Design Notes for Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 2.0

W3C Working Draft 16 December 2010

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Liam R E Quin, W3C <liam at w3.org>
Jeff Caruso, Pageflex
Fabio Giannetti, HP
Tony Graham, Menteith Consulting
Angelo Di Iorio, University of Bologna
Xin (Edward) Jiang, Invited Expert
Liam Quin, W3C


The Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) has two parts:

  1. a language for transforming XML documents (XSLT), and

  2. an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting semantics (XSL-FO).

This document describes features and changes introduced for version 2.0 of the XSL-FO part of XSL.

Status of this Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

This document is a Working-Group Draft containing proposals for an eventual XSL-FO 2.0 Recommendation. Changes since the previous version can be found in Appendix A. Public feedback is solicited. The Working Group (actually the Formatting Objects Subgroup) is short of resources, and would be interested in organizations or individuals in a position to help us work on the Specification.

Comments on this document should be made using bugzilla, at bugzilla; comments can also be sent by email to xsl-editors@w3.org (see the public archive), and members of the XSL-FO Task Force will enter them into bugzilla; see www.w3.org/XML/2008/xsl-fo-bugzilla.html for instructions on using bugzilla to report issues.

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

This document has been produced as part of the W3C XML Activity by the XSL Working Group.

General public discussion of XSL takes place on the XSL-List and on the www-xsl-fo@w3.org mailing lists; the www-xsl-fo list is probaby most appropriate for general questions about the 2.0 work.

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and Overview
2 Pagination and Layout
    2.1 Non-rectangular areas
        2.1.1 fo:page-master
        2.1.2 fo:shape
        2.1.3 fo:region
        2.1.4 fo:shape-name-specifier
        2.1.5 fo:shape-path-specifier
        2.1.6 fo:shape-background-specifier
        2.1.7 fo:shape-border-specifier
        2.1.8 Common Wrap Properties
    2.2 Copyfitting
        2.2.1 Summary
        2.2.2 Copyfit: basic approach and definitions
        2.2.3 Copyfit Examples
        2.2.4 Content Adjusting Strategies
        2.2.5 Objects and properties for copyfit
   Value list simplification
    2.3 Initial Caps
        2.3.1 Initial Caps
    2.4 Marginalia
        2.4.1 Extension Regions
   The extension-region-start Region
   The extension-region-end Region
        2.4.2 Formatting Objects for Marginalia
    2.5 Vertical Positioning
        2.5.1 Feathering
        2.5.2 Correlating vertical position
        2.5.3 Vertical alignment within a page or column
        2.5.4 Vertical alignment specific for the last column
        2.5.5 Vertical justification across pages and columns
        2.5.6 display-align
        2.5.7 display-align-last
    2.6 Tables and Lists
        2.6.1 Decimal Alignment
        2.6.2 Table header/footer on boundaries
   Split tables
   Repeat contents of split spanned cell
   Cell borders extending beyond the table
       3.5.1 Considerations
   Adjacent borders
   Borders on break
   Spanning cell over all row and columns
        2.6.3 Columns
   Example of Columns
        2.6.4 Layout master set
   Interleaving layout-master set
       Formatting Objects Summary
       "Declarations and Pagination and Layout Formatting Objects" introduction
   Change master every n pages
        2.6.5 Spreads
       Would also affect text in:
        2.6.6 Bleeds and Trim
   bleed-box, trim-box
    2.7 Side by Side
        2.7.1 flow-map-dependency-reference
        2.7.2 Common Dependencies Properties for Formatting Objects
   Content Boundaries Stacking Control
        2.7.3 Widow and Orphan Management
    2.8 Numbering
        2.8.1 fo:number
        2.8.2 name
        2.8.3 level
        2.8.4 reset-level
        2.8.5 initial-value
        2.8.6 interval
        2.8.7 reset-value
        2.8.8 display-when
        2.8.9 display-position
        2.8.10 number-align
        2.8.11 number-area-extend
        2.8.12 text-align
        2.8.13 text-decoration
        2.8.14 font-family
        2.8.15 font-size
        2.8.16 font-style
        2.8.17 font-weight
        2.8.18 color
        2.8.19 background-color
        2.8.20 format
        2.8.21 decimal-format
        2.8.22 letter-value
        2.8.23 ordinal
        2.8.24 country
        2.8.25 language
        2.8.26 grouping-separator
        2.8.27 grouping-size
        2.8.28 Arbitrary Object Numbering
    2.9 fo:retrieve-number
        2.9.1 name
        2.9.2 value
        2.9.3 Other Properties
    2.10 fo:decimal-format
    2.11 Examples
3 Expressions
4 Inheritance
5 Composition
    5.1 Improved font support
    5.2 Force line justification
        5.2.1 last-line-minimum-deficit
        5.2.2 hyphenation-permitted-minimum-deficit
    5.3 Alignment around breaks
        5.3.1 text-align-before-break
        5.3.2 text-align-after-break
    5.4 hanging-punctuation
    5.5 Tabs and tab stops
        5.5.1 tab-stops
        5.5.2 tab-alignment-character
    5.6 Word and letter spacing
        5.6.1 word-spacing-critical-length
    5.7 Hyphenation and line breaking
        5.7.1 hyphenation-push-syllable-count
        5.7.2 hyphenation-remain-syllable-count
        5.7.3 syllable-widows
        5.7.4 hyphenation-exceptions
        5.7.5 word-widows
        5.7.6 min-length-of-last-line
6 Further improved non-Western language support
    6.1 Ruby
        6.1.1 Ruby and Areas
        6.1.2 Ruby Formatting Objects
        6.1.3 Ruby Properties
        6.1.4 Block and Line-related Properties
7 Images
    7.1 Images
        7.1.1 Rotate an image by arbitrary amounts
        7.1.2 Callouts
        7.1.3 Multi-page images
8 Color Support
9 Collaboration with SVG
    9.1 Masks
    9.2 Rotation and Transformations
10 Other changes


A Changes since last publication
B References
    B.1 Normative References
    B.2 Other References
C List of properties (Non-Normative)
D Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)

1 Introduction and Overview

This document describes initial design notes for version 2.0 of the Formatting Object (FO) part of the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). The final document will be a complete specification, but the early Working Drafts, including this one, give only design notes and discussion of new features and changes.

There are a number of open issues in this document; please let us (the XSL-FO subgroup of the XSL Working Group) know if you have comments on them, using bugzilla: see the Status section at the start of this document for instructions.

2 Pagination and Layout

2.1 Non-rectangular areas


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.1.1

Add support for non-rectangular areas wherever appropriate. This is for areas where the content needs to be flowed inside an non-rectangular shape.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.1.2

Run text on a path including flowing from one path to another. This goes further than simply including SVG, as we're also supporting the line breaking rules that XSL-FO provides. Text should be able to flow from one line to the next line of the multiline paths but it needs to be explicitly specified what each line of the path is, as we do not intend to stack paths automatically. The intent is to apply the normal line building properties to text on a path.

(This draft does not yet address this requirement)


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.1.2

Add support for runarounds or intrusions (text flowing around illustrations, regions and other objects). This is related to effects obtained by overlapping areas of either rectangular or non-rectangular shape in any suitable combination, but it doesn't really require non-rectangular areas.

Allow one object to intrude into another.

Support intrusions into all 4 sides

Support specifying pull-quotes without the need to repeat the content of the pull-quote. This is related to Generalized markers [and will be addressed in that section]

Support cut-outs

The objects (both the intruder as well as the object intruded upon) may be of arbitrary shape

Allow users to specify the relations between the objects that are impacted by the intrusion

For non-rectangular areas, XSL-FO 2.0 uses shapes expressed in SVG [SVG]. Regions and block containers can have associated shapes.

