisions of vocabulary):

The core catalog defines the baseline, core vocabulary of TTML, and, in particular, the vocabulary of TTML Content. The extension catalog serves as a placeholder for extensions to the core vocabulary defined by TTML.

5.3.1 Core Catalog

The core vocabulary catalog is intended to satisfy the needs of TTML while providing a baseline vocabulary for future profiles. This vocabulary is divided into distinct categories, specified in detail in the following sections:

The core element vocabulary specified for use with a document instance is enumerated in Table 5-3 – Element Vocabulary.

Table 5-3 – Element Vocabulary
Animation animate, animation, set
Audio audio
Content body, br, div, p, span
Data chunk, data, resources, source
Document tt
Font font
Head head
Image image
Layout layout, region
Metadata metadata
Metadata Items ttm:actor, ttm:agent, ttm:copyright, ttm:desc, ttm:item, ttm:name, ttm:title
Profile ttp:features, ttp:feature, ttp:extensions, ttp:extension, ttp:profile
Styling initial, styling, style

Element vocabulary groups that are used in defining content models for TTML element types are enumerated in Table 5-4 – Element Vocabulary Groups.

Table 5-4 – Element Vocabulary Groups
Animation.class animate | set
Block.class div | p
Data.class data
Embedded.class audio, image
Font.class font
Inline.class span | br | #PCDATA
Layout.class region
Metadata.class metadata | ttm:agent | ttm:copyright | ttm:desc | ttm:item | ttm:title

The attribute vocabulary specified for use with the core vocabulary catalog is enumerated in Table 5-5 – Attribute Vocabulary.

Table 5-5 – Attribute Vocabulary
Animation Binding Attribute animate
Core Attributes xml:id, xml:lang, xml:space
Data Attributes encoding, format, src, type
Layout Binding Attribute region
Metadata Attributes ttm:agent, ttm:role
Parameter Attributes ttp:cellResolution, ttp:clockMode, ttp:displayAspectRatio, ttp:dropMode, ttp:frameRate, ttp:frameRateMultipler, ttp:markerMode, ttp:mediaDuration, ttp:mediaOffset, ttp:pixelAspectRatio, ttp:safeCropArea, ttp:subFrameRate, ttp:tickRate, ttp:timeBase,
Profile Attributes ttp:contentProfiles, ttp:contentProfileCombination, ttp:inferProcessorProfileMethod, ttp:inferProcessorProfileSource, ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing, ttp:permitFeatureWidening, ttp:profile, ttp:processorProfiles, ttp:processorProfileCombination, ttp:validation, ttp:validationAction, ttp:version
Style Binding Attribute style
Styling Attributes tts:backgroundClip, tts:backgroundColor, tts:backgroundExtent, tts:backgroundImage, tts:backgroundOrigin, tts:backgroundPosition, tts:backgroundRepeat, tts:border, tts:bpd, tts:color, tts:direction, tts:disparity, tts:display, tts:displayAlign, tts:extent, tts:fontFamily, tts:fontKerning, tts:fontSelectionStrategy, tts:fontShear, tts:fontSize, tts:fontStyle, tts:fontVariant, tts:fontWeight, tts:ipd, tts:letterSpacing, tts:lineHeight, tts:opacity, tts:origin, tts:overflow, tts:padding, tts:position, tts:ruby, tts:rubyAlign, tts:rubyOffset, tts:rubyOverflow, tts:rubyOverhang, tts:rubyOverhangClass, tts:rubyPosition, tts:rubyReserve, tts:showBackground, tts:textAlign, tts:textCombine, tts:textDecoration, tts:textEmphasis, tts:textOrientation, tts:textOutline, tts:textShadow, tts:unicodeBidi, tts:visibility, tts:wrapOption, tts:writingMode, tts:zIndex
Timing Attributes begin, dur, end, timeContainer


Only those attributes defined as either (1) global, i.e., namespace qualified, or (2) shared element-specific, i.e., not namespace qualified but shared across multiple element types, are listed in Table 5-5 – Attribute Vocabulary above.


All vocabulary defined by TTML consistently makes use of the so-called lowerCamelCase naming convention. In some cases, this results in the change of a name when the name was based upon another specification that used a different naming convention.

5.3.2 Extension Catalog

The extension vocabulary catalog is intended for use by future profiles of TTML, and is not further defined by this version of this specification.

In addition to standardized extension vocabulary, a conforming document instance may contain arbitrary namespace qualified elements that reside in any namespace other than those namespaces defined for use with this specification. Furthermore, a conforming document instance may contain arbitrary namespace qualified attributes on TTML defined vocabulary where such attributes reside in any namespace other than those defined for use with this specification.

6 Profile

This section specifies the profile matter of the core vocabulary catalog, where profile matter is to be understood as information that expresses requirements or optionality related to authoring or processing a timed text content document.

6.1 Profile Element Vocabulary

The following elements, all defined in the TT Parameter Namespace, specify parametric information that applies to a document instance or content processor:


The sub-sections of this section are ordered logically (from highest to lowest level construct).

6.1.1 ttp:profile

The ttp:profile element is used to specify a processor profile or a content profile. A processor profile specifies a collection of required (mandatory) and optional (voluntary) features and extensions that must or may be supported by a content processor in order to process a document instance that makes (or may make) use of such features and extensions. A content profile specifies a collection of prohibited, required, and optional features and extensions that, respectively, must not, must, and may be present in a document instance that declares its adherence to the profile.


The difference between a feature and an extension is where it is defined and how it is labeled: if defined in this specification (or a future revision thereof) and labeled with a feature designation in E Features, then it is considered to be a feature; if defined in another specification and labeled there with an extension designation, then it is considered to be an extension. In general, features are expected to be defined by the W3C standards process, while extensions are expected to be defined by third parties.

This specification defines two distinct contexts of use for the ttp:profile element:

When a ttp:profile element appears within a TTML document instance, its purpose is to express authorial intentions about (1) which features and extensions must or may be supported by a recipient content processor in order to process that document or (2) which features and extensions must not, must, or may be included or otherwise used in that document instance.

When a ttp:profile element is used by a TTML profile definition document instance, it serves to publish a machine readable specification of a specific TTML profile that may be referenced by TTML document instances. This specification defines a number of standard Profile Definition Documents in G Standard Profiles.

The ttp:profile element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by either (1) zero or more ttp:features elements followed by zero or more ttp:extensions elements or (2) zero or more ttp:profile elements. When a ttp:profile element contains a child ttp:profile element, then the child is referred to as a nested profile and the parent is referred to as a nesting profile; otherwise it is referred to as a non-nesting profile.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttp:profile
  combine = (leastRestrictive|mostRestrictive|replace) : replace
  designator = xsd:string
  type = (processor|content) : processor
  use = xsd:string
  xml:id = ID
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, ((ttp:features*, ttp:extensions*)|ttp:profile*)

The type attribute is used to determine whether a profile is a processor profile or a content profile. If not specified, the profile is considered to be a processor profile. If a ttp:profile element references a baseline profile or a nested profile, then the type of the referenced profile must be the same as the type of the referencing profile. For example, a ttp:profile element that defines a processor profile may only make reference to other processor profiles, and may not reference a content profile.

The combine attribute is used to specify how feature or extension specifications are combined in the case that multiple specifications apply to the same feature or extension, respectively.

If the value of the combine attribute is replace, then a lexically subsequent feature or extension specification replaces a lexically prior specification, where specification elements are ordered as follows:

  1. specifications defined by a baseline profile referenced by a use attribute;

  2. specifications defined by descendant ttp:profile elements in post-order traversal order;

  3. specifications defined as descendant ttp:feature or ttp:extension elements in post-order traversal order.

If the value is leastRestrictive, then the least restrictive specification value applies; if the value is mostRestrictive, then the most restrictive specification value applies. The order of restrictiveness is as follows (from least to most): optional, required, prohibited.

If the combine attribute is not specified, then replacement semantics apply.

If specified, the designator attribute must (1) adhere to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17 and (2) express an absolute URI that denotes a profile designator in accordance with 5.2 Profiling. A designator attribute may be specified on a ttp:profile element that appears in a TTML document instance, and, if not specified, the defined profile is considered to be an undesignated profile. A designator attribute should be specified on a ttp:profile element that appears in a TTML profile definition document instance, and, if not specified, the defining context (e.g., an external specification) must specify a designator in its accompanying definition text.

If specified, the use attribute must adhere to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17, and, furthermore, must denote a profile designator in accordance with 5.2 Profiling. In this case, the profile designator must refer to (1) a standard, predefined profile definition document as defined by 6 Profile, or (2) a feasibly dereferenceable resource representing a valid Profile Definition Document instance. In either case, the referenced profile serves as the baseline profile of the specifying ttp:profile element.

If the use attribute is not specified, then the baseline profile of the ttp:profile element must be considered to be the empty (null) profile, i.e., a profile definition containing no feature or extension specifications.

The combined specification set CSS of features and extensions of a profile P is determined according to the following ordered rules, where merging a specification S into CSS entails applying a combination method in accordance with the specified (or default) value of the combine attribute, and where merging a combined specification set CSS'  into CSS entails merging each ordered specification of CSS'  into CSS:

  1. initialize CSS to the empty set;

  2. if a use attribute is present, then merge the combined specification set of the referenced baseline profile into CSS;

  3. for each ttp:profile child of the P, using a post-order traversal, merge the combined specification set of the child profile into CSS;

  4. for each ttp:feature and ttp:extension child of the ttp:profile element, using a post-order traversal, merge the feature or extension specification into CSS.

A conformant TTML processor is not required to be able to dereference a profile definition document that is not one of the standard, predefined profiles defined by G Standard Profiles. Furthermore, a conformant TTML processor may make use of a built-in, static form of each standard, predefined profile so as not to require dereferencing a network resource.

If a TTML processor is unable to dereference a non-standard profile definition document, then it must not further process the document without the presence of an explicit override from an end-user or some implementation specific parameter traceable to an end-user or to a user or system configuration setting. If a TTML processor aborts processing of a document instance due to the inability to reference a non-standard profile definition document, then some end-user notification should be given unless the end-user or system has disabled such a notification, or if the processor does not permit or entail the intervention of an end-user.

The ttp:profile element is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – ttp:profile
<ttp:profile use="ttml2-presentation">
  <ttp:features xml:base="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/feature/">


In the above example, the TTML presentation profile is used as the baseline profile. This baseline profile is then supersetted (thus creating an additive derived profile) by requiring support for #text-outline feature.

6.1.2 ttp:features

The ttp:features element is a container element used to group infomation about feature support and usage requirements.

The ttp:features element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more ttp:feature elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttp:features
  xml:base = xsd:string : TT Feature Namespace
  xml:id = ID
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, ttp:feature*

If specified, the xml:base attribute must (1) adhere to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17, (2) express an absolute URI that adheres to [XML Base] and, (3) express a feature namespace as defined by E.1 Feature Designations. If not specified, the xml:base attribute's default value applies, which is the TT Feature Namespace.

The xml:base attribute is used to permit the abbreviation of feature designation URIs expressed by child ttp:feature elements.

6.1.3 ttp:feature

The ttp:feature element is used to specify infomation about support and usage requirements for a particular feature.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttp:feature
  extends = xsd:string
  restricts = xsd:string
  value = (optional|required|use|prohibited) : see prose below
  xml:id = ID
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA

The children of the ttp:feature element must express a non-empty sequence of character information items the concatenation of which adheres to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17.

If specified, the extends attribute and/or the restricts attribute must (1) adhere to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17, and (2) express a feature designation as defined by E.1 Feature Designations.

The extends attribute may be used to indicate that the feature being defined is, from either (or both) a syntactic or (and) semantic perspective, a proper superset of the feature referenced by the extends attribute. The restricts attribute may be used to indicate that the feature being defined is, from either (or both) a syntactic or (and) semantic perspective, a proper subset of the feature referenced by the restricts attribute. If an extends attribute is specified, then a restricts attribute must not be specified on a ttp:feature element; likewise, if a restricts attribute is specified, then an extends attribute must not be specified.

If the URI expressed by (1) the content of the ttp:feature element, (2) the extends attribute, or (3) the restricts attribute is a relative URI, then, when combined with the feature namespace value expressed by the xml:base attribute of the nearest ancestor ttp:features element, it must express an absolute URI. In either case (original absolute URI or resulting absolutized URI), the URI expressed by the ttp:feature element must further adhere to the syntax of a feature designation as defined by E.1 Feature Designations, and, furthermore, the specific designation that appears in this URI, i.e., the portion of the feature designation that starts with the fragment identifier separator '#', must be defined by this specification or some published version thereof (that has achieved REC status).

If the URI expressed by the content of the ttp:feature element, by the extends attribute, or by the restricts attribute is a relative URI, then an xml:base attribute should be specified on the nearest ancestor ttp:features element.

The value attribute specifies constraints on support for or use of the designated feature according to the profile type.

If the profile is a processor profile then the following semantics apply:

  • if the value of the value attribute is optional, then a processor may but need not implement or otherwise support the feature in order to process the document;

  • if the value is required, then perform the following steps:

    1. if the feature is implemented or otherwise supported by a processor, then continue processing the document;

    2. otherwise, if (1) the extends attribute is specified on the root tt element, (2) the value of the extends attribute designates a feature that is implemented or otherwise supported by a processor, and (3) the computed value of the ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing property of the root tt element is not false, then continue processing the document;

    3. otherwise, if (1) the restricts attribute is specified on the root tt element, (2) the value of the restricts attribute designates a feature that is implemented or otherwise supported by a processor, and (3) the computed value of the ttp:permitFeatureWidening property of the root tt element is not false, then continue processing the document;

    4. otherwise, abort processing the document unless overridden by the end-user or some implementation specific parameter traceable to an end-user or to a user or system configuration setting.

  • if the value attribute is not specified, then the feature specification must be interpreted as if the value required were specified;

If the profile is a content profile then the following semantics apply:

  • if the value of the value attribute is optional, then the feature may but need not appear in a document that claims conformance with that profile;

  • if the value of the value attribute is required, then the feature must appear in a document that claims conformance with that profile;

  • if the value of the value attribute is prohibited, then the feature must not appear in a document that claims conformance with that profile;

  • if the value attribute is not specified, then the feature specification must be interpreted as if the value optional were specified;

The value use of the value attribute is obsoleted. If it appears in a profile specification, then it must be interpreted as if required had been specified.

If some defined (i.e., standardized) or otherwise well known feature is not specified by a ttp:feature element in a content profile, then it must be interpreted as if the feature were specified with the value attribute equal to optional. However, if not specified in a processor profile, no claim about support or absence of support for the feature is implied.


In particular, if some feature is not present in a content profile definition, then it is not to be interpreted as meaning the use of that feature (in a document instance) is disallowed or otherwise prohibited. If a feature is intended to be disallowed by a content profile, then it should be specified using the prohibited value.

If a document instance makes use of a feature defined by E.1 Feature Designations and if the intended use of the document requires the recognition and processing of that feature, then the document must include a required feature specification in one of its declared or referenced profiles.

The ttp:feature element is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – ttp:feature
<ttp:profile use="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/ttml2-presentation">
  <ttp:features xml:base="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/feature/">
    <ttp:feature value="required">#fontStyle-italic</ttp:feature>
    <ttp:feature value="required">#textDecoration-under</ttp:feature>
    <ttp:feature value="prohibited">#textOutline-blurred</ttp:feature>


In the above example, the TTML presentation profile is used as the baseline profile. This baseline profile is then modified by three ttp:feature elements in order to (1) superset the baseline profile (since neither #fontStyle-italic nor #textDecoration-under are required by the TTML presentation profile), and (2) prohibit use of the #textOutline-blurred feature (which is optional in the TTML presentation profile).

The effect of this example is to express authorial intentions that italic font style and text underlining must be supported, and that text outline blurring must not be used by a document.

6.1.4 ttp:extensions

The ttp:extensions element is a container element used to group infomation about extension support and usage requirements.

The ttp:extensions element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more ttp:extension elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttp:extensions
  xml:base = xsd:string : TT Extension Namespace
  xml:id = ID
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, ttp:extension*

If specified, the xml:base attribute must (1) adhere to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17, (2) express an absolute URI that adheres to [XML Base] and, (3) express an extension namespace as defined by F.1 Extension Designations. If not specified, the xml:base attribute's default value applies, which is the TT Extension Namespace.

The xml:base attribute is used to permit the abbreviation of feature designation URIs expressed by child ttp:extension elements.

6.1.5 ttp:extension

The ttp:extension element is used to specify infomation about support and usage requirements for a particular extension.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttp:extension
  extends = xsd:string
  restricts = xsd:string
  value = (optional|required|use|prohibited) : see prose below
  xml:id = ID
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA

The children of the ttp:extension element must express a non-empty sequence of character information items the concatenation of which adheres to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17.

If specified, the extends attribute and/or the restricts attribute must (1) adhere to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17, and (2) express a feature designation or extension designation as defined by E.1 Feature Designations or F.1 Extension Designations, respectively.

The extends attribute may be used to indicate that the extension being defined is, from either (or both) a syntactic or (and) semantic perspective, a proper superset of the feature or extension referenced by the extends attribute. The restricts attribute may be used to indicate that the extension being defined is, from either (or both) a syntactic or (and) semantic perspective, a proper subset of the feature or extension referenced by the restricts attribute. If an extends attribute is specified, then a restricts attribute must not be specified on a ttp:extension element; likewise, if a restricts attribute is specified, then an extends attribute must not be specified.

If the URI expressed by (1) the content of the ttp:extension element, (2) the extends attribute, or (3) the restricts attribute is a relative URI, then, when combined with the extension namespace value expressed by the xml:base attribute of the nearest ancestor ttp:extensions element, it must express an absolute URI. In either case (original absolute URI or resulting absolutized URI), the URI expressed by the ttp:extension element must further adhere to the syntax of an extension designation as defined by F.1 Extension Designations, while the URI expressed by the extends attribute and/or the restricts attribute must adhere to the syntax of a feature designation or an extension designation as defined by E.1 Feature Designations or F.1 Extension Designations, respectively.

If the URI expressed by the content of the ttp:extension element, by the extends attribute, or by the restricts attribute is a relative URI, then an xml:base attribute should be specified on the nearest ancestor ttp:extensions element.

The value attribute specifies constraints on support for or use of the designated extension according to the profile type.

If the profile is a processor profile then the following semantics apply:

  • if the value of the value attribute is optional, then a processor may but need not implement or otherwise support the extension in order to process the document;

  • if the value is required, then perform the following steps:

    1. if the extension is implemented or otherwise supported by a processor, then continue processing the document;

    2. otherwise, if (1) the extends attribute is specified on the root tt element, (2) the value of the extends attribute designates an extension that is implemented or otherwise supported by a processor, and (3) the computed value of the ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing property of the root tt element is not false, then continue processing the document;

    3. otherwise, if (1) the restricts attribute is specified on the root tt element, (2) the value of the restricts attribute designates an extension that is implemented or otherwise supported by a processor, and (3) the computed value of the ttp:permitFeatureWidening property of the root tt element is not false, then continue processing the document;

    4. otherwise, abort processing the document unless overridden by the end-user or some implementation specific parameter traceable to an end-user or to a user or system configuration setting.

  • if the value attribute is not specified, then the extension specification must be interpreted as if the value required were specified;

If the profile is a content profile then the following semantics apply:

  • if the value of the value attribute is optional, then the extension may but need not appear in a document that claims conformance with that profile;

  • if the value of the value attribute is required, then the extension must appear in a document that claims conformance with that profile;

  • if the value of the value attribute is prohibited, then the extension must not appear in a document that claims conformance with that profile;

  • if the value attribute is not specified, then the extension specification must be interpreted as if the value optional were specified;

The value use of the value attribute is obsoleted. If it appears in a profile specification, then it must be interpreted as if required had been specified.

If some well known extension is not specified by a ttp:extension element in a content profile, then it must be interpreted as if the extension were specified with the value attribute equal to optional. However, if not specified in a processor profile, no claim about support or absence of support for the extension is implied.


In particular, if some extension is not present in a content profile definition, then it is not to be interpreted as meaning the use of that extension (in a document instance) is disallowed or otherwise prohibited. If an extension is intended to be disallowed by a content profile, then it should be specified using the prohibited value.

If a document instance makes use of an extension designatable by F.1 Extension Designations and if the intended use of the document requires the recognition and processing of that extension, then the document must include a required extension specification in one of its declared or referenced profiles.

The ttp:extension element is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – ttp:extension
<ttp:profile use="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/profile/ttml2-transformation">
  <ttp:extensions xml:base="http://example.org/ttml/extension/">
    <ttp:extension value="use">#prefilter-by-language</ttp:extension>


In the above example, the TTML transformation profile is used as the baseline profile. This baseline profile is then supersetted by specifying that support and use is required for a private extension defined in a third party namespace.

The effect of this example is to express authorial intentions that a recipient processor must support the TTML transformation profile and must also support and enable an extension defined by a third party.

6.2 Profile Attribute Vocabulary

The following attributes are defined in the TT Parameter Namespace.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, linear white-space (LWSP) must appear between adjacent non-terminal components of a TT Parameter value unless some other delimiter is permitted and used.

6.2.1 ttp:contentProfiles

The ttp:contentProfiles attribute may be used by a content author to express one or more content profiles of the Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) where the enclosing document instance claims conformance to any or all of the specified content profiles.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax, where each profile-designator item adheres to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17, and, further, adheres to constraints defined on a profile designator in accordance with 5.2 Profiling.

Syntax Representation – ttp:contentProfiles
  : designators
  | "all(" <lwsp> designators <lwsp> ")"
  | "any(" <lwsp> designators <lwsp> ")"

  : designator (<lwsp> designator)*

  : xsd:anyURI

If the list of designators is enclosed in the function syntax all(...) or no function syntax is used, then conformance is claimed with all designated content profiles. If the list of designators is enclosed in the function syntax any(...), then conformance is claimed with at least one of the designated content profiles.

If multiple designators are specified, then the absolutized form of each designator must be distinct; that is, after converting to absolutized form, duplicate designators are not permitted.

A ttp:contentProfiles attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.2 ttp:contentProfileCombination

The ttp:contentProfileCombination attribute is used to specify the method for combining multiple content profiles.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:contentProfileCombination
  : "leastRestrictive"
  | "mostRestrictive"
  | "replace"

Given two ordered profile specification values, arg1 and arg2, and a content profile combination method, Table 6-1 – Content Profile Combination specifies the result of combining the two specification values, where the order of arguments is determined in accordance with the lexical order of content profiles in a document instance.

Table 6-1 – Content Profile Combination

A ttp:contentProfileCombination attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.3 ttp:inferProcessorProfileMethod

The ttp:inferProcessorProfileMethod attribute is used to specify the method for mapping a content profile specification value to a corresponding processor profile specification value.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:inferProcessorProfileMethod
  : "loose"
  | "strict"

If this parameter's value is loose, then, when inferring a processor profile specification from a content profile specification, a loose (liberal) mapping applies.

If this parameter's value is strict, then, when inferring a processor profile specification from a content profile specification, a strict (conservative) mapping applies.

If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be loose.

Given an input content profile specification value, input, and an infer processor profile method, Table 6-2 – Infer Processor Profile Method specifies the result of mapping the input specification value.

Table 6-2 – Infer Processor Profile Method

A ttp:inferProcessorProfileMethod attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.4 ttp:inferProcessorProfileSource

The ttp:inferProcessorProfileSource attribute is used to specify the source for mapping a content profile specification value to a corresponding processor profile specification value.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:inferProcessorProfileSource
  : "combined"
  | "first"

If this parameter's value is combined, then, when inferring a processor profile, the combined profile specification set of the effective content profile is used as the source of inference.

If this parameter's value is first, then, when inferring a processor profile, the first constituent profile of the effective content profile, where the processor profile inferred from that constituent profile is supported by the content processor, is used as the source of inference.

If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be combined.

A ttp:inferProcessorProfileSource attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.5 ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing

The ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing attribute is used to specify whether requirements related to a feature or extension may be satisfied by a (syntactically or semantically) narrower interpretation of the feature or extension.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing
  : xsd:boolean                             // see [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.2

If this parameter's value is true, then, a requirement for support of a feature or extension may be satisfied if the definition of the feature or extension specifies an extends attribute, and the feature or extension referenced by that attribute is supported by a processor.

If this parameter's value is false, then, a requirement for support of a feature or extension can not be satisfied by a more narrowly defined feature or extension specified by an extends attribute.

If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be false.

A ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.6 ttp:permitFeatureWidening

The ttp:permitFeatureWidening attribute is used to specify whether requirements related to a feature or extension may be satisfied by a (syntactically or semantically) wider interpretation of the feature or extension.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:permitFeatureWidening
  : xsd:boolean                             // see [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.2

If this parameter's value is true, then, a requirement for support of a feature or extension may be satisfied if the definition of the feature or extension specifies an restricts attribute, and the feature or extension referenced by that attribute is supported by a processor.

If this parameter's value is false, then, a requirement for support of a feature or extension can not be satisfied by a more widely defined feature or extension specified by an restricts attribute.

If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be false.

A ttp:permitFeatureWidening attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.7 ttp:profile

The ttp:profile attribute is deprecated. If creating a TTML document instance for TTML2 (or later versions), then the ttp:profile attribute should not be used; instead, the content author should use the ttp:processorProfiles attribute, specified at 6.2.8 ttp:processorProfiles.

If used in a document, the ttp:profile attribute denotes a processor profile of the Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) that applies when processing a document instance.


For information on signaling content profile(s), see 6.2.1 ttp:contentProfiles.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax where the designator adheres to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17, and, further, must specify a profile designator in accordance with 5.2 Profiling.

Syntax Representation – ttp:profile
  : designator

  : xsd:anyURI

A ttp:profile attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

If a top-level processor profile is defined in a document instance, then the ttp:profile attribute should not be specified on the tt element.

6.2.8 ttp:processorProfiles

The ttp:processorProfiles attribute may be used by a content author to express one or more processor profiles of the Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) where the enclosing document instance requires support for each and all specified processor profiles.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax, where each profile-designator item adheres to the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17, and, further, adheres to constraints defined on a profile designator in accordance with 5.2 Profiling.

Syntax Representation – ttp:processorProfiles
  : designators
  | "all(" <lwsp> designators <lwsp> ")"
  | "any(" <lwsp> designators <lwsp> ")"

  : designator (<lwsp> designator)*

  : xsd:anyURI

If the list of designators is enclosed in the function syntax all(...) or no function syntax is used, then support is required for all designated processor profiles. If the list of designators is enclosed in the function syntax any(...), then support is required for at least one of the designated processor profiles.

If multiple designators are specified, then the absolutized form of each designator must be distinct; that is, after converting to absolutized form, duplicate designators are not permitted.

A ttp:processorProfiles attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.9 ttp:processorProfileCombination

The ttp:processorProfileCombination attribute is used to specify the method for combining multiple processor profiles.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:processorProfileCombination
  : "leastRestrictive"
  | "mostRestrictive"
  | "replace"

Given two ordered profile specification values, arg1 and arg2, and a processor profile combination method, Table 6-3 – Processor Profile Combination specifies the result of combining the two specification values, where the order of arguments is determined in accordance with the lexical order of processor profiles in a document instance.

Table 6-3 – Processor Profile Combination

A ttp:processorProfileCombination attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.10 ttp:validation

The ttp:validation attribute is used to specify whether validation processing may or must be performed on a document instance by a validating content processor.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:validation
  : "required"
  | "optional"
  | "prohibited"

If this parameter's value is required, then, a validating content processor must perform validation processing on a TTML document instance prior to performing other types of processing, e.g., presentation or transformation processing.

If this parameter's value is optional, then, a validating content processor may, but need not, perform validation processing on a TTML document instance prior to performing other types of processing, e.g., presentation or transformation processing.

If this parameter's value is prohibited, then, a validating content processor must not perform validation processing on a TTML document instance prior to performing other types of processing, e.g., presentation or transformation processing, unless the end-user or application overrides this prohibition.

If validation processing is performed on a TTML document instance and validation fails, then the computed value of the ttp:validationAction property is used to determine what action to take before performing further processing.

If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be optional.

A ttp:validation attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.11 ttp:validationAction

The ttp:validationAction attribute is used to specify what action is to be taken by a validating content processor when validation of a document instance fails.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:validationAction
  : "abort"
  | "warn"
  | "ignore"

If this parameter's value is abort, then, a validating content processor must abort processing of a TTML document instance when validation processing fails.

If this parameter's value is warn, then, a validating content processor should warn the end-user when validation processing fails, and, give the end-user the option to continue or abort processing.

If this parameter's value is ignore, then, a validating content processor should not abort and should not warn the end-user when validation processing fails.

If not specified, the value of this parameter is determined as follows: if the computed value of the ttp:validation property is required, then the value must be considered to be abort; if it is optional, then the value must be considered to be warn; otherwise, if it is prohibited, then the value must be considered to be ignore.

A ttp:validationAction attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

6.2.12 ttp:version

The ttp:version attribute is used to specify which version of the Timed Text Markup Language specification was used in authoring a TTML document instance.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:version
  : <digit>+                                // value > 0

A ttp:version attribute must be specified on the root tt element of a document instance if it requires support for a feature not defined by [TTML1].

If not specified, the version must be considered to be equal to one (1). If specified, then the version must be greater than zero (0). The version associated with this version of the Timed Text Markup Language specification is two (2).

A ttp:version attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.


A content processor typically uses the declared version to perform a preliminary assessment of whether it is capable of processing a given document instance. However, it does not assume that the document instance actually uses or requires support for a feature not defined in prior versions. In other words, a content processor does not reject a document instance simply because it declares it was authored against a version of the Timed Text Markup Language specification that was not yet published at the time the processor was implemented.

The computed value of the property expresssed by the ttp:version attribute is used by the construct default processor profile procedure to determine the default processor profile.

7 Parameter

This section specifies the parameter matter of the core vocabulary catalog, where parameters are to be understood as information that is either (1) essential or (2) of significant importance for the purpose of interpreting the semantics of other types of information expressed by core vocabulary items or for establishing a document processing context by means of which TTML Content can be related to an external environment.

7.1 Parameter Element Vocabulary

No parameter element vocabulary is defined in this specification.

7.2 Parameter Attribute Vocabulary

The following attributes are defined in the TT Parameter Namespace.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, linear white-space (LWSP) must appear between adjacent non-terminal components of a TT Parameter value unless some other delimiter is permitted and used.

7.2.1 ttp:cellResolution

The ttp:cellResolution attribute may be used by an author to express the number of horizontal and vertical cells into which the root container region area is divided for the purpose of expressing presentation semantics in terms of a uniform grid.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:cellResolution
  : columns rows                            // columns != 0; rows != 0

columns | rows
  : <digit>+

If not specified, the number of columns and rows must be considered to be 32 and 15, respectively. If specified, then columns or rows must not be zero (0).


The choice of values 32 and 15 are based on this being the maximum number of columns and rows defined by [CTA-608-E].

A ttp:cellResolution attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.


The use of a uniform grid is employed only for the purpose of measuring lengths and expressing coordinates. In particular, it is not assumed that the presentation of text or the alignment of individual glyph areas is coordinated with this grid. Such alignment is possible, but requires the use of a monospaced font and a font size whose EM square exactly matches the cell size.

Except where indicated otherwise, when a <length> expressed in cells denotes a dimension parallel to the inline or block progression dimension, the cell's dimension in the inline or block progression dimension applies, respectively.


For example, if padding (on all four edges) is specified as 0.1c, the cell resolution is 20 by 10, and the extent of the root container region is 640 by 480, then, assuming top to bottom, left to right writing mode, the start and end padding will be (640 / 20) * 0.1 pixels and the before and after padding will be (480 / 10) * 0.1 pixels.

7.2.2 ttp:clockMode

The ttp:clockMode attribute is used to specify the interpretation of time expressions as real-time time coordinates when operating with time base of clock as defined by 7.2.14 ttp:timeBase.


See 12.3 Time Value Expressions for the specification of time expression syntax and semantics.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:clockMode
  : "local"
  | "gps"
  | "utc"

If the time base, defined by 7.2.14 ttp:timeBase, is designated as clock, then this parameter applies as follows: if the parameter's value is local, then time expressions are interpreted as local wall-clock time coordinates; if utc, then time expressions are interpreted as UTC time coordinates [UTC]; if gps, then time expressions are interpreted as GPS time coordinates [GPS].


The primary difference between GPS time and UTC time is that GPS time is not adjusted for leap seconds, while UTC time is adjusted as follows: UTC = TAI (Temp Atomique International) + leap seconds accumulated since 1972. TAI is maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) in Sevres, France. The GPS system time is steered to a Master Clock (MC) at the US Naval Observatory which is kept within a close but unspecified tolerance of TAI.

If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be utc.

A ttp:clockMode attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

7.2.3 ttp:displayAspectRatio

The ttp:displayAspectRatio attribute may be used to express the display aspect ratio associated with the authoring viewport.

Issue (issue-ttml2-30):

Maintaining Display Aspect Ratio

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/30

Tie up loose ends with respect to support for retaining display aspect ratio. See also new values of tts:extent: contain and cover.


None recorded.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:displayAspectRatio
  : numerator demoninator                   // numerator != 0; demoninator != 0

numerator | demoninator
  : <digit>+

If specified, then both numerator and demoninator must be non-zero. If not specified, then the storage aspect ratio of the authoring viewport is undefined.

A ttp:displayAspectRatio attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

7.2.4 ttp:dropMode

The ttp:dropMode attribute is used to specify constraints on the interpretation and use of frame counts that correspond with [SMPTE 12M] time coordinates when operating with time base of smpte as defined by 7.2.14 ttp:timeBase.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:dropMode
  : "dropNTSC"
  | "dropPAL"
  | "nonDrop"

If the time base, defined by 7.2.14 ttp:timeBase, is designated as smpte, then this parameter applies as follows: if the parameter's value is nonDrop, then, within any given second of a time expression, frames count from 0 to N−1, where N is the value specified by the ttp:frameRate parameter, but while ignoring any value specified by the ttp:frameRateMultiplier parameter.


When operating in nonDrop mode, a second of a time expression may or may not be equal to a second of real time during normal (1x speed) forward playback. If the ttp:frameRateMultiplier parameter is specified and is not equal to 1:1, then a second of a time expression will either be shorter or longer than a second of elapsed play in real time.

If this parameter's value is dropNTSC, then, within any given second of a time expression except the second 00, frames count from 0 to N−1, where N is the value specified by the ttp:frameRate parameter, but while ignoring any value specified by the ttp:frameRateMultiplier parameter. If the second of a time expression is 00 and the minute of the time expression is not 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50, then frame codes 00 and 01 are dropped during that second; otherwise, these frame codes are not dropped.


For example, when operating in dropNTSC mode with ttp:frameRate of 30, a discontinuity in frame count occurs between consecutive frames as shown in the following sequence of time expressions: 01:08:59:28, 01:08:59:29, 01:09:00:02, 01:09:00:03.

If this parameter's value is dropPAL, then, within any given second of a time expression except the second 00, frames count from 0 to N−1, where N is the value specified by the ttp:frameRate parameter, but while ignoring any value specified by the ttp:frameRateMultiplier parameter. If the second of a time expression is 00 and the minute of the time expression is even but not 00, 20, or 40, then frame codes 00 through 03 are dropped during that second; otherwise, these frame codes are not dropped.


For example, when operating in dropPAL mode with ttp:frameRate of 30, a discontinuity in frame count occurs between consecutive frames as shown in the following sequence of time expressions: 01:09:59:28, 01:09:59:29, 01:10:00:04, 01:10:00:05.


The dropPAL mode is also known as the M/PAL or PAL (M) drop-frame code, which uses PAL modulation with the NTSC frame rate of ~29.97 frames/second. The M/PAL system is used primarily in Brazil.

If not specified, then nonDrop must be assumed to apply.

A ttp:dropMode attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

7.2.5 ttp:frameRate

The ttp:frameRate attribute is used to specify the frame rate of a related media object or the intrinsic frame rate of a document instance in case it is intended to function as an independent media object.

Issue (issue-ttml1-192):

Defaulting Frame Rate Multiplier, Sub Frame Rate

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/issues/192

If frame rate is defaulted to processing environment, then frame rate multiplier and sub frame rate should be as well.


None recorded.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:frameRate
  : <digit>+                                // value > 0

The frame rate that applies to a document instance is used to interpret time expressions that are expressed in frames as defined by 12.3.1 <time-expression>.

If the media time base applies and the effective frame rate is integral, then a frame is interpreted as a division of a second of media time, such that if the frame rate is specified as F, then a second of media time is divided into F intervals of equal duration, where each interval is labeled as frame f, with f ∈ [0…F−1].


See I.2 Media Time Base for further details on the interpretation of time expressions for the media time base.

If not specified, the frame rate must be considered to be equal to some application defined frame rate, or if no application defined frame rate applies, then thirty (30) frames per second. If specified, then the frame rate must be greater than zero (0).