Intrusions and cut-outs are seen as two ways of looking at one shape affecting another, and are both modeled as intrusions.

Relative priority between shapes is handled using the z-index property.

2.1.1 fo:page-master

Common Usage:

The fo:page-master is used in the generation of pages and specifies the geometry of the page. The page may be subdivided into an arbitrary number of regions, each called an fo:region.


The fo:page-master formatting object generates no area directly. It is used in the generation of pages by an fo:page-sequence.

When the fo:page-master is used to generate a page, a viewport/reference pair is generated, consisting of a page-viewport-area and a page-reference-area. The page-viewport-area represents the physical bounds of the output medium. The page-reference-area represents the portion of the page on which content is intended to appear; that is, the area inside the page margins.

In addition, when the fo:page-master is used to generate a page, viewport/reference pairs that correspond to the regions that are the children of the fo:page-master are also generated.

A large shape called Region A is filled with text, and has z-index of zero. A smaller shape, called region B, wholly contained within region A, also contains text (coloured red).  Region B has a z-index of 1, so that the text in region A is pushed away from it.  If both regions had the same z-index, the text would ovelap. A third region, region C (coloured green) has z-index of 2, and forces the text in the other two regions to avoid it.

Figure 1. The z-index property. A large shape called Region A is filled with text, and has z-index of zero. A smaller shape, called region B, wholly contained within region A, also contains text (coloured red). Region B has a z-index of 1, so that the text in region A is pushed away from it. If both regions had the same z-index, the text would ovelap. A third region, region C (coloured green) has z-index of 2, and forces the text in the other two regions to avoid it.

Trait Derivation:

Same as fo:simple-page-master


Same as fo:simple-page-master


The following properties apply to this formatting object:

[7.10 Common Margin Properties-Block]

[7.xx.1 "bleed-box"]

[7.25.8 "master-name"]

[7.25.13 "page-height"]

[7.25.15 "page-width"]

[7.20.3 "reference-orientation"]

[7.xx.2 "trim-box"]

[7.27.7 "writing-mode"]

2.1.2 fo:shape

Common Usage:

Used in constructing a shape outline. This object defines a shape using a child from a SVG Documents to describe the region's shape. The permitted structure of this child is that defined for that namespace.

The definition of the shape using the fo:shape permits the shape re-use among different regions similarly to the concept of page-masters.

The fo:shape may define background, border and padding properties. These are applied to the SVG shape's path. In the case the SVG shape already defines a border (using the stroke attribute) and/or a background (using a fill attribute) the fo properties are overimposed to the SVG document.


The fo:shape object has a child from an SVG Document to describe a region's shape. The permitted structure of this child is that defined by SVG [SVG].

Example 1: Path based shape

<fo:shape shape-name="trapezoid">
	        <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	          <svg:path d="M ... z " />

	      <fo:shape shape-name="free-hand">
	        <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	          <svg:path d="M ... z" />

Example 2: Showing border, padding and background.

<fo:shape shape-name="circle" 
	              border-width="2pt" border-color="black"
	        <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	          <circle cx="250" cy="250" r="200"/>
Text is set inside a circle, with a border a short distance from the text; around the circle is a square, just large enough to contain the circular border and the text inside it. The square is the region bounding box.

Figure 2. The bounding box of a shaped region is the smallest rectangle that completely contains the shape, and is here called the region bounding-box. The border and padding follow the outline of the shape itself.

The following properties apply to this formatting object:

[7.10 Common Margin Properties-Block]

[7.xx.1 "bleed-box"]

[7.25.8 "master-name"]

[7.25.13 "page-height"]

[7.25.15 "page-width"]

[7.20.3 "reference-orientation"]

[7.xx.2 "trim-box"]

[7.27.7 "writing-mode"]

2.1.3 fo:region

Common Usage:

Used in constructing a page-master, the behavior of each fo:region is similar to the behavior of fo:region-body of XSL-FO 1.1. A region specifies a viewport/reference pair that is located in an absoulte position within the fo:page-master. The "overflow"trait controls how much of the underlying region-reference-area is visible; that is, whether the region-reference-area is clipped by its parent region-viewport-area.

The fo:region may be divided into multiple columns. When the column-count trait is greater than one the region will be subdivided into multiple columns.


Same as fo:region-body

Trait Derivation:

Same as fo:region-body


Same as fo:region-body



The following properties apply to this formatting object:

[7.5 Common Absolute Position Properties]

[7.7 Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties]

[7.10 Common Margin Properties-Block]

[7.1x Common Wrap Properties]

[7.20.1 "clip"]

[7.25.2 "column-count"]

[7.25.3 "column-gap"]

[7.13.4 "display-align"]

[ 7.15.6 "height"]

[7.20.2 "overflow"]

[7.25.17 "region-name"]

[7.20.3 "reference-orientation"]

[7.15.14 "width"]

[7.27.7 "writing-mode"]

[7.28.9 "z-index"]

The shape assignment model allows a region to point to one or more regions that are used to define:

content path: where the region's content is bound to wrap

wrapping path: where the region's intruded content is bound to wrap around

border: one or more shapes used to define a border that is beyond standard FO border capabilities or it is designed ad-hoc

background: one or more shapes used to define a background effect that is beyond standard FO background capabilities

Shape assignment model illustration

Figure 3. Shape assignment model illustration.

Example 3. Full Shape and Region use and re-use.

	        <fo:shape shape-name="hexagon"> 
	          <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	            <svg:path d="M ... z " />

	        <fo:shape shape-name="intruder-bag"> 
	          <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	            <svg:path d="M ... z " />

	        <fo:shape shape-name="border-bag"> 
	          <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	            <svg:path d="M ... z " />

	        <fo:shape shape-name="bag"> 
	          <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	            <svg:path d="M ... z " />

	          page-height="11in" page-width="8.5in"
	          margin-top="3pt" margin-bottom="3pt" 
	          margin-left="3pt" margin-right="3pt">

	            top="0.8636in" left="1.125in"
	            width="10in" height="12in"

	              width="100%" height="100%"
	              display-align="center" />

	              width="100%" height="100%"
	              display-align="center" />

	              width="100%" height="100%"
	              display-align="center" />

	              width="80%" height="80%"
	              top="6in" left="6in" />

	              width="60%" height="60%"
	              top="4in" left="4in" />

	              width="40%" height="40%"
	              top="2in" left="2in" />

	              width="20%" height="20%"
	              top="1in" left="1in" />



2.1.8 Common Wrap Properties

The common wrap properties are used to express the runaround interaction between regions. Regions interact based on their z-index values. Regions with higher z-index are considered overlapping regions with lower z-index. wrap-side

XSL Definition:

Value:all | start | end | inside | outside | largest | smallest
Applies to:fo:region

The "wrap-side" property indicates what strategy should be applied for the runaround.

Values have the following meanings:


This is the default behavior. Runaround is performed, if possible, on both sides of the intruding area.


The run-around is performed only in the start side of the intruding area.


The runaround is performed only in the end side of the intruding area.


The runaround is performed only in the inside of the intruded area. The inside is the side nearer to the spread "spine". The spread spine is considered the contact line between the two pages forming the spread. If the region is not part of a spread the inside value is interpreted as nearest to the binding edge, as for text-align.


The runaround is performed only in the outside of the intruded area. The outside is determined as elsewhere, e.g. text-align.


The runaround is performed only in the largest area available as result of the intrusion.


The runaround is performed only in the smallest area available as result of the intrusion.

2.2 Copyfitting


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.1.4

Add support for copyfitting, for example to shrink or grow content (change properties of text, line-spacing, ...) to make it constrain to a certain area. This is going to be managed by a defined set of properties, and in the stylesheet it will be possible to define the preference and priority for which properties should be changed. That list of properties that can be used for copyfitting is going to be defined.

Additionally, multiple instances of alternative content can be provided to determine best fit.

This includes copyfitting across a given number of pages, regions, columns etc, for example to constrain the number of pages to 5 pages.

Add the ability to keep consistency in the document, e.g. when a specific area is copyfitted with 10 pt fonts, all other similar text should be the same.

2.2.3 Copyfit Examples

Let us first consider two flows A and B that go into two distinct regions R1 and R2, as defined in the following XSL-FO excerpt:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
    <fo:page-master master-name="sample1" page-height="11in" page-width="8.5in" margin-top="3pt"
        margin-bottom="3pt" margin-left="3pt" margin-right="3pt">
        <fo:region  region-name="R1" 
        <fo:region  region-name="R2" 

    <fo:flow-map flow-map-name="M1">
                <fo:flow-name-specifier flow-name-reference="A"/>
                <fo:region-name-specifier region-name-reference="R1"/>
                <fo:flow-name-specifier flow-name-reference="B"/>
                <fo:region-name-specifier region-name-reference="R2"/>

    <fo:page-sequence force-page-count="1" flow-map-reference="M1">
        <fo:flow flow-name="A">
            <fo:block> Lorem maecenas blandit ac, neque sed ut pulvinar, lectus sagittis 
            sapien per risus vel.  Ligula sapien sed morbi cras tellus commodo. Si qua ex 
             docet dei etris crucis</fo:block>
            <fo:block> curabitur magna nisi, faucibus sed ornare sed, congue eu dui. 
             Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malessecularia uada                     
             fames ac turpis egestas. </fo:block>
            <fo:block> Nunc sit amet dolor sed sem congue mattis sed ut arcu. Mauris id
             magna sit amet elit aliquam.</fo:block>
            <fo:block>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
        <fo:flow flow-name="B">
            <fo:block>Crucis rosa ut hoc sien qua non res veni.</fo:block>
            <fo:block> Etiam tristique, nulla a pulvinar hendrerit nihil tortor urna auctor etim
                domine secularia cali sed ut quotie ire in domince hoc fantus quis eius rei rei.

The property display-align is added to the element "fo:region" to activate copyfit for region R1. No copyfit is activated on region R2 since the property display-align has value "before". Note also that the property force-page-count of the element "fo:page-sequence" states that the overall content has to be copyfitted in one page. Finally, the property adjustable-properties lists those XSL-FO properties that can be modified to copyfit text.

The expected result is shown below:

A page contains two regions; the first, R1, is full of text in red; the second, R2, is about half-full with the rest of the text, in black.

Figure 14. Expected result of copyfit example.

The same flows and regions are expected to produce a different output, when the flow-map M2 is used instead:

In this case, the two flows go into region R1 and then region R2. If the properties display-align does not change, the expected result is the following:

A page contains two regions; the first, R1, is full of text in red; the second, R2, starts with a continuation of the red text; this text is followed by the black text.

Figure 15. Expected result of copyfit example with display-align = before.

The expected result is different when either the property "display-align" of region R2 is set to "justify":

In fact, both the regions end up being copyfitted as shown below:

A page contains two regions; the first, R1, is full of text in red; the second, R2, starts with a continuation of the red text; this text is followed by the black text, and is stretched to fill the region.

Figure 16. Expected result of copyfit example with display-align = justify.

When the formatter is expected to produce as many pages as needed (for instance, by setting the property force-page-count to "no-force"), the property display-align is used to activate vertical justification. The property display-align-last is then used to set the vertical alignment of the last page.

Let us consider the following example, where only one region R1 and one flow A are declared:

The values of the properties display-align and display-align-last of the element "fo:region-body" require the formatter to produce the following output:

Three pages of text; the first two are full, and the third is partially filled.

By setting the property display-align-last to "justify", the last page is also vertically justified:

Three pages of text; all three are full

Note also that this case can be easily generalized for the case of multiple flows going into the same region.

The formatter is expected to copyfit text in a given number of pages when the property force-page-count is set to an integer value. Consider for instance the previous declaration of "fo:region-body" changed into:

The formatter is now expected to produce the following result:

Two pages of text; both are full

The last page is vertically justified since the property display-align-last is set to "justify". By changing that property, user can obtain the same number of pages without imposing the last one to be completely filled.

A more complex example is shown below, summarizing multiple cases:

Two pages each with two regions

2.2.4 Content Adjusting Strategies

XSL-FO provides a general mechanism to express strategies for copyfitting or vertical justification. The overall approach is flexible and independent on the formatting task and may be applied to other contexts in the future.

An "adjustable properties list" is an ordered sequence of properties names (or group of names) that a formatter is allowed to modify to format the content. In fact, such lists are used to drive copyfitting, vertical justification and feathering. The order of the names in the list follows the priority rules described below.

Adjustable properties lists can be associated with fo:objects using the property adjustable-properties.

It is important to note that the “adjustable-properties list” only states the strategy to format the content and does not define the actual property ranges the application is allowed to modify. These are instead expressed (as in an XSL-FO 1.1 document) throughout the flow and its descendant formatting objects: this provides a great expressing power in a simple way, as, for example, it allows for different fo:block elements to have different adjusting properties.

For example: adjustable-properties=”space-before word-spacing” means that the application is allowed to modify the actual value of the space-before and word-spacing properties. Although the “adjustable-properties” property is defined in the fo:flow-assignment object, the variations are defined in the “space-before” and “word-spacing” properties of the blocks within the actual flow. In most cases values of these properties are actually inherithed. The application should try to adjust the text by choosing appropriate values for the space-before traits (using a value either greater or smaller that the .optimum one but still between the relevant .minimum and .maximum) of each block.

In fact, many FO properties (dating back to the initial XSL-FO specification) can be given a length range value, expressed using a .minimum, .optimum and .maximum components; others (allowed-height-scale, allowed-width-scale) can be given a list of numeric values; font-family can be given a list of values.

A property having a range value can create some elasticity: the dimensions of the areas generated by the affected formatting objects can stretch or shrink from an optimal value. An FO subtree is said to have inline elasticity if there are properties involved in the line building process that have some degree of elasticity; similarly, an FO subtree is said to have block elasticity if there are properties involved in the block stacking process that have some degree of elasticity. It should be noted that a length range in an inline-related property can involve both inline and block elasticity (as, for example, a variation in word-spacing may result in the creation of fewer or more lines), while a range in a block-related property only creates block elasticity.

The presence of some elasticity is the first condition to adjust content (for copyfitting or vertical justification). Properties with range or list values, in fact, can be adjusted in order to achieve the expected result.

On the other hand, elasticity does not automatically imply that content will be formatted as expected. It may happen that properties listed in “adjustable properties list” do not have elasticity while other do. In that case the formatter cannot achieve the expected result and should warn the user.

If properties listed in the “adjustable properties list” do have elasiticy but the formatter is not able to achieve the expected result – because of syntax errors, limitated support of required strategies, etc. – the formatter should warn the user too.