A ttp:frameRate attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

7.2.6 ttp:frameRateMultiplier

The ttp:frameRateMultiplier attribute is used to specify a multiplier to be applied to the frame rate specified by a ttp:frameRate attribute in order to compute the effective frame rate.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:frameRateMultiplier
  : numerator denominator                   // numerator != 0; denominator != 0

numerator | denominator
  : <digit>+

A frame rate multiplier is used when the desired frame rate cannot be expressed as an integral number of frames per second.

If not specified, the frame rate multiplier must be considered to be equal to one (1:1). Both numerator and denominator must be non-zero.

A ttp:frameRateMultiplier attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.


The frame rate multiplier used for synchronizing with NTSC [SMPTE 170M] formatted video objects at 30 frames per second is nominally 1000:1001. The nominal frame rate of NTSC video is defined as the chrominance sub-carrier frequency of 3,579,545.45…Hz (= 5.0MHz × 63/88) times the ratio 2/455 divided by the number of horizontal lines per frame of 525, which yields a frame rate of 29.970029970029… (= 30 × 1000/1001) frames per second. Other frame rate multipliers apply to different regions of usage and video format standards.


Except in the case of PAL/M, the frame rate multiplier used for synchronizing with PAL formatted video objects at 25 frames per second is nominally 1:1.

7.2.7 ttp:markerMode

The ttp:markerMode attribute is used to specify constraints on the interpretation and use of time expressions that correspond with [SMPTE 12M] time coordinates when operating with time base of smpte as defined by 7.2.14 ttp:timeBase.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:markerMode
  : "continuous"
  | "discontinuous"

If the time base, defined by 7.2.14 ttp:timeBase, is designated as smpte, then this parameter applies as follows: if the parameter's value is continuous, then [SMPTE 12M] time coordinates may be assumed to be linear and either monotonically increasing or decreasing; however, if discontinuous, then any assumption must not be made regarding linearity or monotonicity of time coordinates.

If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be discontinuous.


The default value for this parameter was originally specified (in TTML 1.0 First Edition) as continuous; however, further evaluation of the state of the industry indicated this choice was incorrect, and that the most common default is discontinuous.

A ttp:markerMode attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

If a value of continuous applies, then time expressions may be converted to real time coordinates by taking into account the computed frame rate and drop mode as expressed by the ttp:dropMode parameter. In this case, the content processor must create and maintain a synthetic smpte document syncbase within which these time expressions are interpreted as further described in 12.4 Timing Semantics.


When operating with smpte time base and continuous marker mode, there is an implied time coordinate space, the synthetic smpte document syncbase, defined by the monotonically increasing (or decreasing) [SMPTE 12M] time coordinates, while taking into account the computed frame rate and drop mode. All time expressions are interpreted in relationship to this time coordinate space based upon smpte time code synchronization events (markers), where the document processing context emits these events with implied constraints regarding time coordinate monoticity and resynchronization in the presence of dropped frames.

Use of continuous marker mode with the smpte time base is different from using the media time base because (1) the semantics of the ttp:dropMode parameter apply to the former, but not the latter, and (2) [SMPTE 12M] time coordinates may be applied monotonically to media which has been subjected to dilation in time, constriction in time, or reversal in time.

If a value of discontinuous applies, then time expressions must not be converted to real time coordinates, arithmetical operators (addition, multiplication) are not defined on time expressions, and, consequently, any (well-formed) expression of a duration must be considered to be invalid.


When operating with smpte time base and discontinuous marker mode, there is no effective time coordinate space; rather, all time expressions are interpreted as labeled synchronization events (markers), where the document processing context emits these events, which, when they correspond with time expressions that denote the same label, cause a temporal interval to begin or end accordingly.

An additional side-effect of operating in discontinuous mode is that time expressions of children have no necessary relationship with time expressions of their temporal container; that is, temporal containers and children of these containers are temporally activated and inactivated independently based on the occurrence of a labeled synchronization (marker) event.


The notion of marker discontinuity as captured by this parameter is logically independent from the method used to count frames as expressed by the ttp:dropMode parameter. In particular, even if the ttp:dropMode parameter is specified as dropNTSC or dropPAL, the marker mode may be specified as continuous, even in the presence of frame count discontinuities induced by the frame counting method, unless there were some other non-linearity or discontinuity in marker labeling, for example, two consecutive frames labeled as 10:00:00:00 and 10:00:01:00.

7.2.8 ttp:mediaDuration

The ttp:mediaDuration attribute is used to specify the temporal extent (simple duration) of a related media object.

If the temporal extent (simple duration) of the related media object is known at authoring time, then this attribute should be specified; otherwise, if no related media object applies or its temporal extent is unknown, then this attribute should not be specified.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:mediaDuration
  : <time-expression>                        // restricted to offset-time form
  | "indefinite"

If specified, the value of this parameter must either (1) adhere to the offset-time form of a <time-expression> or (2) take the value indefinite.

If the value indefinite is specified, then there is no related media object, the temporal extent (simple duration) of the related media object is not known at the time this attribute is encoded, or the related media object has no temporal end point.

If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be indefinite.

A ttp:mediaDuration attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.


See 12.3 Time Value Expressions for the specification of time expression syntax and semantics.

7.2.9 ttp:mediaOffset

The ttp:mediaOffset attribute is used to specify the temporal offset between the begin time of the root temporal extent and the begin time of a related media object when operating in a Media Time Base or a SMPTE Time Base. It does not apply and must not be specified when operating in a Clock Time Base.

Issue (issue-ttml2-76):

Media Time Offset

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/76

Tie up loose ends with respect to definition of media time offset, particulary regarding the definition of the origin and beginning of the document temporal extent.


None recorded.

Issue (issue-ttml2-109):

Media Time Offset

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/109

Tie up loose ends with respect to definition of media time offset, particulary regarding the definition of the origin and beginning of the document temporal extent.


None recorded.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:mediaOffset
  : sign? <time-expression>                  // restricted to offset-time form

  : "+" | "-"

If specified, the value of this parameter must adhere to the offset-time form of a <time-expression> optionally expressed with a sign. If not specified, the value of this parameter must be considered to be 0s.

If no sign is specified or it is specified as +, then the begin time of the root temporal extent follows the begin time of the related media object; otherwise (sign is present and specified as -), the begin time of the root temporal extent precedes the begin time of the related media object.

A ttp:mediaOffset attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.


See 12.3 Time Value Expressions for the specification of time expression syntax and semantics.

7.2.10 ttp:pixelAspectRatio

The ttp:pixelAspectRatio attribute may be used to express the pixel aspect ratio associated with the authoring viewport.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:pixelAspectRatio
  : numerator demoninator                   // numerator != 0; demoninator != 0

numerator | demoninator
  : <digit>+

If not specified, then square pixels (i.e., aspect ratio 1:1) must be assumed to apply. If specified, then both numerator and demoninator must be non-zero.

A ttp:pixelAspectRatio attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

7.2.11 ttp:safeCropArea

The ttp:safeCropArea attribute may be used to designate a rectangular area of the root container region outside of which renderable content may be safely cropped during presentation processing.


Under normal circumstances, renderable content within the root container region is not cropped during presentation processing. That is, the entirety of the root container region is presented. However, under special circumstances, such as when a related media object is cropped, then some cropping may also be applied to the root container region. The ttp:safeCropArea parameter attribute provides a means for the author to signal a portion of the root container region where cropping may safely occur, which is to say that the complement of this portion should not be cropped, i.e., the interior of the safe crop area is not safe to crop and should remain visible when presented.


Alternative names have been suggested for this attribute that would emphasize the intent to ensure that content remains visible as opposed to suggesting an intent to allow content to be hidden (by cropping). After considering alternatives, the current name has been retained in order to reflect existing industry practice surrounding this concept.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:safeCropArea
  : origin? extent

  : x y

  : width height

x, y, width, height
  : <percentage>                            // where percentage is non-negative

Computed values of the origin and extent of the safe crop area are determined by the rules described below, where percentage values are resolved with respect to the width and height of the root container region.


The intent of the following rules is to ensure that the safe crop area is bounded by the root container region.

The interim computed values of the width and height of the extent of the safe crop area are determined as follows:

  • the interim computed value of width, IW, is the minimum of the resolved value of the specified width and the computed width of the root container region;

  • the interim computed value of height, IH, is the minimum of the resolved value of the specified height and the computed height of the root container region.

The computed values of the x and y of the origin of the safe crop area are determined as follows:

  • if no origin component is specified, then the computed value of x is one half of the difference between the computed width of the root container region and IW; otherwise, it is the minimum of the resolved value of the specified x and the computed width of the root container region;

  • if no origin component is specified, then the computed value of y is one half of the difference between the computed height of the root container region and IH; otherwise, it is the minimum of the resolved value of the specified y and the computed height of the root container region.

The final computed values of the width and height of the extent of the safe crop area are determined as follows:

  • the final computed value of width is the minimum of (1) the difference between the computed width of the root container region and the computed value of x and (2) the interim computed value of width, IW;

  • the final computed value of height is the minimum of (1) the difference between the computed height of the root container region and the computed value of y and (2) the interim computed value of height, IH.

When presented on a visual medium, renderable content within the bounds of the safe crop area must not be cropped unless overridden by a higher level protocol.

A ttp:safeCropArea attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

7.2.12 ttp:subFrameRate

The ttp:subFrameRate attribute is used to specify the sub-frame rate of a related media object or the intrinsic sub-frame rate of a document instance in case it is intended to function as an independent media object.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:subFrameRate
  : <digit>+                                // value > 0

The sub-frame rate that applies to a document instance is used to interpret time expressions that are expressed in sub-frames as defined by 12.3.1 <time-expression>.

If the media time base applies and the effective frame rate is integral, a sub-frame is interpreted as a division of a frame of media time, such that if the sub-frame rate is specified as S, then a frame of media time is divided into S intervals of equal duration, where each interval is labeled as sub-frame s, with s ∈ [0…S−1].


See I.2 Media Time Base for further details on the interpretation of time expressions for the media time base.

If not specified, the sub-frame rate must be considered to be equal to one (1). If specified, then the sub-frame rate must be greater than zero (0).

A ttp:subFrameRate attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.


The sub-frame is sometimes referred to as a field in the context of synchronization with an interlaced video media object.

7.2.13 ttp:tickRate

The ttp:tickRate attribute is used to specify the tick rate of a related media object or the intrinsic tick rate of content of a document instance in case it is intended to function as an independent media object.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:tickRate
  : <digit>+                                // value > 0

The tick rate that applies to a document instance is used to interpret time expressions that are expressed in ticks by using the t metric as defined by 12.3.1 <time-expression>.

If the media time base applies, a tick is interpreted as an integral division of a second of media time, such that if the tick rate is specified as T, then a second of media time is divided into T intervals of equal duration, where each interval is labeled as tick t, with t ∈ [0…T−1].


See I.2 Media Time Base for further details on the interpretation of time expressions for the media time base.

If not specified, then if a frame rate is specified, the tick rate must be considered to be the effective frame rate multiplied by the sub-frame rate (i.e., ticks are interpreted as sub-frames); or, if no frame rate is specified, the tick rate must be considered to be one (1) tick per second of media time. If specified, then the tick rate must not be zero (0).


There is no predefined relationship between ticks and frames or sub-frames. Ticks are an arbitrary division of seconds that permit use of fixed point arithmetic rather than fractional (and potentially inexact) expressions of seconds.

A ttp:tickRate attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

7.2.14 ttp:timeBase

The ttp:timeBase attribute is used to specify the temporal coordinate system by means of which time expressions are interpreted in a document instance.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax:

Syntax Representation – ttp:timeBase
  : "media"
  | "smpte"
  | "clock"

If the time base is designated as media, then a time expression denotes a coordinate in some media object's time line, where the media object may be an external media object with which the content of a document instance is to be synchronized, or it may be the content of a document instance itself in a case where the timed text content is intended to establish an independent time line.


When using a media time base, if that time base is paused or scaled positively or negatively, i.e., the media play rate is not unity, then it is expected that the presentation of associated Timed Text content will be similarly paused, accelerated, or decelerated, respectively. The means for controlling an external media time base is outside the scope of this specification.

If the time base is designated as smpte, then a time expression denotes a [SMPTE 12M] time coordinate with which the content of a document instance is to be synchronized. In this case, the value of the ttp:markerMode and ttp:dropMode parameters apply, as defined by 7.2.7 ttp:markerMode and 7.2.4 ttp:dropMode, respectively.


When the time base is designated as smpte, every time expression denotes a media marker value akin to that defined by [SMIL 3.0], § 5.4.3, except instead of using an opaque marker name, a structured [SMPTE 12M] time coordinate serves as the marker name.

If the time base is designated as clock, then the time expression denotes a coordinate in some real-world time line as established by some real-time clock, such as the local wall-clock time or UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) or GPS (Global Positioning System) time lines.

If not specified, the default time base must be considered to be media.

A ttp:timeBase attribute is considered to be significant only when specified on the tt element.

When operating with either media or smpte time bases, a diachronic presentation of a document instance may be subject to transformations of the controlling time line, such as temporal reversal, dilation (expansion), or constriction (compression); however, when operating with the clock time base, no transformations are permitted, and diachronic presentation proceeds on a linear, monotonically increasing time line based on the passage of real time.


Due to there being only one time base parameter that applies to a given document instance, the interpretation of time expressions is uniform throughout the document instance.


See I Time Expression Semantics for further details on the interpretation of time expressions according to the designated time base.

8 Content

This section specifies the content matter of the core vocabulary catalog.

8.1 Content Element Vocabulary

The following elements specify the structure and principal content aspects of a document instance:


The sub-sections of this section are ordered logically (from highest to lowest level construct).

8.1.1 tt

The tt element serves as the root document element of a document instance.

The tt element accepts as its children zero or one head element followed by zero or one body element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: tt
  condition = <condition>
  tts:extent = xsd:string
  tts:position = xsd:string
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve) : default
  {any attribute in TT Parameter namespace}
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: head?, body?

The root temporal extent, i.e., the time interval over which a document instance is active, has an implicit duration that is equal to the implicit duration of the body element of the document, if the body element is present, or zero, if the body element is absent.

If the tts:extent attribute is specified on the tt element, then it must adhere to 10.2.16 tts:extent, in which case it specifies the spatial extent of the root container region in which content regions are located and presented. If no tts:extent attribute is specified, then the spatial extent of the root container region is considered to be determined by the document processing context. The origin of the root container region is determined by the document processing context.


In the absence of other requirements, and if a related media object exists, then it is recommended that the document processing context determine that:


If an author desires to signal the (storage or image) aspect ratio of the root container region without specifying its resolution, then this may be accomplished by using metadata specified in an external namespace, such as m708:aspectRatio as defined in [SMPTE 2052-11], §5.4.4. This would permit, for example, the interchange of information that reflects the semantics of [CTA-708-E] , §4.5 “Caption Service Metadata”, “ASPECT RATIO”.

If the tts:position attribute is specified on the tt element, then it must adhere to 10.2.32 tts:position, in which case it specifies the position of the root container region relative to a reference positioning rectangle.

Except for the tts:extent and tts:position attributes described above, an attribute in the TT Style Namespace should not be specified on the tt element unless it denotes an inheritable style property, in which case such inheritable style property is available for root style inheritance. If a non-inheritable style property is specified, then it must be ignored for the purpose of non-validation processing. In the case of validation processing, such usage should be reported as a warning, or, if strict validation is performed, as an error.

An xml:lang attribute must be specified on the tt element. If the attribute value is empty, it signifies that there is no default language that applies to the text contained within the document instance.

If no xml:space attribute is specified upon the tt element, then it must be considered as if the attribute had been specified with a value of default.

8.1.2 head

The head element is a container element used to group header matter, including metadata, profile, embedded content resources, styling, and layout information.

The head element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Profile.class element group, followed by zero or one resources element, followed by zero or one styling element, followed by zero or one layout element, followed by zero or one animation element.

Any metadata specified by children in the Metadata.class element group applies semantically to the document instance as a whole, and not just the head element.

Any parameters specified by children in the Parameters.class element group applies semantically to the document instance as a whole, and not just the head element.

A resources child element is used to specify embedded content constructs that are referenced from certain style constructs and embedded content elements.

A styling child element is used to specify style constructs that are referenced from other style constructs, by layout constructs, and by content elements.

A layout child element is used to specify layout constructs that are referenced by content elements.

An animation child element is used to specify animation constructs that target animatable content element or Layout elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: head
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, Profile.class*, resources?, styling?, layout?, animation?

To the extent that time semantics apply to the content of the head element, the implied time interval of this element is defined to be coterminous with the root temporal extent.

8.1.3 body

The body element functions as a logical container and a temporal structuring element for a sequence of textual content units represented as logical divisions.

The body element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Animation.class element group, followed by zero or more div elements.

Any metadata specified by children in the Metadata.class element group applies semantically to the body element and its descendants as a whole.

Any animation elements specified by children in the Animation.class element group apply semantically to the body element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: body
  animate = IDREFS
  begin = <time-expression>
  condition = <condition>
  dur = <time-expression>
  end = <time-expression>
  region = IDREF
  style = IDREFS
  timeContainer = (par|seq)
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Metadata namespace}
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, Animation.class*, div*

An author may specify a temporal interval for a body element using the begin, dur, and end attributes. If the begin point of this interval remains unspecified, then the begin point is interpreted as the beginning point of the root temporal extent. Similarly, if the end point of this interval remains unspecified, then the end point is interpreted as the ending point of the root temporal extent.


A document instance referenced from a SMIL presentation is expected to follow the same timing rules as apply to other SMIL media objects.

If relative begin or end times are specified on the body element, then these times are resolved by reference to the beginning and ending time of the root temporal extent.

If the root temporal extent is shorter than the computed duration of the body element, then the active time interval of a body element is truncated to the active end point of the root temporal extent.

An author may associate a set of style properties with a body element by means of either the style attribute or inline style attributes or a combination thereof.


Style properties that are associated with a body element in a document instance are available for style inheritance by descendant content elements such as div, p, span and br.

If no timeContainer attribute is specified on a body element, then it must be interpreted as having parallel time containment semantics.

8.1.4 div

The div element functions as a logical container and a temporal structuring element for a sequence of textual content units represented as logical sub-divisions or paragraphs.


When rendered on a continuous (non-paged) visual presentation medium, a div element is expected to generate one or more block areas that contain zero or more child block areas generated by the div element's descendant p elements.

If some block area generated by a div element does not contain any child areas, then it is not expected to be presented.

The div element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Animation.class element group, followed by zero or one element in the Layout.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Block.class or Embedded.class element groups.

Any metadata specified by children in the Metadata.class element group applies semantically to the div element and its descendants as a whole.

Any animation elements specified by children in the Animation.class element group apply semantically to the div element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: div
  animate = IDREFS
  begin = <time-expression>
  condition = <condition>
  dur = <time-expression>
  end = <time-expression>
  region = IDREF
  style = IDREFS
  timeContainer = (par|seq)
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Metadata namespace}
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, Animation.class*, Layout.class?, (Block.class|Embedded.class)*

An author may associate a set of style properties with a div element by means of either the style attribute or inline style attributes or a combination thereof.


Style properties that are associated with a div element in a document instance are available for style inheritance by descendant content elements such as div, p, span, and br.

If a tts:extent, tts:origin, or tts:position style attribute is specified on a div element, then that specification must be considered to be equivalent to specifying an anonymous inline region child of the div element, where the extent, origin, or position of the corresponding region, also referred to as an implied inline region, is equal to the value of the respective attribute. If any of these style attributes are specified, then they apply to the same implied inline region. If both tts:origin and tts:position attributes are specified and tts:position is a supported property, then the tts:origin attribute must be ignored when constructing the associated implied inline region.

If no timeContainer attribute is specified on a div element, then it must be interpreted as having parallel time containment semantics.

8.1.5 p

A p element represents a logical paragraph, serving as a transition between block level and inline level formatting semantics.

The p element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Animation.class element group, followed by zero or one element in the Layout.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Inline.class or Embedded.class element groups.

Any metadata specified by children in the Metadata.class element group applies semantically to the p element and its descendants as a whole.

Any animation elements specified by children in the Animation.class element group apply semantically to the p element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: p
  animate = IDREFS
  begin = <time-expression>
  condition = <condition>
  dur = <time-expression>
  end = <time-expression>
  region = IDREF
  style = IDREFS
  timeContainer = (par|seq)
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Metadata namespace}
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, Animation.class*, Layout.class?, (Inline.class|Embedded.class)*

An author may associate a set of style properties with a p element by means of either the style attribute or inline style attributes or a combination thereof.


Style properties that are associated with a p element in a document instance are available for style inheritance by descendant content elements such as span and br.

If a tts:extent, tts:origin, or tts:position style attribute is specified on a p element, then that specification must be considered to be equivalent to specifying an anonymous inline region child of the p element, where the extent, origin, or position of the corresponding region, also referred to as an implied inline region, is equal to the value of the respective attribute. If any of these style attributes are specified, then they apply to the same implied inline region. If both tts:origin and tts:position attributes are specified and tts:position is a supported property, then the tts:origin attribute must be ignored when constructing the associated implied inline region.

If no timeContainer attribute is specified on a p element, then it must be interpreted as having parallel time containment semantics.

If a sequence of children of a p element consists solely of character information items, then that sequence must be considered to be an anonymous span for the purpose of applying style properties that apply to span elements.


The presentation semantics of TTML effectively implies that a p element constitutes a line break. In particular, it is associated with a block-stacking constraint both before the first generated line area and after the last generated line area. See Synchronic Flow Processing for further details.

8.1.6 span

The span element functions as a logical container and a temporal structuring element for a sequence of textual content units having inline level formatting semantics.

When presented on a visual medium, a span element is intended to generate a sequence of inline areas, each containing one or more glyph areas.

The span element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Animation.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Inline.class or Embedded.class element groups.

Any metadata specified by children in the Metadata.class element group applies semantically to the span element and its descendants as a whole.

Any animation elements specified by children in the Animation.class element group apply semantically to the span element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: span
  animate = IDREFS
  begin = <time-expression>
  condition = <condition>
  dur = <time-expression>
  end = <time-expression>
  region = IDREF
  style = IDREFS
  timeContainer = (par|seq)
  xlink:arcrole = xsd:anyURI+
  xlink:href = xsd:anyURI
  xlink:role = xsd:anyURI+
  xlink:show = (new|replace|embed|other|none) : new
  xlink:title = xsd:string
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Metadata namespace}
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, Animation.class*, (Inline.class|Embedded.class)*

An author may associate a set of style properties with a span element by means of either the style attribute or inline style attributes or a combination thereof.


Style properties that are associated with a span element in a document instance are available for style inheritance by descendant content elements such as span and br.

If no timeContainer attribute is specified on a span element, then it must be interpreted as having parallel time containment semantics.

The linking attributes xlink:* may be used to link a span element with related content, using the specified location (href), roles, and title. The behavior of link activation is affected by the xlink:show attribute, the precise meaning of which is determined by the document processing context.

If a span element specifies an xlink:href attribute, then a nested span element descendant must not specify an xlink:href attribute, and, if it does, then the latter must be ignored for the purpose of presentation or activation processing.

8.1.7 br

The br element denotes an explicit line break.

Any metadata specified by children in the Metadata.class element group applies semantically to the br element and its descendants as a whole.

Any animation elements specified by children in the Animation.class element group apply semantically to the br element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: br
  animate = IDREFS
  begin = <time-expression>
  condition = <condition>
  dur = <time-expression>
  end = <time-expression>
  region = IDREF
  style = IDREFS
  timeContainer = (par|seq)
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Metadata namespace}
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, Animation.class*

When presented on a visual medium, the presence of a br element must be interpreted as a forced line break.


The visual presentation of a br element is intended to produce the same effect as the control character CR (U+000D) followed by the control code LF (U+000A) when presented on a teletype device. Therefore, two br elements in sequence will produce a different effect than a single br element.

If no timeContainer attribute is specified on a br element, then it must be interpreted as having parallel time containment semantics.

8.2 Content Attribute Vocabulary

This section defines the following common attributes used with many or all element types in the core vocabulary catalog:

In addition, this section defines the following linking vocabulary used by certain element types in the core vocabulary catalog:

8.2.1 condition

The condition attribute is used to conditionally exclude an element from semantic processing.

The condition attribute may be used with any element in the core vocabulary catalog except profile matter, i.e., elements of the Profile Module.

The value of a condition attribute must adhere to a <condition> expression.

For the purpose of presentation processing, if an element specifies a condition attribute, and the its <condition> expression value evaluates to false, then the semantics of the element and its descendant elements must be ignored.


For example, if a p element specifies a condition attribute that evaluates to false, then the content of that element is ignored for presentation purposes.

8.2.2 xlink:arcrole

The xlink:arcrole attribute is used as defined by [XLink 1.1].

The xlink:arcrole attribute may be used with any span or image element.

8.2.3 xlink:href

The xlink:href attribute is used as defined by [XLink 1.1].

The xlink:href attribute may be used with any span or image element.

8.2.4 xlink:role

The xlink:role attribute is used as defined by [XLink 1.1].

The xlink:role attribute may be used with any span or image element.

8.2.5 xlink:show

The xlink:show attribute is used as defined by [XLink 1.1].

The xlink:show attribute may be used with any span or image element.

8.2.6 xlink:title

The xlink:title attribute is used as defined by [XLink 1.1].

The xlink:title attribute may be used with any span or image element.

8.2.7 xml:id

The xml:id attribute is used as defined by [XML ID].

The xml:id attribute may be used with any element in the core vocabulary catalog.

8.2.8 xml:lang

The xml:lang attribute is used as defined by [XML 1.0], §2.12, Language Identification.

The xml:lang attribute must be specified on the tt element and may be specified by an instance of any other element type in the core vocabulary catalog except parameter vocabulary.

8.2.9 xml:space

The xml:space attribute is used as defined by [XML 1.0], §2.10, White Space Handling.

The xml:space attribute may be used with any element in the core vocabulary catalog except parameter vocabulary.

The semantics of the value default are fixed to mean that when performing presentation processing of a document instance as described by Synchronic Flow Processing, processing must occur as if the following properties were specified on the affected elements of an equivalent intermediate XSL-FO document:

  • suppress-at-line-break="auto"

  • linefeed-treatment="treat-as-space"

  • white-space-collapse="true"

  • white-space-treatment="ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed"

Similarly, the semantics of the value preserve are fixed to mean that when performing presentation processing, processing must occur as if the following properties were specified on the affected elements of an equivalent intermediate XSL-FO document:

  • suppress-at-line-break="retain"

  • linefeed-treatment="preserve"

  • white-space-collapse="false"

  • white-space-treatment="preserve"

When performing other types of processing intended to eventually result in a visual presentation by means other than those described in this specification, the semantics of space collapsing and preservation as described above should be respected. For other types of processing, the treatment of the xml:space attribute is processor dependent, but should respect the semantics described above if possible.


The semantics of the above four cited XSL-FO properties are defined by by [XSL 1.1], § 7.17.3, 7.16.7, 7.16.12, and 7.16.8, respectively.

8.3 Content Value Expressions

Core vocabulary may make use of the following expressions:

8.3.1 <arguments>

A <arguments> value is a sub-expression used with a function-expression non-terminal of an <expression> value.

Syntax Representation – <arguments>
  : "(" ")"
  | "(" argument-list ")"

  : <expression>
  | argument-list "," <expression>

8.3.2 <bound-parameter>

A <bound-parameter> value is one of an enumerated collection of named parameters bound to a value by the content processor.

Syntax Representation – <bound-parameter>
  : forced
  | mediaAspectRatio
  | mediaLanguage
  | userLanguage

Evaluates to a boolean value that denotes whether the content processor is operating with forced subtitles enabled. If used in a document instance, then a usesForced named metadata item should be specified as a child of the head element.


Evaluates to a numeric value equal to the aspect ratio of the related media object.


Evaluates to a string value equal to the (primary) language of the related media object.


Evaluates to a string value equal to the (primary) language of the user as determined by the document processing context.

8.3.3 <condition>

A <condition> value is used to specify an expression that evaluates to a binary value which is used to determine if the semantics of a conditionalized element is respected or ignored during content processing.

Syntax Representation – <condition>
  : <expression>

If a <condition> value contains a function-expression non-terminal, then it must take the form of a <condition-function> expression.

8.3.4 <condition-function>

A <condition-function> value is a sub-expression that may be used in a <condition> value expression.

Syntax Representation – <condition-function>

8.3.5 <expression>

An <expression> value is a sub-expression of a <condition> value.

Syntax Representation – <expression>
  : logical-or-expression

  : logical-and-expression
  | logical-or-expression "||" logical-and-expression

  : equality-expression
  | logical-and-expression "&&" equality-expression

  : relational-expression
  | equality-expression "==" relational-expression
  | equality-expression "!=" relational-expression

  : additive-expression
  | relational-expression "<" additive-expression
  | relational-expression ">" additive-expression
  | relational-expression "<=" additive-expression
  | relational-expression ">=" additive-expression

  : multiplicitive-expression
  | additive-expression "+" multiplicitive-expression
  | additive-expression "-" multiplicitive-expression

  : unary-expression
  | multiplicitive-expression "*" unary-expression
  | multiplicitive-expression "/" unary-expression
  | multiplicitive-expression "%" unary-expression

  : primary-or-function-expression
  | "+" unary-expression
  | "-" unary-expression
  | "!" unary-expression

  : primary-expression
  | function-expression

  : identifier
  | literal
  | "(" expression ")"

  : identifier <arguments>

  : xsd:NCName

  : boolean-literal
  | numeric-literal
  | string-literal

  : "true"
  | "false"

  : decimal-literal

  : decimal-integer-literal "." decimal-digits? exponent-part?
  | decimal-integer-literal exponent-part?
  | "." decimal-digits exponent-part?

  : "0"
  | non-zero-digit decimal-digits?

  : decimal-digit
  | decimal-digits decimal-digit

  : "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8"

  : "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8"

  : exponent-indicator signed-integer

  : "e" | "E"

  : decimal-digits
  | "+" decimal-digits
  | "-" decimal-digits

  : <quoted-string>

8.3.6 <media-function>

A <media-function> value is a sub-expression that may be used in a <condition> value expression in order to perform a media query on the related media object or the document processing context.

Syntax Representation – <media-function>
  : "media" "(" media-query ")"

  : <quoted-string>

The media-query argument of a <media-function> value expression must adhere to the syntax of the media_query_list defined by [Media Queries], § 3.

A <media-function> value expression evaluates to true if the specified media query evaluates to true, otherwise, the value expression evaluates to false.

8.3.7 <quoted-string>

A <quoted-string> value expression is used to specify a double or single quoted string.

Syntax Representation – <quoted-string>
  : double-quoted-string
  | single-quoted-string

  : '"' ( [^"\\] | escape )+ '"'

  : "'" ( [^'\\] | escape )+ "'"

  : '\\' char

8.3.8 <parameter-function>

A <parameter-function> value is a sub-expression that may be used in a <condition> value expression in order to obtain a named parameter of the document processing context.

Syntax Representation – <parameter-function>
  : "parameter" "(" parameter-name ")"

  : <quoted-string>

When de-quoted, the parameter-name argument of a <parameter-function> value expression must adhere to an xsd:NCName, which must, in turn, be one of the values enumerated by <bound-parameter>.

A <parameter-function> value expression evaluates to the value associated with (bound to) the specified paramater name.

8.3.9 <supports-function>

A <supports-function> value is a sub-expression that may be used in a <condition> value expression in order to obtain a boolean value that denotes whether a specified feature or extension is supported or not.

Syntax Representation – <supports-function>
  : "supports" "(" feature-or-extension-designator ")"

  : <quoted-string>

The feature-or-extension-designator argument of a <supports-function> value expression must express a feature designation or an extension designation as defined by E.1 Feature Designations and F.1 Extension Designations, respectively, and where the feature-namespace or extension-namespace component of the designation is optional, and, if not specified, is considered to be equal to the TT Feature Namespace or TT Extension Namespace, respectively.

A <supports-function> value expression evaluates to true if the specified feature or extension designator is (semantically) supported by the content processor.

9 Embedded Content

This section specifies the embedded content matter of the core vocabulary catalog, where, in this context, content is to be understood as data of an arbitrary content type (format) and embedded refers to the embedding (inlining) of this data or the embedding of a reference to external data.

9.1 Embedded Content Element Vocabulary

The following elements may be used to specify embedded content:

The 9.1.3 data element serves as a generic container element for an embedded data resource, which may or may not be fragmented into chunks, in which case a data fragment is represented using the 9.1.2 chunk element. The 9.1.1 audio, 9.1.4 font, and 9.1.5 image elements are specialized elements used to to reference specific types of embedded content. The 9.1.6 resources element is used to group definitions of embedded content for reference by subsequent elements. The 9.1.7 source element may be used to express the source of embedded content.

9.1.1 audio

The audio element is used to define an author supplied audio resource.

An audio element may appear in two contexts: (1) as a child of a resources element and (2) as a child of an element in the Block.class element group, namely, as a child of a div or p element, or as a child of a span element. The former is referred to as an audio defining context, the latter as an audio presentation context.

When an audio element appears in an audio defining context, it serves as a sharable definition of an audio resource that may be referenced by other audio elements in the enclosing document instance. In this case, the active time interval of the audio element is the same as the active time interval of its parent resources element.


A sharable definition of an audio resource specifies an xml:id attribute in order to be referenced by audio elements in an audio presentation context.

When an audio element appears in an audio presentation context, it serves as a non-sharable definition of an audio resource that implies presentation (rendering) semantics, i.e., that it is intended to be played. In this case, the active time interval of the audio element is the same as the active time interval of its parent content element.


A non-sharable definition of an audio resource may or may not specify an xml:id attribute, but this identifier is not referenced by other audio elements, or, if it is, the reference is ignored.

The audio element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group followed by zero or more source elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: audio
  condition = <condition>
  format = <audio-format>
  src = <audio>
  type = xsd:string
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute in TT Metadata namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, source*

An audio element defines an audio resource either (1) by referring to an external data resource or (2) defining or referring to an embedded data resource, where the data resource contains audio content.

If an audio element specifies a src attribute, then it must not specify a child source element. Conversely, if an audio element does not specify a src attribute, then it must specify one or more child source elements.

If an audio element specifies a src attribute and its value does not refer to a fragment of the enclosing document instance, then it should specify a a type attribute, in which case the value of the type attribute must correspond with the media (content) type of the referenced resource. Otherwise, a type attribute must not be specified.

If a type attribute is not specified or is specified as a generic type, such as application/octet-stream, and additional format information is known about a referenced audio resource, then a format attribute should be specified as a hint to the content processor.

If an audio element includes a child source element, then the format attribute of the source child, if specified, must adhere to the <audio-format> value expression.

The use of the audio element is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – External Audio Resource
<audio src="http://example.com/audio/description.mp3" type="audio/mp3"/>

9.1.2 chunk

The chunk element is used to represent a distinct chunk (fragment) of data.

A chunk element may appear as a child of a data element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: chunk
  condition = <condition>
  encoding = (base16|base32|base32hex|base64|base64url) : base64
  length = xsd:nonNegativeInteger
  xml:id = ID
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA

If an encoding attribute is specified, then it must denote the actual encoding of the byte sequence represented by the chunk element. If no encoding attribute is specified, then the encoding must be considered to be base64.

If a length attribute is specified, then it must denote the number of decoded bytes in the byte sequence represented by the chunk element. When decoding, if a specified length value does not match the number of decoded bytes, then the chunk and its container data element must return a zero length byte sequence. If no length attribute is specified, then the chunk is considered to have a length equal to the actual number of decoded bytes.

The use of chunked data is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Chunked Data
<data type="text/plain; charset=us-ascii" length="44">
  <chunk length="19">
  <chunk length="25">

9.1.3 data

The data element functions as a generic container for or reference to arbitrary data.

A data element may appear in three contexts: (1) as a child of a resources element, referred to as a data defining context, (2) as a child of a metadata element, referred to as a data binding context for metadata, or (3) as a child of a source element, referred to as a data binding context for source, and where these latter two contexts are referred to collectively as data binding contexts.

When a data element appears in a data defining context, it serves as a sharable definition of a data resource that may be referenced by the src attribute of (1) another data element, (2) an embedded content element, or (3) a source element. In this case, the contextualized active time interval of the data element is the intersection of the active time interval of its parent resources element and the active time interval of its referring element.


A sharable definition of a data resource specifies an xml:id attribute in order to be referenced by a fragment identifier used in a data binding context.

When a data element appears in a data binding context, it serves as a non-sharable definition of a data resource that implies binding semantics, i.e., that it is intended to bound to (associated with) its immediate context of reference. In this case, the active time interval of the data element is the same as the active time interval of its closest ancestor timed element.


A non-sharable definition of a data resource may or may not specify an xml:id attribute, but this identifier is not referenced in other data binding contexts, or, if it is, has no binding semantics.

The data element accepts one of the following three content models: (1) one or more text nodes (i.e., #PCDATA), (2) zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group followed by one or more chunk elements, or (3) zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group followed by one or more source elements, where the first is referred to as simple data embedding, the second as chunked data embedding, and the third as sourced data embedding.

When simple data embedding is used, the data resource is obtained by decoding the #PCDATA content. When chunked data embedding is used, the data resource is obtained by concatenating the byte sequences obtained by decoding each child chunk element. When sourced data embedding is used, the data resource is obtained from the first resolvable child source element. Furthermore, a child source element must not contain a data element, but may refer to a data element in a data defining context.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: data
  condition = <condition>
  encoding = (base16|base32|base32hex|base64|base64url) : see prose below
  format = <data-format>
  length = xsd:nonNegativeInteger
  src = <data>
  type = xsd:string : see prose below
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA | (Metadata.class*, chunk+) | (Metadata.class*, source+)

If simple data embedding is used, i.e., the content of the data element is one or more text nodes, then an encoding attribute may be specified, and, if not specified, must be considered to be base64. If chunked or sourced data embedding is used, i.e., the content of the data element contains any child chunk or source element, then an encoding attribute must not be specified, and, if specified, must be ignored for the purpose of content processing.

If a length attribute is specified, then it must denote the number of decoded bytes in the byte sequence represented by the data element. When decoding, if a specified length value does not match the number of decoded bytes, then a zero length byte sequence must be returned. If no length attribute is specified, then the data resource is considered to have a length equal to the actual number of decoded bytes. A length attribute must not be specified when using sourced data embedding.


The intention of the length attribute is to provide a means to perform a simple integrity check on decoded data. Note that this check does not guarantee data integrity during transport, i.e., the data could be modified without modifying the length.

If simple or chunked data embedding is used, a type attribute must be specified, and must correspond with the media (content) type of the data resource. In these cases, if there is no defined type, the type application/octet-stream should be used. In the case of sourced data embedding, the media (content) type of the resolved source element is used as the type.

If a type attribute is not specified or resolved or is specified as a generic type, such as application/octet-stream, and additional format information is known about a referenced data resource, then a format attribute should be specified as a hint to the content processor.

The use of simple data embedding is illustrated by the following examples.

Example Fragment – Simple Data Embedding in Data Defining Context
    <data xml:id="sharedImageData" type="image/png" length="119">
    <image xml:id="sharedImage">
      <source src="#sharedImageData"/>
<body xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling">
  <div tts:backgroundImage="#sharedImage"/>
  <div tts:backgroundImage="#sharedImage"/>

Example Fragment – Simple Data Embedding in Data Binding Context for Metadata
  <metadata xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#metadata">
    <ttm:desc>caption with metadata containing tunneled data</ttm:desc>
    <data encoding="base64">
  <p>Caption with Tunneled Data</p>

Example Fragment – Simple Data Embedding in Data Binding Context for Source
      <data type="image/png" length="119">

9.1.4 font

The font element is used to define an author supplied font resource.

A font element may appear as a child of a resources element, referred to as a font defining context.

The font element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group followed by zero or more source elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: font
  condition = <condition>
  family = xsd:string
  format = <font-format>
  range = <unicode-range>
  style = (normal|italic|oblique)
  src = <font>
  type = xsd:string
  weight = (normal|bold)
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, source*

A font element defines a font resource either (1) by referring to an external data resource or (2) defining or referring to an embedded data resource, where the data resource contains font content.

If a font element specifies a src attribute, then it must not specify a child source element. Conversely, if a font element does not specify a src attribute, then it must specify one or more child source elements.

If a font element specifies a src attribute and its value does not refer to a fragment of the enclosing document instance, then it should specify a a type attribute, in which case the value of the type attribute must correspond with the media (content) type of the referenced resource. Otherwise, a type attribute must not be specified.

If a type attribute is not specified or is specified as a generic type, such as application/octet-stream, and additional format information is known about a referenced font resource, then a format attribute should be specified as a hint to the content processor.


A font format hint might be useful to a content processor to avoid accessing a font resource it knows it cannot decode.

If a font element includes a child source element, then the format attribute of the source child, if specified, must adhere to the <font-format> value expression.

If any of the family, range, style, or weight attributes are specified, then they override the family name, supported character ranges, style, and weight of the actual font resource. In particular, if the specified attribute value(s) differ from the value(s) of these font characteristics as encoded in the font resource, then the specified attribute value(s) are to be used instead of the font characteristics encoded in the font resource.

If any of the family, range, style, or weight attributes are not specified, then their values must be considered to be equal to the value(s) of the same named font characteristics encoded in the font resource.


Authors are advised to use subset fonts wherever possible. A subset font is a syntactically valid font resource that removes unreferenced glyphs and unreferenced glyph metrics. In general, a subset font is tied to a specific document, since it may have been generated based on the actual character content of that document.

Editorial note: Font Loading Semantics2014-11-21
Specify font loading semantics, making as much use as possible (by reference) of material found at CSS Font Module Level 3, Font Loading Guidelines.

The use of the font element is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Font
    <data xml:id="lastResortFont" type="application/font-woff">
      ... base64 encoded data ...
    <font family="MyFont" range="u+20-7f,u+90-9f">
      <source src="http://example.com/fonts/myfont.otf" format="opentype"/>
      <source src="#lastResortFont"/>
<p tts:fontFamily="MyFont">use my font or last resort font</p>

9.1.5 image

The image element is used to define an author supplied image resource.

An image element may appear in two contexts: (1) as a child of a resources element and (2) as a child of an element in the Block.class element group, namely, as a child of a div or p element, or as a child of a span element. The former is referred to as an image defining context, the latter as an image presentation context.

When an image element appears in an image defining context, it serves as a sharable definition of an image resource that may be referenced by another image element or by a tts:backgroundImage style attribute in the enclosing document instance. In this case, the active time interval of the image element is the same as the active time interval of its parent resources element.


A sharable definition of an image resource specifies an xml:id attribute in order to be referenced by an image element or by a tts:backgroundImage style attribute in an image presentation context.

When an image element appears in an image presentation context, it serves as a non-sharable definition of an image resource that implies presentation (rendering) semantics. In this case, the active time interval of the image element is the same as the active time interval of its parent content element.


A non-sharable definition of an image resource may or may not specify an xml:id attribute, but this identifier is not referenced by other image elements, or, if it is, the reference is ignored.

When an image element appears as a child of a div element, then its presentation produces a block area in which the image is rendered; i.e., a block boundary is implied before and after the image element. In contrast, when an image element appears as a child of a p or span element, then its presentation produces an inline area in which the image is rendered; i.e., no block boundary is implied before and after the image element.


In [CSS2], these semantics would correspond to an image element being associated with a display style property with a value of block or inline, respectively.

The presentation of an image resource referenced by a tts:backgroundImage style attribute must not affect content layout.

The image element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group followed by zero or more source elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: image
  condition = <condition>
  format = <image-format>
  src = <image>
  type = xsd:string
  xlink:arcrole = xsd:anyURI+
  xlink:href = xsd:anyURI
  xlink:role = xsd:anyURI+
  xlink:show = (new|replace|embed|other|none) : new
  xlink:title = xsd:string
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute in TT Metadata namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, source*

An image element defines an image resource either (1) by referring to an external data resource or (2) defining or referring to an embedded data resource, where the data resource contains image content.

If an image element specifies a src attribute, then it must not specify a child source element. Conversely, if an image element does not specify a src attribute, then it must specify one or more child source elements.

If an image element specifies a src attribute and its value does not refer to a fragment of the enclosing document instance, then it should specify a a type attribute, in which case the value of the type attribute must correspond with the media (content) type of the referenced resource. Otherwise, a type attribute must not be specified.

If a type attribute is not specified or is specified as a generic type, such as application/octet-stream, and additional format information is known about a referenced image resource, then a format attribute should be specified as a hint to the content processor.

If an image element includes a child source element, then the format attribute of the source child, if specified, must adhere to the <image-format> value expression.

An image element may specify an tts:extent style attribute in order to specify the presentation width or height of the image when intrinsic width or height information is not available or is intended to be overridden. If this attribute is specified on both an image element in an image presentation context and on the image element in an image defining context to which the former refers, then the attribute specified on the former takes precedence over the one specified on the latter.

The linking attributes xlink:* may be used to link an image element with related content, using the specified location (href), roles, and title. The behavior of link activation is affected by the xlink:show attribute, the precise meaning of which is determined by the document processing context.

The use of the image element is illustrated by the following examples.

Example Fragment – External Image Resources
  <p>This division has a content image that appears as a block area after this paragraph.</p>
  <image src="http://example.com/images/caption.png" type="image/png"/>
<div tts:backgroundImage="http://example.com/images/background.png">
  <p>This division has a background image that appears under this paragraph.</p>

Example Fragment – Sharable Embedded Image Resource
    <data xml:id="caption" type="image/png" length="119">
        <source src="#caption"/>
        <source src="#caption"/>

Example Fragment – External Image Resource with Non-Sharable Image Fallback
    <source src="http://example.com/images/caption.png" type="image/png"/>
      <data type="image/png" length="119">

9.1.6 resources

The resources element is a container element used to group definitions of embedded content, including metadata that applies to this embedded content.

The resources element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Data.class, Embedded.class, or Font.class element groups.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: resources
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, (Data.class|Embedded.class|Font.class)*

To the extent that time semantics apply to the content of the resources element, the implied time interval of this element is defined to be coterminous with the root temporal extent.

9.1.7 source

The source element is used to specify the source of an embedded content resource.

The source element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group followed by zero or one data element.

If a source element specifies a src attribute, then it must not specify a child data element, in which case it is referred to as an external source if the src attribute refers to an external resource, or a non-nested embedded source if the src attribute refers to an embedded resource in the enclosing document instance.

If a source element does not specify a src attribute, then it must specify a child data element, in which case it is referred to as a nested embedded source.

A source element must not have an ancestor source element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: source
  condition = <condition>
  format = <data-format>
  src = <data>
  type = xsd:string
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, data?

If a format attribute is specified, then it provides additional hint information about the format (i.e., formal syntax) of the embedded content. Such information may be useful in cases where no standard media (content) type label has been defined. Depending on the context of use of a source element, the values of this attribute may be further constrained.

If a src attribute is specified and its value refers to a fragment of the enclosing document instance, then there must be a data element child of a resources element which is identified by that fragment, i.e., has an xml:id attribute, the value of which matches the fragment identifier.

If a src attribute is specified and its value does not refer to a fragment of the enclosing document instance, then a type attribute should be specified, in which case it must correspond with the media (content) type of the referenced resource.

If a src attribute is specified and its value does refer to a fragment of the enclosing document instance, then a type attribute must not be specified; rather, the content type of the embedded resource is determined by the value of the type attribute on the referenced or embedded data element.

The use of the source element is illustrated by the following examples.

Example Fragment – External Source
  <source src="http://example.com/images/caption.png" type="image/png"/>

Example Fragment – Non-Nested Embedded Source
<data xml:id="caption" type="image/png" length="119">
  <source src="#caption"/>

Example Fragment – Nested Embedded Source
    <data type="image/png" length="119">

9.2 Embedded Content Attribute Vocabulary

This section defines the following attributes for use with certain embedded content element vocabulary:

9.2.1 encoding

The encoding attribute is used to specify the encoding format of data.

The encoding attribute may be specified by an instance of the following element types:

If specified, the value of an encoding attribute must take one of the following values as defined by [Data Encodings]:

  • base16

  • base32

  • base32hex

  • base64

  • base64url

If not specified, then base64 semantics apply.

9.2.2 format

The format attribute is used to specify hints about the media (content) format of an embedded content resource beyond media (content) type information provided by a type attribute.


A format attribute is useful in the absence of a registered media (content) type, e.g., when no media (content) type is available or a generic type is used, such as application/octet-stream.

The format attribute may be specified by an instance of the following element types:

The value of a format attribute must adhere to a <data-format> expression.

Depending on the context of use, additional constraints may apply.

9.2.3 src

The src attribute is used to specify the location or an identifier that maps to the location of data resource.

The src attribute may be specified by an instance of the following element types:

If specified, the value of a src attribute must adhere to the value syntax of the xsd:anyURI data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], §3.2.17.

Depending on the context of use, additional constraints may apply.

9.2.4 type

The type attribute is used to specify the media (content) type of data resource, and may express additional parameters that characterize the data.

The type attribute may be specified by an instance of the following element types:

If specified, the value of a type attribute must adhere to the value syntax of the Content-Type MIME header defined by [MIME], §5.1.

If not specified, then the media (content) type is unknown or deliberately unspecified.

When decoding a data resource for which a type attribute is specified, then content processing must respect the specified type whether it is correct or not. That is, if a type attribute mis-specifies the type of a data resource, then content processing must not attempt to override that type by performing content sniffing.

9.3 Embedded Content Value Expressions

Embedded content elements as well as certain style property values make use of the following expressions:

In the syntax representations defined in this section, no linear whitespace (LWSP) is implied or permitted between tokens unless explicitly specified.

9.3.1 <audio>

An <audio> value expression is used to specify an audio resource by reference.

Syntax Representation – <audio>
  : xsd:anyURI

If an <audio> value expression takes the form of a fragment identifier, then that fragment identifier must reference an audio element that is a child of a resources element in the enclosing document instance.

9.3.2 <audio-format>

An <audio-format> expression is used to specify the format of a audio resource. Additional format information is useful in the case of audio resources that lack a registered media (content) type.

Syntax Representation – <audio-format>
  : xsd:NCName
  | xsd:anyURI

If a format expression takes the form of an xsd:anyURI, then it must express an absolute URI.


This specification does not standardize the set of format tokens for use with audio content. Authors are encouraged to use tokens in common use, or absent that, to add a prefix "x-" to form a private use token.

9.3.3 <data>

A <data> value expression is used to specify a data resource by reference.

Syntax Representation – <data>
  : xsd:anyURI

If a <data> value expression takes the form of a fragment identifier, then that fragment identifier must reference an data element that is a child of a resources element in the enclosing document instance.

9.3.4 <data-format>

A <data-format> expression is used to specify the format of a data resource. Additional format information is useful in the case of data resources that lack a registered media (content) type.

Syntax Representation – <data-format>
  : xsd:NCName
  | xsd:anyURI

If a format expression takes the form of an xsd:anyURI, then it must express an absolute URI.


This specification does not standardize the set of format tokens for use with data content. Authors are encouraged to use tokens in common use, or absent that, to add a prefix "x-" to form a private use token.

9.3.5 <font>

An <font> expression is used to specify a font resource by reference.

Syntax Representation – <font>
  : xsd:anyURI

If a <font> expression takes the form of a fragment identifier, then that fragment identifier must reference a font element that is a child of a resources element in the enclosing document instance.

9.3.6 <font-format>

A <font-format> expression is used to specify the format of a font resource. Additional format information is useful in the case of font resources due that lack a registered media (content) type.

Syntax Representation – <font-format>
  : eot                                     // embedded opentype
  | otf                                     // opentype
  | ttf                                     // truetype
  | woff                                    // web open font format
  | xsd:NCName
  | xsd:anyURI

If a format expression takes the form of an xsd:anyURI, then it must express an absolute URI.


This specification standardizes a limited set of format tokens for use with font content. In case none of these tokens are appropriate, authors are encouraged to use tokens in common use, or absent that, to add a prefix "x-" to form a private use token.

9.3.7 <image>

Issue (issue-ttml2-141):

Embedded graphics don't fully meet requirement

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/141

The sub-part of requirement R217 and R218 "If block or inline graphics are used for the purpose of expressing pre-rasterized text in a bitmap format, then the original text that produced such a pre-rasterized form shall also be required to be present in TT AF content." is not met.


None recorded.

An <image> expression is used to specify an image resource by reference.

Syntax Representation – <image>
  : xsd:anyURI

If an <image> expression takes the form of a fragment identifier, then that fragment identifier must reference an image element that is a child of a resources element in the enclosing document instance.

9.3.8 <image-format>

An <image-format> expression is used to specify the format of a image resource. Additional format information is useful in the case of image resources that lack a registered media (content) type.

Syntax Representation – <image-format>
  : xsd:NCName
  | xsd:anyURI

If a format expression takes the form of a xsd:anyURI, then it must express an absolute URI.


This specification does not standardize the set of format tokens for use with image content. Authors are encouraged to use tokens in common use, or absent that, to add a prefix "x-" to form a private use token.

9.3.9 <unicode-range>

A <unicode-range> expression is used to specify a collection of Unicode codepoints by enumerating singleton codepoints or ranges of codepoints.

Syntax Representation – <unicode-range>
  : range ("," range)*

  : codepoint
  | codepoint "-" codepoint

  : ("U"|"u") "+" hexdigit-or-wildcard{1,6}

  : <hex-digit>
  | "?"

No LWSP is permitted within a codepoint sub-expression.

10 Styling

This section specifies the styling matter of the core vocabulary catalog, where styling is to be understood as a separable layer of information that applies to content and that denotes authorial intentions about the presentation of that content.

Styling attributes are included in TTML to enable authorial intent of presentation to be included within a self-contained document. This section describes the semantics of style presentation in terms of a standard processing model. TTML Processors are not required to present document instances in any particular way; but an implementation of this model by a TTML presentation processor that provides externally observable results that are consistent with this model is likely to lead to a user experience that closely resembles the experience intended by the documents' authors.

The semantics of TTML style presentation are described in terms of the model in [XSL 1.1]. The effects of the attributes in this section are intended to be compatible with the layout and formatting model of XSL; however, Presentation agents may use any technology to satisfy the authorial intent of the document. In particular since [CSS2] is a subset of this model, a CSS processor may be used for the features that the models have in common.

No normative use of an <?xml-stylesheet ... ?> processing instruction is defined by this specification.

10.1 Styling Element Vocabulary

The following elements specify the structure and principal styling aspects of a document instance:

10.1.1 initial

The initial element is used to modify the initial value of one or more style properties, i.e, to specify use of different value(s) than the specification defined initial value(s).

The initial element accepts as its children zero or more metadata elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: initial
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*

The initial element is illustrated by the following example, wherein the initial value of the tts:color property is defined to be yellow.

Example Fragment – initial
    <initial tts:color="yellow"/>

10.1.2 style

The style element is used to define a set of style specifications expressed as a specified style set in accordance with Specified Style Set Processing.

The style element accepts as its children zero or more metadata elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: style
  condition = <condition>
  style = IDREFS
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*

If a style element appears as a descendant of a region element, then the style element must be ignored for the purpose of computing referential styles as defined by Referential Styling and Chained Referential Styling.


That is to say, when referential styling is used by an element to refer to a style element, then the referenced style element must appear as a descendant of the styling element, and not in any other context.

10.1.3 styling

The styling element is a container element used to group styling matter, including metadata that applies to styling matter.

The styling element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more initial elements, followed by zero or more style elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: styling
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, initial*, style*

To the extent that time semantics apply to the content of the styling element, the implied time interval of this element is defined to be coterminous with the root temporal extent.

10.2 Styling Attribute Vocabulary

This section defines the 10.2.1 style attribute used with certain animation elements, content elements, certain layout elements, and style definition elements.

In addition, this section specifies the following attributes in the TT Style Namespace for use with style definition elements, certain layout elements, and content elements that support inline style specifications:

Unless explicitly permitted by an element type definition, an attribute in the TT Style Namespace should not be specified on an element unless it either applies to that element or denotes an inheritable style property. If it does not apply to that element and does not denote an inheritable style property, then it must be ignored for the purpose of non-validation processing. In the case of validation processing, such usage should be reported as a warning, or, if strict validation is performed, as an error.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, linear white-space (LWSP) must appear between adjacent non-terminal components of a value of a TT Style property value unless some other delimiter is permitted and used.


This specification makes use of lowerCamelCased local names for style attributes that are based upon like-named properties defined by [XSL 1.1]. This convention is likewise extended to token values of such properties.


An inheritable style property may be expressed as a specified attribute on the root tt element or on a content element type independently of whether the property applies to that element type. This capability permits the expression of an inheritable style property on ancestor elements to which the property does not apply.


Due to the general syntax of this specification (and the schemas it references) with respect to how style attributes are specified, particularly for the purpose of supporting inheritance, it is possible for an author to inadvertently specify a non-inheritable style attribute on an element that applies neither to that element or any of its descendants while still remaining conformant from a content validity perspective. Content authors may wish to make use of TTML content verification tools that detect and warn about such usage.

10.2.1 style

The style attribute is used by referential style association to reference one or more style elements each of which define a style (property) set.

The style attribute may be specified by an instance of the following element types:

If specified, the value of a style attribute must adhere to the IDREFS data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], § 3.3.10, and, furthermore, each IDREF must reference a style element which has a styling element as an ancestor.

If the same IDREF, ID1, appears more than one time in the value of a style attribute, then there should be an intervening IDREF, ID2, where ID2 is not equal to ID1.


This constraint is intended to discourage the use of redundant referential styling while still allowing the same style to be referenced multiple times in order to potentially override prior referenced styles, e.g., when an intervening, distinct style is referenced in the IDREFS list.


See the specific element type definitions that permit use of the style attribute, as well as Referential Styling and Chained Referential Styling, for further information on its semantics.

10.2.2 tts:backgroundClip

The tts:backgroundClip attribute is used to specify a style property that determines the background painting rectangle within which the background is painted.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: border | content | padding |
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The tts:backgroundClip style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Background Clip
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="306px 114px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundImage="#embeddedImage"/>
  <style tts:backgroundClip="content"/>

Editorial note: Background Clip Example Image2014-11-21
Insert image of backgroundClip example.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Backgrounds and Borders], § 3.7.

10.2.3 tts:backgroundColor

The tts:backgroundColor attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the background color of a region or an area generated by content flowed into a region.

Issue (issue-ttml2-101):

Line Area Background Height

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/101

Fix definition of block progression dimension of background area of a line area. Neither XSL-FO nor CSS are sufficiently precise.


None recorded.

Issue (issue-ttml2-134):

Paragraph Background Width

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/134

Improve specificity of background color width determination.


None recorded.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <color>
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span
Animatable:discrete, continuous

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The tts:backgroundColor style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Background Color
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="306px 114px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="red"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:padding="3px 40px"/>
<p region="r1" tts:backgroundColor="purple" tts:textAlign="center">
  Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!<br/>
  How <span tts:backgroundColor="green">I wonder</span> where you're at!

Example Rendition – Background Color
TTML backgroundColor style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.8.2.

10.2.4 tts:backgroundExtent

The tts:backgroundExtent attribute may be used to specify the extent (size) of a background image independently of the image's intrinsic extent (size).

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: auto | contain | cover | <measure> <measure>
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span
Percentages:relative to width and height of the applicable background positioning rectangle
Animatable:discrete, continuous

If the value of this attribute is auto, then the computed value of the style property must be considered to be the same as the intrinsic extent (size) of the associated background image.

If the value of this attribute is contain, then the computed value of the style property is determined by performing the [compute containment scaling] procedure, where the target rectangle TR is initialized to the intrinsic width and height of the image, the reference rectangle RR is set to the background positioning rectangle, and the resulting output value of the target rectangle TR is the computed value.

If the value of this attribute is cover, then the computed value of the style property is determined by performing the [compute cover scaling] procedure, where the target rectangle TR is initialized to the intrinsic width and height of the image, the reference rectangle RR is set to the background positioning rectangle, and the resulting output value of the target rectangle TR is the computed value.

If the value of this attribute consists of two <measure> specifications, then the first specification is the width and the second specification is the height, respectively, of the computed value of this property, in which case both <measure> specifications must resolve (or be resolvable) to non-negative lengths.

If the computed value of this style property differs from the image's intrinsic extent (size), then the image raster is scaled independently in each dimension to match the computed extent value.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed background extent and the supported background extent is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value most distant from [0,0], i.e., of greatest extent, is used.

This rule for resolving closest supported value makes use of the nearest larger rather than nearest smaller supported distance.

The tts:backgroundExtent style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Background Extent
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="306px 114px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundImage="#embeddedImage"/>
  <style tts:backgroundExtent="cover"/>

Editorial note: Background Extent Example Image2016-09-09
Insert image of backgroundExtent example.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Backgrounds and Borders], § 3.9.

10.2.5 tts:backgroundImage

The tts:backgroundImage attribute is used to specify a style property that designates a background non-content image to be rendered as the background image of a region or an area generated by content flowed into a region.

A tts:backgroundImage attribute should not make reference to a content image used to represent actual content, such as a raster image rendering of a caption. Rather, the use of tts:backgroundImage should be limited to styling the background of an element where the content is represented by other means. If it is necessary to represent content using a raster image, then it should be expressed by means of an image element in a block or inline context.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <image> | none
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span

Editorial note: Intrinsic Image Size and Content Rectangle Size2016-04-16
Does background image intrinsic size affect min-{height,width} of content area to which it is applied? SMPTE-TT mandates that min-{height,width} are based on background image intrinsic size; however, this is at variance with XSL-FO and CSS, where background image size has no affect on the size of the content rectangle. IMSC1 does not explicitly address this issue, but appears to assume that the SMPTE-TT semantics apply.

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

An <image> expression used with this style property may directly reference an external image resource; however, authors should refrain from doing so, and instead, constrain their usage to only refer to image children of a resources element.


Referring indirectly to an image by means of an image element makes it possible to specify an image as an embedded data resource, and specify additional information about the image, such as its content type, etc. Furthermore, by exploiting the use of multiple source children in an image element, it becomes possible to specify resolution specific images and fallback image resources.

The tts:backgroundImage style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Background Image using Embedded Image Resource
    <image xml:id="embeddedImage">
        <data type="image/png" length="119">
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="306px 114px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundImage="red"/>
  <style tts:backgroundImage="#embeddedImage"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:padding="3px 40px"/>

Editorial note: Background Image Example Image2014-11-21
Insert image of backgroundImage example.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.8.3.

10.2.6 tts:backgroundOrigin

The tts:backgroundOrigin attribute is used to specify a style property that determines the background positioning rectangle within which the background is positioned.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: border | content | padding |
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The tts:backgroundOrigin style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Background Origin
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="306px 114px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundImage="#embeddedImage"/>
  <style tts:backgroundOrigin="content"/>

Editorial note: Background Origin Example Image2014-11-21
Insert image of backgroundOrigin example.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Backgrounds and Borders], § 3.8.

10.2.7 tts:backgroundPosition

The tts:backgroundPosition attribute is used to specify a style property that defines whether and how a background image is positioned in a region or an area generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <position>
Initial:0% 0%
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span
Percentages:see prose
Animatable:discrete, continuous

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

A percentage value component for a horizontal position offset is relative to the width of the background positioning rectangle minus the width of the background image. A percentage value component for a vertical position offset is relative to the height of the background positioning rectangle minus the height of the background image.

The tts:backgroundPosition style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Background Position
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="306px 114px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundImage="#embeddedImage"/>
  <style tts:backgroundPosition="center"/>

Editorial note: Background Position Example Image2014-11-21
Insert image of backgroundPosition example.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS2], § 14.2.

10.2.8 tts:backgroundRepeat

The tts:backgroundRepeat attribute is used to specify a style property that defines whether and how a background image is repeated (tiled) into a region or an area generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: repeat | repeatX | repeatY | noRepeat
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The tts:backgroundRepeat style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Background Repeat
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="306px 114px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundImage="#embeddedImage"/>
  <style tts:backgroundRepeat="repeatX"/>

Editorial note: Background Repeat Example Image2014-11-21
Insert image of backgroundRepeat example.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.8.4.

10.2.9 tts:border

The tts:border attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the border of a region or an area generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: [ <border-thickness> || <border-style> || <border-color> || <border-radii> ]
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span
Animatable:discrete, continuous (color and thickness only)

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If no border thickness is specified in the value of the tts:border property, then the border thickness must be interpreted as if a thickness of medium were specified.

If a computed value of the border thickness associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the one-dimensional Euclidean distance between the computed border thickness and the supported border thickness is minimized on a per-edge basis. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value for a given edge, then the value least distant from 0, i.e., the least border thickness, is used.

If no border style is specified in the value of the tts:border property, then the border style must be interpreted as if a style of none were specified.

If a computed value of the border style associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value solid.

If no border color is specified in the value of the tts:border property, then the border color must be interpreted as if a color equal to the computed value of the element's tts:color style property were specified.

If no border radii is specified in the value of the tts:border property, then the border radii must be interpreted as if a radii of 0 were specified.

If a computed value of the border radii associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the computed border radii and the supported border radii is minimized.

The tts:border style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Border
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="306px 114px"/>
  <style tts:border="2px solid red"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:padding="3px 40px"/>
<p region="r1" tts:border="4px solid green" tts:textAlign="center">
  Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!<br/>
  How <span tts:border="8px solid blue">I wonder</span> where you're at!

Editorial note: Border Example Image2013-08-24
Insert image of border example.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.31.3, and [CSS Backgrounds and Borders], § 4 and § 5.

10.2.10 tts:bpd

The tts:bpd attribute is used to specify the block progression dimension, or, more succinctly, the bpd of an area generated by content flowed into a region.


The term block progression dimension is interpreted in a writing mode relative manner such that bpd always corresponds to a measure in the block progression direction. Therefore, in horizontal writing modes, bpd expresses a vertical measure, while, in vertical writing mode, bpd expresses a horizontal measure, where horizontal and vertical are always interpreted in an absolute sense.

If a tts:bpd attribute is specified on a span element, then that span element must be processed using inline block display semantics for the purpose of presentation processing.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <measure>
Applies to: div, p, span
Percentages:see prose
Animatable:discrete, continuous

If a <measure> is expressed as a <length> value, then it must be non-negative.

The tts:bpd style is illustrated by the following example.

Editorial note: Block Progression Dimension Percentage2014-11-29
Specify resolution of percentage value.

Editorial note: Block Progression Dimension Example2014-11-29
Insert example fragment and image of tts:bpd.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon the height property defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.15.6 and [CSS Box Model], § 9

10.2.11 tts:color

The tts:color attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the foreground color of marks associated with an area generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <color>
Initial:see prose
Applies to: span
Animatable:discrete, continuous

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The initial value of the tts:color property is considered to be implementation dependent. In the absence of end-user preference information, a conformant presentation processor should use an initial value that is highly contrastive to the background color of the root container region.

The tts:color style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Color
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
<p region="r1">
  In spring, when woods are <span tts:color="green">getting green</span>,<br/>
  I'll try and tell you what I mean.

Example Rendition – Color
TTML color style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.18.1.

10.2.12 tts:direction

The tts:direction attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the directionality of an embedding or override according to the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: ltr | rtl
Initial: ltr
Applies to: p, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

When applied to a p element, the computed value of this property explicitly establishes the paragraph embedding level as specified by [UAX9], § 4.3, Rule HL1.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value ltr.

The tts:direction style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Direction
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="265px 84px"/>
  <style tts:padding="5px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
<p region="r1">
  Little birds are playing<br/>
  Bagpipes on the shore,<br/>
  <span tts:unicodeBidi="bidiOverride" tts:direction="rtl">where the tourists snore.</span>

Example Rendition – Direction
TTML direction style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.29.1.

10.2.13 tts:disparity

The tts:disparity attribute is used to specify the binocular disparity to be applied in order to simulate stereopsis (stereoscopic depth). A disparity of zero corresponds to the plane of display; a negative value corresponds to depths in front of the plane of display; and a positive value corresponds to depths behind the plane of display. See [SMITH] for details on the relationship between disparity and perceived depth.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <length>
Applies to: div, p, region
Inherited:yes (see prose)
Percentages:relative to width of root container region
Animatable:discrete, continuous

When rendering a region on the right (left) image of a stereoscopic image pair, the center of the region is offset along the horizontal axis by a value equal to ½ (-½) the computed value of tts:disparity, where a positive offset is to the right, and a negative offset is to the left.

Unless rendering onto a steroscopic image pair, the tts:disparity attribute is ignored for the purpose of presentation processing.

The author should ensure that the perceived depth of a region is positioned in front of any object in the scene during the entire time the region is visible. The stereoscopic effect will be broken if an object in the scene is perceived to be in front of the region.

If a tts:disparity attribute is specified on a div or p element, then that specification must be considered to be equivalent to specifying an anonymous inline region child of the div or p element, where the disparity of the corresponding region, also referred to as an implied inline region, is equal to the value of this attribute.

If applicable, inheritance of disparity occurs only by means of Root Style Inheritance, whether the inheriting region is an out-of-line region, an inline region, or an implied inline region.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed disparity and the supported disparity is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value least distant from 0 is used.


In general, the presentation of stereoscopic content depends on the use of sub-pixel (anti-aliasing) rendering techniques; as such, implementations that quantize disparity adjusted positions to an an integral value may produce undesirable side effects. This is particularly disconcerting when smooth animation of disparity applies, e.g., when the author is attempting to maintain a constant distance between a subject and its associated text.

The tts:disparity style is illustrated by the following example fragment and rendition. Note that, in typical television scenarios, disparity ranges from -1% to 2% of screen width. This example, which uses a disparity of 5%, exaggerates the effects of disparity for clarity of illustration.

Example Fragment – Disparity
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="80% 10%"/>
  <style tts:origin="10% 10%"/>
  <style tts:disparity="5%"/>
<p region="r1">

Example Rendition – Disparity (Left and Right Images)
TTML disparity style property

10.2.14 tts:display

The tts:display attribute is used to specify a style property that defines whether an element is a candidate for layout and composition in a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: auto | none
Initial: auto
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If the value of this attribute is auto, then the affected element is a candidate for region layout and presentation; however, if the value is none, then the affected element and its descendants must be considered ineligible for region layout and presentation.

The tts:display style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Display
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="369px 119px"
<div region="r1">
  <p dur="5s">
    <span tts:display="none">
      <set begin="1s" dur="1s" tts:display="auto"/>
      Beautiful soup,
    <span tts:display="none">
      <set begin="2s" dur="1s" tts:display="auto"/>
      so rich and green,
    <span tts:display="none">
      <set begin="3s" dur="1s" tts:display="auto"/>
      waiting in a hot tureen!

Example Rendition – Display
TTML display style property - [0,1)
TTML display style property - [1,2)
TTML display style property - [2,3)
TTML display style property - [3,4)
TTML display style property - [4,5)


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS2], § 9.2.4.

10.2.15 tts:displayAlign

The tts:displayAlign attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the alignment of block areas in the block progression direction.

Editorial note: Justification in Block Progression Dimension2015-01-14
Add justify value to support justification in block progression dimension.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: before | center | after
Initial: before
Applies to: region

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value before.

The tts:displayAlign style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Display Align
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="128px 66px" tts:origin="0px 0px"
       tts:backgroundColor="black" tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="before"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
<region xml:id="r2">
  <style tts:extent="192px 66px" tts:origin="128px 66px"/>
       tts:backgroundColor="green" tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
<region xml:id="r3">
  <style tts:extent="128px 66px"/> style tts:origin="0px 132px"
       tts:backgroundColor="black" tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="before"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
<region xml:id="r4">
  <style tts:extent="192px 66px" tts:origin="128px 198px"/>
       tts:backgroundColor="green" tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
  <p region="r1">I sent a message to the fish:</p>
  <p region="r2">I told them<br/> "This is what I wish."</p>
  <p region="r3">The little fishes of the sea,</p>
  <p region="r4">They sent an<br/> answer back to me.</p>

Example Rendition – Display Align
TTML displayAlign style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.14.4.

10.2.16 tts:extent

The tts:extent attribute may be used for the following purposes:

  1. to specify the width and height of the root container region, which has the effect of defining the document coordinate space, about which see also H Root Container Region Semantics;

  2. to specify or override the width and height of a content region;

  3. to specify the width and height of an image, overriding its intrinsic extent.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: auto | contain | cover | <measure> <measure>
Applies to: tt, region, image; see prose for special usage with div and p
Percentages:relative to width and height of root container region
Animatable:discrete, continuous

If a tts:extent attribute is specified on the tt element, then the specified value is restricted to one of the following: (1) the auto keyword, (2) the contain keyword, or (3) two <length> specifications, where these specifications are expressed as non-percentage, definite lengths using pixel units. All other syntactically legal values must not be used in this context, and, if used, must be considered an error for the purpose of validation processing and must be ignored for the purpose of presentation processing, in which case the initial value (auto) applies.

If a tts:extent attribute is specified on a region element, then its computed value determines the width and height of the associated content region.

If a tts:extent attribute is specified on an image element, then its computed value determines the width and height of the image.

If a tts:extent attribute is specified on a div or p element, then the semantics specified by Special Usage apply.

If the value of this attribute is auto, then the computed value of its associated property is determined as follows:

  1. if the property applies to the tt element, then auto is interpreted as if the value contain were specified;

  2. if the property applies to a region element, either directly or indirectly, then auto is interpreted as if the value "auto auto" were specified;

  3. if the property applies to an image element, then auto is interpreted as if a value equal to the image's intrinsic extent were specified using two pixel-based <length> components, for example, "200px 100px".

If the value of this attribute is contain, then the computed value of its associated property is determined as follows:

  1. if the property applies to the tt element, then contain is interpreted as specified in H Root Container Region Semantics;

  2. if the property applies to a region element, then the computed value is determined by performing the [compute containment scaling] procedure, where the target rectangle TR is initialized to the intrinsic block content extent of the region's content, the reference rectangle RR is set to the extent of the root container region, and the resulting output value of the target rectangle TR is the computed value;

  3. if the property applies to an image element, then the computed value is determined by performing the [compute containment scaling] procedure, where the target rectangle TR is initialized to the intrinsic image extent of the image, the reference rectangle RR is set to the available content space in the containing block area or line area in accordance to whether the current formatting context is a block or inline formatting context, respectively, and the resulting output value of the target rectangle TR is the computed value.