An example of copyfit declaration and application is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
    <fo:page-master master-name="sample1" page-height="11in" page-width="8.5in" margin-top="3pt"
        margin-bottom="3pt" margin-left="3pt" margin-right="3pt">
        <fo:region  region-name="R1" 
        <fo:region  region-name="R2" 

    <fo:flow-map flow-map-name="M1">
                <fo:flow-name-specifier flow-name-reference="A"/>
                <fo:region-name-specifier region-name-reference="R1"/>
                <fo:flow-name-specifier flow-name-reference="B"/>
                <fo:region-name-specifier region-name-reference="R2"/>

<fo:page-sequence force-page-count="1" flow-map-reference="M1">
    <fo:flow flow-name="A">
        <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt"> 
            Lorem maecenas blandit ac, neque sed ut pulvinar, lectus sagittis 
            sapien per risus vel.  Ligula sapien sed morbi cras tellus commodo. 
            Si qua ex docet dei etris crucis</fo:block>
            <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt"> curabitur 
            magna nis, faucibus sed ornare sed, congue eu dui. 
            Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et 
            malessecularia uada fames ac turpis egestas. </fo:block>
        <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt"> Nunc sit amet dolor 
            sed sem congue mattis sed ut arcu. Mauris id magna sit amet elit aliquam.</fo:block>
        <fo:block>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
    <fo:flow flow-name="B">
        <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt">Crucis rosa ut 
            hoc sien qua non res veni.</fo:block>
        <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt"> Etiam tristique, 
            nulla a pulvinar hendrerit nihil tortor urna auctor etim
            domine secularia cali sed ut quotie ire in domince hoc fantus quis eius rei rei.

The two regions R1 and R2 use different strategies to copyfit. Flow A is copyfitted into region R1 by only adjusting the word-space of each block (that will be a value between 1pt and 4pt), while flow B is copyfitted into region R2 by adjusting line-height of each block (that will be a value between 8pt and 14pt).

Notice again that the declaration of the strategies for copyfitting is completely disconnected from the declaration of the copyfit itself.

2.2.5 Objects and properties for copyfit Priority

Items in the simplified value list are given a decresing priority: the first item's priority is greater than that of the second one, and so on; values between parenthesis have the same priority. The application has to respect this priority assignment while adjusting properties:

  1. Definition: The [Definition: active properties set] is the set of properties whose value the application is allowed to choose at a certain time during the adjustment process; initially, the active properties set contains the values of the first priority group;

  2. The application has to check whether it is possible to adjust the content using the current active properties set (choosing an appropriate value between their .minimum and .maximum, or among the available values)

  3. if there is a way to adjust the content, the output should reflect that particular choice of values without changing the other properties (e.g. using their .optimum values); otherwise, the next priority group should be added to the active properties set.

Points to note:

  1. The described behaviour follows an incremental approach rather than a combinatorial one; in other words, the number of attempts the application could need to perform is linear in the size of the property list, instead of growing exponentially.

  2. The main aim of the prioritized property list is for the user to be sure that some properties will be adjusted (moving away from their optimal value) only “as a last resort”; this confidence allows the users to give many properties a length range value without fearing for the resulting quality of the output.

  3. At any given moment during the adjustment process, the application has complete freedom concerning the use of the available elasticity (coming from the active properties at that moment); in other words, it is not forced by this specification to exhaust the elasticity of a property before using the one of a different property. fo:alternative-copyfit-content

Common Usage:

The fo:alternative-copyfit-content formatting obiect is intended to express alternative content for copyfit.

It might be a child of a fo:flow object (when copyfitting content into a region) or fo:block-container or fo:table-cell (when copyfitting content in block-containers or table cells).


The fo:alternative-copyfit-conten formatting object does not generate any areas. The fo:alternative-copyfit-content formatting object returns the areas generated and returned by its children.



<fo:flow flow-name="A">
        <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt">Crucis rosa ut 
            hoc sien qua non res veni.</fo:block>
        <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt"> Etiam tristique, 
            nulla a pulvinar hendrerit nihil tortor urna auctor etim
            domine secularia cali sed ut quotie ire in domince hoc fantus quis eius rei rei.

        <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt"> 
            Lorem maecenas blandit ac, neque sed ut pulvinar, lectus sagittis 
            sapien per risus vel.  Ligula sapien sed morbi cras tellus commodo. 
            Si qua ex docet dei etris crucis</fo:block>
            <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt"> curabitur 
            magna nis, faucibus sed ornare sed, congue eu dui. 
            Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et 
            malessecularia uada fames ac turpis egestas. </fo:block>
        <fo:block word-spacing.minimum="1pt" word-spacing.maximum="4pt" 
            line-height.minimum="8pt" line-height.maximum="14pt"> Nunc sit amet dolor 
            sed sem congue mattis sed ut arcu. Mauris id magna sit amet elit aliquam.</fo:block>
        <fo:block>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada

The following properties apply to this formatting object:

2.3 Initial Caps

2.3.1 Initial Caps


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.1.7

Add support for raised initial capitals and n-line dropped capitals. This includes support for the first n characters.

Large initial capital letters are often used for the first paragraph of a new section or chapter. Many scripts have precise alignment conventions for how the initial letter should be positioned relative to the text in the paragraph.

There are three main types of initial letter.

The first of these is called a [raised initial]; it is set in a larger size then the main text, and space must be left for it in the block direction. No special support is needed for raised initials, as an fo:inline can be used with an increased font-size.

The second sort is a margin initial; it protrudes into the margin in the inline direction, and is often larger than the paragraph text. This is treated as a special case of the third sort of initial capital, because of its vertical alignment requirements.

The third sort of initial letter is often called a drop capital (often abbreviated to "drop cap"). The initial letter is large enough that it extends in the block direction to the Nth following baseline; the drop capital in Figure 21 is sized such that its baseline aligns with the baseline of the fourth line of text in the paragraph, and the top aligns with the cap-height on the first line; this is called a 4-line drop cap.

A paragraph of text starting with the word Decorative, in which the D is large, and extends down so that its baseline is the same as that of the fourth line of text in the paragraph, and the top of the D is aligned with the tops of the capital letters in the first line of text.

Figure 21. Sample Paragraph Starting With Four-Line Drop Capital.

Several properties are used on an "fo:inline" element as follows: initial-cap-lines

XSL Definition:

Value:<number> | <distance>
Applies to:fo:inline
Percentages:refer to inherited font size

This property specifies the number of lines spanned by the initial letter.

A value of 1.0 would indicate a regular-sized letter, and a value of 4 would indicate that the first character (or glyph) contained in the "fo:inline" bearing this property must be sized such that its baseline is aligned with the baseline of the 4th line of the containing block, and the cap-height aligned with the cap-height of the first line.

For a vertical script, the corresponding leading and trailing alignments points must be used.

If a distance is given instead of a unitless number, it is to be used instead of computing the distance in terms of line heights; in this case the formatter is not expected to guarantee alignment of the baseline of the initial with that of the nearest text baseline.

Open issue: 7562

An alternative design for initial caps and the initial-cap-lines property would be to say that the value of "auto" for font-size would mean that the font-size was computed from the number of lines.

If the "fo:inline" should happen to format to more than one glyph, the second and subsequent glyphs should be drawn at the same size as the first, even if after line-breaking this results in the first character no longer aligning with the fourth baseline.

If the value is negative, an implementation MAY interpret it as as "dropping" backwards (e.g. upwards for horizontal top-to-bottom scripts).

A non-integral value represents a proportion, so that a value of 3.5 would indicate that the initial should be half-way between the baselines of the third and fourth lines of text.