If the value of this attribute is cover, then the computed value of its associated property is determined as follows:

  1. if the property applies to a region element, then the computed value is determined by performing the [compute cover scaling] procedure, where the target rectangle TR is initialized to the intrinsic block content extent of the region's content, the reference rectangle RR is set to the extent of the root container region, and the resulting output value of the target rectangle TR is the computed value;

  2. if the property applies to an image element, then the computed value is determined by performing the [compute cover scaling] procedure, where the target rectangle TR is initialized to the intrinsic image extent of the image, the reference rectangle RR is set to the available content space in the containing block area or line area in accordance to whether the current formatting context is a block or inline formatting context, respectively, and the resulting output value of the target rectangle TR is the computed value.

If the value of this attribute consists of two <measure> specifications, then they must be interpreted as width and height, where the first specification is the width, and the second specification is the height, in which case both <measure> specifications must resolve (or be resolvable) to non-negative lengths.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed extent and the supported extent is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value most distant from [0,0], i.e., of greatest extent, is used.

This rule for resolving closest supported value makes use of the nearest larger rather than nearest smaller supported distance. The rationale for this difference in treatment is that use of a larger extent ensures that the affected content will be contained in the region area without causing region overflow, while use of a smaller extent makes region overflow more likely.

The tts:extent style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Extent
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="330px 122px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
<p region="r1">
  'Tis the voice of the Lobster:<br/>
  I heard him declare,<br/>
  "You have baked me too brown,<br/>
  I must sugar my hair."

Example Rendition – Extent
TTML extent style property Special Usage
Editorial note: Revision Required - Issue #1682016-11-05
Revise or rewrite the following paragraph as required for issue #168.

If a tts:extent attribute is specified on a div or p element, then that specification must be considered to be equivalent to specifying an anonymous inline region child of the div or p element, where the extent of the corresponding region, also referred to as an implied inline region, is equal to the value of this attribute.

10.2.17 tts:fontFamily

The tts:fontFamily attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the font family from which glyphs are selected for glyph areas generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: (<family-name> | <generic-family-name>) (","  (<family-name> | <generic-family-name>))*
Applies to: p, span


The initial value, default, is a generic font family name, and is further described in 10.3.13 <generic-family-name> below.

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must attempt to map the computed font family to a supported font family that has similar typographic characteristics, or, in the absence of such a mapping, it must use the value default.

The tts:fontFamily style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Font Family
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="474px 146px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="proportionalSansSerif"/>
<div region="r1">
    "The time has come," the Walrus said,<br/>
    "to talk of many things:
  <p tts:textAlign="end" tts:fontFamily="monospaceSerif">
    Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax,<br/>
    Of cabbages and kings,
    And why the sea is boiling hot,<br/>
    and whether pigs have wings."

Example Rendition – Font Family
TTML fontFamily style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.9.2.

10.2.18 tts:fontKerning

The tts:fontKerning attribute is used to specify a style property that determines whether font kerning is applied when positioning glyph areas.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: none | normal
Applies to: p span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If the value of this attribute is normal, then kerning should be applied if kerning data is available. If the value of this attribute is none, then kerning should not be applied whether or not kerning data is available.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value normal.

The tts:fontKerning style is illustrated by the following example.

Editorial note: Font Kerning Example2015-01-05
Insert example fragment and image of tts:fontKerning.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Fonts], § 6.3.

10.2.19 tts:fontSelectionStrategy

Editorial note: Define tts:fontSelectionStrategy2014-11-21
Define tts:fontSelectionStrategy style property based on the XSL 1.1 font-selection-strategy and recent TTWG ML thread.

Editorial note: Font Selection2014-11-21
Specify font selection semantics, including how multiple author defined font resources combine with (local) platform defined font resources to obtain an ordered list of font resources for performing character to glyph mapping.

10.2.20 tts:fontShear

The tts:fontShear attribute is used to specify a style property that determines whether and how a shear transformation is applied to glyph areas.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <percentage>
Applies to: p span
Percentages:see prose
Animatable:discrete, continuous

If the value of this attribute is 0%, then no shear transformation is applied; if the value is 100%, then a 2D shear transformation of 90 degrees is applied in the axis associated with the inline progression direction; if the value is -100%, then a shear transformation of -90 degrees is applied. If the absolute value of the specified percentage is greater than 100%, then it must be interpreted as if 100% were specified with the appropriate sign.

If the inline progression direction corresponds to the X axis, then the 2D shear transformation is described by the following matrix:

| 1 a 0 |
| 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 1 |

where a is equal to the tangent of the shear angle.

If the inline progression direction corresponds to the Y axis, then the 2D shear transformation is described by the following matrix:

| 1 0 0 |
| a 1 0 |
| 0 0 1 |

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The tts:fontShear style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Font Shear
<p region="horizontal">
  <span tts:fontShear="16.78842%">三日坊主</span><br/>
  <span tts:fontShear="50%">三日坊主</span><br/>
  <span tts:fontShear="64.333%">三日坊主</span>
<p region="vertical">
  <span tts:fontShear="16.78842%">三日坊主</span><br/>
  <span tts:fontShear="50%">三日坊主</span><br/>
  <span tts:fontShear="64.333%">三日坊主</span>

Example Rendition – Font Shear
TTML fontShear style property
Example Fragment – Font Shear w/negative values
<p region="horizontal">
  <span tts:fontShear="-16.78842%">三日坊主</span><br/>
  <span tts:fontShear="-50%">三日坊主</span><br/>
  <span tts:fontShear="-64.333%">三日坊主</span>
<p region="vertical">
  <span tts:fontShear="-16.78842%">三日坊主</span><br/>
  <span tts:fontShear="-50%">三日坊主</span><br/>
  <span tts:fontShear="-64.333%">三日坊主</span>

Example Rendition – Font Shear w/negative values
TTML fontShear style property

10.2.21 tts:fontSize

The tts:fontSize attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the font size for glyphs that are selected for glyph areas generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <length> <length>?
Applies to: p, span
Percentages:if not region element, then relative to parent element's font size; otherwise, relative to the computed cell size
Animatable:discrete, continuous

Issue (issue-ttml2-133a):

Ruby Text Size Inheritance

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/133

Special treatment is needed for inheritance of font size on ruby annotation text.


None recorded.

If a single <length> value is specified, then this length applies equally to horizontal and vertical scaling of a glyph's EM square; if two <length> values are specified, then the first expresses the horizontal scaling and the second expresses vertical scaling.


Use of independent horizontal and vertical font sizes is expected to be used with cell based units in order to denote fonts that are two rows in height and one column in width.


A glyph's EM square is conventionally defined as the EM square of the font that contains the glyph. That is, glyphs do not have an EM square that is distinct from their font's EM square.

If horizontal and vertical sizes are expressed independently, then the units of the <length> values must be the same.

The <length> value(s) used to express font size must be non-negative.

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed font size and the supported font size is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value most distant from 0 (single length specification) or [0,0] (two length specifications) is used, i.e., the largest font size, is used.


The expression 1c means one cell, where 'c' expresses the cell length unit as defined by 10.3.17 <length>. When a single <length> is expressed using cell units, then it refers to the height of the computed cell size. When two <length> values are expressed using cell units, then the first refers to the width of the computed cell size, and the second refers to the height of the computed cell size.

The tts:fontSize style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Font Size
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="299px 97px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="proportionalSansSerif"/>
  <style tts:fontSize="18px"/>
<p region="r1">
  Then fill up the glasses<br/>
  with treacle and ink,<br/>
  Or anything else<br/>
  that is <span tts:fontSize="24px">pleasant</span> to drink.

Example Rendition – Font Size
TTML fontSize style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.9.4. The addition of a second length component to permit specifying font width and height independently is an extension introduced by TTML.

10.2.22 tts:fontStyle

The tts:fontStyle attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the font style to apply to glyphs that are selected for glyph areas generated by content flowed into a region, where the mapping from font style value to specific font face or style parameterization is not determined by this specification.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: normal | italic | oblique
Applies to: p, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

Use of the value oblique denotes a shear transformation (at an unspecified angle) in the inline progression dimension.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value normal.

The tts:fontStyle style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Font Style
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="331px 84px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="proportionalSansSerif"/>
<p region="r1">
  In autumn, when the leaves are brown,<br/>
  Take pen and ink, and <span tts:fontStyle="italic">write it down.</span>

Example Rendition – Font Style
TTML fontStyle style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.9.7.

10.2.23 tts:fontVariant

The tts:fontVariant attribute is used to enable the selection of typographic glyph variants.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <glyph-variant>
Applies to: p, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value normal.

Editorial note: Font Position Variant Example2014-09-24
Add example source and rendering of tts:fontVariant.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Fonts], § 6.11.

10.2.24 tts:fontWeight

The tts:fontWeight attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the font weight to apply to glyphs that are selected for glyph areas generated by content flowed into a region, where the mapping from font weight value to specific font face or weight parameterization is not determined by this specification.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: normal | bold
Applies to: p, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value normal.

The tts:fontWeight style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Font Weight
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="376px 95px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="proportionalSansSerif"/>
<p region="r1">
  They told me you had been to her,<br/>
  <span tts:fontWeight="bold">and mentioned me to him:</span><br/>
  She gave me a good character<br/>
  <span tts:fontWeight="bold">but said I could not swim.</span>

Example Rendition – Font Weight
TTML fontWeight style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.9.9.

10.2.25 tts:ipd

The tts:ipd attribute is used to specify the inline progression dimension, or, more succinctly, the ipd of an area generated by content flowed into a region.


The term inline progression dimension is interpreted in a writing mode relative manner such that ipd always corresponds to a measure in the inline progression direction. Therefore, in horizontal writing modes, ipd expresses a horizontal measure, while, in vertical writing mode, ipd expresses a vertical measure, where horizontal and vertical are always interpreted in an absolute sense.

If a tts:ipd attribute is specified on a span element, then that span element must be processed using inline block display semantics for the purpose of presentation processing.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <measure>
Applies to: div, p, span
Percentages:see prose
Animatable:discrete, continuous

If a <measure> is expressed as a <length> value, then it must be non-negative.

The tts:ipd style is illustrated by the following example.

Editorial note: Inline Progression Dimension Percentage2014-11-29
Specify resolution of percentage value.

Editorial note: Inline Progression Dimension Example2014-11-29
Insert example fragment and image of tts:ipd.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon the width property defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.15.14 and [CSS Box Model], § 9

10.2.26 tts:letterSpacing

The tts:letterSpacing attribute is used to specify a style property that increases or decreases the nominal distance between glyph areas.

Letter spacing has no affect at the beginning or ending of a line area, and must not be applied to zero-advance glyphs. Furthermore, letter spacing must not cause normally connected glyphs, e.g., as used in cursive scripts or with cursive fonts, to become disconnected.

Letter spacing is applied independently from kerning and justification. Depending upon the font(s) in use, the script(s) being presented, and the capabilities of a presentation processor, either or both kerning and justification may be applied in addition to letter spacing.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: normal | <length>
Applies to: span
Animatable:discrete, continuous

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The value normal corresponds to specifying a <length> value of zero (0), i.e., neither expand nor compress adjacent glyph spacing.

If a <length> value is expressed as a positive scalar, then the spaces between adjacent glyphs are expanded by an additional amount equal to that scalar value. If expressed as a negative scalar, then the spaces between adjacent glyphs are compressed by an additional amount equal to that scalar value, possibly resulting in overlapping glyph areas, up to a maximum amount that results an effective advance of zero (0).

If a computed value of the letter spacing associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the one-dimensional Euclidean distance between the computed letter spacing and the supported letter spacing is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value for a given edge, then the value least distant from 0 is used.

The tts:letterSpacing style is illustrated by the following example.

Editorial note: Letter Spacing Example2014-11-30
Insert example fragment and image of tts:letterSpacing.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Text], § 8.2.

10.2.27 tts:lineHeight

The tts:lineHeight attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the inter-baseline separation between line areas generated by content flowed into a region.


Exceptionally, the term height in the token lineHeight or the phrase line height refers to the axis that corresponds with the block progression dimension of an associated line area, which is the vertical axis in horizontal writing modes, but is the horizontal axis in vertical writing modes.

Issue (issue-ttml2-87):

Normal Line Height Multiplier

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/87

Re-visit choice of 120% versus 125% for multiplier used in interpreting normal line height.


None recorded.

Issue (issue-ttml2-131):

Line Height Applies to Span

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/131

Support for ruby requires use of tts:lineHeight on span.


None recorded.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: normal | <length>
Applies to: p
Percentages:relative to this element's font size
Animatable:discrete, continuous

Issue (issue-ttml2-133b):

Ruby Text Size Inheritance

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/133

Special treatment is needed for inheritance of line height on ruby annotation text.


None recorded.

If the value of this attribute is normal, then the computed value of this style property is determined as follows:

  1. Let P be the p element to which this style property applies.

  2. Let FF be the computed value of the tts:fontFamily style property that applies to P.

  3. Let FS be the computed value of the tts:fontSize style property that applies to P.

  4. Let F0 be the first font obtained when sequentially mapping each font family in FF to a set of available fonts, where this set of available fonts is constrained as needed to satisfy the computed values of the tts:fontStyle and tts:fontWeight style properties that apply to P.

  5. If F0 is associated with font metrics that specify altitude A, descent D, and line gap G, then set LH to the sum of scaled(A), scaled(D), and scaled(G), where scaled(X) denotes font metric X scaled according to font size FS.

  6. Otherwise, set LH to 125% of FS.

  7. Set the computed value of this style property to LH.


If a content author wishes to avoid the possibility of different interpretations of normal, for example, due to differences in the set of available fonts, then it is recommended that a <length> value expression be used to explicitly specify line height value.

If specified as a <length>, then the length must be non-negative.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed line height and the supported line height is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value most distant from 0, i.e., the largest line height, is used.

The tts:lineHeight style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Line Height
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="255px 190px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="proportionalSansSerif"/>
  <style tts:fontSize="16px"/>
  <style tts:lineHeight="32px"/>
<p region="r1">
  He thought he saw an elephant,<br/>
  That practised on a fife:<br/>
  He looked again, and found it was<br/>
  A letter from his wife.<br/>
  "At length I realise," he said,<br/>
  "The bitterness of Life.

Example Rendition – Line Height
TTML lineHeight style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.16.4. Furthermore, it is the intention of this specification that the allocation rectangle of a line be consistent with the per-inline-height-rectangle as defined by [XSL 1.1], § 4.5, i.e., that a CSS-style line box stacking strategy be used.

10.2.28 tts:opacity

The tts:opacity attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the opacity (or conversely, the transparency) of marks associated with a region or an area generated by content flowed into a region.

When presented onto a visual medium, the opacity of the region is applied uniformly and on a linear scale to all marks produced by content targeted to the region after having applied applied any content element specific opacity to areas generated by that content.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <alpha>
Initial: 1.0
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span
Animatable:discrete, continuous

The tts:opacity style is illustrated by the following example.

Editorial note: Enhance Opacity Example2013-08-26
Enhance opacity example to demonstrate opacity on content elements.

Example Fragment – Opacity
<region xml:id="r1" dur="5s">
  <set begin="0s" dur="1s" tts:opacity="1.00"/>
  <set begin="1s" dur="1s" tts:opacity="0.75"/>
  <set begin="2s" dur="1s" tts:opacity="0.50"/>
  <set begin="3s" dur="1s" tts:opacity="0.25"/>
  <set begin="4s" dur="1s" tts:opacity="0.00"/>
  <style tts:extent="304px 77px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
<p region="r1">
  The sun was shining on the sea

Example Rendition – Opacity
TTML opacity style property - [0,1)
TTML opacity style property - [1,2)
TTML opacity style property - [2,3)
TTML opacity style property - [3,4)
TTML opacity style property - [4,5)


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS3 Color], § 3.2.

10.2.29 tts:origin

The tts:origin attribute is used to specify the x and y coordinates of the origin of a region area with respect to the origin of the root container region.

If both tts:origin and tts:position attributes are specified on an element and tts:position is a supported property, then the tts:origin attribute must be ignored for the purpose of presentation processing.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: auto | <length> <length>
Applies to: div, p, region
Percentages:relative to width and height of root container region
Animatable:discrete, continuous

If the value of this attribute consists of two <length> specifications, then they must be interpreted as x and y coordinates, where the first specification is the x coordinate, and the second specification is the y coordinate.

If the value of this attribute is auto, then the computed value of the style property must be considered to be the same as the origin of the root container region.

If a tts:origin attribute is specified on a div or p element, then that specification must be considered to be equivalent to specifying an anonymous inline region child of the div or p element, where the origin of the corresponding region, also referred to as an implied inline region, is equal to the value of this attribute.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed origin and the supported origin is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value least distant from [0,0], i.e., closest to the coordinate space origin, is used.

The tts:origin style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Origin
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:origin="40px 40px"/>
  <style tts:extent="308px 92px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
<p region="r1">
  "To dine!" she shrieked in dragon-wrath.<br/>
  "To swallow wines all foam and froth!<br/>
   To simper at a table-cloth!"

Example Rendition – Origin
TTML origin style property

10.2.30 tts:overflow

The tts:overflow attribute is used to specify a style property that defines whether a region area is clipped or not if the descendant areas of the region overflow its extent.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: visible | hidden
Applies to: region

If the value of this attribute is visible, then content should not be clipped outside of the affected region. If the value is hidden, then content should be clipped outside of the affected region.


Unless a manual line break element br is used by the content author, a paragraph of a given region will generate no more than one line area in that region if the computed values of the tts:overflow and tts:wrapOption style properties of the region are visible and noWrap, respectively.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value hidden.

The tts:overflow style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Overflow
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="232px 40px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 0px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="red"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="before"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="proportionalSansSerif"/>
  <style tts:fontSize="18px"/>
  <style tts:wrapOption="noWrap"/>
  <style tts:overflow="visible"/>
<region xml:id="r2">
  <style tts:extent="232px 40px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 43px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="red"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="before"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="proportionalSansSerif"/>
  <style tts:fontSize="18px"/>
  <style tts:wrapOption="noWrap"/>
  <style tts:overflow="hidden"/>
<p region="r1">
  "But wait a bit," the Oysters cried,<br/>
  "Before we have our chat;
<p region="r2">
  For some of us are out of breath,<br/>
  And all of us are fat!"

Example Rendition – Overflow
TTML overflow style property


In the above example, the tts:noWrap is set to noWrap to prevent automatic line wrapping (breaking); if this were not specified, then overflow would occur in the block progression direction as opposed to the inline progression direction.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.21.2.

10.2.31 tts:padding

The tts:padding attribute is used to specify padding (or inset) space on one or more sides of a region or an area generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <length> | <length> <length> | <length> <length> <length> | <length> <length> <length> <length>
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span
Percentages:relative to width and height of containing region
Animatable:discrete, continuous

If the value of this attribute consists of one <length> specification, then that length applies to all edges of the affected areas. If the value consists of two <length> specifications, then the first applies to the before and after edges, and the second applies to the start and end edges. If three <length> specifications are provided, then the first applies to the before edge, the second applies to the start and end edges, and the third applies to the after edge. If four <length> specifications are provided, then they apply to before, end, after, and start edges, respectively.

The <length> value(s) used to express padding must be non-negative.

If padding is applied to a span element, and content from that element is divided across multiple line areas, then the specified padding must be applied at each line break boundary. In contrast, within a single line area, if multiple inline areas are generated by the element, then the specified padding must be applied at the first and/or last generated inline area within a line area the inline progression order of the containing block level element.


The behavior of padding on a span element corresponds with the use of a CSS box-decoration-break property with the value clone at line breaks and the value slice at non-terminal, i.e., non-first and non-last, inline area boundaries, as defined by [CSS Fragmentation], § 5.4.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the one-dimensional Euclidean distance between the computed padding and the supported padding is minimized on a per-edge basis. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value for a given edge, then the value least distant from 0, i.e., the least padding, is used.

The tts:padding style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Padding on region
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="446px 104px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:padding="10px 40px"/>
<p region="r1" tts:backgroundColor="red">
  Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:<br/>
  That alone should encourage the crew.<br/>
  Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:<br/>
  What I tell you three times is true.

When rendering an area to which padding applies, the background color that applies to the area is rendered into the padded portion of the area.

Example Rendition – Padding on region
TTML padding style property
Example Fragment – Padding on span
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="446px 72px"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="green"/>
<p region="r1">
  <span tts:backgroundColor="black" tts:color="white" tts:padding="0c 0.5c">
  The crew was complete: it included a Boots--<br/>
  A maker of Bonnets and Hoods--

When rendering spans to which padding applies, the padding applies to each generated line area independently.

Example Rendition – Padding on span
TTML padding style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.31.15, except that individual shorthand values map to writing mode relative padding values as defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.8.31, 7.8.32, 7.8.33, and 7.8.34.

10.2.32 tts:position

The tts:position attribute is used as an alternative way to specify the position of a region area with respect to a positioning rectangle.

If both tts:position and tts:origin attributes are specified on an element and tts:position is a supported property, then the tts:origin attribute must be ignored for the purpose of presentation processing.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <position>
Applies to: tt, div, p, region
Percentages:see prose
Animatable:discrete, continuous

A percentage value component for a horizontal position offset is relative to the width of the positioning rectangle minus the width of the associated region. A percentage value component for a vertical position offset is relative to the height of the positioning rectangle minus the height of the associated region.

The following image depicts a position value "75% 50%", where the rectangle with dashed line denotes the positioning rectangle and the rectangle with solid line denotes the region being positioned. In this case the region is positioned such that a vertical line located at 75% of its width coincides with a vertical line located at 75% of the width of the positioning rectangle, and a horizontal line located at 50% of its height coincides with a vertical line located at 50% of the width of the posititoning area.

Percentage Based Positioning
TTML position style property using percentages

If specified on a tt element, then, if a related media object exists, the positioning rectangle corresponds with the related media object region, or, if no related media object exists, the positioning rectangle corresponds with an unspecified presentation region determined by the document processing context. For other applicable element types, the positioning rectangle corresponds with the content rectangle (content box) of the root container region.


The root container region has no border or padding; consequently, its border, padding, and content rectangles (boxes) are coterminous.

If a horizontal or vertical position offset is specified by a tts:position attribute in the form of a scalar value on a tt element, then that value must be expressed using pixel (px) units, in which case a pixel must be interpreted as a pixel in the presentation context coordinate space (and not a pixel in the document coordinate space).

If a tts:position attribute is specified on a div or p element, then that specification must be considered to be equivalent to specifying an anonymous inline region child of the div or p element, where the position of the corresponding region, also referred to as an implied inline region, is equal to the value of this attribute.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed position and the supported position is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value least distant from [0,0], i.e., closest to the coordinate space position, is used.

The tts:position style is illustrated by the following example, which positions a region so that it is centered in the horizontal dimension and has a bottom edge 10% above the bottom of the positioning rectangle in the vertical dimension.

Example Fragment – Position
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:position="center bottom 10%"/>
  <style tts:extent="308px 92px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
<p region="r1">
  "To dine!" she shrieked in dragon-wrath.<br/>
  "To swallow wines all foam and froth!<br/>
   To simper at a table-cloth!"

Editorial note: Position Example Image2014-11-28
Insert image of position example.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon the background-position property defined by [CSS Backgrounds and Borders], § 3.6.

10.2.33 tts:ruby

The tts:ruby attribute is used to specify the application of ruby styling.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: none | container | base | baseContainer | text | textContainer | delimiter
Applies to: span

If the value of this attribute is none, then no ruby semantics apply; otherwise, the ruby semantics enumerated by Table 8-1 – Ruby Semantics Mapping apply.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value none.

Table 8-1 – Ruby Semantics Mapping
Categorytts:rubyAnnotation [Ruby]CSS display [CSS Ruby]
Ruby Containercontainerrubyruby
Ruby Base Contentbaserbruby-base
Ruby Text Contenttextrtruby-text
Ruby Base ContainerbaseContainerrbcruby-base-container
Ruby Text ContainertextContainerrtcruby-text-container
Ruby Fallback Delimiterdelimiterrpnone | inline

When using tts:ruby, the following nesting constraints apply:

Editorial note: Proscribe Non-Ruby Span Children in Container2015-02-18
Add constraints to proscribe use of span children of container that do not specify a ruby style, i.e., that do not play a role in ruby structure. If used, then such span is ignored for presentation purposes.

Editorial note: Proscribe Extraneous #PCDATA in Container2015-02-18
Add constraints to proscribe #PCDATA node children of container, baseContainer, and textContainer; i.e., permit #PCDATA only in base, text, and delimiter. If used, then such data is ignored for presentation purposes.

Editorial note: Proscribe Break Element in Container2015-02-18
Add constraint to proscribe use of br element in ruby or its descendants, and, if used, is interpreted as normal (collapsible) whitespace.

Editorial note: Proscribe Line Separator and Paragraph Separator Characters in Container2015-02-18
Add constraint to proscribe use of U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR) and U+2029 (PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR) in ruby or its descendants, and, if used, they are interpreted as normal (collapsible) whitespace.
  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is container, then the computed value of tts:ruby of all ancestor elements is none;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is container, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its first child element is baseContainer or base;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is baseContainer, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its parent element is container;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is baseContainer, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its first child element is base;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is baseContainer, then its preceding sibling is null (i.e., no preceding sibling);

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is textContainer, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its parent element is container;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is textContainer, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its first child element is either text or delimiter;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is textContainer, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its preceding sibling is baseContainer or textContainer;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is textContainer, then the computed value of tts:ruby of no more than one sibling is textContainer;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is base, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its parent element is either container or baseContainer;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is base, then its preceding sibling is either null (i.e., no preceding sibling) or the computed value of tts:ruby of its preceding sibling is base;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is base and the computed value of tts:ruby of its parent element is container, then the computed value of tts:ruby of no sibling is base;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is base, then the computed value of tts:ruby of no descendant element is not none;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is text, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its parent element is either container or textContainer;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is text, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its preceding sibling is base, text, or delimiter;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is text and the computed value of tts:ruby of its parent element is container, then the computed value of tts:ruby of no sibling is text;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is text, then the computed value of tts:ruby of no descendant element is not none;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is delimiter, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its parent element is either container or textContainer;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is delimiter, then the computed value of tts:ruby of its preceding sibling is base or text;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is delimiter, then the computed value of tts:ruby of exactly one sibling is delimiter;

  • if the computed value of tts:ruby is delimiter, then the computed value of tts:ruby of no descendant element is not none;

A validating processor must treat a violation of any of the above constraints as an error. For the purpose of presentation processing, the violation of any of these constraints should result in fallback (inline) presentation of ruby text annotations.

When performing normal presentation processing of ruby text annotations, delimiter content must not generate any inline areas. When performing fallback presentation of ruby, both delimiter and non-delimiter ruby (base and text) content must generate normal inline areas.

If a presentation processor does not support ruby presentation, then it must perform fallback ruby presentaton.


The above listed constraints are intended to be interpreted as specifying the following nesting model:

  : base text
  | base delimiter text delimiter
  | baseContainer textContainer textContainer?

  : base+

  : text+
  | delimiter text+ delimiter

base | text | delimiter
  : ( #PCDATA | { span - tts:ruby } )*

This model corresponds to the maximal content model for the ruby element defined by [Ruby], §2.1, with the exception that rtc is effectively extended to permit the optional use of delimiters (rp):

  : rb rt
  | rb rp rt rp
  | rbc rtc rtc?

  : rb+

  : rt+
  | rp rt+ rp                            // extension to [Ruby]


While not supporting as many opportunities for markup minimization as allowed by [HTML5], the formulation of ruby annotation defined here does allow the following shorthands:

base text =

base delimiter text delimiter =
    delimiter text delimiter

Given the content of base is B and the content of text is T, then the expression base text could be represented variously in [HTML5] as follows:


Whereas, in TTML2, the following alternative expressions are possible:

<span tts:ruby="container">
  <span tts:ruby="base">B</span>
  <span tts:ruby="text">T</span>

or its equivalent

<span tts:ruby="container">
  <span tts:ruby="baseContainer">
    <span tts:ruby="base">B</span>
  <span tts:ruby="textContainer">
    <span tts:ruby="text">T</span>

Use of tts:ruby to specify simple ruby annotation is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Simple Ruby
<span tts:ruby="container">
  <span tts:ruby="base">利用許諾</span>
  <span tts:ruby="text">ライセンス</span>

Example Rendition – Simple Ruby
TTML ruby style property

Use of tts:ruby to specify complex ruby annotation is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Complex Ruby
  <span tts:ruby="container">
    <span tts:ruby="baseContainer">
      <span tts:ruby="base">東南</span>
    <span tts:ruby="textContainer" tts:rubyPosition="before">
      <span tts:ruby="text">とうなん</span>
    <span tts:ruby="textContainer" tts:rubyPosition="after">
      <span tts:ruby="text">たつみ</span>

Example Rendition – Complex Ruby
TTML ruby style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [Ruby] and [CSS Ruby]. See also [JLREQ], §3.3, for further information.

10.2.34 tts:rubyAlign

The tts:rubyAlign attribute is used to specify the position of ruby text within the inline area generated by the ruby text container annotation.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: auto | start | center | end | spaceAround | spaceBetween | withBase
Applies to: span only if the computed value of tts:ruby is container

Let IR and IB be, respectively, the inline areas generated by (1) a ruby text container or ruby text annotation and (2) an associated ruby base container or ruby base. Further, let NR and NB, be, respectively, the number of glyph area descendants of these inline areas.

If the value of this attribute is auto, then if NR equals NB, the semantics of withBase apply; otherwise, if NR is less than NB, the semantics of spaceAround or spaceBetween apply, respectively, according to whether NB is less than or equal to one (1) or is greater than one; otherwise (NR is greater than NB), the semantics of center apply.

If the value of this attribute is start, then the start edge of the first glyph area descendant of IR is aligned to the start edge of that inline area. If the value is center, then excess whitespace is equally distributed before and after the first and last ruby annotation glyph areas, respectively. If the value of this attribute is end, then the end edge of the first glyph area descendant of IR is aligned to the end edge of that inline area. If the value is spaceBetween, then excess whitespace is equally distributed between each ruby annotation glyph area. If the value is spaceAround, then excess whitespace is equally distributed before and after each ruby annotation glyph area descendant.

If the value of this attribute is withBase, then, if NR and NB are equal, the ith glyph area descendant of IR is center aligned (horizontally or vertically) with the ith glyph area descendant of IB; otherwise (the number of ruby and base glyph areas are not equal), the semantics of center apply.

For the purpose of interpreting glyph area descendant in the context of the above semantics, only spacing glyph area descendants are considered; i.e., non-spacing glyph area descendants, such as combining marks, have no impact on ruby alignment.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value auto.

The tts:rubyAlign style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Ruby Align
  <style xml:id="s3" tts:ruby="container"/>
  <style xml:id="s4" tts:ruby="base"/>
  <style xml:id="s5" tts:ruby="text"/>
  <span style="s3" tts:rubyAlign="start"><span style="s4">自業自得</span><span style="s5">一二三</span></span>
      <span style="s3" tts:rubyAlign="spaceAround"><span style="s4">自業自得</span><span style="s5">一二三</span></span><br/>
  <span style="s3" tts:rubyAlign="end"><span style="s4">自業自得</span><span style="s6">一二三</span></span>
      <span style="s3" tts:rubyAlign="spaceBetween"><span style="s4">自業自得</span><span style="s6">一二三</span></span>

Example Rendition – Ruby Align
TTML rubyAlign style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon and extend the semantics defined by [CSS Ruby], §4.3, and the examples and example renderings shown there apply.

10.2.35 tts:rubyOffset

The tts:rubyOffset attribute is used to specify the offset (distance) of ruby text with respect to its associated ruby base in the block progression dimension.

Editorial note: Auto Ruby Offset2015-02-18
Add auto value to denote automatic offset determination. Change initial value to auto.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: <length>
Applies to: span only if the computed value of tts:ruby is container
Percentages:relative to this element's font size

If specified, the value of tts:rubyOffset expresses the offset (distance) between padding edge E1 of the inline area generated by a ruby text container (explicit or implied) and padding edge E2 of the inline area generated by a ruby base container (explicit or implied), where E1 and E2 are perpendicular to the block progression direction and are (or would be) adjacent in the absence of such an offset.

Negative length expressions are permitted.

Editorial note: Ruby Offset Example2014-10-02
Add example source and rendering of tts:rubyOffset.

10.2.36 tts:rubyOverflow

The tts:rubyOverflow attribute is used to specify constraint resolution rules for handling certain edge effects involving ruby text in potential overflow scenarios. For example, if the inline progression dimension of a ruby text area exceeds the inline progression dimension of its associated base text, and that base text appears at the start or end edge of a line area, then the ruby text may potentially overflow its containing block area depending on the applicable ruby text alignment as determined by the tts:rubyAlign style property.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: shiftRuby | shiftBase | overflow
Applies to: span only if the computed value of tts:ruby is container.

If specified, the value of tts:rubyOverflow expresses how to resolve potential overflow scenarios where ruby text may otherwise overflow its containing block in line start or end edge contexts.

If the value of this attribute is overflow, then ruby text in these line edge contexts is allowed to overflow its containing block, in which case the semantics of tts:overflow apply; that is, both base text to line edge alignment and ruby text to base text alignment is preserved, while allowing the ruby text to overflow the containing block area.

If the value of this attribute is shiftBase, then overflow is prevented by relaxing the base text to line edge alignment by inseting the base text while preserving ruby text to base alignment.

If the value of this attribute is shiftRuby, then overflow is prevented by relaxing the ruby text to base text alignment by inseting the ruby text while preserving base text to line edge alignment. When inseting ruby text, the semantics of tts:overHang apply for the purpose of determining whether and how much overhang is permitted between the inset ruby text and adjacent base text.

When inseting ruby text or base text in order to resolve a potential overflow scenario, only the minimum (non-negative) inset is applied.

Editorial note: Ruby Overflow Example2016-04-29
Add example source and rendering of tts:rubyOverflow.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are intended to provide authorial control over the special cases of ruby presentation described in [JLREQ], §3.3.8, Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Characters, and [CSS Ruby], §5, Edge Effects.

10.2.37 tts:rubyOverhang

The tts:rubyOverhang attribute is used to specify constraint resolution rules for handling potential cases of overhang between ruby text and adjacent base text, where by adjacent base text is meant baseline aligned inline content that is immediately adjacent to the base text associated with the ruby text. In the case where the inline progression dimension of the ruby text exceeds the inline progression dimension of its associated base text, or in ruby overflow cases where the ruby text must be inset, then it is possible that the ruby text may overhang content set on the baseline that is not part of the ruby text's associated base text. In such cases, the tts:rubyOverhang attribute may be used to determine whether and how much overhang is allowed to occur.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: none | allow | always | overlap
Applies to: span only if the computed value of tts:ruby is container.

If specified, the value of tts:rubyOverhang expresses how to resolve potential overhang scenarios where ruby text may otherwise overhang adjacent base text.

If the value of this attribute is none, then overhang is prevented by inserting filler space before and/or after the base text associated with the ruby text. When inserting such filler (space), only the minimum (non-negative) filler is applied to prevent overlap.

If the value of this attribute is allow, then overhang is allowed to occur in accordance with the semantics of tts:rubyOverhangClass while preventing overlap between adjacent ruby text containers.

If the value of this attribute is always, then apply the semantics of allow such that the overhang class is the character class containing all characters.

If the value of this attribute is overlap, then apply the semantics of always except that no filler is inserted in order to prevent overlap between adjacent ruby text containers. In this case, the author would need to explcitly insert significant white space or filler in order to prevent overlap.

Editorial note: Ruby Overhang Example2016-04-29
Add example source and rendering of tts:rubyOverhang.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are intended to provide authorial control over the special cases of ruby presentation described in [JLREQ], §3.3.8, Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Characters, and [CSS Ruby], §5, Edge Effects.

10.2.38 tts:rubyOverhangClass

The tts:rubyOverhangClass attribute is used to provide fine-grained control over the semantics of the style property expressed by the tts:rubyOverhang attribute. In particular, it used to specify the set of base text characters which accept overhanging ruby text. If a base text character is not in this specified set, then ruby text is prevented from overhanging that character.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: auto | ( <named-character-class> | <character-class> )+
Applies to: span only if the computed value of tts:ruby is container.

If specified, the value of tts:rubyOverhangClass expresses constraints on which base characters allow ruby text to overhang them.

If the value of this attribute is auto, then the character class that permits overhang is implementation dependent; however, the following recommendations apply in the absence of more specific implementation requirements:

  • If the language of the base text is specified or can be inferred as Japanese, then auto should be interpreted as if the following were specified: ideographic hiragana punctuationMarks.

  • If the language of the base text is specified or can be inferred as Chinese or Korean, then auto should be interpreted as if the following were specified: ideographic.

If a base character is encountered that is not in the computed value of the tts:rubyOverhangClass, then ruby text must not overhang that character.

Editorial note: Ruby Overhang Class Example2016-04-29
Add example source and rendering of tts:rubyOverhangClass.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are intended to provide authorial control over the special cases of ruby presentation described in [JLREQ], §3.3.8, Adjustments of Ruby with Length Longer than that of the Base Characters, and [CSS Ruby], §5, Edge Effects.

10.2.39 tts:rubyPosition

The tts:rubyPosition attribute is used to specify the position of ruby text in the block progression dimension with respect to its associated ruby base.

Editorial note: Outside Annotations2015-01-14
Add auto and outside values as defined by <emphasis-position> expressions.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: before | after
Applies to: span only if the computed value of tts:ruby is container

If the value of this attribute is before, then an inline area generated from a ruby text container or ruby text annotation is placed before (prior to) the first edge in the block progression dimension of the inline area generated from an associated ruby base container or ruby base annotation. If the value is after, then an inline area generated from a ruby text container or ruby text annotation is placed after (subsequent to) the second edge in the block progression dimension of the inline area generated from an associated ruby base container or ruby base annotation.

The absolute position of the ruby text container or ruby text annotation is determined in accordance to the computed value of the tts:writingMode style property of the region into which the affected content is placed; in particular, the mappings defined enumerated by Table 8-2 – Ruby Position Semantics Mapping by Writing Mode apply as further defined by [CSS Ruby], §4.1.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value before.

Table 8-2 – Ruby Position Semantics Mapping by Writing Mode

The tts:rubyPosition style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Ruby Position
<style xml:id="s3" tts:ruby="container"/>
<style xml:id="s4" tts:ruby="base"/>
<style xml:id="s5" tts:ruby="text"/>
<p region="tblr">
  <span style="s3" tts:rubyPosition="before">
    <span style="s4">一二</span>
    <span style="s5">一二</span>
  <span style="s3" tts:rubyPosition="after">
    <span style="s4">七八</span>
    <span style="s5">七八</span>
<p region="lrtb">
  <span style="s3" tts:rubyPosition="before">
    <span style="s4">一二</span>
    <span style="s5">一二</span>
  <span style="s3" tts:rubyPosition="after">
    <span style="s4">七八</span>
    <span style="s5">七八</span>
<p region="tbrl">
  <span style="s3" tts:rubyPosition="before">
    <span style="s4">一二</span>
    <span style="s5">一二</span>
  <span style="s3" tts:rubyPosition="after">
    <span style="s4">七八</span>
    <span style="s5">七八</span>

Example Rendition – Ruby Position
TTML rubyPosition style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Ruby], §4.1, and the examples and example renderings shown there apply modulo the mappings defined above.

10.2.40 tts:rubyReserve

The tts:rubyReserve attribute is used to specify additional space to apply to affected line areas in order to reserve sufficient room in the block progression dimension to contain inline areas generated by ruby text containers placed within the bounds of the line areas.


An author may use the tts:rubyReserve attribute in order to ensure that consecutive baselines of line areas in a block area retain a fixed placement regardless of the presence or absence of ruby text annotations.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: none | [ auto | before | after | both | outside | around | between ] <length>?
Applies to: p
Percentages:relative to this element's font size

If the value of this attribute is none, then no ruby space reservation applies; otherwise, the value of this attribute specifies a position component followed by an optional length component.

If the position component is auto, then, if the current block area contains exactly two line areas, the outside position applies, otherwise the around position applies. If the position component is before, then the before leading of affected line areas is increased by the amount determined by the used value of the length component. If the position component is after, then the after leading of affected line areas is increased by the amount determined by the used value of the length component. If the position component is both, then the semanitcs of both the before and after positions apply to each affected line area. If the position component is outside, then the semantics of the before position apply to the first line area of the current block area and the semantics of the after position apply to the last line area of the current block area. If only one line area is present in the current block area, then both before and after positions apply to that line area. If the position component is around, then the semantics of the before position apply to all affected line areas. In addition, the semantics of the after position apply to the last line area of the current block area. If the position component is between, then the semantics of the before position apply to the second and subsequent affected line arease of the current block area, or, if only one line area is present in the current block area, no ruby space reservation applies to that line area.

If the length component is specified, then its used value determines an amount by which the before or (and) after leading(s) of an affected line area are increased. If no length component is specified, then it must be considered as if the length component were specified with a value equal to one half of the used value of the tts:lineHeight style property that applies to the current p element.

If the <length> component is specified, it must be non-negative.

Example Renditions – Ruby Reserve
tts:rubyReserveNo Ruby PresentRuby Present
noneTTML rubyReserve style property: 'auto'TTML rubyReserve style property: 'auto'
autoTTML rubyReserve style property: 'before'TTML rubyReserve style property: 'before'
beforeTTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'TTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'
afterTTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'TTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'
bothTTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'TTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'
outsideTTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'TTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'
aroundTTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'TTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'
betweenTTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'TTML rubyReserve style property: 'after'

10.2.41 tts:showBackground

The tts:showBackground attribute is used to specify constraints on when the background color of a region is intended to be presented.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: always | whenActive
Applies to: region

If the value of this attribute is always, then the background color of a region is always rendered when performing presentation processing on a visual medium; if the value is whenActive, then the background color of a region is rendered only when some content is flowed into the region.

A region satisfies the whenActive case if (1) it is a temporally active region and (2) content is selected into the region, where that content is also temporally active.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value always.

The tts:showBackground style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Show Background
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:origin="0px 0px"/>
  <style tts:extent="265px 100px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:showBackground="always"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="before"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
<region xml:id="r2">
  <style tts:origin="205px 60px"/>
  <style tts:extent="290px 100px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="red"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="before"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="end"/>
  <style tts:showBackground="whenActive"/>


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [SMIL 3.0], § 7.4.2.

10.2.42 tts:textAlign

The tts:textAlign attribute is used to specify a style property that defines how inline areas are aligned within a containing block area in the inline progression direction.

Editorial note: Justification in Inline Progression Dimension2015-04-06
Add justify value to support justification in inline progression dimension.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: left | center | right | start | end
Applies to: p, span
Inherited:see prose

The tts:textAlign attribute is inheritable only on a p element. If not specified on a span element, then the tts:textAlign style property does not apply to that element, rather, normal inline composition and alignment apply.

If a tts:textAlign attribute is specified on a span element, then that span element must be processed using inline block display semantics for the purpose of presentation processing.


A tts:textAlign attribute may be used on a span element in order to force composition using inline block display semantics and to apply a different alignment to the resulting nested block area. For example, a paragraph may be composed using center text alignment, while the text content within the paragraph, if wrapped in a span, may be composed using left text alignment.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value start.

The tts:textAlign style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Text Align
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="355px 43px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 0px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
<region xml:id="r2">
  <style tts:extent="355px 43px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 47px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="end"/>
<p region="r1">
  Beware the Jabberwock, my son!<br/>
  The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
<p region="r2">
  Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun<br/>
  The frumious Bandersnatch!

Example Rendition – Text Align
TTML textAlign style property

Example Fragment – Differing Text Align on p and span
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="446px 72px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 0px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="green"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="start"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
<region xml:id="r2">
  <style tts:extent="446px 72px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 76px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
<p region="r1">
  <span tts:textAlign="end">
    span textAlign="end"<br/>
    p textAlign="start"
<p region="r2">
  <span tts:textAlign="start">
    span textAlign="start"<br/>
    p textAlign="center"

Example Rendition – Differing Text Align on p and span
TTML textAlign style property on p and span


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.16.9.

10.2.43 tts:textCombine

When a vertical writing mode applies, the tts:textCombine attribute is used to specify a style property that determines whether and how multiple nominally non-combining characters are combined so that their glyph areas consume the nominal bounding box of a single em square of the surrounding vertical text. If a horizontal writing mode applies, then this property is ignored for the purpose of presentation processing.

Combination processing may make use of one or more techniques to obtain the goal of visual combination into an em square of the surrounding vertical text. For example, half-width variant forms may be selected, a ligature may be selected, a smaller font size may be applied, etc. At a minimum, an implementation that supports this style property must be able to select half-width variant forms if available. If none of these techniques are able to achieve the target dimension along the block progression dimension of the containing line area, then this dimension of the containing line area may be increased if permitted by the line stacking strategy in effect.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: none | all | [ digits <non-negative-integer>? ]
Applies to: span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If the specified value of this attribute is none, then no combination processing applies. If the specified value of this attribute is all, then all affected characters should be combined. If the specified value of this attribute is digits, then all affected characters should be combined if they are a sequence of a digits which length is equal to or less than a specified count, or two (2) if no count is specified.

Combination must not cross an element boundary, a bidirectional boundary, or a non-glyph area boundary.

This attribute has no impact on or interaction with the nominal layout of glyph areas that constitute a Unicode combining character sequence.

Editorial note: Text Combine Example2015-01-05
Insert example fragment and image of tts:textCombine.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Writing Modes], § 9.1.

10.2.44 tts:textDecoration

The tts:textDecoration attribute is used to specify a style property that defines a text decoration effect to apply to glyph areas or other inline areas that are generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: none | [ [ underline | noUnderline ] || [ lineThrough | noLineThrough ] || [ overline | noOverline ] ]
Applies to:span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value none.


The syntax used above in defining the value of this property is based on the value component syntax defined in [CSS2], § In essence, one or more of the values separated by || may appear in the property value in any order, such as "noUnderline overline lineThrough".

The tts:textDecoration style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Text Decoration
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="385px 82px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 0px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:padding="5px 2px"/>
  <style tts:textDecoration="underline"/>
<p region="r1">
  The sea was wet<span tts:textDecoration="noUnderline"> as </span>wet
  <span tts:textDecoration="noUnderline">
    could be,<br/>
    The sand was dry as dry.<br/>
    <span tts:textDecoration="lineThrough">There weren't any</span>
    You <span tts:textDecoration="lineThrough">couldn't</span>
    could not see a cloud<br/>
    Because no cloud was in the sky.

Example Rendition – Text Decoration
TTML textDecoration style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.17.4.

10.2.45 tts:textEmphasis

The tts:textEmphasis attribute is used to specify a style property that determines whether and how text emphasis marks are presented on affected content.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: [ <emphasis-style> || <emphasis-color> || <emphasis-position> ]
Applies to: span
Animatable:discrete, continuous (color only)

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If the specified value of this attribute is auto, then it must be interpreted as if auto were specified for both emphasis style and emphasis position components.

If no emphasis style is specified, then the emphasis style must be interpreted as if a style of auto were specified. If no emphasis color is specified, then the emphasis color must be interpreted as if a color of current were specified. If no emphasis position is specified, then the emphasis position must be interpreted as if a position of auto were specified.

The tts:textEmphasis style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Text Emphasis
  <span tts:textEmphasis="filled circle before">花</span>
  <span tts:textEmphasis="filled dot before">よ</span>
  <span tts:textEmphasis="filled sesame before">り</span>
  <span tts:textEmphasis="open circle before">だ</span>
  <span tts:textEmphasis="open dot before">ん</span>
  <span tts:textEmphasis="open sesame before">ご</span>

Example Rendition – Text Emphasis
TTML textEmphasis style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Text Decoration], § 3.

10.2.46 tts:textOrientation

The tts:textOrientation attribute is used to specify a style property that defines a text orientation to apply to glyphs that are selected for glyph areas generated by content flowed into a region to which a vertical writing mode applies.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: mixed | sideways | sidewaysLeft | sidewaysRight | upright
Applies to: span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If the value of this attribute is mixed, then, in vertical writing modes, glyphs from horizontal scripts are set sideways, i.e., 90° clockwise from their nominal orientation in horizontal text, while glyphs from vertical scripts are not affected.

If the value of this attribute is sidewaysLeft, then, in vertical writing modes, glyphs from horizontal scripts are set sideways with 90° counter-clockwise rotation.

If the value of this attribute is sidewaysRight, then, in vertical writing modes, glyphs from horizontal scripts are set sideways with 90° clockwise rotation.

If the value of this attribute is sideways, then, in vertical writing modes, glyphs from horizontal scripts are set sideways, either 90° clockwise or 90° counter-clockwise, according to whether the writing mode is tbrl or tblr, respectively. Glyphs from vertical scripts are not affected.

If the value of this attribute is upright, then, in vertical writing modes, glyphs from horizontal scripts are set upright, i.e., using their nominal orientation in horizontal text, while glyphs from vertical scripts are not affected. In addition, for purposes of bidirectional processing, this value causes all affected characters to be treated as strong left-to-right, i.e., to be treated as if a tts:direction of ltr and tts:unicodeOverride of override were applied.

If a vertical writing mode does not apply, then this style property has no effect.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value mixed.

The tts:textOrientation style is illustrated by the following example.

Editorial note: Text Orientation Example2013-08-24
Insert example fragment and image of tts:textOrientation.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Writing Modes], § 5.1.

10.2.47 tts:textOutline

The tts:textOutline attribute is used to specify a style property that defines a text outline effect to apply to glyphs that are selected for glyph areas generated by content flowed into a region.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: none | <color>? <length> <length>?
Applies to: span
Percentages:relative to this element's font size
Animatable:discrete, continuous

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The value of this attribute consists of an optional <color> term followed by one or two <length> terms. If a color term is present, then it denotes the outline color; if no color term is present, the computed value of the tts:color applies. The first length term denotes the outline thickness and the second length term, if present, indicates the blur radius.

The <length> value(s) used to express thickness and blur radius must be non-negative.


When a <length> expressed in cells is used in a tts:textOutline value, the cell's dimension in the block progression dimension applies. For example, if text outline thickness is specified as 0.1c, the cell resolution is 20 by 10, and the extent of the root container region is 640 by 480, then the outline thickness will be a nominal 480 / 10 * 0.1 pixels, i.e., 4.8px, without taking into account rasterization effects.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value none.

The tts:textOutline style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Text Outline
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:backgroundColor="transparent"/>
  <style tts:color="yellow"/>
  <style tts:textOutline="black 2px 0px"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="proportionalSansSerif"/>
  <style tts:fontSize="24px"/>
  How doth the little crocodile<br/>
  Improve its shining tail,<br/>
  And pour the waters of the Nile<br/>
  On every golden scale!<br/>
  How cheerfully he seems to grin,<br/>
  How neatly spreads his claws,<br/>
  And welcomes little fishes in,<br/>
  With gently smiling jaws!

Example Rendition – Text Outline
textOutline style property

10.2.48 tts:textShadow

The tts:textShadow attribute is used to specify a style property that defines one or more text shadow decorations to apply to glyphs that are selected for glyph areas generated by content flowed into a region.

If both tts:textOutline and tts:textShadow attributes are specified on an element and tts:textShadow is a supported property, then the tts:textOutline attribute must be ignored for the purpose of presentation processing.

If multiple text shadows apply, then they are drawn in the specified order immediately prior to drawing the glyph area to which they apply.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: none | [ <shadow> ]#
Applies to: span
Percentages:relative to this element's font size
Animatable:discrete, continuous

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value none.

Editorial note: Text Shadow Example2015-01-08
Insert example fragment and image of tts:textShadow.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [CSS Text Decoration], § 4.

10.2.49 tts:unicodeBidi

The tts:unicodeBidi attribute is used to specify a style property that defines a directional embedding or override according to the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: normal | embed | bidiOverride
Initial: normal
Applies to: p, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value normal.

The tts:unicodeBidi style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Unicode Bidirectionality
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="265px 84px"/>
  <style tts:padding="5px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
<p region="r1">
  Little birds are playing<br/>
  Bagpipes on the shore,<br/>
  <span tts:unicodeBidi="bidiOverride" tts:direction="rtl">where the tourists snore.</span>

Example Rendition – Unicode Bidirectionality
TTML unicodeBidi style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.29.6.

10.2.50 tts:visibility

The tts:visibility attribute is used to specify a style property that defines whether generated areas are visible or not when rendered on a visual presentation medium.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: visible | hidden
Initial: visible
Applies to: body, div, p, region, span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

The tts:visibility style has no affect on content layout or composition, but merely determines whether composed content is visible or not.

If the computed value of the property associated with this attribute is visible, then areas generated by this element are rendered visible when presented on a visual medium. If the computed value is hidden, then they are not rendered visible, i.e., they are hidden; notwithstanding the foregoing, a descendant element of a hidden element is rendered visible if the computed value of this property is visible on the descendant.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value visible.

The tts:visibility style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Visibility
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="398px 121px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
<p region="r1" dur="4s">
  <span tts:visibility="hidden">
    <set begin="1s" tts:visibility="visible"/>
  <span tts:visibility="hidden">
    <set begin="2s" tts:visibility="visible"/>
  <span tts:visibility="hidden">
    <set begin="3s" tts:visibility="visible"/>

Example Rendition – Visibility
TTML visibility style property - [0,1)
TTML visibility style property - [1,2)
TTML visibility style property - [2,3)
TTML visibility style property - [3,4)


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.30.17.

10.2.51 tts:wrapOption

The tts:wrapOption attribute is used to specify a style property that defines whether or not automatic line wrapping (breaking) applies within the context of the affected element.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: wrap | noWrap
Applies to: span

For the purpose of determining applicability of this style property, each character child of a p element is considered to be enclosed in an anonymous span.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value wrap.

The tts:wrapOption style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Wrap Option
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="192px 117px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="after"/>
  <style tts:overflow="hidden"/>
  <style tts:wrapOption="noWrap"/>
  I'll tell thee everything I can:<br/>
  There's little to relate.<br/>
  I saw an aged aged man,<br/>
  A-sitting on a gate.

Example Rendition – Wrap Option
TTML wrapOption style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.16.13.

10.2.52 tts:writingMode

The tts:writingMode attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the block and inline progression directions to be used for the purpose of stacking block and inline areas within a region area.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: lrtb | rltb | tbrl | tblr | lr | rl | tb
Applies to: region

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the value lrtb.

The tts:writingMode style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Writing Mode
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="50px 570px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 0px"/>
  <style tts:padding="10px 3px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:writingMode="tbrl"/>
<region xml:id="r2">
  <style tts:extent="310px 50px"/>
  <style tts:origin="70px 120px"/>
  <style tts:padding="10px 3px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:writingMode="rltb"/>
<p region="r1">
  I sometimes dig for buttered rolls,<br/>
  Or set limed twigs for crabs:
<p region="r2" tts:direction="rtl" tts:unicodeBidi="bidiOverride">
  I sometimes search the grassy knolls for the wheels of Hansom-cabs.

Example Rendition – Writing Mode
TTML writingMode style property


In the second paragraph in the above example that targets region r2, the tts:unicodeBidi and tts:direction properties are set to bidiOverride and rtl, respectively, in order to override the normally left-to-right directionality of characters in the Latin script.


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.29.7.

10.2.53 tts:zIndex

The tts:zIndex attribute is used to specify a style property that defines the front-to-back ordering of region areas in the case that they overlap.

This attribute may be specified by any element type that permits use of attributes in the TT Style Namespace; however, this attribute applies as a style property only to those element types indicated in the following table.

Values: auto | <integer>
Applies to: region
Animatable:discrete, continuous (over integral values only)

If two areas are associated with the same Z-index value, then, if those areas overlap in space, the area(s) generated by lexically subsequent elements must be rendered over area(s) generated by lexically prior elements, where lexical order is defined as the postorder traversal of a document instance.

The semantics of the value auto are those defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.30.18, where the tt element is considered to establish the root stacking context.

If a computed value of the property associated with this attribute is not supported, then a presentation processor must use the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed z-index and the supported z-index is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value least distant from 0, i.e., closest to the base stack level of the current stacking context, is used.

The tts:zIndex style is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Z Index
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:origin="0px 0px"/>
  <style tts:extent="400px 100px"/>
  <style tts:padding="5px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:zIndex="0"/>
<region xml:id="r2">
  <style tts:origin="100px 60px"/>
  <style tts:extent="400px 100px"/>
  <style tts:padding="5px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="red"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="end"/>
  <style tts:zIndex="1"/>
<region xml:id="r3">
  <style tts:origin="0px 120px"/>
  <style tts:extent="400px 100px"/>
  <style tts:padding="5px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:zIndex="2"/>
<region xml:id="r4">
  <style tts:origin="100px 180px"/>
  <style tts:extent="400px 100px"/>
  <style tts:padding="5px"/>
  <style tts:backgroundColor="red"/>
  <style tts:color="white"/>
  <style tts:textAlign="end"/>
  <style tts:zIndex="3"/>
<p region="r1">
  I passed by his garden, and marked, with one eye,<br/>
  How the Owl and the Panther were sharing a pie.
<p region="r2">
  The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat,<br/>
  While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat.
<p region="r3">
  When the pie was all finished, the Owl, as a boon,<br/>
  Was kindly permitted to pocket the spoon:
<p region="r4">
  While the Panther received knife and fork<br/>
  with a growl,<br/>
  And concluded the banquet by...

Example Rendition – Z Index
TTML zIndex style property


The semantics of the style property represented by this attribute are based upon that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 7.30.18.

10.3 Styling Value Expressions

Style property values include the use of the following expressions:

In the syntax representations defined in this section, no linear whitespace (LWSP) is implied or permitted between tokens unless explicitly specified.

10.3.1 <alpha>

An <alpha> expression is used to express an opacity value, where 0 means fully transparent and 1 means fully opaque.

Syntax Representation – <alpha>
  : float

In the above syntax representation, the syntactic element float must adhere to the lexical representation defined by [XML Schema Part 2] § If the value represented is less than 0.0, then it must be interpreted as equal to 0.0; similarly, if the value represented is greater than 1.0, then it must be interpreted as 1.0. The value NaN must be interpreted as 0.0.

A specified value for <alpha> should not be NaN, less than 0, or greater than 1.

If a presentation processor does not support a specific, valid opacity value, then it must interpret it as being equal to the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed opacity and the supported opacity is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value most distant from 0, i.e., the greatest opacity, is used.

10.3.2 <border-color>

A <border-color> expression is used to express the color of one or more borders.

Syntax Representation – <border-color>
  : <color>

10.3.3 <border-radii>

A <border-radii> expression is used to express the radii of one or more borders.

Syntax Representation – <border-radii>
  : "radii(" <length> ( "," <length> )? ")"

If two <length> expressions are specified, then the first length corresponds to the quarter ellipse radius for the inline progression dimension (for content) or horizontal direction (for regions), while the second length, if present, corresponds to the quarter ellipse radius for the block progression dimension (for content) or vertical direction (for regions), or, if only one length is present, then it is interpreted as if two lengths were specified with the same value.

10.3.4 <border-style>

A <border-style> expression is used to express the style of one or more borders.

Syntax Representation – <border-style>
  : none
  | dotted
  | dashed
  | solid
  | double

The interpretation of dotted, dashed, and double are considered to be implementation dependent.

If an implementation does not recognize or otherwise distinguish one of these border style values, then it must be interpreted as if a style of solid were specified; as such, an implementation that supports borders must minimally support the solid value.

10.3.5 <border-thickness>

A <border-thickness> expression is used to express the thickness of one or more borders.

Syntax Representation – <border-thickness>
  : thin
  | medium
  | thick
  | <length>

The interpretation of thin, medium, and thick are considered to be implementation dependent; however, the resolved lengths must adhere to the following constraints: thickness(thin) < thickness(medium); thickness(medium) < thickness(thick).

If a border thickness is expressed as a <length>, then it must not take the form of a percentage value; i.e., it must take the form of a scalar value.

10.3.6 <character-class>

A <character-class> value is used to express an enumerated set of characters.

Syntax Representation – <character-class>
  : "[" ( class-character-range | class-character )+ "]"

  : class-character "-" class-character

  : unicode-escape
  | { char - { specials } }

  : "\\u" hexDigit{6}
  | "\\u" hexDigit{4}
  | "\\" char

  : "-"
  | "]"
  | "\'"
  | "\""
  | <whitespace>

10.3.7 <color>

A <color> expression is used to specify a named color, exact RGB color triple, or exact RGBA color tuple, where the alpha component, if expressed, is maximum (255) at 100% opacity and minimum (0) at 0% opacity, and where the applicable color space is defined by [SRGB].

Syntax Representation – <color>
  : "#" rrggbb
  | "#" rrggbbaa
  | "rgb" "(" r-value "," g-value "," b-value ")"
  | "rgba" "(" r-value "," g-value "," b-value "," a-value ")"
  | <named-color>

  :  <hex-digit>{6}

  :  <hex-digit>{8}

r-value | g-value | b-value | a-value
  : component-value

  : <non-negative-integer>                    // valid range: [0,255]

When expressing RGB component values, these values are considered to not be premultiplied by alpha.

For the purpose of performing presentation processing such that non-opaque or non-transparent alpha or opacity values apply, then the semantics of compositing functions are defined with respect to the use of the [SRGB] color space for both inputs and outputs of the composition function.


The use of [SRGB] for the stated semantics of composition is not meant to prevent an actual processor from using some other color space either for internal or external purposes. For example, a presentation processor may ultimately convert the SRGB values used here to the YUV color space for rendition on a television device.

If a presentation processor does not support a specific, valid color or alpha value, then it must interpret it as being equal to the closest supported value.


In this context, the phrase closest supported value means the value for which the Euclidean distance between the computed color and alpha and the supported color and alpha in the RGB color space is minimized. If there are multiple closest supported values equally distant from the computed value, then the value least distant from opaque black rgb(0,0,0,255), i.e., the closest to opaque black, is used.

10.3.8 <digit>

A <digit> is used to express integers and other types of numbers or tokens.

Syntax Representation – <digit>
  : "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

10.3.9 <emphasis-color>

An <emphasis-color> expression is used to express the color of text emphasis marks.

Syntax Representation – <emphasis-color>
  : current
  | <color>

Equivalent to the computed value of tts:color of the affected text.


The specified color.

If an implementation does not recognize or otherwise distinguish emphasis color value, then it must be interpreted as if a style of current were specified; as such, an implementation that supports text emphasis marks must minimally support the current value.

10.3.10 <emphasis-position>

An <emphasis-position> expression is used to express the position of text emphasis marks.

Syntax Representation – <emphasis-position>
  : auto
  | before
  | after
  | outside

If the containing block area consists of exactly two line areas, then equivalent to outside; otherwise, equivalent to before.


Towards the before edge of the affected glyph areas. If a horizontal writing mode applies, then this is towards the top of the glyph areas. If a vertical writing mode applies, then this is either towards the right or left of the glyph areas, according to whether tts:writingMode resolves to tbrl or tblr, respectively.


Towards the after edge of the affected glyph areas. If a horizontal writing mode applies, then this is towards the bottom of the glyph areas. If a vertical writing mode applies, then this is either towards the left or right of the glyph areas, according to whether tts:writingMode resolves to tbrl or tblr, respectively.


Equivalent to before for all but the last affected line area; otherwise, equivalent to after for the last affected line area.

If an implementation does not recognize or otherwise distinguish an emphasis position value, then it must be interpreted as if a position of auto were specified; as such, an implementation that supports text emphasis marks must minimally support the auto value.

10.3.11 <emphasis-style>

An <emphasis-style> expression is used to express the style of text emphasis marks.

Syntax Representation – <emphasis-style>
  : none
  | auto 
  | [ filled | open ] || [ circle | dot | sesame ]
  | <quoted-string>

The semantics of text emphasis style values are defined as follows:


No text emphasis mark.


If a vertical writing mode applies, then equivalent to filled sesame; otherwise, equivalent to filled circle.


Emphasis mark is filled with emphasis color.


Emphasis mark is not filled, i.e., its outline is stroked with the emphasis color, but it is not filled.


Emphasis mark is a circle. If filled, then equivalent to U+25CF '●'; if open, then equivalent to U+25CB '○'


Emphasis mark is a dot. If filled, then equivalent to U+2022 '•'; if open, then equivalent to U+25E6 '◦'


Emphasis mark is a sesame. If filled, then equivalent to U+FE45 '﹅'; if open, then equivalent to U+FE46 '﹆'


Emphasis mark is the first grapheme cluster of string, with remainder of string ignored.

If only filled or open is specified, then it is equivalent to filled circle and open circle, respectively.

If only circle, dot, or sesame is specified, then it is equivalent to filled circle, filled dot, and filled sesame, respectively.

If an implementation does not recognize or otherwise distinguish an emphasis style value, then it must be interpreted as if a style of auto were specified; as such, an implementation that supports text emphasis marks must minimally support the auto value.

10.3.12 <family-name>

A <family-name> expression specifies a font family name.

Syntax Representation – <family-name>
  : unquoted-string
  | <quoted-string>

  : identifier ( <lwsp> identifier )*

  : [-]? identifier-start identifier-following*

  : [_a-zA-Z]
  | non-ascii-or-c1
  | escape

  : [_a-zA-Z0-9-]
  | non-ascii-or-c1
  | escape

  : [^\0-\237]

  : "\\" char

In addition to adhering to the syntax rules specified above, the following semantic rules apply:

  • the semantic value of a <family-name> expression is the semantic value of its unquoted-string or quoted-string non-terminal, according to whichever applies;

  • the semantic value of an unquoted-string non-terminal is a pair <quoted, content>, where quoted is a boolean false, and where content is the result of appending the value of each identifier non-terminal, in lexical order, where the value of each identifier is preceded by a single SPACE (U+0020) character if it is not the first identifier;

  • the semantic value of a quoted-string non-terminal is a pair <quoted, content>, where quoted is a boolean true, and where content is the unquoted content of the quoted string, i.e., the sequence of characters between the delimiting quotes.

  • the semantic value of an escape non-terminal is the value of the escaped char;

  • a <family-name> that takes the form of an unquoted-string that contains an identifier that starts with two - HYPHEN-MINUS (U+002D) characters must be considered to be invalid;

  • a <family-name> that takes the form of an unquoted-string that contains a single identifier that matches (by case sensitive comparison) a <generic-family-name> must be interpreted as that <generic-family-name>;

  • a <family-name> that takes the form of a quoted-string whose content (unquoted value) matches (by case sensitive comparison) a <generic-family-name> must not be interpreted as that <generic-family-name>, but as the actual name of a non-generic font family.

  • The syntactic element char is to be interpreted according to the Char production defined by [XML 1.0] §2.2.


The {unicode} escape mechanism defined by [CSS2] §4.1.1 is not supported by this syntax; rather, authors are expected to either (1) directly encode the character using the document encoding or (2) use an XML character reference according to [XML 1.0] §4.1. When a syntactically significant character needs to be used without its normal syntactic interpretation, it may be be escaped using the backslash (reverse solidus) escape non-terminal specified above.

When using the backslash (reverse solidus) escape non-terminal, the above syntax does not place any restriction on what character may be escaped, e.g., \\[\n\r\f0-9a-f] are permitted. If one of these latter escapes appears in a <family-name> expression, then it will need to be converted to a {unicode} escape if it is to be used with a standard XSL-FO or CSS parser. In particular, a backslash followed by a newline is ignored by CSS, while it is not ignored by the above syntax. Such an unignored escaped newline would need to be represented using an equivalent {unicode} escape, such as \a, to order to express in CSS.

10.3.13 <generic-family-name>

A <generic-family-name> expression specifies a font family using a general token that indicates a class of font families.

The resolution of a generic family name to a concrete font instance is considered to be implementation dependent, both in the case of content authoring and content interpretation.

Syntax Representation – <generic-family-name>
  : "default"
  | "monospace"
  | "sansSerif"
  | "serif"
  | "monospaceSansSerif"
  | "monospaceSerif"
  | "proportionalSansSerif"
  | "proportionalSerif"

The mapping between a generic (font) family name and an actual font is not determined by this specification; however, the distinction of monospace versus proportional and serif versus sans-serif should be maintained if possible when performing presentation.

If a generic (font) family name of monospace is specified, then it may be interpreted as equivalent to either monospaceSansSerif or monospaceSerif. The generic family names sansSerif and serif are to be interpreted as equivalent to proportionalSansSerif and proportionalSerif, respectively.

If the generic family name default is specified (or implied by an initial value), then its typographic characteristics are considered to be implementation dependent; however, it is recommended that this default font family be mapped to an monospaced, sans-serif font.

10.3.14 <glyph-variant>

A <glyph-variant> expression specifies one or more keywords that influence the character to glyph mapping process, and, specifically, whether and which type of variant glyph is to be selected (if available in the applicable font) when peforming presentation processing.

Syntax Representation – <glyph-variant>
  : "normal"
  | [ "super" | "sub" ] || [ "full" | "half" ] || ruby

If the value normal applies, then, unless a higher level protocol applies, none of subscript, superscript, full, half, or ruby glyph variations are selected.

If the keyword super applies, then superscript glyph variants are selected (if available). For example, when rendering with an OpenType font, the OpenType sups feature is enabled. If the keyword sub applies, then subscript glyph variants are selected (if available). For example, when rendering with an OpenType font, the OpenType subs feature is enabled.

If the keyword full applies, then full width glyph variants are selected (if available). For example, when rendering with an OpenType font, the OpenType fwid feature is enabled. If the keyword half applies, then half width glyph variants are selected (if available). For example, when rendering with an OpenType font, the OpenType hwid feature is enabled.

If the keyword ruby applies, then ruby glyph variants are selected (if available). For example, when rendering with an OpenType font, the OpenType ruby feature is enabled.

If multiple variations apply, then glyphs that satisfy the maximum number of applicable variantions are selected. For example, if both super and half variations are specified, then glyphs that are simultaneously designated as both superscript and half width variations are selected (if available). If only subsets of the requested variations can be satisfied, and there is more than one possible subset that would result in a difference in the selected variation glyphs, then which subset applies is considered implementation dependent, i.e., determined by the document processing context.

10.3.15 <hex-digit>

A <hex-digit> is used to express integers and other types of numbers or tokens that employ base 16 arithmetic.

For the purpose of parsing, a distinction must not be made between lower and upper case.

Syntax Representation – <hex-digit>
  : <digit>
  | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f"
  | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F"

10.3.16 <integer>

An <integer> expression is used to express an arbitrary, signed integral value.

Syntax Representation – <integer>
  : ( "+" | "-" )? <non-negative-integer>

10.3.17 <length>

A <length> expression is used to express either a coordinate component of point in a cartesian space or a distance between two points in a cartesian space.

Syntax Representation – <length>
  : scalar
  | <percentage>

  : <number> units?

  : "px"
  | "em"
  | "c"                                     // abbreviation of "cell"
  | "rw"
  | "rh"

If no units component is specified in a <length> expression, then it is to be treated as if px (pixels) units were specified.

If the computed value of the ttp:version attribute on the root tt element is two (2) or greater, then the unit of measure px (pixel) corresponds with a logical pixel in the document coordinate space; otherwise, it corresponds with the semantics defined by [XSL 1.1], § 5.9.13.


In previous versions of this specification, a pixel was defined to be equivalent to the semantics adopted by [XSL 1.1], § 5.9.13. However, a preponderance of implementations adopted instead the semantics specified here; namely, as a pixel in the document coordinate space, which in most cases, has been tied to the coordinate space of a related media object.

When specified relative to a font whose size is expressed as a single length measure or as two length measures of equal length, the unit of measure em is considered to be identical to that defined by [XSL 1.1], § 5.9.13; however, when specified relative to a font whose size is expressed as two length measures of non-equal lengths, then one em is equal to the inline progression dimension of the anamorphically scaled font when used to specify lengths in the inline progression direction and equal to the block progression dimension of the scaled font when used to specify lengths in the block progression direction.

The semantics of the unit of measure c (cell) are defined by the parameter 7.2.1 ttp:cellResolution.

The units of measure rw and rh are defined as one percent (1%) of the width and height of the root container region, respectively. For example, the length 25rw is interpreted as 25% of the width of the root container region.

10.3.18 <lwsp>

A <lwsp> is used to express the common linear whitespace (lwsp) syntactic construct.

Syntax Representation – <lwsp>
  : <whitespace>+

10.3.19 <measure>

A <measure> value expresses a distance as an absolute dimension or a relative dimension, where the context of use determines which dimension applies.

If one of the two absolute dimensions, height or width, applies, then the associated relative dimension, bpd or ipd, is determined in accordance with the applicable writing mode and text orientation, such that the associated relative dimension governs the interpretation of the specified measure as described below.

Otherwise, one of the two relative dimensions, bpd or ipd, applies, in which case that relative dimension governs the interpretation of the specified measure as specified below.

Syntax Representation – <measure>
  : auto
  | available
  | fitContent
  | maxContent
  | minContent
  | <length>

The semantics of measure values are defined as follows:


For ipd, either (1) the intrinsic size in the inline progression direction when applied to an image, or (2) the numeric value that would be obtained if the available value were specified. For bpd, either (1) the intrinsic size in the block progression direction when applied to an image, or (2) the numeric value that would be obtained if the available value were specified.


For ipd, the numeric value equal to the ipd of the parent containing block's ipd less the current element's combined border and padding ipd. For bpd, the numeric value equal to the bpd of the parent containing block's bpd less the current element's combined border and padding bpd.


A numeric value equal to the maximum of the values of (1) minContent and (2) the minimum of values of maxContent and available.


For ipd, the maximum numeric value that encloses all of the element's content such that lines are broken only at hard, i.e., mandatory, break points, even if that means overflowing the parent's ipd.

For bpd, the maximum numeric value that encloses all of the element's content such that lines are broken at all possible line break positions, i.e., both hard (mandatory) and soft (optional) break points.


For ipd, the minimum numeric value that encloses all of the element's content such that lines are broken at all possible line break positions, i.e., both hard (mandatory) and soft (optional) break points.