A value of zero MUST taken to be the same as the default value of 1.0, and is in effect ignored.

If the containing block does not have enough content to span the given number of lines, the initial SHOULD be formatted as if there was enough content, and the size of the initial cap MUST then be included in the block-direction dimension of the block.

If there is not enough room left in the column, page or region, the initial must be taken onto the next page along with the text.

When the "initial-cap-lines" property is set on a formatting object that is not at the start of the block, any preceding text should be pushed out into the margin; this is often used for quote marks. initial-cap-lines-before

XSL Definition:

Value:<number> | <distance>
Applies to:fo:inline
Percentages:Not applicable.

Sometimes an initial capital extends before the start of the text as well as perhaps continuing for several lines.

The "initial-cap-lines-before" property indicates that the initial is to be formatted at a size such that it protrudes in the block-direction to the given distance or number of lines.

Figure 22 shows a Greek initial capital that protrudes above the first line (as measured from the cap height of the first line of text) as well as extending below it.

A value of zero indicates that the leading edge of the initial is to align exactly with that of capital letters in the regular text size.

If the value is negative, an implementation MAY interpret it as as "dropping" forwards.

Open issue: 7563

Need a clear description of margins, spacing, and initial caps

2.4 Marginalia


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.2.3

Add support for marginalia.


Note: this section needs to be revised in the light of the new general fo:region

2.4.1 Extension Regions

The region-body has two extension-regions, called extension-region-start and extension-region-end, which implicitly specify corresponding reference-areas called "start-marginalia-reference-area" and "end-marginalia-reference-area".

The extent in the inline-direction of each extension-region is indicated in the "extent" attribute of the "fo:extension-region-*" declaration, while the block-dimension of the area is the same of the region-body.

Figure 23 shows the current XSL-FO 1.1 page model extended to also include these regions.

marginalia diagram

Figure 23. Extending the page XSL-FO 1.1 model to include extensions regions

An example declaration of these regions is shown below:

The element "fo:extension-region-*" also defines other properties of the region such as border, padding, background, etc.

It is an error if a marginalia is contained in a page whose "fo:simple-page-master" does not contain any "fo:extension-region" declaration.

Open issue: 7564

Should users be able to direct marginalia to another region, or only to a predefined marginalia area?

Open issue: 7565

Extension regions may be confusing on a single page master. So far everything is computed relative to the beginning of the page. What about using multiple region bodies of XSL-FO 1.1? That solution would give users more freedom but would require them to impose alignment constraint among regions.

Open issue: 7566

The spec needs to clarify the relation between marginalia and footnotes. In particular, we need to decide whether the marginalia areas can collapse if there's no marginalia. Do we want such a dynamic behavior? There is a note in the requirement document about marginalia and footnotes but it seems to be mainly related to numbering issues.

2.4.2 Formatting Objects for Marginalia fo:marginalia

Common Usage:

The fo:marginalia formatting obiect is intended to be used to produce marginalia, positioned in a separate area external to the start-edge or end-edge of the region-body.


The fo:marginalia formatting object does not generate any areas. The fo:marginalia formatting object returns the areas generated and returned by its child fo:inline formatting object. The fo:inline element is optional.

If the fo:inline is empty, the fo:marginalia object does not generate any area.

Additionally the fo:marginalia formatting object returns the block-areas with area class "xsl-marginalia" generated by its fo:marginalia-body child. The areas with area-class "xsl-marginalia" are placed as children of the marginalia-reference-area in the corresponding extension region.


An fo:marginalia is not permitted to have an fo:marginalia, fo:float, fo:footnote, or fo:marker as a descendant. Additionally, an fo:marginalia is not permitted to have as a descendant an fo:block-container that generates an absolutely positioned area.

The term "marginalia-body-area" is defined to mean the first area generated and returned by the fo:marginalia-body, child of the fo:marginalia.

The term "anchor-area" is defined to mean the line area parent of the area generated by the fo:inline child of the fo:marginalia. If the fo:marginalia does not generate any area, the anchor-area is the previous line area in the pre-order visit of the area tree.

These terms are used to specify how to align a marginalia with the text it refers to, setting the "marginalia-relative-align" property. See details below.


The following properties apply to this formatting object: fo:marginalia-body

Common Usage:

The fo:marginalia-body is used to generate the marginalia content.


The fo:marginalia-body generates and returns one or more block-level areas with area-class "xsl-marginalia". The areas with area-class "xsl-marginalia" are placed as children of the marginalia-reference-area in the corresponding extension region.


The fo:marginalia-body is only permitted as a child of an fo:marginalia.

The position of a marginalia in the page (i.e., the corresponding marginalia-reference-area) is indicated in the "marginalia-destination-area" attribute of the "fo:marginalia formatting object."

Areas with area-class equal to "xsl-marginalia "are defined to be "stackable", indicating that they are supposed to be stacked, in the block-direction within their marginalia-reference-area. In addition a "special stacking rule" has to be applied for placing marginalia in the marginalia-reference-area.

The term "marginalia-body-area" is defined to mean the first area generated and returned by the fo:marginalia-body. The term "anchor-area" is defined to mean the line area parent of the area generated by the fo:inline child of the fo:marginalia. If the fo:marginalia does not generate any area, the anchor-area is the previous line area in the pre-order visit of the area tree.

The offset of the before-edge of the marginalia-body-area from the before-edge of the marginalia-reference-area cannot be smaller than the offset of the before-edge of the anchor-area from the before-edge of the region-reference-area. This constraint makes marginalia anchored to the text they refer to.

The "marginalia-relative-align"property of the fo:marginalia formatting object allows users to further specify the alignment of a marginalia with the text it refers to.

The following properties apply to this formatting object:

Common accessibility properties; id; index-class; index-key.

2.5 Vertical Positioning

A general comment: vertical positioning (and justification) is connected to regions and columns, and the interaction between them, and that work is not yet complete. In addition, the term Vertical in this section should be taken to mean block-direction.

2.5.2 Correlating vertical position


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Add support for correlating vertical position so that lines of text on two adjacent pages, columns or regions are visually next to each other. Also support alignment of the two sides of the same sheet, so that the lines of text on the back side and front side of the sheet are aligned. Note that this requirement is different from optical alignment. The problem arises if pages/columns contain objects whose height is different than the normal line-height. Some space must be added before/after those objects in order to adjust the layout.

To address this we introduce a new property that specifies a "normalized line height" that must be used as an atomic unit of height. That property specifies a length that the block -dimension of each generated area must be a multiple of. Spaces are added before/after each generated area in order to adjust the block-dimension. In a multi-column region, the same value is used for all columns.

A provisional name is "block-unit", whose value is a length. block-unit

XSL Definition:

Applies to:fo:region-body, fo:region-before, fo:region-after, fo:region-start, fo:region-end, fo:block-container
Percentages:Not applicable.

When this property is set and non-zero, the block dimension of each generated area must be rounded up to the nearest multiple of the property value.

A value of zero means that there is no such constraint on the area block dimension.

The block dimension of each generated area should be rounded up to the nearest greater value that is an integer multiple of the specified length. The difference between the original block dimension and the rounded one MUST be transformed into a space-before and / or a space-after (according to the area position and the space conditionality).

For example, suppose that a region has block-unit="12pt". Each block <fo:block line-height="10pt" line-stacking-strategy="font-height" >Text ......</fo:block> will have a block dimension equal to N * 12pt (the block dimension of each line area is not changed). So, if the block creates eight line areas, the first two placed at the bottom of a page and the other six at the beginning of the next page, the first block area will be given a block dimension equal to 24pt (with a 4pt space-before) and the second block will have a 60pt block dimension with no extra space.