For bpd, the minimum numeric value that encloses all of the element's content such that lines are broken only at hard, i.e., mandatory, break points, even if that means overflowing the parent's ipd.


A non-negative numeric value expressed as a scalar or percentage.

10.3.20 <named-character-class>

A <named-character-class> value is used to express an enumerated character class with a convenient name, where the character class is defined by [JLREQ], Appendix A, Character Classes.

For the purpose of parsing, a distinction must not be made between lower and upper case.

Syntax Representation – <named-character-class>
  : "closeBrackets"                         // JLREQ cl-2
  | "closeWarichu"                          // JLREQ cl-29
  | "commas"                                // JLREQ cl-7
  | "fullStops"                             // JLREQ cl-6
  | "groupedNumerals"                       // JLREQ cl-24
  | "hiragana"                              // JLREQ cl-15
  | "hyphens"                               // JLREQ cl-3
  | "ideographic"                           // JLREQ cl-19
  | "ideographicSpace"                      // JLREQ cl-14
  | "inseparables"                          // JLREQ cl-8
  | "iterationMarks"                        // JLREQ cl-9
  | "katakana"                              // JLREQ cl-16
  | "mathOperators"                         // JLREQ cl-18
  | "mathSymbols"                           // JLREQ cl-17
  | "middleDots"                            // JLREQ cl-5
  | "openBrackets"                          // JLREQ cl-1
  | "openWarichu"                           // JLREQ cl-28
  | "postAbbreviations"                     // JLREQ cl-13
  | "preAbbreviations"                      // JLREQ cl-12
  | "punctuationMarks"                      // JLREQ cl-4
  | "smallKana"                             // JLREQ cl-11
  | "soundMarks"                            // JLREQ cl-10
  | "unitSymbols"                           // JLREQ cl-25
  | "western"                               // JLREQ cl-27
  | "westernWordSpace"                      // JLREQ cl-26

10.3.21 <named-color>

A <named-color> is used to express an RGBA color with a convenient name, and where the applicable color space is defined by [SRGB].

For the purpose of parsing, a distinction must not be made between lower and upper case.

Syntax Representation – <named-color>
  : "transparent"                           // #00000000
  | "black"                                 // #000000ff
  | "silver"                                // #c0c0c0ff
  | "gray"                                  // #808080ff
  | "white"                                 // #ffffffff
  | "maroon"                                // #800000ff
  | "red"                                   // #ff0000ff
  | "purple"                                // #800080ff
  | "fuchsia"                               // #ff00ffff
  | "magenta"                               // #ff00ffff (= fuchsia)
  | "green"                                 // #008000ff
  | "lime"                                  // #00ff00ff
  | "olive"                                 // #808000ff
  | "yellow"                                // #ffff00ff
  | "navy"                                  // #000080ff
  | "blue"                                  // #0000ffff
  | "teal"                                  // #008080ff
  | "aqua"                                  // #00ffffff
  | "cyan"                                  // #00ffffff (= aqua)


Except for transparent, the set of named colors specified above constitutes a proper subset of the set of named colors specified by [SVG 1.1], § 4.2.

10.3.22 <non-negative-integer>

A <non-negative-integer> expression is used to express an arbitrary, non-negative integral value.

Syntax Representation – <non-negative-integer>
  : <digit>+

10.3.23 <number>

An <number> expression is used to express an arbitrary, signed integer or real valued number.

Syntax Representation – <number>
  : sign? non-negative-number

  : "+" | "-"


  : <non-negative-integer>
  | non-negative-real

  : <digit>* "." <digit>+

10.3.24 <percentage>

An <percentage> expression is used to express an arbitrary, signed integral or real valued percentage.

Syntax Representation – <percentage>
  : <number> "%"

10.3.25 <position>

A <position> expression is used to indirectly determine the origin of an area or an image with respect to a reference area.

Syntax Representation – <position>
  : offset-position-h                       // single component value
  | offset-position-v                       // single component value
  | offset-position-h offset-position-v     // two component values
  | offset-position-v offset-position-h     // two component values
  | position-keyword-h edge-offset-v        // three component values
  | position-keyword-v edge-offset-h        // three component values
  | edge-offset-h position-keyword-v        // three component values
  | edge-offset-v position-keyword-h        // three component values
  | edge-offset-h edge-offset-v             // four component values
  | edge-offset-v edge-offset-h             // four component values

  : position-keyword-h
  | <length>

  : position-keyword-v
  | <length>

  : edge-keyword-h <length>

  : edge-keyword-v <length>

  : center
  | edge-keyword-h

  : center
  | edge-keyword-v

  : left
  | right

  : top
  | bottom

A <position> expression may consist of one to four component values as follows:

one component

either a horizontal offset (offset-position-h) or a vertical offset (offset-position-v)

two components

a horizontal offset (offset-position-h) and a vertical offset (offset-position-v), in any order

three components

a horizontal edge offset (edge-offset-position-h) and a vertical edge offset (edge-offset-position-v), in any order, where one offset is a keyword and the other offset is a keyword <length> pair

four components

a horizontal edge offset (edge-offset-position-h) and a vertical edge offset (edge-offset-position-v), in any order, where both offsets are keyword <length> pairs

Every <position> expression can be translated to a four component equivalent of the form left <length> top <length> by means of the following equivalence tables:

One Component Equivalents
centercenter center
leftleft center
rightright center
topcenter top
bottomcenter bottom
<length><length> center

Two Component Equivalents
bottom centerleft 50% top 100%
bottom leftleft 0% top 100%
bottom rightleft 100% top 100%
bottom <length>left <length> top 100%
center centerleft 50% top 50%
center topleft 50% top 0%
center bottomleft 50% top 100%
center leftleft 0% top 50%
center rightleft 100% top 50%
center <length>left 50% top <length>
left centerleft 0% top 50%
left topleft 0% top 0%
left bottomleft 0% top 100%
left <length>left 0% top <length>
right centerleft 100% top 50%
right topleft 100% top 0%
right bottomleft 100% top 100%
right <length>left 100% top <length>
top centerleft 50% top 0%
top leftleft 0% top 0%
top rightleft 100% top 0%
top <length>left <length> top 0%
<length> centerleft <length> top 50%
<length> topleft <length> top 0%
<length> bottomleft <length> top 100%
<length-1> <length-2>left <length-1> top <length-2>


When a two component expression consists of two <length> values, then, to avoid a possibly ambiguous interpretation, the first is interpreted as a horizontal length and the second as a vertical length as indicated in the last row of the above table.

Three Component Equivalents
bottom left <length>left <length> top 100%
bottom right <length>right <length> top 100%
bottom <length> centerleft 50% bottom <length>
bottom <length> leftleft 0% bottom <length>
bottom <length> rightleft 100% bottom <length>
center bottom <length>left 50% bottom <length>
center left <length>left <length> top 50%
center right <length>right <length> top 50%
center top <length>left 50% top <length>
left bottom <length>left 0% bottom <length>
left top <length>left 0% top <length>
left <length> bottomleft <length> top 100%
left <length> centerleft <length> top 50%
left <length> topleft <length> top 0%
right bottom <length>left 100% bottom <length>
right top <length>left 100% top <length>
right <length> bottomright <length> top 100%
right <length> centerright <length> top 50%
right <length> topright <length> top 0%
top left <length>left <length> top 0%
top right <length>right <length> top 0%
top <length> centerleft 50% top <length>
top <length> leftleft 100% top <length>
top <length> rightleft 100% top <length>

Four Component Equivalents
bottom <length-v> left <length-h>left <length-h> top (100% - <length-v>)
bottom <length-v> right <length-h>left (100% - <length-h>) top (100% - <length-v>)
left <length-h> bottom <length-v>left <length-h> top (100% - <length-v>)
right <length-h> bottom <length-v>left (100% - <length-h>) top (100% - <length-v>)
right <length-h> top <length-v>left (100% - <length-h>) top <length-v>
top <length-v> left <length-h>left <length-h> top <length-v>
top <length-v> right <length-h>left (100% - <length-h>) top <length-v>

If a <length> component is expressed as a percentage, then that percentage is interpreted in relation to some reference dimension, where the reference dimension is defined by the context of use.

A <length> component of a <position> expression may be positive or negative. Positive lengths are interpreted as insets from the referenced edge, while negative lengths are interpreted as outsets from the referenced edge. For example, an inset from the left edge is located to the right of that edge (if non-zero), while an outset from the left edge is located to the left of that edge (if non-zero). In contrast, an inset from the right edge is located to the left of that edge (if non-zero), while an outset from the right edge is located to the right of that edge (if non-zero). A similar arrangement holds for top and bottom edges.

When performing four component equivalent conversion, the expression (100% - <length-h>) is to be interpreted as the difference between 100% and the percentage equivalent of the <length-h> expression. Similarly, the expression (100% - <length-v>) is to be interpreted as the difference between 100% and the percentage equivalent of the <length-v> expression. In both cases, the resulting difference may be a negative percentage.

10.3.26 <shadow>

A <shadow> value expresses a shadow decoration to be applied to a generated area. If the generated area is a glyph area, then it applies to the outline of the glyph (not the glyph area bounding box). If the generated area is not a glyph area, then it applies to the border rectangle of the area.

Syntax Representation – <shadow>
  : inset? && <length>{2,4} && <color>

A shadow value expression consists of an optional inset token term, two to four <length> terms, and an optional <color> term.

The first <length> term denotes the offset in the inline progression direction of the associated area, where positive denotes towards the end edge and negative towards the start edge, the second <length> term denotes the offset in the block progression direction of the associated area, where positive denotes towards the after edge and negative towards the before edge. The third <length> term, if present, denotes the blur radius, and must be non-negative. The fourth <length> term, if present, denotes the spread distance, where positive denotes expansion and negative denotes contraction.

If no <color> term is present, then the computed value of the tts:color property applies.

If applied to a glyph area, then an inset token and a spread distance, if either or both are present, are ignored for purpose of presentation processing.

Editorial note: Shadow Inset2015-01-08
Define semantics of inset term.


When a <length> expressed in cells is used in a tts:textShadow value, the cell's dimension in the block progression dimension applies. For example, if text shadow thickness is specified as 0.1c, the cell resolution is 20 by 10, and the extent of the root container region is 640 by 480, then the shadow thickness will be a nominal 480 / 10 * 0.1 pixels, i.e., 4.8px, without taking into account rasterization effects.

10.3.27 <whitespace>

A <whitespace> value is used to express a common whitespace characters.

Syntax Representation – <whitespace>
  : ( " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" )

10.4 Styling Semantics

This section defines the semantics of style resolution in terms of a standard processing model as follows:

Any implementation of this model is permitted provided that the externally observable results are consistent with the results produced by this model.


The semantics of style resolution employed here are based upon [XSL 1.1], § 5.

10.4.1 Style Association

Style association is a sub-process of 10.4.4 Style Resolution Processing used to determine the specified style set of each content and layout element.

Style matter may be associated with content and layout matter in a number of ways:

In addition to the above, style matter may be associated with layout matter using: Inline Styling

Style properties may be expressed in an inline manner by direct specification of an attribute from the TT Style Namespace on the affected element. When expressed in this manner, the association of style information is referred to as inline styling.

Style properties associated by inline styling are afforded a higher priority than all other forms of style association.

Example – Inline Styling
<p tts:color="white">White 1 <span tts:color="yellow">Yellow</span> White 2</p>


In the above example, the two text fragments "White 1 " and " White 2", which are interpreted as anonymous spans, are not associated with a color style property; rather, they inherit their color style from their parent p element as described in Content Style Inheritance below. Referential Styling

Style properties may be expressed in an out-of-line manner and referenced by the affected element using the style attribute. When expressed in this manner, the association of style information is referred to as referential styling.

If a style attribute specifies multiple references, then those references are evaluated in the specified order, and that order applies to resolution of the value of a style property in the case that it is specified along multiple reference paths.

The use of referential styling is restricted to making reference to style element descendants of a styling element. It is considered an error to reference a style element that is a descendant of a layout element.


The use of referential styling encourages the reuse of style specifications while sacrificing locality of reference.


A single content element may be associated with style properties by a hybrid mixture of inline and referential styling, in which case inline styling is given priority as described above by Inline Styling.

Example – Referential Styling
<style xml:id="s1" tts:color="white"/>
<style xml:id="s2" tts:color="yellow"/>
<p style="s1">White 1 <span style="s2">Yellow</span> White 2</p>


In the above example, the two text fragments "White 1 " and " White 2", which are interpreted as anonymous spans, are not associated with a color style property; rather, they inherit their color style from their parent p element as described in Content Style Inheritance below. Chained Referential Styling

Style properties may be expressed in an out-of-line manner and may themselves reference other out-of-line style properties, thus creating a chain of references starting at the affected element. When expressed in this manner, the association of style information is referred to as chained referential styling.

If the same style property is specified in more than one referenced style set, then the last referenced style set applies, where the order of application starts from the affected element and proceeds to referenced style sets, and, in turn, to subsequent referenced style sets.

A loop in a sequence of chained style references must be considered an error.

The use of referential styling is restricted to making reference to style element descendants of a styling element. It is considered an error to reference a style element that is a descendant of a layout element.


The use of chained referential styling encourages the grouping of style specifications into general and specific sets, which further aids in style specification reuse.


A single content element may be associated with style properties by a hybrid mixture of inline, referential styling, and chained referential styling, in which case inline styling is given priority as described above by Inline Styling.

Example – Chained Referential Styling
<style xml:id="s1" tts:color="white" tts:fontFamily="monospaceSerif"/>
<style xml:id="s2" style="s1" tts:color="yellow"/>
<p style="s1">White Monospace</p>
<p style="s2">Yellow Monospace</p> Nested Styling

Style properties may be expressed in a nested manner by direct specification of one or more style element children of the affected element. When expressed in this manner, the association of style information is referred to as nested styling.

Style properties associated by nested styling are afforded a lower priority than inline styling but with higher priority than referential styling.

Example – Nested Styling
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:extent="128px 66px"/>
  <style tts:origin="0px 0px"/>
  <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>


In this version of this specification, nested styling applies only to the region element.

10.4.2 Style Inheritance

Style inheritance is a sub-process of 10.4.4 Style Resolution Processing used to determine the specified style set of each content and layout element.

Styles are further propagated to content matter using:

For the purpose of determining inherited styles, the element hierarchy of an intermediate synchronic document form of a document instance must be used, where such intermediate forms are defined by Intermediate Synchronic Document Construction.


The intermediate synchronic document form is utilized rather than the original form in order to facilitate region inheritance processing. Content Style Inheritance

Style properties are inherited from ancestor content elements within an intermediate synchronic document if a style property is not associated with a content element (or an anonymous span) and the style property is designated as inheritable.

If a style property is determined to require inheritance, then the inherited value must be the value of the same named style property in the computed style set of the element's nearest ancestor element that defines the property within the applicable intermediate synchronic document.

Example – Content Style Inheritance
<p tts:fontFamily="monospaceSansSerif">
  <span tts:color="yellow">Yellow Monospace</span>


In the above example, the span element that encloses the character items Yellow Monospace is not associated with a tts:fontFamily style property and this property is inheritable; therefore, the value of the tts:fontFamily style is inherited from the computed style set of the ancestor p element, and is added to the specified style set of the span element. Region Style Inheritance

Style properties are inherited from a region element in the following case:

  1. if an inheritable style property P is not associated with a content element or an anonymous span E, and

  2. if that style property P is in the computed style set of region R, and

  3. if that element E is flowed into (presented within) region R.

Example – Region Style Inheritance
<region xml:id="r1">
  <style tts:color="yellow"/>
  <style tts:fontFamily="monospaceSerif"/>
<p region="r1">Yellow Monospace</p>


In the above example, the anonymous span that encloses the character items Yellow Monospace effectively inherits the tts:color and tts:fontFamily styles specified on the region element into which the p element is flowed (presented). Root Style Inheritance

Style properties are inherited from the root tt element in the following case:

  1. if an inheritable style property P is not associated with a region element, and

  2. if that style property P is in the computed style set of the root tt element.


Root style inheritance provides a mechanism by means of which region elements can inherit a common style rather than repeating the specification of the style on each region element.

Example – Root Style Inheritance
<tt tts:color="yellow">
<region xml:id="r1" tts:fontFamily="monospaceSerif"/>
<p region="r1">Yellow Monospace</p>


In the above example, the region element inherits the tts:color style specified on the tt element, which, along with the tts:fontFamily style specified on the region element, are inherited by p element when selected into the region.

10.4.3 Style Resolution Value Categories

During style resolution, layout, and presentation processing, three categories of style property values are distinguished as follows: Specified Values

Values of style properties that are associated with or inherited by an element or anonymous span are referred to as specified values. The set of all specified style properties of a given element is referred to as the specified style set of that element. Computed Values

When style properties are specified using relative value expressions, such as a named color, a relative unit (e.g., cell), or a percentage, then they need to be further resolved into absolute units, such as an RGB triple, pixels, etc.

During the style resolution process, all specified style values are reinterpreted (or recalculated) in absolute terms, and then recorded as computed values. The set of all computed style properties of a given element is referred to as the computed style set of that element.

When a style value is inherited, either explicitly or implicitly, it is the computed value of the style that is inherited from an ancestor element. This is required since the resolution of certain relative units, such as percentage, require evaluating the expression in the immediate (local) context of reference, and not in a distant (remote) context of reference where the related (resolving) expression is not available. Actual Values

During the actual presentation process, other transformations occur that map some value expressions to concrete, physical values. For example, the colors of computed style values are further subjected to closest color approximation and gamma correction during the display process. In addition, length value expressions that use pixels in computed style values are considered to express logical rather than physical (device) pixels. Consequently, these logical pixels are subject to being further transformed or mapped to physical (device) pixels during presentation.

The final values that result from the logical to device mapping process are referred to as actual values. The set of all actual style properties of a given element is referred to as the actual style set of that element.


More than one set of actual values may be produced during the process of presentation. For example, a TTML presentation processor device may output an RGBA component video signal which is then further transformed by an NTSC or PAL television to produce a final image. In this case, both color and dimensions may further be modified prior to presentation.


In general, a TTML presentation processor will not have access to actual style set values; as a consequence, no further use or reference to actual values is made below when formally describing the style resolution process.

10.4.4 Style Resolution Processing

The process of style resolution is defined herein as the procedure (and results thereof) for resolving (determining) the computed values of all style properties that apply to content and layout elements:

The process described here forms an integral sub-process of 11.3.1 Region Layout and Presentation. Conceptual Definitions

For the purpose of interpreting the style resolution processing model specified below, the following conceptual definitions apply:

[style property]

a style property, P, is considered to consist of a tuple [name, value], where the name of the property is a tuple [namespace value, unqualified name] and the value of the property is a tuple [category, type, value expression]

Example – conceptual style property
  ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "color"],
  ["specified", color, "red"]

[style (property) set]

a style (property) set consists of an unordered collection of style properties, where no two style properties within the set have an identical name, where by "identical name" is meant equality of namespace value of name tuple and unqualified name of name tuple;

in a specified style (property) set, the category of each style property is "specified"; a specified style (property) set of an element E is referred to as SSS(E);

Example – conceptual (specified) style (property) set
    ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "backgroundColor"],
    ["specified", color, 0x00FF00 ]
    ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "color"],
    ["specified", color, "red" ]
    ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "fontSize"],
    ["specified", length, "1c" ]
    ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "lineHeight"],
    ["specified", length, "117%" ]

in a computed style (property) set, the category of each style property is either "specified" or "computed"; a computed style (property) set of an element E is referred to as CSS(E);

Example – conceptual (computed) style (property) set
    ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "backgroundColor"],
    ["specified", color, 0x00FF00 ]
    ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "color"],
    ["computed", color, 0xFF0000 ]
    ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "fontSize"],
    ["computed", length, "24px" ]
    ["http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling", "lineHeight"],
    ["computed", length, "28px" ]

[style (property) merging]

a style property Pnew is merged into a style (property) set, SS, as follows: if a style property Pold is already present in SS where the name of Pnew is identical to the name of Pold, then replace Pold in SS with Pnew; otherwise, add Pnew to SS;

[style (property) set merging]

a style (property) set SSnew is merged into an existing style (property) set SSold as follows: for each style property Pnew in SSnew, merge Pnew into SSold; Specified Style Set Processing

The specified style set SSS of an element or anonymous span E, SSS(E), is determined according to the following ordered rules:

  1. [initialization] initialize the specified style set SSS of E to the empty set;

  2. [referential and chained referential styling] for each style element SREF referenced by a style attribute specified on E, and in the order specified in the style attribute, then, if SREF is a descendant of a styling element, merge the specified style set of SREF, SSS(SREF), into the specified style set of E, SSS(E);

  3. [nested styling] for each nested style element child SNEST of E, and in the specified order of child elements, merge the specified style set of SNEST, SSS(SNEST), into the specified style set of E, SSS(E);

  4. [inline styling] for each style property P expressed as a specified styling attribute of E, merge P into the specified style set of E, SSS(E);

  5. [animation styling] if the element type of E is not the animation element type set, then for each immediate animation (set) element child A of element E, merge the specified style set of A, SSS(A), into the specified style set of E, SSS(E);

  6. [implicit inheritance and initial value fallback] if the element type of E is not animation element type animate or set and is not styling element type style, then for each style property P in the set of style properties defined above in 10.2 Styling Attribute Vocabulary, perform the following ordered sub-steps:

    1. if P is present in the specified style set of E, SSS(E), then continue to the next style property;

    2. if P is defined to be inheritable and E is not the tt element, then perform the following:

      • set P′ to the result of looking up the value of P in the computed style set of the nearest ancestor element of E, NEAREST-ANCESTOR(E), such that CSS(NEAREST-ANCESTOR(E)) contains a definition of P;

    3. otherwise (P is not inheritable or E is the tt element), perform the following:

      • set P′ to the initial value of property P, where the initial value of a property is determined as follows:

        1. if an initial element defines the initial value for P, then use that value;

        2. otherwise, use the initial value specified by the property definition of P found above in 10.2 Styling Attribute Vocabulary;

    4. if the value of P′ is not undefined, then merge P′ into the specified style set of E, SSS(E). Computed Style Set Processing

The computed style set CSS of an element or anonymous span E, CSS(E), is determined according to the following ordered rules:

  1. [resolve specified styles] determine (obtain) the specified style set SSS of E, namely, SSS(E), in accordance with Specified Style Set Processing;

  2. [initialization] initialize CSS(E) to a (deep) copy of SSS(E);

  3. [filter] if E is an animate, set, or style element, then return CSS(E) as the resulting computed style set without further resolution; otherwise, continue with the next rule;

  4. [relative value resolution] for each style property P in CSS(E), where the value type of P is relative, perform the following ordered sub-steps:

    1. replace the relative value of P with an equivalent, non-relative (computed) value;

    2. set the category of P to "computed";


As a result of the filtering rule above, the computed style set of an animate, set, or style element includes only specified values, in which case relative value expressions remain relative; consequently, the resolution of relative value expressions (that may be assigned by means of referential style association) always takes place in the context of a layout or content element which has a presentation context, and not in the non-presentation, declaration context of an animate, set, or referable style element. Style Resolution Process

The top-level style resolution process is defined as follows: using a preorder traversal of each element and anonymous span, E, of an intermediate synchronic document, DOCinter, perform the following ordered sub-steps:

  1. [filter] if E is not one of the following, then continue to the next element in the preorder traversal, i.e., do not perform the subsequent step below on E:

  2. [resolve computed styles] determine (obtain) the computed style set CSS of E, namely, CSS(E), in accordance with Computed Style Set Processing.

10.4.5 Style Procedures

This section defines miscellaneous style related procedures referenced elsewhere in this specification. Containment Calculations
[compute containment scaling](inout target rectangle TR, in reference rectangle RR)
  1. If the units of measure of target rectangle TR and reference rectangle RR are not the same, then raise an error condition.

  2. If the width of the target rectangle TR, Wt, is zero, then set Wt to one; likewise, if the height of the target rectangle TR, Ht, is zero, then set Ht to one.

  3. Let SARr be the storage aspect ratio of the reference rectangle RR.

  4. Let SARt be the storage aspect ratio of the target rectangle TR.

  5. Determine scaling factor SF as follows:

    1. If SARr is less than or equal to SARt, then SF is Wr / Wt, where Wr and Wt are the widths of the reference and target rectangles, respectively.

    2. Otherwise, SARr is greater than SARt, then SF is Hr / Ht, where Hr and Ht are the heights of the reference and target rectangles, respectively.

  6. If SF is not equal to 1.0, then set Wt to SF * Wt and Ht to SF * Ht, i.e., scale target rectangle TR in place by scale factor SF.


For the purpose of implementing the above algorithm, storage aspect ratios and scaling factors are to be represented in a form that provides at least 7 significant decimal digits. Cover Calculations
[compute cover scaling](inout target rectangle TR, in reference rectangle RR)
  1. If the units of measure of target rectangle TR and reference rectangle RR are not the same, then raise an error condition.

  2. If the width of the target rectangle TR, Wt, is zero, then set Wt to one; likewise, if the height of the target rectangle TR, Ht, is zero, then set Ht to one.

  3. Let SFW be WR /WT , where WR and WT are the widths of the reference rectangle RR and the target rectangle TR, respectively.

  4. Let SFH be HR /HT , where HR and HT be the heights of the reference rectangle RR and the target rectangle TR, respectively.

  5. If SFW and SFH are greater than one, let SF be the lesser of SFW and SFH ; otherwise, let SF be the greater of SFW and SFH .

  6. If SF is not equal to 1.0, then set Wt to SF * Wt and Ht to SF * Ht, i.e., scale target rectangle TR in place by scale factor SF.


For the purpose of implementing the above algorithm, scaling factors are to be represented in a form that provides at least 7 significant decimal digits.

11 Layout

This section specifies the layout matter of the core vocabulary catalog, where layout is to be understood as a separable layer of information that applies to content and that denotes authorial intentions about the presentation of that content.


The two layers of layout and style matter are considered to be independently separable. Layout matter specifies one or more spaces or areas into which content is intended to be presented, while style matter specifies the manner in which presentation occurs within the layout.

In certain cases, a content author may choose to embed (inline) style matter directly into layout or content matter. In such cases, an alternative exists – use of referential styling – in which the style matter is not embedded (inlined).

11.1 Layout Element Vocabulary

The following elements specify the structure and principal layout aspects of a document instance:

11.1.1 layout

The layout element is a container element used to group out-of-line layout matter, including metadata that applies to layout matter.

The layout element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more region elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: layout
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, region*

To the extent that time semantics apply to the content of the layout element, the implied time interval of this element is defined to be coterminous with the root temporal extent.

11.1.2 region

The region element is used to define a rectangular space or area into which content is to be flowed for the purpose of presentation.

A region element may appear as either (1) a child of a layout element or (2) a child of block level content element, specifically, of elements in the Block.class element group. In the former case, the region is referred to as an out-of-line region, while in the latter case, it is referred to as an inline region.

In addition, and in accordance with Region Style Inheritance, the region element may be used to specify inheritable style properties to be inherited by content that is flowed into it.

The region element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Animation.class element group, followed by zero or more style elements.

Any metadata specified by children in the Metadata.class element group applies semantically to the region element and its descendants as a whole. Any animation elements specified by children in the Animation.class element group apply semantically to the region element. Any style child element must be considered a local style definition that applies only to the containing region element, i.e., does not apply for resolving referential styling (but does apply for region style inheritance).

XML Representation – Element Information Item: region
  animate = IDREFS
  begin = <time-expression>
  condition = <condition>
  dur = <time-expression>
  end = <time-expression>
  style = IDREFS
  timeContainer = (par|seq)
  ttm:role = xsd:string
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, Animation.class*, style*

An out-of-line region element must specify an xml:id attribute.

An out-of-line region element may specify one or more of the timing attributes: begin, end, dur. An inline region element must not specifiy a timing attribute, and, if specified, must be ignored for the purpose of presentation processing.

If begin and (or) end attributes are specified on an out-of-line region element, then they specify the beginning and (or) ending points of a time interval during which the region is eligible for activation and with respect to which animation child elements of the region are timed. If specified, these begin and end points are relative to the time interval of the nearest ancestor element associated with a time interval, irregardless of whether that interval is explicit or implied. The nearest ancestor element of an out-of-line region element that is associated with a time interval is the layout element. If a dur attribute is specified on an out-of-line region element, then it specifies the simple duration of the region.

The active time interval of an inline region element is the active time interval of its parent content element.

For the purpose of determining the semantics of presentation processing, a region that is temporally inactive must not produce any visible marks when presented on a visual medium.


An out-of-line region element may be associated with a time interval for two purposes: (1) in order to temporally bound the presentation of the region and its content, and (2) to provide a temporal context in which animations of region styles may be effected.

For example, an author may wish to specify an out-of-line region element that is otherwise empty, but may have a visible background color to be presented starting at some time and continuing over the region's duration. The simple duration of the region serves additionally to scope the presentation effects of content that is targeted to the region. An author may also wish to move a region within the root container region or change a region's background color by means of animation effects. In both of these cases, it is necessary to posit an active time interval for a region.

In contrast to out-of-line regions, inline regions are specifically bound to the temporal context of their parent content elements, and, as such, do not require (or admit) the specification of independent timing.

If no timeContainer attribute is specified on a region element, then it must be interpreted as having parallel time containment semantics.

If both tts:origin and tts:position attributes are present on a region element, then the tts:origin must be ignored for the purpose of presentation processing. If neither tts:origin nor tts:position attribute is present and if the computed value of the ttp:version attribute on the root tt element is two (2) or greater, then the semantics of the initial value of the tts:position attribute apply for the purpose of presentation processing; otherwise, the semantics of the initial value of the tts:origin attribute apply.

If a ttm:role attribute is specified on a region element, then it must adhere to the value syntax defined by Syntax Representation – ttm:role, and where the roles identified by this attribute express the semantic roles of the region independently from the semantic roles of any content targeted to (associated with) the region.

11.2 Layout Attribute Vocabulary

This section defines the 11.2.1 region attribute used with content elements.

11.2.1 region

The region attribute is used to reference a region element which defines a space or area into which a content element is intended to be flowed.

If specified, the value of a region attribute must adhere to the IDREF data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], § 3.3.9, and, furthermore, this IDREF must reference a region element which has a layout element as an ancestor.

The region attribute may be specified by an instance of the following element types:


See 11.3.1 Region Layout and Presentation below for further information on content flow in a region.

11.3 Layout Semantics

Issue (issue-ttml2-127):

HTML Mapping

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/127

Define HTML5 mapping while separating ISD generation from follow-on mappings.


None recorded.

11.3.1 Region Layout and Presentation

This section defines the semantics of region layout and presentation in terms of a standard processing model as follows:

Any implementation is permitted provided that the externally observable results are consistent with the results produced by this model. Default Region

If a document instance does not specify an out-of-line region, then a default region is implied with the following characteristics:

Furthermore, if no out-of-line region is specified, then the region attribute must not be specified on any content element in the document instance.

If a default region is implied for a given document instance, then the body element is implicitly targeted to (associated with) the default region.

When implying a default region, the document instance is to be treated as if a region element and its parent layout element were specified in a head element, and a matching region attribute were specified on the body element as shown in the following example:

Example – Implied Default Region
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml">
      <region xml:id="anonymous"/>
  <body region="anonymous"/>


In the above example, a default region element and region attribute are implied. In addition, a layout container element is implied for the implied region element. Inline Regions

An inline region is a syntactic mechanism for specifying a region in a way that minimizes the syntactic distance between a region specification and the content that references that region. Semantically, each inline region is equivalent to specifying a unique out-of-line region referenced implicitly only by the content element in whose context the inline region is specified (or implied).

An inline region is declared in one of two ways: (1) by specifying a tts:extent or tts:origin style attribute on a content element in the Block.class element group, or (2) by specifying an explicit region element child of a content element in the Block.class element group. The former is referred to as an implied inline region specification, the latter as an explicit inline region specification; furthermore, the former is considered to be a syntactic shorthand for the latter, and is processed by converting it into the latter as described below.

Inline regions are processed in accordance with the procedure [process inline regions], which entails first generating implied inline regions, and then generating out-of-line regions that correspond with implied or explicit inline regions. This latter procedure additionally binds content elements associated with inline regions to the corresponding generated out-of-line regions.


A content element can only be associated with a single region. Consequently, if a content element specifies a region attribute, then any implied inline region specification or explicit inline region specification is ignored. If the content element does not specify a region attribute, but it includes both an implied inline region specification and an explicit inline region specification, then the former is ignored in favor of the latter.

[process inline regions]
  1. perform procedure [generate inline regions];

  2. perform procedure [generate out-of-line regions];

[generate inline regions]

For each content element B in the Block.class element group, perform the following ordered steps:

  1. if the [attributes] information item property of B contains neither tts:extent nor tts:origin style attribute, then exit this procedure;

  2. if the [attributes] information item property of B contains a region attribute, then exit this procedure

  3. if the [children] information item property of B contains a region element, then exit this procedure;

  4. create an empty region element R, initialized as follows:

    • if the [attributes] information item property of B contains a tts:extent attribute, then copy that attribute to the [attributes] information item property of R; otherwise, add a tts:extent attribute with value auto to the [attributes] information item property of R;

    • if the [attributes] information item property of B contains a tts:origin attribute, then copy that attribute to the [attributes] information item property of R; otherwise, add a tts:origin attribute with value auto to the [attributes] information item property of R;

  5. insert R into the [children] information item property of B such that R immediately precedes the first content element child of B, or, if none is present, then R is the last child element of B;

  6. remove the tts:extent and tts:origin style attributes, if present, from the [attributes] information item property of B;

[generate out-of-line regions]

For each content element B in the Block.class element group, perform the following ordered steps:

  1. if the [attributes] information item property of B contains a region attribute, then exit this procedure

  2. if the [children] information item property of B does not contain a region element R, then exit this procedure;

  3. create an empty region element R' , initialized as follows:

    • set the [children] information item property of R'  to a deep copy of the [children] information item property of R;

    • set the [attributes] information item property of R'  to a deep copy of the [attributes] information item property of R;

    • if the [attributes] information item property of R'  does not include an xml:id attribute, then add an implied xml:id attribute with a generated value ID that is unique within the scope of the TTML document instance; otherwise, let ID be the value of the xml:id attribute of R' ;

    • if present, remove the following attributes from the [attributes] information item property of R' : begin, dur, and end;

    • add a begin attribute to the [attributes] information item property of R'  with a value equivalent to the computed begin time of B within the root temporal extent;

    • add a dur attribute to the [attributes] information item property of R'  with a value equivalent to the computed simple duration of B;

  4. if the TTML document instance does not have a head element, then insert an empty head element as the first child of the tt element;

  5. if the head element does not have a layout child element, then insert an empty layout element immediately after a styling element, if present, and immediately before an animation element, if present, or as the last child of the head element if neither are present;

  6. append R'  to the [children] information item property of the layout element child of the head element;

  7. add a region attribute with value ID to the [attributes] information item property of B;

  8. remove R from the [children] information item property of B;

Issue (issue-ttml2-105):

Duration Restrictions

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/105

Handle case where use of dur is not permitted, e.g., when using discontinuous SMPTE time base.


None recorded.

The use of an implied inline region specification and the resulting generated inline region is shown by the following two example documents.

Example – Implied Inline Region Specification
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml">
    <div tts:extent="540px 100px" tts:origin="50px 339px">
      <p>Some Content</p>

Example – Generated Inline Region
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml">
      <region tts:extent="540px 100px" tts:origin="50px 339px"/>
      <p>Some Content</p>

The use of an explicit inline region specification or a generated inline region that derives from an implicit inline region specification and the resulting generated out-of-line region is shown by the following two example documents.

Example – Explicit or Generated Inline Region Specification
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml">
    <div begin="5s" dur="10s">
      <region tts:extent="540px 100px" tts:origin="50px 339px"/>
      <p>Some Content</p>

Example – Generated Out-of-line Region
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml">
      <region xml:id="region3451" begin="5s" dur="10s" tts:extent="540px 100px" tts:origin="50px 339px"/>
    <div begin="5s" dur="10s" region="region3451">
      <p>Some Content</p>
</tt> Intermediate Synchronic Document Construction
Editorial note: Use Formalized ISD2014-09-22
Revise in order to take into account new formalization of ISD structure and semantics (Appendix C).

For the purposes of performing presentation processing, the active time duration of a document instance is divided into a sequence of time coordinates where at each time coordinate, some element becomes temporally active or inactive, then, at each such time coordinate, a document instance is mapped from its original, source form, DOCsource , to an intermediate synchronic document form, DOCinter , according to the [construct intermediate document] procedure:

[construct intermediate document]

Issue (issue-ttml1-197):

ISD Construction Prunes <br/> Erroneously

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/issues/197

Should not prune empty break <br/> elements, or should previously convert to LINE SEPARATOR.


None recorded.

  1. perform procedure [process inline regions];

  2. for each temporally active region R, replicate the sub-tree of DOCsource headed by the body element;

  3. evaluating this sub-tree in a postorder traversal, prune elements if they are not a content element, if they are temporally inactive, if they are empty, or if they aren't associated with region R according to the [associate region] procedure;

  4. if the pruned sub-tree is non-empty, then reparent it to the R element;

  5. finally, after completing the above steps, prune the original body element from the intermediate document, then prune all region, begin, end, and dur attributes, which are no longer semantically relevant;


In this section, the term prune, when used in reference to an element, means that the element is to be removed from its parent's children, which, in turn, implies that the descendants of the pruned element will no longer be descendants of the element's parent. When prune is used in reference to an attribute, it means that attribute is to be removed from its associated (owning) element node.

[associate region]

Issue (issue-ttml1-194):

Multiple Descendant Region Ambiguity

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/issues/194

Refine step (3) to resolve ambiguity when multiple regions are referenced by descendants.


None recorded.

Editorial note: Inline Region Association2013-08-28
Define inline region association.

A content element is associated with a region according to the following ordered rules, where the first rule satisfied is used and remaining rules are skipped:

  1. if the element specifies a region attribute, then the element is associated with the region referenced by that attribute;

  2. if some ancestor of that element specifies a region attribute, then the element is associated with the region referenced by the most immediate ancestor that specifies this attribute;

  3. if the element contains a descendant element that specifies a region attribute, then the element is associated with the region referenced by that attribute;

  4. if a default region was implied (due to the absence of any region element), then the element is associated with the default region;

  5. the element is not associated with any region.

The result of performing the processing described above will be a sequence of N intermediate synchronic document instances, DOCinter0DOCinterN−1.


Where an implementation is able to detect significant similarity between two adjacent synchronic document instances, DOCinterN DOCinterN−1, then it is preferred that the implementation make the transition between presenting the two instances as smooth as possible, e.g., as described by [CTA-608-E], § C.3, and [CC-DECODER-REQ]. Synchronic Flow Processing

Subsequent to performing a temporal (synchronic) slice and subsequent remapping of regionally selected content hierarchy, the resulting intermediate synchronic document is subjected to a flow transformation step that produces a rooted flow object tree represented as an XSL FO document instance as defined by [XSL 1.1], and semantically extended by TTML specific style properties that have no XSL FO counterpart.


In this section, the use of XSL FO is intended to be conceptual only, employed solely for the purpose of defining the normative presentation semantics of TTML. An actual implementation of this algorithm is not required to create or process XSL-FO representations. In particular, it is possible to implement these semantics using alternative presentation models, such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Each intermediate synchronic document produced by Intermediate Synchronic Document Construction is mapped to an XSL FO document instance, F, as follows:

  1. perform the following ordered sub-steps to create anonymous spans:

    1. for each significant text node in a content element, synthesize an anonymous span to enclose the text node, substituting the new anonymous span for the original text node child in its sibling and parent hierarchy;

    2. for each contiguous sequence of anonymous spans, replace the sequence with a single anonymous span which contains a sequence of text nodes representing the individual text node children of the original sequence of anonymous spans;

    3. for each span element whose child is a single anonymous span, replace the anonymous span with its sequence of child text nodes;

  2. resolve styles according to Style Resolution Process;

  3. map the tt element to an fo:root element, populated initially with an fo:layout-master-set element that contains a valid fo:simple-page-master that, in turn, contains an fo:region-body child, where the extent of the root container region expressed on the tt element is mapped to page-width and page-height attributes on the fo:simple-page-master element;

  4. map the layout element to an fo:page-sequence element and a child fo:flow element that reference the page master and page region defined by the simple page master produced above;

  5. map each non-empty region element to an fo:block-container element with an absolute-position attribute with value absolute, with top, left, bottom, and right attributes that express a rectangle equivalent to the region's origin and extent, and with a line-stacking-strategy attribute with value line-height;

  6. for each body, div, and p element that is not associated with a tts:display style property with the value none, map the element to a distinct fo:block element, populating the style properties of fo:block by using the computed style set associated with each original TTML content element;

  7. for the resulting fo:block formatting object produced in the previous step that corresponds to the body element, perform the following ordered sub-steps:

    1. if the display-align style property of this fo:block has the value center or after, then synthesize and insert as the first child of this fo:block an empty fo:block with the following attributes: space-after.optimum, space-after.maximum, and space-after.conditionality, where the value of the former two attributes is the height or width of the containing fo:block-container element, whichever of these is designated as the block progression dimension, and where the value of the last is retain;

    2. if the display-align style property of this fo:block has the value center or before, then synthesize and insert as the last child of this fo:block an empty fo:block with the following attributes: space-after.optimum, space-after.maximum, and space-after.conditionality, where the value of the former two attributes is the height or width of the containing fo:block-container element, whichever of these is designated as the block progression dimension, and where the value of the last is retain;

  8. for each span element that is not associated with a tts:display style property with the value none and for each anonymous span that is a child of a p or span element, map the element or sequence of character items to a distinct fo:inline element, populating the style properties of fo:inline by using the computed style set associated with each original TTML content element or anonymous span;

  9. for each br element that is not associated with a tts:display style property with the value none, map the element to a distinct fo:character element having the following properties:

    • character="&#x000A;"

    • suppress-at-line-break="retain"

  10. for each TTML style property attribute in some computed style set that has no counterpart in [XSL 1.1], map that attribute directly through to the relevant formatting object produced by the input TTML content element to which the style property applies;

  11. optionally, synthesize a unique id attribute on each resulting formatting object element that relates that element to the input element that resulted in that formatting object element;

For each resulting document instance F, if processing requires presentation on a visual medium, then apply formatting and rendering semantics consistent with that prescribed by [XSL 1.1].


In an XSL FO area tree produced by formatting F using an [XSL 1.1] formatting processor, the page-viewport-area, which is generated by fo:page-sequence element by reference to the sole generated fo:simple-page-master element, would correspond to the root container region defined above in 2 Definitions.


When mapping a region element to fo:block-container, it may be necessary to use a negative offset as a value for one or more of the top, left, bottom, and right XSL-FO properties in case the region extends outside of its containing block.


Due to the possible presence of TTML style properties or style property values in a given document instance for which there is no [XSL 1.1] counterpart, Implementors should recognize that it is the layout model of [XSL 1.1] that is being referenced by this specification, not the requirement to use a compliant [XSL 1.1] formatting processor, since such would not necessarily be sufficient to satisfy the full presentation semantics defined by this specification, and would contain a large number of features not needed to implement the presentation semantics of TTML.


The purpose of inserting additional, collapsible space in the block progression dimension of the fo:block that corresponds with the body element is to ensure that the before and after edges of this fo:block are coincident with the before and after edges of the fo:block-container that corresponds to the containing region, while simultaneously taking into account the needs to satisfy alignment in the block progression dimension. For example, this assures that the background color associated with the body element, if not transparent, will fill the containing region wholly. Elaborated Example (Non-Normative)

An example of the processing steps described above is elaborated below, starting with Example – Sample Source Document.

Example – Sample Source Document
<tt tts:extent="640px 480px" xml:lang="en"
      <region xml:id="r1">
        <style tts:origin="10px 100px"/>
        <style tts:extent="620px 96px"/>
        <style tts:fontSize="40px"/>
        <style tts:fontWeight="bold"/>
        <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
        <style tts:color="red"/>
        <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
        <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
      <region xml:id="r2">
        <style tts:origin="10px 300px"/>
        <style tts:extent="620px 96px"/>
        <style tts:fontSize="40px"/>
        <style tts:fontWeight="bold"/>
        <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
        <style tts:color="yellow"/>
        <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
        <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
  <body xml:id="b1">
    <div xml:id="d1" begin="0s" dur="2s">
      <p xml:id="p1" region="r1">Text 1</p>
      <p xml:id="p2" region="r2">Text 2</p>
    <div xml:id="d2" begin="1s" dur="2s">
      <p xml:id="p3" region="r2">Text 3</p>
      <p xml:id="p4" region="r1">Text 4</p>

In the above document, the content hierarchy consists of two divisions, each containing two paragraphs. This content is targeted (associated with) one of two non-overlapping regions that are styled identically except for their position and their foreground colors, the latter of which is inherited by and applies to the (and, in this case, anonymous) spans reparented into the regions.

The following, first intermediate document shows the synchronic state for time interval [0,1), during which time only division d1 is temporally active, and where paragraphs p1 and p2 (and their ancestors) are associated with regions r1 and r2, respectively.


The intermediate documents shown below are not valid document instances, but rather, are representations of possible internal processing states used for didactic purposes.

Example – Intermediate Document – [0s,1s)
<tt tts:extent="640px 480px" xml:lang="en"
      <region xml:id="r1">
        <style tts:origin="10px 100px"/>
        <style tts:extent="620px 96px"/>
        <style tts:fontSize="40px"/>
        <style tts:fontWeight="bold"/>
        <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
        <style tts:color="red"/>
        <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
        <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
        <body xml:id="b1-1">
          <div xml:id="d1-1">
            <p xml:id="p1">Text 1</p>
      <region xml:id="r2">
        <style tts:origin="10px 300px"/>
        <style tts:extent="620px 96px"/>
        <style tts:fontSize="40px"/>
        <style tts:fontWeight="bold"/>
        <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
        <style tts:color="yellow"/>
        <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
        <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
        <body xml:id="b1-2">
          <div xml:id="d1-2">
            <p xml:id="p2">Text 2</p>

An XSL FO document instance that would yield rendering consistent with TTML, and which may be produced by performing flow processing upon the first intermediate document is illustrated below.

Example – XSL FO Document – [0s,1s)
<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
    <fo:simple-page-master master-name="m1"
      page-width="640px" page-height="480px">
  <fo:page-sequence master-reference="m1">
    <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
      <!-- region (r1) -->
      <fo:block-container id="r1" absolute-position="absolute"
        left="10px" top="100px" width="620px" height="96px"
        background-color="black" display-align="center">
        <!-- body (b1) -->
        <fo:block id="b1-1">
          <!-- body's space (before) filler -->
          <!-- div (d1) -->
          <fo:block id="d1-1">
            <!-- p (p1) -->
            <fo:block id="p1" text-align="center">
              <fo:inline font-size="40px" font-weight="bold"
              color="red">Text 1</fo:inline>
          <!-- body's space (after) filler -->
      <!-- region (r2) -->
      <fo:block-container id="r2" absolute-position="absolute"
        left="10px" top="300px" width="620px" height="96px"
        background-color="black" display-align="center">
        <!-- body (b1) -->
        <fo:block id="b1-2">
          <!-- body's space (before) filler -->
          <!-- div (d1) -->
          <fo:block id="d1-2">
            <!-- p (p2) -->
            <fo:block id="p2" text-align="center">
              <fo:inline font-size="40px" font-weight="bold"
              color="yellow">Text 2</fo:inline>
          <!-- body's space (after) filler -->

The following, second intermediate document shows the synchronic state for time interval [1,2), during which time both divisions d1 and d2 are temporally active, and where paragraphs p1 and p4 (and their ancestors) are associated with region r1 and paragraphs p2 and p3 (and their ancestors) are associated with region r2.

Example – Intermediate Document – [1s,2s)
<tt tts:extent="640px 480px" xml:lang="en"
      <region xml:id="r1">
        <style tts:origin="10px 100px"/>
        <style tts:extent="620px 96px"/>
        <style tts:fontSize="40px"/>
        <style tts:fontWeight="bold"/>
        <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
        <style tts:color="red"/>
        <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
        <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
        <body xml:id="b1-1">
          <div xml:id="d1-1">
            <p xml:id="p1">Text 1</p>
          <div xml:id="d2-1">
            <p xml:id="p4">Text 4</p>
      <region xml:id="r2">
        <style tts:origin="10px 300px"/>
        <style tts:extent="620px 96px"/>
        <style tts:fontSize="40px"/>
        <style tts:fontWeight="bold"/>
        <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
        <style tts:color="yellow"/>
        <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
        <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
        <body xml:id="b1-2">
          <div xml:id="d1-2">
            <p xml:id="p2">Text 2</p>
          <div xml:id="d2-2">
            <p xml:id="p3">Text 3</p>

The following, third intermediate document shows the synchronic state for time interval [2,3), during which time only division d2 is temporally active, and where paragraphs p4 and p3 (and their ancestors) are associated with regions r1 and r2, respectively.

Example – Intermediate Document – [2s,3s)
<tt tts:extent="640px 480px" xml:lang="en"
      <region xml:id="r1">
        <style tts:origin="10px 100px"/>
        <style tts:extent="620px 96px"/>
        <style tts:fontSize="40px"/>
        <style tts:fontWeight="bold"/>
        <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
        <style tts:color="red"/>
        <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
        <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
        <body xml:id="b1-1">
          <div xml:id="d2-1">
            <p xml:id="p4">Text 4</p>
      <region xml:id="r2">
        <style tts:origin="10px 300px"/>
        <style tts:extent="620px 96px"/>
        <style tts:fontSize="40px"/>
        <style tts:fontWeight="bold"/>
        <style tts:backgroundColor="black"/>
        <style tts:color="yellow"/>
        <style tts:textAlign="center"/>
        <style tts:displayAlign="center"/>
        <body xml:id="b1-2">
          <div xml:id="d2-2">
            <p xml:id="p3">Text 3</p>

11.3.2 Line Layout

If a profile that applies to a document instance requires use of the #lineBreak-uax14 feature (i.e., the value attribute for the feature is specified as use), then the recommendations defined by Line Breaking Algorithm [UAX14] apply when performing line layout on the content of the document instance.

12 Timing

This section specifies the timing matter of the core vocabulary catalog, where timing is to be understood as a separable layer of information that applies to content and that denotes authorial intentions about the temporal presentation of that content.

12.1 Timing Element Vocabulary

No timing related element vocabulary is defined for use in the core vocabulary catalog.

12.2 Timing Attribute Vocabulary

This section defines the following basic timing attributes for use with timed elements:

In addition, this section defines the 12.2.4 timeContainer attribute for use with timed elements that serve simultaneously as timing containers.

12.2.1 begin

The begin attribute is used to specify the begin point of a temporal interval associated with a timed element. If specified, the value of a begin attribute must adhere to a <time-expression> specification as defined by 12.3.1 <time-expression>.

The begin point of a temporal interval is included in the interval; i.e., the interval is left-wise closed.

The semantics of the begin attribute are those defined by [SMIL 3.0], § 5.4.3, while taking into account any overriding semantics defined by this specification.

12.2.2 dur

The dur attribute is used to specify the duration of a temporal interval associated with a timed element. If specified, the value of a dur attribute must adhere to a <time-expression> specification as defined by 12.3.1 <time-expression>.


When the clock-time form of a <time-expression> specification is used with a dur attribute, it is intended to be interpreted as a difference between two implied clock time expressions.

When a document instance specifies the use of the smpte time base and discontinuous marker mode, a (well-formed) dur attribute must not be specified on any element.

The semantics of the dur attribute are those defined by [SMIL 3.0], § 5.4.3, while taking into account any overriding semantics defined by this specification. In a deliberate divergence from [SMIL 3.0], § 5.4.3, the value of the dur attribute is permitted to be zero (0).


In the context of the subset of [SMIL 3.0] semantics supported by this specification, the active duration of an element that specifies both end and dur attributes is equal to the lesser of the value of the dur attribute and the difference between the value of the end attribute and the element's begin time.

12.2.3 end

The end attribute is used to specify the ending point of a temporal interval associated with a timed element. If specified, the value of an end attribute must adhere to a <time-expression> specification as defined by 12.3.1 <time-expression>.

The ending point of a temporal interval is not included in the interval; i.e., the interval is right-wise open.

The presentation effects of a non-empty active temporal interval include the frame immediately prior to the frame (or tick) equal to or immediately following the time specified by the ending point, but do not extend into this latter frame (or tick).


For example, if an active interval is [10s,10.33333s), and the frame rate is 30 frames per second, then the presentation effects of the interval are limited to frames 300 through 309 only (assuming that 0s corresponds with frame 0). The same holds if the active interval is specified as [300f,310f).

The semantics of the end attribute are those defined by [SMIL 3.0], § 5.4.3, while taking into account any overriding semantics defined by this specification.

12.2.4 timeContainer

The timeContainer attribute is used to specify a local temporal context by means of which timed child elements are temporally situated.

Editorial note: Time Containment in SMPTE Discontinuous Mode2015-01-14
Indicate that parallel time container semantics always apply in smpte discontinuous mode, and, as such, sequential containment must not be specified.

If specified, the value of a timeContainer attribute must be one of the following:

  • par

  • seq

If the time container semantics of an element instance is par, then the temporal intervals of child elements are considered to apply in parallel, i.e., simultaneously in time. Furthermore, the specification of the time interval of each child element is considered to be relative to the temporal interval of the container element instance. For the purpose of determining the [SMIL 3.0] endsync semantics of a par time container, a default value of all applies.


The use of a default value of all for the endsync behavior is distinct from [SMIL 3.0] which uses a default value of last.

If the time container semantics of an element instance is seq, then the temporal intervals of child elements are considered to apply in sequence, i.e., sequentially in time. Furthermore, the specification of the time interval of each child element is considered to be relative to the temporal interval of its sibling elements, unless it is the first child element, in which case it is considered to be relative to the temporal interval of the container element instance.

Each time container is considered to constitute an independent time base, i.e., time coordinate system.

If a timeContainer attribute is not specified on an element that has time container semantics, then par time container semantics must apply.

Time container semantics applies only to the following element types:

The semantics of parallel and sequential time containment are those defined by [SMIL 3.0], § 5.4.4, while taking into account any overriding semantics defined by this specification.

12.3 Time Value Expressions

Timing attribute values include the use of the following expressions:

12.3.1 <time-expression>

A <time-expression> is used to specify a coordinate within some time base, where the applicable time base is determined by the ttp:timeBase parameter, and where the semantics defined by I Time Expression Semantics apply.


See 7.2.5 ttp:frameRate, 7.2.12 ttp:subFrameRate, 7.2.13 ttp:tickRate, and 7.2.14 ttp:timeBase for further information on explicit specification of frame rate, sub-frame rate, tick rate, and time base.

Issue (issue-ttml2-96):

Dates in Time Expressions

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/96

Consider adding dates to time expressions to handle issues around midnight crossings and related use cases.


None recorded.

Syntax Representation – <time-expression>
  : clock-time
  | offset-time

  : hours ":" minutes ":" seconds ( fraction | ":" frames ( "." sub-frames )? )?

  : time-count fraction? metric?

  : <digit> <digit>
  | <digit> <digit> <digit>+

minutes | seconds
  : <digit> <digit>

  : <digit> <digit>
  | <digit> <digit> <digit>+

  : <digit>+

  : "." <digit>+

  : <digit>+

  : "h"                 // hours
  | "m"                 // minutes
  | "s"                 // seconds
  | "ms"                // milliseconds
  | "f"                 // frames
  | "t"                 // ticks

If a <time-expression> is expressed in terms of a clock-time, then leading zeroes are used when expressing hours, minutes, seconds, and frames less than 10. Minutes are constrained to [0…59], while seconds (including any fractional part) are constrained to the closed interval [0,60], where the value 60 applies only to leap seconds.

If a <time-expression> is expressed in terms of a clock-time and a frames term is specified, then the value of this term must be constrained to the interval [0…F-1], where F is the frame rate determined by the ttp:frameRate parameter as defined by 7.2.5 ttp:frameRate. It is considered an error if a frames term or f (frames) metric is specified when the clock time base applies.

If a <time-expression> is expressed in terms of a clock-time and a sub-frames term is specified, then the value of this term must be constrained to the interval [0…S-1], where S is the sub-frame rate determined by the ttp:subFrameRate parameter as defined by 7.2.12 ttp:subFrameRate. It is considered an error if a sub-frames term is specified when the clock time base applies.

If a <time-expression> is expressed in terms of an offset-time and no metric is specified, then it is to be treated as if a metric of s (seconds) were specified.

If the computed value of the ttp:version property is greater than or equal to 2 (two) and the computed value of the governing time base is smpte, then (1) use of an offset-time form of <time-expression> is deprecated, and (2) use of a fraction seconds component in a clock-time form of <time-expression> is deprecated.

12.4 Timing Semantics

The semantics of time containment, durations, and intervals defined by [SMIL 3.0] apply to the interpretation of like-named timed elements and timing vocabulary defined by this specification, given the following constraints:

Issue (issue-ttml1-193):

Implicit Duration of Singleton Span

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/issues/193

Refine definition implicit duration of singleton span in a sequential container.


None recorded.

Editorial note: Time Containment in SMPTE Discontinuous Mode2015-01-14
Indicate that parallel time container semantics always apply in smpte discontinuous mode.
  • The implicit duration of an anonymous span is defined as follows: if the anonymous span's parent time container is a parallel time container, then the implicit duration is equivalent to the indefinite duration value as defined by [SMIL 3.0]; if the anonymous span's parent time container is a sequential time container, then the implicit duration is equivalent to zero.

  • The implicit duration of a body, div, p, or span element is determined in accordance to (1) whether the element is a parallel or sequential time container, (2) the default endsync semantics defined above by 12.2.4 timeContainer, and (3) the semantics of [SMIL 3.0] as applied to these time containers.

  • The implicit duration of the region element is defined to be equivalent to the indefinite duration value as defined by [SMIL 3.0].

  • If the governing time base is clock, then time expressions are considered to be equivalent to wall-clock based timing in [SMIL 3.0], where the specific semantics of I.1 Clock Time Base apply.

  • If the governing time base is media, then time expressions are considered to be equivalent to offset based timing in [SMIL 3.0], where the specific semantics of I.2 Media Time Base apply.

  • If the governing time base is smpte, then time expressions are considered to be equivalent to either offset based timing or event based timing in [SMIL 3.0], where the specific semantics of I.3 SMPTE Time Base apply.

12.4.1 Media Timing

This sub-section is non-normative.

Editorial note: Media Timing Section Status2016-03-13
Determine if there is any normative text in this section. If so, then determine how it should interact with I.2 Media Time Base. For the present time, mark this section as non-normative.

When ttp:timeBase="media" the computed document times are used as the equivalent media times with no offset.


Any additional media time processing imposed by e.g. a wrapper format is out of scope of the TTML specification.

For example [ISOBMFF] and [MPEG DASH] provide mechanisms for wrapping TTML documents as samples or segments and defining the offset of their media timelines relative to other media such as audio or video.

The following document fragments are equivalent in timing:

Example Fragment – Media Timing 1
<tt ttp:timeBase="media" ...>
   <div xml:id="d1" begin="1s">
      <p xml:id="p1" begin="0s" end="1s">First paragraph</p>
      <p xml:id="p2" begin="2s" end="3s">Second paragraph</p>

Example Fragment – Media Timing 2
<tt ttp:timeBase="media" ...>
   <div xml:id="d1">
      <p xml:id="p1" begin="1s" end="2s">First paragraph</p>
      <p xml:id="p2" begin="3s" end="4s">Second paragraph</p>

Timing diagram showing the mapping of document times to media times in the absence of other external information.
Media time

In this example, using the terminology of [SMIL 3.0], the implicit duration of the body element is identical to its computed duration which is also the Root Temporal Extent. However if the document processing context specifies a range of applicable media times, those limit the resolved begin and end times and therefore the Root Temporal Extent.

In the following example the processing context defines that the media time range over which the document is active is from 1.5s to 3.5s, and this defines the Root Temporal Extent since timed content is present at both of those times.

Timing diagram showing the mapping of document times to media times when the media time range is constrained by the processing context.
Media time

The gray background indicates the periods when the document processing context defines the document to be inactive.

If the document processing context were to define that the media time range is 0-3s then the Root Temporal Extent would be from 1s to 2s as defined by p1 and p2 would never be shown.

13 Animation

This section specifies the animation matter of the core vocabulary catalog, where animation is to be understood as a separable layer of information that combines timing and styling in order to denote authorial intention about (temporally) dynamic styling of content.

Editorial note: Out-of-Line Animation Time Containment2014-07-31
Support ability for author to declare whether a referenced out-of-line animation's timing is relative to its animation container element's timing or relative to the referring element's timing. For example, add an @animateTimeContainer attribute optionally used with the newly defined @animate attribute, where value can be normal (the default value) or self, and where normal means timing is with respect to the out-of-line animation element's ancestor animation container and self means timing is with respect to the referring element.

13.1 Animation Element Vocabulary

The following elements specify the structure and principal animation aspects of a document instance:

13.1.1 animate

The animate element expresses a series of changes (animations) to be applied (targeted) to one or more style property attributes of associated elements.

Issue (issue-ttml2-119):


Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/119

Consider whether semantics of ARIB-TT's marquee extension can be handled by animate, and, if not, then consider extending.


None recorded.

An animate element may appear as either (1) a child of a content element or a region element, referred to as inline animation, or (2) a child of an animation element, referred to as out-of-line animation. In the former case, the parent of the animate element is the associated element; in the latter case, any element that references the animate element using an animate attribute is an associated element.

The animate element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: animate
  begin = <time-expression>
  calcMode = <calculation-mode>
  condition = <condition>
  dur = <time-expression>
  end = <time-expression>
  fill = <fill>
  keySplines = <key-splines>
  keyTimes = <key-times>
  repeatCount = <repeat-count>
  style = IDREFS
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*

An out-of-line animate element must specify an xml:id attribute.

Style property attributes targeted by an animate element are specified directly using attributes in the TT Style namespace or in a namespace that is not a TT namespace, where the list (sequence) of animation (key) values adhere to the <animation-value-list> syntax, and where each constituent <animation-value> adheres to the syntax of the specified attribute.


In contrast with [SVG 1.1], §19.2.12, a single animate element, as defined here, may be used to perform continuous animations on a set of targeted style property attributes instead of being limited to targeting a single style property attribute. In [SVG 1.1], this would require the use of multiple animate elements rather than a single animate element.

Furthermore, by using direct specification of animated style property and key values, it is not necessary to employ the from, to, by, or values animation value attributes defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.9.

Except for the constraints or variations enumerated below, the semantics of the animate element and its attributes enumerated above are defined to be those specified by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.12:

  1. The attributes targeted by an animate element and the key values to be applied to these attributes are specified by direct use of attributes in the TT Style namespace or a namespace that is not a TT namespace (as opposed to using SVG's attributeName and from, to, by, or values attributes).


    For example, specifying tts:color="red;green;blue" is considered equivalent to specifying attributeName="tts:color" and values="red;green;blue" in [SVG 1.1].

  2. If no calcMode attribute is specified, then a calcMode value of linear applies.

  3. If no fill attribute is specified, then a fill value of remove applies.

An example of using the animate element to animate content styling is illustrated below:

Example Fragment – Content Style Animation
<p dur="5s">
<animate tts:color="yellow;red;green;blue;yellow"/>
Text with Continuously Varying Colors!


In the above example, the foreground color of the content "Text with Continuously Varying Colors!" is continuously animated from yellow, to red, to green, to red, then back to yellow over a 5 second period.

An example of using the animate element to animate region styling is illustrated below:

Example Fragment – Region Style Animation
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml"
    ttp:extent="640px 480px">
	<region xml:id="r1" timeContainer="seq" tts:opacity="0">
	  <animate dur="1s" tts:opacity="0;1"/>
	  <set dur="5s" tts:opacity="1"/>
	  <animate dur="1s" tts:opacity="1;0"/>
	  <style tts:extent="480px 60px"/>
	  <style tts:origin="80px 400px"/>
    <body region="r1">...</body>


In the above example, a region, r1, is initially set to 0% opacity, fully transparent, then is faded in to 100% opacity, fully opaque, over a one second interval. Opacity remains at 100% for five more seconds, and then is faded out to 0% over a one second interval, where it remains.

Editorial note: Animate Example Images2013-08-25
Insert animated SVG images of animate examples.


The semantics of the animate element are based upon that defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.12, which, in turn, is based upon [SMIL 3.0], §12.

13.1.2 animation

The animation element is a container element used to group out-of-line animation matter, including metadata that applies to animation matter.

The animation element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group, followed by zero or more elements in the Animation.class element group.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: animation
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*, Animation.class*

To the extent that time semantics apply to the content of the animation element, the implied time interval of this element is defined to be coterminous with the root temporal extent.

13.1.3 set

The set element expresses one or more a discrete changes (animations) to be applied (targeted) to style property attributes of associated elements.

A set element may appear as either (1) a child of a content element or a region element, referred to as inline animation, or (2) a child of an animation element, referred to as out-of-line animation. In the former case, the parent of the set element is the associated element; in the latter case, any element that references the set element using an animate attribute is an associated element.

The set element accepts as its children zero or more elements in the Metadata.class element group.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: set
  begin = <time-expression>
  condition = <condition>
  dur = <time-expression>
  end = <time-expression>
  fill = <fill>
  repeatCount = <repeat-count>
  style = IDREFS
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Style namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: Metadata.class*

Style property attributes targeted by an set element are specified directly using attributes in the TT Style namespace or in a namespace that is not some TT namespace, where the single target animation (key) value adheres to the <animation-value-list> syntax, where each constituent <animation-value> adheres to the syntax of the specified attribute, and where exactly one constituent <animation-value> is specified.

If more than one constituent <animation-value> is specified, then all constituents other than the first must be ignored for the purpose of presentation processing, and must be considered an error for the purpose of validation processing.


In contrast with [SVG 1.1], §19.2.13, a single set element, as defined here, may be used to perform discrete animations on a set of targeted style property attributes instead of being limited to targeting a single style property attribute. In [SVG 1.1], this would require the use of multiple set elements rather than a single set element.

Except for the constraints or variations enumerated below, the semantics of the set element and its attributes enumerated above are defined to be those specified by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.13:

  1. The attributes targeted by a set element and the discrete values to be applied to these attributes are specified by direct use of attributes in the TT Style namespace or in a namespace that is not a TT namespace (as opposed to using SVG's attributeName and to attributes).


    For example, specifying tts:color="red" is considered equivalent to specifying attributeName="tts:color" and to="red" in [SVG 1.1].

  2. If no fill attribute is specified, then a fill value of remove applies.

An example of using the set element to animate content styling is illustrated below:

Example Fragment – Content Style Animation
<p dur="5s" tts:color="yellow">
<set begin="1s" dur="1s" tts:color="red"/>
<set begin="2s" dur="1s" tts:color="green"/>
<set begin="3s" dur="1s" tts:color="red"/>
Text with Flashing Colors!


In the above example, the foreground color of the content "Text with Flashing Colors!" is animated from yellow, to red, to green, to red, then back to yellow over a 5 second period.

An example of using the set element to animate region styling is illustrated below:

Example Fragment – Region Style Animation
<tt xml:lang="" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml"
    ttp:cellResolution="40 16">
	<region xml:id="r1" timeContainer="seq">
	  <set dur="10s" tts:origin=" 8c 14c"/>
	  <set dur="2s"  tts:origin=" 2c  2c"/>
	  <set dur="3s"  tts:origin=" 8c 14c"/>
	  <set dur="2s"  tts:origin="14c  4c"/>
	  <set dur="10s" tts:origin=" 8c 14c"/>
	  <style tts:extent="24c 2c"/>
    <body region="r1">...</body>


In the above example, the root container region is divided into a cell grid of 40 columns and 16 rows. A region, r1, with dimensions of 24 columns and 2 rows is then positioned within the root container region, with its position varying over time in order to create an effect of moving the region, which may be desirable so as to avoid obscuring characters in an underlying video with captions.

Editorial note: Set Example Images2013-08-25
Insert animated SVG images of set examples.


The semantics of the set element are based upon that defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.13, which, in turn, is based upon [SMIL 3.0], §12.

13.2 Animation Attribute Vocabulary

This section defines the 13.2.1 animate attribute used with content elements and certain layout elements.

13.2.1 animate

The animate attribute is used to reference one or more animate or set elements each of which defines a specific out-of-line animation.

The animate attribute may be specified by an instance of the following element types:

If specified, the value of an animate attribute must adhere to the IDREFS data type defined by [XML Schema Part 2], § 3.3.10, and, furthermore, each IDREF must reference an animate or set element which has a animation element as an ancestor.

A given IDREF must not appear more than one time in the value of an animate attribute.


See the specific element type definitions that permit use of the animate attribute.

13.3 Animation Value Expressions

Animation attribute values include the use of the following expressions:

13.3.1 <animation-value>

An <animation-value> expression is used to specify the starting (initial), intermediate, or ending (final) of the attribute targeted by the animation.

Syntax Representation – <animation-value>
  : string

The syntax of an <animation-value> expression must satisfy all syntax requirements that apply to the attribute targeted by the animation.

Editorial note: Improve Syntax of AnimationValue2014-07-31
Enhance detail of syntax of <animation-value> in order to prevent appearance of an unquoted or unescaped semicolon, which is used as a delimiter between animation values in <animation-value-list>.

The semantics of an <animation-value> expression are those defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.9.

13.3.2 <animation-value-list>

An <animation-value-list> expression is used to specify a list of animation values that sequentially apply to the attribute targeted by the animation, wherein each pair of values is separated by a SEMICOLON (U+003B) character optionally surrounded by linear white-space (LWSP) characters.

Syntax Representation – <animation-value-list>
  : <animation-value> [ ";" <animation-value> ]*

The syntax of an <animation-value> in an <animation-value-list> expression must satisfy all syntax requirements that apply to the attribute targeted by the animation.

The semantics of an <animation-value-list> expression are those defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.9.

13.3.3 <calculation-mode>

A <calculation-mode> expression is used to control the interpolation mode of the animation.

Syntax Representation – <calculation-mode>
  : "discrete"
  | "linear"
  | "spline"

The semantics of a <calculation-mode> expression are those defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.9.

13.3.4 <fill>

A <fill> expression is used to determine effect of the animation after the active end of the animation.

Syntax Representation – <fill>
  : "freeze"
  | "remove"

The semantics of a <fill> expression are those defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.8.

13.3.5 <key-splines>

An <key-splines> expression is used to specify a list of Bezier control points that control the pacing of an animation, wherein each pair of values is separated by a SEMICOLON (U+003B) character optionally surrounded by linear white-space (LWSP) characters.

Syntax Representation – <key-splines>
  : control [ <lwsp>? ";" <lwsp>? control ]*

  : x1 comma? y1 comma? x2 comma? y2

x1, x2, y1, y2
  : coordinate

coordinate                                // 0 ≥ value ≥ 1
  : whole
  | whole "." fraction
  | "." fraction

whole, fraction
  : <digit>+

  : ","

The semantics of a <key-splines> expression are those defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.9, as apply to the key-splines attribute.

13.3.6 <key-times>

An <key-times> expression is used to specify a list of relative time values that control the pacing of an animation, wherein each pair of values is separated by a SEMICOLON (U+003B) character optionally surrounded by linear white-space (LWSP) characters.

Syntax Representation – <key-times>
  : time [ <lwsp>? ";" <lwsp>? time ]*

time                                // 0 ≥ value ≥ 1
  : whole
  | whole "." fraction
  | "." fraction

whole, fraction
  : <digit>+

The semantics of a <key-times> expression are those defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.9, as apply to the key-times attribute.

13.3.7 <repeat-count>

A <repeat-count> expression is used to determine the number of iterations of a repeated animation.

Syntax Representation – <repeat-count>
  : count
  | "indefinite"

  : <digit>+                       // value > 0

The semantics of a <repeat-count> expression are those defined by [SVG 1.1], §19.2.8.

14 Metadata

This section specifies the metadata matter of the core vocabulary catalog, where metadata is to be understood as a separable layer of information that applies to parameters, content, style, layout, timing, and even metadata itself, where the information represented by metadata takes one of two forms: (1) metadata defined by this specification for standardized use in a document instance, and (2) arbitrary metadata defined outside of the scope of this specification, whose use and semantics depend entirely upon an application's use of TTML Content.

14.1 Metadata Element Vocabulary

The 14.1.1 metadata element serves as a generic container element for grouping metadata information.

In addition, the following elements, all defined in the TT Metadata Namespace, provide standard representations for metadata that is expected to be commonly used in a document instance:

14.1.1 metadata

The metadata element functions as a generic container for metadata information.

Metadata information may be expressed with a metadata element by specifying (1) one or more metadata attributes or foreign namespace attributes on the metadata element, (2) one or more metadata item or foreign namespace child elements, (3) one or more data child elements, or (4) a combination of the preceding.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: metadata
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute in TT Metadata namespace}
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: (Data.class|{any element in TT Metadata namespace}|{any element not in any TT namespace})*


The meaning of a specific metadata item must be evaluated in the context where it appears. The core vocabulary catalog permits an arbitrary number of metadata element children on any content element type. See specific element vocabulary definitions for any constraints that apply to such usage.

The use of document metadata is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Document Metadata
  <metadata xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#metadata">
    <ttm:title>Document Metadata Example</ttm:title>
    <ttm:desc>This document employs document metadata.</ttm:desc>

The use of element metadata is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Element Metadata
  <metadata xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#metadata">
    <ttm:title>Chapter 6 – Sherlock Holmes Gives a Demonstration</ttm:title>
    <ttm:desc>Holmes shows Watson how the murderer entered the window.</ttm:desc>

The use of metadata attribute items is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Foreign Metadata Attribute Items
<div xmlns:ext="http://example.org/ttml#metadata">
  <metadata ext:ednote="remove this division prior to publishing"/>


In the above example, a global attribute from a foreign (external) namespace is used to express a metadata attribute that applies semantically to the containing div element. Note that the attribute may also be expressed directly on the div element; however, in this case the author wishes to segregate certain metadata attributes by expressing them indirectly on metadata elements.