The property applies to fo:region-* and fo:block-container, and defines how to adjust the block dimension of the first-level block formatting objects (the direct children of either fo:flow or fo:static-content).

The intended consequence is that lines of text on facing pages will line up, and also that show-through of lines printed on the other side of a page will be reduced, because the lines of text are printed in corresponding places on each side of the paper.

2.5.3 Vertical alignment within a page or column


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Add support for vertical alignment, such as centering the content of the columns or aligning to the bottom within pages, regions or columns.


This section does not yet take new work on columns (elsewhere in this document) into account.

For this, we use the existing "display-align" property:

In a multi-column region the same value is used for all columns, apart from the last one (specified with the property "display-align-last-column").

Applies to: fo:region-body, fo:region-before, fo:region-after, fo:region-start, fo:region-end and fo:block-container.


Property "display-align" also applies to: fo:external-graphic, fo:instream-foreign-object, fo:inline-container, and fo:table-cell. A similar issue exists for vertical justification.

2.5.5 Vertical justification across pages and columns


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Add support for adjusting properties to do vertical justification within a page, a region or a column, as well as across regions.

We extend the display-align property with a new value "justify".

It is also important to allow users to specify which properties should be modified in order to do vertical justification. Feathering is one of the possibilities. Other solutions might include widening or narrowing spaces before and after images and tables, stretching or compressing text, changing word-spacing, adjusting the character-spacing, or other strategies.

Thus, we propose the general approach of adjustable properties as described under ‘copyfitting’ and introduce a property adjustable-properties whose value is a list of properties that the formatter is allowed to change.


The display-align property also applies to fo:external-graphic, fo:instream-foreign-object and fo:inline-container.

2.5.6 display-align

XSL Definition:

Value:auto | before | center | after | inherit | justify

This property specifies the alignment, in the block-direction, of the areas that are the children of a reference-area.

Values have the following meanings:


If the relative-align property applies to this formatting object the "relative-align" property is used. If not, this value is treated as if "before" had been specified.


The before-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the first child area is placed coincident with the before-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area.


The child areas are placed such that the distance between the before-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the first child area and the before-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area is the same as the distance between the after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the last child area and the after-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area.


The after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the last child area is placed coincident with the after-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area.


For each reference area generated by a region, the before-edge of the its content-rectangle is placed coincident with the before-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the first child area, and the after-edge of the its content-rectangle should be placed coincident with the after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the last child area. If the application is not able to achieve copyfitting and the accumulated block-dimension of areas is less the the block-dimension of the reference area (which could happen either for lack of elasticity in the content or for partial support by the formatter), the areas are placed as if "auto" had been specified.

Note that for block-containers and table cells, the available space (height and width) must be known in advance in order for the implementation to be able to fit the text into that space.

2.5.7 display-align-last

XSL Definition:

Value:auto | before | center | after | inherit | justify

This property specifies in the block-direction, of the areas that are the children of a reference-area. It is used to express the alignment of a region in the last page or in any page ending with a forced break.

Values have the following meanings:


If the relative-align property applies to this formatting object the "relative-align" property is used. If not, this value is treated as if "before" had been specified.


The before-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the first child area is placed coincident with the before-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area.


The child areas are placed such that the distance between the before-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the first child area and the before-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area is the same as the distance between the after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the last child area and the after-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area.


The after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the last child area is placed coincident with the after-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area.


For each reference area generated by a region, the before-edge of the its content-rectangle is placed coincident with the before-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the first child area, and the after-edge of the its content-rectangle should be placed coincident with the after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the last child area. If the application is not able to achieve copyfitting and the accumulated block-dimension of areas is less the the block-dimension of the reference area (which could happen either for lack of elasticity in the content or for partial support by the formatter), the areas are placed as if "auto" had been specified.

2.6 Tables and Lists

2.6.1 Decimal Alignment


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

To improve decimal alignment, extend the character alignment in table cells to permit a specification of the horizontal position of the alignment point within the column.

Text alignment is ordinarily the same for all cells in a column, so the natural choice is to specify the "text-align" property on the fo:table-column and specify 'text-align="from-table-column()"' on all the fo:table-cell objects in that column. To specify a value other than the default for a specific fo:table-cell in the table-column, use that value in the "text-align" property.

The only accepted value for fo:table-column would be "left", "right", and "decimal" (newly added). When the value is "decimal", each cell's text is aligned on the decimal separator as determined by the locale setting, e.g. "." or ",". Considerations

In Microsoft Excel or spreadsheet, the alignment of text in a cell is usually done based on the data's type, e.g. alphabetic text is usually aligned to the left, numbers are usually aligned to the right, and Boolean values are usually aligned to the center. Do we also need to extend the "text-align" property to allow automatic alignment? Should decimal alignment could be a special case for number alignment?

Text in the cells with a single table may be numbers and strings with mixed fonts and properties. Do we also need to provide a guide of the fallback mechanism if the alignment point cannot be determined?

Consider a long table that has tens of thousands of rows. Aligning a column with decimal alignment will have huge impact on the performance on the rendering of the table, since the formatter must know the position of the decimal point in the cell in every row of the column before it can start to calculate the appropriate alignment for all the cells.

Also, inspired by the OASIS table model, should we add a new property only available for either table-cell or table-column called "text-align-charoff". This property would be used if and only if "text-align" is given a single-character string as its value. The value for the "text-align-charoff" property would be the same as the OASIS table model, i.e. specifying a percentage of current column width between the start-edge (as determined based on the "writing-mode") and the point at where the character is aligned. For example, the default value "50" would specify that the character is aligned at the center of the column.

2.6.2 Table header/footer on boundaries


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Be able to specify different instances of what the table header or footer should be depending on the different boundaries (page, column and region). This also would allow specifying that certain headers must be omitted at certain boundaries.

Similar to fo:page-sequence-master-alternatives and selecting page masters, provide new formatting objects for selecting alternative headers and footers for tables: fo:table-header-alternatives, fo:table-footer-alternatives, fo:conditional-table-header-reference, and fo:conditional-table-footer-reference.

fo:table-header-alternatives is a child object of fo:table-header. It doesn't have any properties.

fo:table-footer-alternatives is a child object of fo:table-footer. It does not have any properties.

fo:conditional-table-header-reference is a child of fo:table-header-alternatives. It has a header-position property.

fo:conditional-table-footer-reference is a child of fo:table-footer-alternatives. It has a footer-position property.

The valid values for both "header-position" and "footer-position" are "page", "column" and "region". If a fo:conditional-table-header or fo:conditional-footer-reference doesn't have "header/footer-position" property, it's the default reference for the table.

Sample XSL FO snippet:

	          <fo:conditional-table-header-reference header-position="page">
	            <fo:conditional-table-header-reference header-position="column">
	    </fo:table> Split tables


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Allow users to specify that tables can be split horizontally. It should be possible to have a column repeated when the table is split horizontally, by specifying a row header. There should be a way to keep the split parts visually next to each other depending on binding edge.

In case a table is split over multiple pages and both the rows and columns don’t fit a page, allow users to specify which table part comes out in which order (rows first or columns first).