The use of foreign element metadata is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Foreign Element Metadata
  <dc:title>Foreign Element Metadata Example</dc:title>
  <dc:description>Express metadata using elements in foreign namespace.</dc:description>
  <dc:format xsi:type="dcterms:IMT">application/ttml+xml</dc:format>


In the above example, a number of elements defined by the Dublin Core metadata vocabulary are used to express document level metadata.

14.1.2 ttm:actor

The ttm:actor element is used to link the definition of a (role-based) character agent with another agent that portrays the character.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttm:actor
  agent = IDREF
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: EMPTY

The agent attribute of a ttm:actor element must reference a significant ttm:agent element that denotes the agent acting the part of a character.

An example of the ttm:actor element is shown above in Example Fragment – Agent Metadata.

14.1.3 ttm:agent

The ttm:agent element is used to define an agent for the purpose of associating content information with an agent who is involved in the production or expression of that content.

The ttm:agent element accepts as its children zero or more ttm:name elements followed by zero or one ttm:actor element.

At least one ttm:name element child should be specified that expresses a name for the agent, whether it be the name of a person, character, group, or organization.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttm:agent
  condition = <condition>
  type = (person|character|group|organization|other)
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: ttm:name*, ttm:actor?

A type attribute must be specified on each ttm:agent element, and, if specified, must have one of the following values:

  • person

  • character

  • group

  • organization

  • other

If the value of the type attribute is character, then the ttm:agent element instance should specify a ttm:actor child that specifies the agent that plays the role of the actor.

A ttm:agent metadata item is considered to be significant only when specified as a child of the head element or as a child of a metadata element child of the head element.


A ttm:agent element instance is typically referenced using a ttm:agent attribute on a content element type.


If a character agent is played by multiple actors, then multiple character agents may be specified (and referenced) wherein different definitions of the character specify different actors.

The use of agent metadata is illustrated by the following example.

Example Fragment – Agent Metadata
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml" xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#metadata">
    <ttm:agent xml:id="connery" type="person">
      <ttm:name type="family">Connery</ttm:name>
      <ttm:name type="given">Thomas Sean</ttm:name>
      <ttm:name type="alias">Sean</ttm:name>
      <ttm:name type="full">Sir Thomas Sean Connery</ttm:name>
    <ttm:agent xml:id="bond" type="character">
      <ttm:name type="family">Bond</ttm:name>
      <ttm:name type="given">James</ttm:name>
      <ttm:name type="alias">007</ttm:name>
      <ttm:actor agent="connery"/>
      <p ttm:agent="bond">I travel, a sort of licensed troubleshooter.</p>


In the above example, two agents, a real (person) agent, Sean Connery, and a fictitious (character) agent, James Bond, are defined, where the latter is linked to the former by means of the a ttm:actor element. A reference is then made from content (the p element) to the character agent associated with (responsible for producing) that content. Note that in this example the ttm:agent metadata items are specified as immediate children of the document's head element rather than being placed in a container metadata element.

14.1.4 ttm:copyright

The ttm:copyright element is used to express a human-readable copyright that applies to some scoping level.

A copyright statement that applies to a document as a whole should appear as a child of the head element.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttm:copyright
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA


No specific use of the ttm:copyright element is defined by this specification.

14.1.5 ttm:desc

The ttm:desc element is used to express a human-readable description of a specific element instance.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttm:desc
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA


No specific use of the ttm:desc element is defined by this specification.

Examples of the ttm:desc element are shown above in Example Fragment – Document Metadata and Example Fragment – Element Metadata.

14.1.6 ttm:item

The ttm:item element is used to express arbitrary named metadata items.

The ttm:item element accepts one of the following two content models: (1) one or more text nodes (i.e., #PCDATA) or (2) zero or more nested ttm:item elements.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttm:item
  condition = <condition>
  name = <item-name>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA | ttm:item*

A name attribute must be specified to identify the name of the item, the value of which must adhere to an <item-name> value expression.


No general constraint is placed on the appearance of multiple named metadata items that specify the same name; however, the definition of a specific named item may further constrain the context of use as well as the potential appearance of multiple items that share the same name.

The value of a named metadata item is (1) empty if the element has no child text or element nodes, (2) the character content of the ttm:item element when that element's children consists solely of text nodes, or (3) a collection of named metadata sub-items.


The definition of a particular named item will typically constrain the set of permitted values. Furthermore, it may specify that a particular value is implied in the absence of a specified value.

The use of a named metadata item is illustrated by the following example, which shows the use of a named metadata item in order to associate a simple data embedding with an original file name.

Example Fragment – Named Metadata Item
    <data type="image/png">
      <ttm:item name="originalFileName" xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#metadata">image.png</ttm:item>
      <chunk length="119">


The above example makes use of a single chunk element in order to include a ttm:item element as a child of the data element; i.e., if the encoded image bytes had been included directly as #PCDATA in the data element, then it would not have been possible to include the ttm:item child element. See the supported content models on the data element for more information.

14.1.7 ttm:name

The ttm:name element is used to specify a name of a person, character, group, or organization.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttm:name
  condition = <condition>
  type = (full|family|given|alias|other)
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA

A type attribute must be specified on each ttm:name element, and, if specified, must have one of the following values:

  • full

  • family

  • given

  • alias

  • other

The relationship between the type of a name and the syntactic expression of the name is not defined by this specification.

Two examples of the ttm:name element are shown above in Example Fragment – Agent Metadata.

14.1.8 ttm:title

The ttm:title element is used to express a human-readable title of a specific element instance.

XML Representation – Element Information Item: ttm:title
  condition = <condition>
  xml:id = ID
  xml:lang = xsd:string
  xml:space = (default|preserve)
  {any attribute not in default or any TT namespace}>
  Content: #PCDATA


No specific use of the ttm:title element is defined by this specification.

Examples of the ttm:title element are shown above in Example Fragment – Document Metadata and Example Fragment – Element Metadata.

14.2 Metadata Attribute Vocabulary

This section specifies the following attributes in the TT Metadata Namespace for use with the metadata element and with certain content element types:

Issue (issue-ttml2-122):

Document Sequencing

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/122

Add ttm:sequenceIdentifier or ttm:sequenceNumber or both if unavoidable.


None recorded.

Issue (issue-ttml2-125):

Media Timestamp Correlation

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/125

Add ttm:mediaTimestamp to support media synchronization.


None recorded.


Only certain metadata item attributes may be used with content element. See the definitions of content elements to determine permissible usage.

14.2.1 ttm:agent

The ttm:agent attribute takes an IDREFS value, and is used with certain content elements to designate the agents that perform or are involved in the performance of the content.

If specified, a ttm:agent attribute must reference significant ttm:agent element instances.

The same IDREF, ID, should not appear more than once in the value of a ttm:agent attribute.


This constraint is intended to discourage the use of redundant agent references.

An example of the ttm:agent attribute is shown above in Example Fragment – Agent Metadata.

14.2.2 ttm:role

The ttm:role attribute may be used by a content author to express the roles, functions, or characteristics of some content element that is so labeled.

Issue (issue-ttml2-9):

Parameterized Roles

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/9

Consider supporting parameterized roles to increase CTA 708 interoperability.


None recorded.

If specified, the value of this attribute must adhere to the following syntax, where the syntactic element S must adhere to production [3] S as defined by [XML 1.0] § 2.3:

Syntax Representation – ttm:role
  role ( S role )*

  : "action"
  | "caption"
  | "description"
  | "dialog"
  | "expletive"
  | "kinesic"
  | "lyrics"
  | "music"
  | "narration"
  | "quality"
  | "sound"
  | "source"
  | "suppressed"
  | "reproduction"
  | "thought"
  | "title"
  | "transcription"
  | extension-role

  : "x-" token-char+

  : { XML NameChar }    // XML 1.1 Production [4a]

The same role token, R, should not appear more than once in the value of a ttm:role attribute.


This constraint is intended to discourage the use of redundant role tokens.


All values of ttm:role that do not start with the prefix x- are reserved for future standardization.


If using a custom x- prefixed form of ttm:role, it is recommended that an organization unique infix be used as well in order to prevent collisions. For example, x-example-org-custom-role. Furthermore, a registry for role values is available at http://www.w3.org/wiki/TTML/RoleRegistry in order to promote interoperability and collision avoidance.

14.3 Metadata Value Expressions

Metadata vocabulary may make use of the following expressions:

14.3.1 <item-name>

An <item-name> expression is used to specify the name of a metadata item expressed with a ttm:item element.

Syntax Representation – <item-name>
  : <named-item>
  | xsd:QName

If an item name expression takes the form of a qualified name (xsd:QName), then the prefix of that qualified name must have been declared in a namespace declaration as specified by [XML Namespaces 1.0].

All values of <item-name> that do not take the form of qualified name (xsd:QName) are either defined by this specification or reserved for future standardization by the W3C.


It is intended that all item names defined by this specification are unqualified (without a prefix), whereas those defined by external specifications are qualified (with a prefix).


See http://www.w3.org/wiki/TTML/ItemNameRegistry for a registry of qualified item namespaces.

14.3.2 <named-item>

A <named-item> value is a member of an enumerated collection of named metadata items associated with a value by a ttm:item element.

Syntax Representation – <named-item>
  : altText
  | usesForced


A string that expresses alternate text content, where the value adheres to xsd:string. Typically used to provide a textual equivalent or summary for some related image content.


A boolean that expresses whether some <condition> expression makes use of the forced bound parameter, where the value adheres to xsd:boolean. If this named metadata item is present in a document instance, then it must be specified as a child of the head element.

A Concrete Encoding

This appendix is normative.

In the absence of other requirements, a document instance should be concretely encoded as a well-formed XML 1.0 [XML 1.0] document using the UTF-8 character encoding.


When using XML 1.0 [XML 1.0] as the concrete encoding of TTML, only the following named character entities are defined: &amp;, &apos;, &gt;, &lt;, and &quot;.

Issue (issue-ttml2-124):

Support Content Encoding

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/124

Specify preference to use of gzip content encoding for compressed delivery in the case that client indicates it accepts encoding.


None recorded.

B Reduced XML Infoset

This appendix is normative.

For the purposes of this specification, a reduced xml infoset is an XML Information Set [XML InfoSet] that consists of only the following information items and information item properties:

B.1 Document Information Item

  • [document element]

B.2 Element Information Item

  • [namespace URI]

  • [local name]

  • [children]

  • [attributes]

Child information items [children] are reduced to only element information items and character information items.

B.3 Attribute Information Item

  • [namespace URI]

  • [local name]

  • [normalized value]

B.4 Character Information Item

  • [character code]

Contiguous character information items are not required to be represented distinctly, but may be aggregated (chunked) into a sequence of character codes (i.e., a character string).

C Schemas

This appendix is normative.

This appendix specifies the following schemas for use with document instances:

In any case where a schema specified by this appendix differs from the normative definitions of document type, element type, or attribute type as defined by the body of this specification, then the body of this specification takes precedence.

C.1 Relax NG Compact (RNC) Schema

A Relax NG Compact Syntax (RNC) [RELAX NG] based schema for TTML Content is available at ZIP Archive. This schema is to be considered non-normative for the purpose of defining the validity of Timed Text Markup Language content as defined by this specification. In particular, the formal validity of TTML Content is defined by 3.1 Document Conformance.

C.2 XML Schema Definition (XSD) Schema

A W3C XML Schema Definition (XSD) [XML Schema Part 1] based schema for TTML Content is available at ZIP Archive. This schema is to be considered non-normative for the purpose of defining the validity of Timed Text Markup Language content as defined by this specification. In particular, the formal validity of TTML Content is defined by 3.1 Document Conformance.

D Media Type Registration

This appendix is normative.

Issue (issue-ttml2-116):

Restore Media Type Registration

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/116

Restore and update media type registration for IANA update.


None recorded.

Issue (issue-ttml2-115):

Processor Profiles Parameter

Source: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/115

Add definition of processorProfiles media type parameter.


None recorded.

E Features

This appendix is normative.

This appendix specifies (1) a set of feature designations, each of which labels one or more syntactic and/or semantic features defined by this specification, and (2) for each designated feature, whether the feature is mandatory or optional for a transformation or presentation processor.


A TTML processor is said to implement the transformation semantics or implement the presentation semantics of feature designation F if it satisfies the requirements of this appendix with respect to the definition of feature designation F as pertains to transformation or presentation processing, respectively.

E.1 Feature Designations

A feature designation is expressed as a string that adheres to the following form:

  : feature-namespace designation

  : TT Feature Namespace                    // http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml/feature/

  : "#" token-char+

  : { XML NameChar }                        // XML 1.1 Production [4a]

All values of feature-designation not defined by this specification are reserved for future standardization.

The following sub-sections define all feature designations, expressed as relative URIs (fragment identifiers) with respect to the TT Feature Namespace base URI.

E.1.1 #animate

A TTML transformation processor supports the #animate feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 13 Animation:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #animate feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.2 #animate-calculation-mode

A TTML transformation processor supports the #animate-calculation-mode feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the semantics of the calcMode attribute of the animate element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #animate-calculation-mode feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the calcMode attribute of the animate element.

E.1.3 #animate-key-splines

A TTML transformation processor supports the #animate-key-splines feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the semantics of the keySplines attribute of the animate element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #animate-key-splines feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the keySplines attribute of the animate element.

E.1.4 #animate-key-times

A TTML transformation processor supports the #animate-key-times feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the semantics of the keyTimes attribute of the animate element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #animate-key-times feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the keyTimes attribute of the animate element.

E.1.5 #animate-repeat

A TTML transformation processor supports the #animate-repeat feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the semantics of the repeatCount attribute of the animate element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #animate-repeat feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the repeatCount attribute of the animate element.

E.1.6 #animation

A TTML transformation processor supports the #animation feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 13 Animation:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #animation feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.7 #animation-2

A TTML transformation processor supports the #animation-2 feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 13 Animation:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #animation feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

The #animation-2 feature is a syntactic and semantic extension of the #animation feature.

E.1.8 #audio

A TTML transformation processor supports the #audio feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 9 Embedded Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #audio feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.9 #background

A TTML processor supports the #background feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.10 #background-color

A TTML processor supports the #background-color feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.11 #background-image

A TTML processor supports the #background-image feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.12 #backgroundClip

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundClip feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundClip attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundClip feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:backgroundClip attribute.

E.1.13 #backgroundColor

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundColor feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:backgroundColor attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundColor feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:backgroundColor attribute and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of color, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.14 #backgroundColor-block

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundColor-block feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundColor attribute when applied to a content element that would generate a block area during presentation processing.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundColor-block feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:backgroundColor attribute when applied to a content element that generates a block area and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of color, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.15 #backgroundColor-inline

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundColor-inline feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundColor attribute when applied to a content element that would generate an inline area during presentation processing.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundColor-inline feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:backgroundColor attribute when applied to a content element that generates an inline area and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of color, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.16 #backgroundColor-region

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundColor-region feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundColor attribute when applied to a region element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundColor-region feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:backgroundColor attribute when applied to a region element and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of color, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.17 #backgroundExtent

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundExtent feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundExtent attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundExtent feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:backgroundExtent attribute.

E.1.18 #backgroundImage

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundImage feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundImage attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundImage feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:backgroundImage attribute.

E.1.19 #backgroundOrigin

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundOrigin feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundOrigin attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundOrigin feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:backgroundOrigin attribute.

E.1.20 #backgroundPosition

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundPosition feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundPosition attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundPosition feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:backgroundPosition attribute.

E.1.21 #backgroundRepeat

A TTML transformation processor supports the #backgroundRepeat feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:backgroundRepeat attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundRepeat feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:backgroundRepeat attribute.

E.1.22 #bidi

A TTML processor supports the #bidi feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.23 #border

A TTML transformation processor supports the #border feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:border attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #border feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:border attribute and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of border colors, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.24 #border-block

A TTML transformation processor supports the #border-block feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:border attribute when applied to a content element that would generate a block area during presentation processing.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #border-block feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:border attribute when applied to a content element that generates a block area and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of border colors, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.25 #border-inline

A TTML transformation processor supports the #border-inline feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:border attribute when applied to a content element that would generate an inline area during presentation processing.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #border-inline feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:border attribute when applied to a content element that generates an inline area and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of border colors, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.26 #border-radii

A TTML processor supports the #border-radii feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.27 #border-radii-1

A TTML transformation processor supports the #border-radii-1 feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming one component values of a <border-radii> value expression specified in a tts:border attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundClip feature if it implements presentation semantic support for one component values of a <border-radii> value expression specified in a tts:border attribute.

E.1.28 #border-radii-2

A TTML transformation processor supports the #border-radii-2 feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming two component values of a <border-radii> value expression specified in a tts:border attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #backgroundClip feature if it implements presentation semantic support for two component values of a <border-radii> value expression specified in a tts:border attribute.

E.1.29 #border-region

A TTML transformation processor supports the #border-region feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:border attribute when applied to a region element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #border-region feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:border attribute when applied to a region element and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of border colors, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.30 #bpd

A TTML transformation processor supports the #bpd feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:bpd attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #bpd feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:bpd attribute.

E.1.31 #cellResolution

A TTML transformation processor supports the #cellResolution feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:cellResolution attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #cellResolution feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:cellResolution attribute.

E.1.32 #chunk

A TTML transformation processor supports the #chunk feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 9 Embedded Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #chunk feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.33 #clockMode

A TTML transformation processor supports the #clockMode feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:clockMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #clockMode feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:clockMode attribute.

E.1.34 #clockMode-gps

A TTML transformation processor supports the #clockMode-gps feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the gps value of the ttp:clockMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #clockMode-gps feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the gps value of the ttp:clockMode attribute.

E.1.35 #clockMode-local

A TTML transformation processor supports the #clockMode-local feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the local value of the ttp:clockMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #clockMode-local feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the local value of the ttp:clockMode attribute.

E.1.36 #clockMode-utc

A TTML transformation processor supports the #clockMode-utc feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the utc value of the ttp:clockMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #clockMode-utc feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the utc value of the ttp:clockMode attribute.

E.1.37 #color

A TTML transformation processor supports the #color feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:color attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #color feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:color attribute and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least sixteen (16) values of color, including all primary and secondary colors of the SRGB color space.

E.1.38 #condition

A TTML transformation processor supports the #condition feature if it (1) recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 8 Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #condition feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary and features enumerated above.

E.1.39 #content

A TTML transformation processor supports the #content feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 8 Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #content feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.40 #content-sizing

A TTML processor supports the #content-sizing feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.41 #contentProfiles

A TTML transformation processor supports the #contentProfiles feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following core attributes vocabulary defined by 6.2 Profile Attribute Vocabulary:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #contentProfiles feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.42 #core

A TTML transformation processor supports the #core feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following core attributes vocabulary defined by 8 Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #core feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.43 #data

A TTML transformation processor supports the #data feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 9 Embedded Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #data feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.44 #direction

A TTML transformation processor supports the #direction feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:direction attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #direction feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:direction attribute.

E.1.45 #disparity

A TTML transformation processor supports the #disparity feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:disparity attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #disparity feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:disparity attribute.

E.1.46 #display

A TTML transformation processor supports the #display feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:display attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #display feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:display attribute.

E.1.47 #display-block

A TTML transformation processor supports the #display-block feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:display attribute when applied to a content element that would generate a block area during presentation processing.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #display-block feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:display attribute when applied to a content element that generates a block area.

E.1.48 #display-inline

A TTML transformation processor supports the #display-inline feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:display attribute when applied to a content element that would generate an inline area during presentation processing.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #display-inline feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:display attribute when applied to a content element that generates an inline area.

E.1.49 #display-region

A TTML transformation processor supports the #display-region feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:display attribute when applied to a region element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #display-region feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:display attribute when applied to a region element.

E.1.50 #displayAlign

A TTML transformation processor supports the #displayAlign feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:displayAlign attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #displayAlign feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:displayAlign attribute.

E.1.51 #displayAspectRatio

A TTML transformation processor supports the #displayAspectRatio feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:displayAspectRatio attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #displayAspectRatio feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:displayAspectRatio attribute.

E.1.52 #dropMode

A TTML transformation processor supports the #dropMode feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:dropMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #dropMode feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:dropMode attribute.

E.1.53 #dropMode-dropNTSC

A TTML transformation processor supports the #dropMode-dropNTSC feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the dropNTSC value of the ttp:dropMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #dropMode-dropNTSC feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the dropNTSC value of the ttp:dropMode attribute.

E.1.54 #dropMode-dropPAL

A TTML transformation processor supports the #dropMode-dropPAL feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the dropPAL value of the ttp:dropMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #dropMode-dropPAL feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the dropPAL value of the ttp:dropMode attribute.

E.1.55 #dropMode-nonDrop

A TTML transformation processor supports the #dropMode-nonDrop feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the nonDrop value of the ttp:dropMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #dropMode-nonDrop feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the nonDrop value of the ttp:dropMode attribute.

E.1.56 #embedded-audio

A TTML processor supports the #embedded-audio feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.57 #embedded-content

A TTML processor supports the #embedded-content feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.58 #embedded-data

A TTML processor supports the #embedded-data feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.59 #embedded-font

A TTML processor supports the #embedded-font feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.60 #embedded-image

A TTML processor supports the #embedded-image feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.61 #extent

A TTML transformation processor supports the #extent feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:extent attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #extent feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:extent attribute.

E.1.62 #extent-region

A TTML transformation processor supports the #extent-region feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:extent attribute when applied to a region element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #extent-region feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:extent attribute when applied to a region element.

E.1.63 #extent-root

A TTML transformation processor supports the #extent-root feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:extent attribute when applied to the tt element.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #extent-root feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:extent attribute when applied to a tt element.

E.1.64 #font

A TTML transformation processor supports the #font feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 9 Embedded Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #font feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.65 #fontFamily

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontFamily feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:fontFamily attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontFamily feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:fontFamily attribute.

E.1.66 #fontFamily-generic

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontFamily-generic feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming <generic-family-name> values when used with the tts:fontFamily attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontFamily-generic feature if it implements presentation semantic support for <generic-family-name> values when used with the tts:fontFamily attribute.

E.1.67 #fontFamily-non-generic

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontFamily-non-generic feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming <family-name> values when used with the tts:fontFamily attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontFamily-non-generic feature if it implements presentation semantic support for <family-name> values when used with the tts:fontFamily attribute.

E.1.68 #fontKerning

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontKerning feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:fontKerning attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontKerning feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:fontKerning attribute.

E.1.69 #fontSelectionStrategy

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontSelectionStrategy feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:fontSelectionStrategy attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontSelectionStrategy feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:fontSelectionStrategy attribute.

E.1.70 #fontShear

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontShear feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:fontShear attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontShear feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:fontShear attribute.

E.1.71 #fontSize

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontSize feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:fontSize attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontSize feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:fontSize attribute.

E.1.72 #fontSize-anamorphic

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontSize-anamorphic feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming values of the tts:fontSize attribute that consist of two <length> specifications.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontSize-anamorphic feature if it implements presentation semantic support for defined values of the tts:fontSize attribute that consist of two <length> specifications.

E.1.73 #fontSize-isomorphic

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontSize-isomorphic feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming values of the tts:fontSize attribute that consist of a single <length> specification.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontSize-isomorphic feature if it implements presentation semantic support for defined values of the tts:fontSize attribute that consist of a single <length> specification.

E.1.74 #fontStyle

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontStyle feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:fontStyle attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontStyle feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:fontStyle attribute.

E.1.75 #fontStyle-italic

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontStyle-italic feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the italic value of the tts:fontStyle attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontStyle-italic feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the italic of the tts:fontStyle attribute.

E.1.76 #fontStyle-oblique

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontStyle-oblique feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the oblique value of the tts:fontStyle attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontStyle-oblique feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the oblique of the tts:fontStyle attribute.

E.1.77 #fontVariant

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontVariant feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:fontVariant attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontVariant feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:fontVariant attribute.

E.1.78 #fontWeight

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontWeight feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:fontWeight attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontWeight feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:fontWeight attribute.

E.1.79 #fontWeight-bold

A TTML transformation processor supports the #fontWeight-bold feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming bold value of the tts:fontWeight attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #fontWeight-bold feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the bold of the tts:fontWeight attribute.

E.1.80 #frameRate

A TTML transformation processor supports the #frameRate feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:frameRate attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #frameRate feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:frameRate attribute.

E.1.81 #frameRateMultiplier

A TTML transformation processor supports the #frameRateMultiplier feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:frameRateMultiplier attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #frameRateMultiplier feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:frameRateMultiplier attribute.

E.1.82 #image

A TTML transformation processor supports the #image feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 9 Embedded Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #image feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.83 #inferProcessorProfile

A TTML transformation processor supports the #inferProcessorProfile feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following core attributes vocabulary defined by 6.2 Profile Attribute Vocabulary:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #inferProcessorProfile feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.84 #initial

A TTML transformation processor supports the #initial feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 10 Styling:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #initial feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.85 #ipd

A TTML transformation processor supports the #ipd feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:ipd attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #ipd feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:ipd attribute.

E.1.86 #layout

A TTML transformation processor supports the #layout feature if it (1) recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 11 Layout:

and (2) supports the following attributes when applied to the region element:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #layout feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary and features enumerated above.

E.1.87 #length

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the <length> style value expression.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the <length> style value expression.


Support for #length is intended to imply support for the following features: #length-integer, #length-real, #length-positive, #length-negative, #length-cell, #length-em, #length-percentage, and #length-pixel.

E.1.88 #length-cell

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length-cell feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming scalar values of the <length> style value expression that use c (cell) units.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length-cell feature if it implements presentation semantic support for scalar values of the <length> style value expression that use c (cell) units.


Support for #length-cell does not, by itself, imply support for #length-integer, #length-real, #length-positive, or #length-negative features.

E.1.89 #length-em

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length-em feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming scalar values of the <length> style value expression that use em (EM) units.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length-em feature if it implements presentation semantic support for scalar values of the <length> style value expression that use em (EM) units.


Support for #length-em does not, by itself, imply support for #length-integer, #length-real, #length-positive, or #length-negative features.

E.1.90 #length-integer

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length-integer feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming integer values of the <length> style value expression.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length-integer feature if it implements presentation semantic support for integer values of the <length> style value expression.


Support for #length-integer does not, by itself, imply support for #length-positive or #length-negative features.

E.1.91 #length-negative

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length-negative feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming negative values of the <length> style value expression.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length-negative feature if it implements presentation semantic support for negative values of the <length> style value expression.


Support for #length-negative does not, by itself, imply support for #length-integer or #length-real features.

E.1.92 #length-percentage

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length-percentage feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming percentage values of the <length> style value expression.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length-percentage feature if it implements presentation semantic support for percentage values of the <length> style value expression.


Support for #length-percentage does not, by itself, imply support for #length-integer, #length-real, #length-positive, or #length-negative features.

E.1.93 #length-pixel

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length-pixel feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming scalar values of the <length> style value expression that use px (pixel) units.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length-pixel feature if it implements presentation semantic support for scalar values of the <length> style value expression that use px (pixel) units.


Support for #length-pixel does not, by itself, imply support for #length-integer, #length-real, #length-positive, or #length-negative features.

E.1.94 #length-positive

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length-positive feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming positive values of the <length> style value expression.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length-positive feature if it implements presentation semantic support for positive values of the <length> style value expression.


Support for #length-positive is intended to imply support for zero valued <length> style value expressions.


Support for #length-positive does not, by itself, imply support for #length-integer or #length-real features.

E.1.95 #length-real

A TTML transformation processor supports the #length-real feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming real values of the <length> style value expression.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #length-real feature if it implements presentation semantic support for real values of the <length> style value expression.


Support for #length-real is intended to imply support for integer valued <length> style value expressions as well as real valued expressions.


Support for #length-real does not, by itself, imply support for #length-positive or #length-negative features.

E.1.96 #letterSpacing

A TTML transformation processor supports the #letterSpacing feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:letterSpacing attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #letterSpacing feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:letterSpacing attribute.

E.1.97 #lineBreak-uax14

A TTML transformation processor supports the #lineBreak-uax14 feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming requirements expressed by [UAX14] into its target document space.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #lineBreak-uax14 feature if it implements presentation semantic support for [UAX14] as applies to line breaking.

E.1.98 #lineHeight

A TTML transformation processor supports the #lineHeight feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:lineHeight attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #lineHeight feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:lineHeight attribute.

E.1.99 #markerMode

A TTML transformation processor supports the #markerMode feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:markerMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #markerMode feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:markerMode attribute.

E.1.100 #markerMode-continuous

A TTML transformation processor supports the #markerMode-continuous feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the continuous value of the ttp:markerMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #markerMode-continuous feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the continuous value of the ttp:markerMode attribute.

E.1.101 #markerMode-discontinuous

A TTML transformation processor supports the #markerMode-discontinuous feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the discontinuous value of the ttp:markerMode attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #markerMode-discontinuous feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the discontinuous value of the ttp:markerMode attribute.

E.1.102 #metadata

A TTML transformation processor supports the #metadata feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 14 Metadata:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #metadata feature if it recognizes and is capable of presenting the information expressed by the same vocabulary enumerated above.


This specification does not define a standardized form for the presentation of metadata information. The presentation or ability to present metadata information is considered to be implementation dependent.

E.1.103 #nested-div

A TTML transformation processor supports the #nested-div feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming nested div elements.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #nested-div feature if it implements presentation semantic support for nested div elements.

E.1.104 #nested-span

A TTML transformation processor supports the #nested-span feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming nested span elements.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #nested-span feature if it implements presentation semantic support for nested span elements.

E.1.105 #opacity

A TTML transformation processor supports the #opacity feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:opacity attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #opacity feature if it (1) implements presentation semantic support for the tts:opacity attribute and (2) is capable of displaying or generating an output display signal that distinguishes between at least eight (8) values of opacity.

E.1.106 #origin

A TTML transformation processor supports the #origin feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:origin attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #origin feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:origin attribute.

E.1.107 #overflow

A TTML transformation processor supports the #overflow feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:overflow attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #overflow feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:overflow attribute.

E.1.108 #overflow-visible

A TTML transformation processor supports the #overflow-visible feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the visible value of the tts:overflow attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #overflow-visible feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the visible value of the tts:overflow attribute.

E.1.109 #padding

A TTML transformation processor supports the #padding feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:padding attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #padding feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:padding attribute.

E.1.110 #padding-1

A TTML transformation processor supports the #padding-1 feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming values of the tts:padding attribute that consist of one <length> specification.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #padding-1 feature if it implements presentation semantic support for values of the tts:padding attribute that consist of one <length> specification.

E.1.111 #padding-2

A TTML transformation processor supports the #padding-2 feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming values of the tts:padding attribute that consist of two <length> specification.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #padding-2 feature if it implements presentation semantic support for values of the tts:padding attribute that consist of two <length> specification.

E.1.112 #padding-3

A TTML transformation processor supports the #padding-3 feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming values of the tts:padding attribute that consist of three <length> specification.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #padding-3 feature if it implements presentation semantic support for values of the tts:padding attribute that consist of three <length> specification.

E.1.113 #padding-4

A TTML transformation processor supports the #padding-4 feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming values of the tts:padding attribute that consist of four <length> specification.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #padding-4 feature if it implements presentation semantic support for values of the tts:padding attribute that consist of four <length> specification.

E.1.114 #permitFeatureNarrowing

A TTML transformation processor supports the #permitFeatureNarrowing feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #permitFeatureNarrowing feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:permitFeatureNarrowing attribute.

E.1.115 #permitFeatureWidening

A TTML transformation processor supports the #permitFeatureWidening feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:permitFeatureWidening attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #permitFeatureWidening feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:permitFeatureWidening attribute.

E.1.116 #pixelAspectRatio

A TTML transformation processor supports the #pixelAspectRatio feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:pixelAspectRatio attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #pixelAspectRatio feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:pixelAspectRatio attribute.

E.1.117 #position

A TTML transformation processor supports the #position feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:position attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #position feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:position attribute.

E.1.118 #presentation

A TTML processor supports the #presentation feature if it (1) satisfies the generic processor criteria defined by 3.2.1 Generic Processor Conformance, (2) implements support for the region and line layout semantics defined by 11.3.1 Region Layout and Presentation and 11.3.2 Line Layout, respectively, and (3) implements presentation semantics for the following features:

In addition, a TTML processor that supports the #presentation feature should satisfy the user agent accessibility guidelines specified by [UAAG].

E.1.119 #processorProfiles

A TTML transformation processor supports the #processorProfiles feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following core attributes vocabulary defined by 6.2 Profile Attribute Vocabulary:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #processorProfiles feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.120 #profile

A TTML transformation processor supports the #profile feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:profile attribute on the tt element and transforming the following vocabulary defined by 7.1 Parameter Element Vocabulary:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #profile feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary specified above.

E.1.121 #region-inline

A TTML processor supports the #region-inline feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.122 #region-inline-explicit

A TTML transformation processor supports the #region-inline-explicit feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming explicit inline region element children of content element vocabulary, as further defined by region.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #region-inline-explicit feature if it implements presentation semantic support for explicit inline region element children of content element vocabulary, as further defined by region.

E.1.123 #region-inline-implicit

A TTML transformation processor supports the #region-inline-implicit feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming implicit inline region specifications on content element vocabulary, as further defined by region.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #region-inline-implicit feature if it implements presentation semantic support for implicit inline region specifications on content element vocabulary, as further defined by region.

E.1.124 #resources

A TTML transformation processor supports the #resources feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabulary defined by 9 Embedded Content:

A TTML presentation processor supports the #resources feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the same vocabulary enumerated above.

E.1.125 #ruby

A TTML transformation processor supports the #ruby feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:ruby attribute in both nested and non-nested contexts.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #ruby feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:ruby attribute in both nested and non-nested contexts.


In the present context, the term nested refers to the case where ruby text is applied to other ruby text which is applied to base text, and so on, recursively.

E.1.126 #ruby-full

A TTML processor supports the #ruby-full feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.127 #ruby-non-nested

A TTML transformation processor supports the #ruby-non-nested feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:ruby attribute, except in the case that the application of tts:ruby is nested, in which case the nested application is treated as inline text (using ruby delimiters).

A TTML presentation processor supports the #ruby-non-nested feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:ruby attribute, except in the case that the application of tts:ruby is nested, in which case the semantics of nested application is treated as inline content (using ruby delimiters).

The #ruby-non-nested feature is a semantic restriction of the #ruby feature.


In the present context, the term nested refers to the case where ruby text is applied to other ruby text which is applied to base text, and so on, recursively.

E.1.128 #ruby-non-nested-full

A TTML processor supports the #ruby-non-nested-full feature if it supports the following features:

E.1.129 #rubyAlign

A TTML transformation processor supports the #rubyAlign feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:rubyAlign attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #rubyAlign feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:rubyAlign attribute.

E.1.130 #rubyOffset

A TTML transformation processor supports the #rubyOffset feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:rubyOffset attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #rubyOffset feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:rubyOffset attribute.

E.1.131 #rubyOverflow

A TTML transformation processor supports the #rubyOverflow feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:rubyOverflow attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #rubyOverflow feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:rubyOverflow attribute.

E.1.132 #rubyOverhang

A TTML transformation processor supports the #rubyOverhang feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:rubyOverhang attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #rubyOverhang feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:rubyOverhang attribute.

E.1.133 #rubyOverhangClass

A TTML transformation processor supports the #rubyOverhangClass feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:rubyOverhangClass attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #rubyOverhangClass feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:rubyOverhangClass attribute.

E.1.134 #rubyPosition

A TTML transformation processor supports the #rubyPosition feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:rubyPosition attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #rubyPosition feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:rubyPosition attribute.

E.1.135 #rubyReserve

A TTML transformation processor supports the #rubyReserve feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the tts:rubyReserve attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #rubyReserve feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the tts:rubyReserve attribute.

E.1.136 #safeCropArea

A TTML transformation processor supports the #safeCropArea feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the ttp:safeCropArea attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #safeCropArea feature if it implements presentation semantic support for the ttp:safeCropArea attribute.

E.1.137 #showBackground

A TTML transformation processor supports the #showBackground feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming all defined values of the tts:showBackground attribute.

A TTML presentation processor supports the #showBackground feature if it implements presentation semantic support for all defined values of the tts:showBackground attribute.

E.1.138 #source

A TTML transformation processor supports the #source feature if it recognizes and is capable of transforming the following vocabula