When printing from spreadsheet applications, printing a table that overflows a single page as series of pages, usually with repeated header rows and columns, is common. Within XSL FO, overflow behavior is specified with the "overflow" property, but the XSL 1.1 "overflow" property has similar semantics to CSS and does not sufficiently handle overflow on tables. table-overflow

XSL Definition:

Value:paginate-column-first | paginate-row-first | auto
Applies to:fo:table
Percentages:Not applicable.

Values have the following meanings:


Paginate columns before rows


Paginate rows before columns.


This is the default behavior. The User Agent determines the pagination method.

The "table-overflow" property specifies the method for paginating a large table into multiple pages.

Open issue: 8860

Should other values of "overflow" property be allowed for the "table-overflow" property, e.g. "visible", "hidden", "scroll", and "error-if-overflow"?


Normally, we would expect the row header and the column header to be repeated during the pagination, but do we need to add another property to allow the user to override the default behavior or to suppress the behavior? Maybe table-omit-header-at-break and table-omit-footer-at-break apply to the alternatives and/or conditional references. Repeat contents of split spanned cell


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Allow users to specify that when a spanned cell in a table is split, the entire cell contents should be repeated on each table instance. This applies to splitting as well as spanning in the block-direction as well as the inline-direction.

In paged media, a table cell may be split, either vertically or horizontally or both, because another table cell in the same row or column overflows its available area. Additionally, a table cell that spans multiple rows or columns may be split because the rows or columns that it spans are paginated on separate pages.

Allow the "overflow" property to be applied to fo:table-cell and add the "repeat" value that applies only to fo:table-cell.

When the value is "repeat", the content of the fo:table-cell will be repeated on the next page. Cell borders extending beyond the table


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Allow the column lines to extend down or right the table to visually indicate that the table continues. When this happens, any vertical border should be extended beyond the bottom border for the last row or right column [on the page].

This applies to pagination of tables split vertically, horizontally or both vertically and horizontally.

XSL 2.0 defines the following properties: "border-break", "border-before-break", "border-after-break", "border-start-break" and "border-end-break". Their allowed values are: "auto", "hidden" and "extend".

When the value is "extend", the respective border is extended till the end of the area. Adjacent borders


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

When one formatting object is immediately preceding another in block-dimension, be able to specify what to do with their adjacent borders.

Allow the "border-collapse" property on other formatting objects in addition to fo:table-cell, e.g. fo:block and fo:inline. Borders on break


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Allow having different borders when a break occurs so that a formatting object is split, e.g. a cell that splits, have a thinner border for the split.

Define properties "border-break-style", "border-start-break-style", "border-end-break-style", "border-before-break-style", and "border-after-break-style". The properties' values are the same as for the "border-style" property, and the same border conflict resolution rules CSS border conflict resolution rules apply. Spanning cell over all row and columns


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

The current specification of XSL says that number-rows-spanned and number-columns-spanned should be a positive integer. Other specifications, such as HTML 4.01, allow 0 as a value, which means that all rows or columns of the current table section are spanned over. This behavior may be added to XSL 2.0, either by allowing 0 as a value, or some other solution.

Allow "0" as a value for the "number-rows-spanned" and "number-columns-spanned" properties, with the same semantics as for HTML 4.01 as described at http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#adef-colspan

Open issue: 8862

It would be better to use "all" as a value, but that is not compatible with HTML. Should we allow either?

2.6.3 Columns

XSL-FO 2.0 extends the multi-column facility of XSL-FO 2.1 by adding the ability to have columns of different widths, different colours, etc. and by allowing any fo:block-container to have columns.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Add support for column balancing.


Not yet addressed.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Add support for spanning over less than the total number of columns.


Not yet addressed.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Allow the span property to have effect when specified on formatting objects that are not direct children of an fo:flow.


Not yet addressed.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Give control over how the text flows when spanning columns over the entire page.


Not yet addressed.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Allow specifying multiple columns of different widths.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Allow specifying multiple columns in all regions and also in block-containers, not just the region-body. fo:column-definition

Common Usage:

Use the fo:column-definition element to set properties that will be inherited by content in column areas, and also to define the number of columns in the corresponding region or block-container.

Columns are arranged in inline order, with the column contents stacked in the block direction inside them. The first column is numbered 1, the second 2, and so on. Properties set on fo:column-definition elements apply to respective columns: properties from the first fo:column-definition element are applied to the first column, properties from the second fo:column-definition element are applied to the second column, and so on.

If a column-number property is set on an fo:column-definition element, it refers to that column.


No areas are generated directly by this element.


The fo:column-definition element is only permitted as a child of a fo:column-definitions element.

If a fo:column-definitions element is used, it MUST contain exactly one fo:column-definition element for each column.


The following properties apply to this formatting object:

id; any style property.


Implementations that support multiple columns MUST support properties that do not depend on the result of formatting, such as background-color, and SHOULD support properties such as color which do not affect formatting or copy-fitting.

Implementations MAY also support properties that affect copy-fitting and formatting on a per-column basis, such as having column widths that vary, or setting one or more columns in a different font or size.

Properties explicitly set on formatting objects in the flow override values set on fo:column-definition elements.

2.6.4 Layout master set Interleaving layout-master set


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Be able to define layout-master-sets not only at the top of the FO tree, but also interleaving page-sequences, to allow users to define and change masters, such as simple-page-master and page-sequence master, on the fly instead of having to specify all the masters in the beginning of the FO tree. When traversing the FO tree in pre-order traversal, the master must be defined before it may be referenced by a master-reference property.


This section is currently worded as a set of changes to XSL-FO 1.1

There are two parts to fulfilling this requirement: modifying allowed contents to allow extra "fo:layout-master-set" elements to appear, and adjusting the wording of the spec to say what happens when it occurs.

Allowed contents

For fo:page-sequence-wrapper, allow fo:layout-master-set where you can now have fo:page-sequence or fo:page-sequence-master:

Change the content model from:





The following changes to XSL 1.1 are proposed to satisfy this requirement: Change master every n pages


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Have sets of pages repeatable within the same page-sequence.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section

Allow specifying that every n-th page, a different master should be used. This is a specific case of Repeatable sub-sequence-specifier. For example, use master A for page 1, 2, 3, 4, then master B for page 5, then master A again for 6, 7, 8, 9 then master B for page 10, etc...

To address this requirement, three changes to XSL 1.1 are proposed:

Add 'sequence-repeats' to 'fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives'

Allow numbers in 'page-position'

Adjust 'fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives' and 'fo:conditional-page-master-reference' definitions accordingly page-position

XSL Definition:

Value:<number> | only | first | last | rest | any | inherit
Percentages:Not applicable.

This property forms part of a selection rule to determine if the referenced page-master is eligible for selection at this point in the page-sequence or, when the "sequence-repeats" property value is not "no-limit", at this point in the sub-sequence cycle.

The values have the following meanings:


This master is eligible for selection if the value is equal to the current page number or, when the "sequence-repeats" property value is not "no-limit", at this point in the sub-sequence cycle.

The value is an integer greater than or equal to 0.

If a fractional value or a value less than 0 is specified, it will be rounded to the nearest integer greater than or equal to zero.

A value of 0 indicates this master-reference will not be used.

A value greater than the "sequence-repeats" value, when "sequence-repeats" is not 'no-limit', is false.


This master is eligible for selection if this is the only page (i.e. the page is both first and last) page in the page-sequence.


This master is eligible for selection if this is the first page in the page-sequence.


This master is eligible for selection if this is the last page in the page-sequence.


This master is eligible for selection if this is not the first page nor the last page in the page-sequence.


This master is eligible for selection regardless of page positioning within the page-sequence. fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

Common Usage:

The fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives formatting object is the most complex sub-sequence-specifier. It specifies a sub-sequence consisting of repeated instances of a set of alternative page-masters. The number of repetitions may be bounded or potentially unbounded. The repetitions may also be cyclic. Which of the alternative page-masters is used at any point in the sequence depends on the evaluation of a condition on the use of the alternative.

Typical conditions include testing whether the page which is generated using the alternative is:

  1. The first or last page in a page-sequence;

  2. Blank;

  3. The nth page in a page-sequence or a page cycle

The full set of conditions allows different page-masters to be used for the first page, for odd and even pages, for blank pages, etc.


The fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives formatting object generates no area directly. This formatting object is used by the fo:page-sequence formatting object to generate pages.


The children of the fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives are fo:conditional-page-master-references. These children are called alternatives.

The sub-sequence of pages mapped to this sub-sequence-specifier satisfies the constraints of this sub-sequence-specifier if (a) the sub-sequence of pages consists of zero or more pages, (b) each page is generated using the fo:simple-page-master referenced by the one of the alternatives that are the children of the fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives, (c) the conditions on that alternative are true, (d) that alternative is the first alternative in the sequence of children for which all the conditions are true, and (e) the length of the sub-sequence is less than or equal to the value of maximum-repeats.



The following properties apply to this formatting object:

maximum-repeats; sequence-repeats fo:conditional-page-master-reference

Common Usage:

The fo:conditional-page-master-reference is used to identify a page-master that is to be used when the conditions on its use are satisfied. This allows different page-masters to be used, for example, for even and odd pages, for the first page in a page-sequence, for the third page in a page-sequence cycle, or for blank pages. This usage is typical in chapters of a book or report where the first page has a different layout than the rest of the chapter and the headings and footings on even and odd pages may be different as well. Selecting page-masters based on position within a cycle is typical of bulk-mailed correspondence that is to be folded into envelopes by a folding machine.


The fo:conditional-page-master-reference formatting object generates no area directly. It is used by the fo:page-sequence formatting object to generate pages.


The fo:conditional-page-master-reference has a reference to the fo:simple-page-master which has the same master-name as the master-reference trait on the fo:conditional-page-master-reference.

There are three traits, page-position, odd-or-even, and blank-or-not-blank that specify the sub-conditions on the use of the referenced page-master. All three sub-conditions must be true for the condition on the fo:conditional-page-master-reference to be true.

The sub-condition corresponding to the page-position trait is true if the page generated using the fo:conditional-page-master-reference has the specified position in the sequence of pages generated by the referencing page-sequence; namely, "first", "last", "only" (both first and last), "rest" (not first nor last) or "any" (all of the previous) or a number equal to the page number (or the number within the page cycle). The referencing page-sequence is the fo:page-sequence that referenced the fo:page-sequence-master from which this fo:conditional-page-master-reference is a descendant.

The sub-condition corresponding to the odd-or-even trait is true if the value of the odd-or-even trait is "any" or if the value matches the parity of the page number of the page generated using the fo:conditional-page-master-reference.

The sub-condition corresponding to the blank-or-not-blank trait is true, if (1) the value of the trait is "not-blank" and the page generated using the fo:conditional-page-master-reference has areas generated by descendants of the fo:flow formatting objects; if (2) the value of the trait is "blank" and the page generated using the fo:conditional-page-master-reference is such that there are no areas from any fo:flow to be put on that page (e.g., (a) to maintain proper page parity due to (i) a break-after or break-before value of "even-page" or "odd-page" or (ii) at the start or end of the page-sequence or (b) because the constraints on the areas generated by descendants of the fo:flow formatting objects would not be satisfied if they were descendant from this page); or if (3) the value of the trait is "any".



The following properties apply to this formatting object:

master-reference; page-position; odd-or-even; blank-or-not-blank

2.6.5 Spreads


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.2.17

Be able to treat two facing pages (a two page spread) as a single unit. For example to allow images to cross the page boundaries. fo:spread-page-master

Common Usage:

Used to define a two-page spread consisting of an even and odd page facing each other. The fo:spread-page-master refers to fo:simple-page-masters for the geometries of the pages and the definition of the pages' regions. The fo:spread-page-master may define additional regions that may be generated on one of the pages or may span both pages in the spread.


The fo:spread-page-master formatting object generates no area directly. It is used in the generation of pages by an fo:page-sequence.

When the fo:spread-page-master is used to generate pages, three viewport/reference pairs are generated, consisting of a spread-viewport-area and a spread-reference-area for the spread plus a page-viewport-area and a page-reference-area for each of the two pages. The page-viewport-areas represents the physical bounds of the output medium. The page-reference-areas represents the portion of the pages on which content is intended to appear; that is, the area inside the page margins.

When the "binding-edge" trait is "top", the two pages are generated such that the after-edge of the even page is adjacent to the before-edge of the odd page.

In addition, when the fo:spread-page-master is used to generate pages, viewport/reference pairs that correspond to the regions that are the children of the fo:spread-page-master are also generated. These regions are placed relative to the page-height and the page-width of the spread-viewport-area.

When a regions that is a child of the fo:spread-page-master has the same "region-name" as a region that is a child of the fo:simple-page-master for the even- or odd-page, only the child of the fo:spread-page-master generates areas.

Regions that are children of the fo:spread-page-master may span the two pages.


When a fo:spread-page-master is used in the generation of a spread, the block-dimension and inline-dimension of the content-rectangle of the spread-viewport-area are determined using the computed values of the "page-height" and "page-width" properties of the page-masters for the two pages and the "binding-edge" property of the fo:root.

If the value of the media-usage trait is bounded-in-one-dimension or unbounded, only the even-page single-page-master-reference is used.


The following properties apply to this formatting object:

master-name; writing-mode Would also affect text in:

Pagination FOs introduction, Currently http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#pag-intro.

*-master-reference FOs

Depends on:

binding edge.


"page-viewport-areas" no longer represent the physical bounds of the output medium.

Open issue: 7569

What should retrieve-index-mark do for index hits on a double-page spread?

2.6.6 Bleeds and Trim


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.2.18

Add support for bleeds. For example, bleeds allow an image to go beyond the page boundaries so that when you print, bind and cut the paper you don’t have any white space showing.

The bleed is expressed at the page level and identifies the amount of content printed outside the page. The design is responsible for creating and placing content that goes into the bleed, for instance a larger background image or an absolutely positioned image. The trim indicates the correct page size after the trimming (cutting) has been applied. It could be the same as the page size but can also be slightly bigger for binding purposes.

Two properties on the fo:simple-page-master control bleed and trim bleed-box, trim-box

XSL Definition:

Value:x1 y2 x2 y2
Initial:0 0 0 0
Applies to:page reference area
Percentages:Not applicable.

The bleed-box property defines the size and position of a notional rectangle around the page in which ink might appear: an implementation should not normally render any content outside the bleed box, although it is not an error conition if content is placed there. The primary purpose of the bleed box is so that when a trimming machine cuts the printed page to size, graphics or other content can go all the way to the edge of the page, by virtue of being printed slightly beyond the place where the blade cuts. Hence, the trim box, whose size and position is specified by the trim-box property, is usually inside the bleed-box.

The values are as follows:

x1, y1

A relative offset from the page reference area origin, used to position the origin of the bleed and trim boxes, respectively. The coordinate system is the same as for the page reference area. The numbers are disances, may be negative.

x2, y2

Relative offsets from the corner of the page reference area that is diagonally opposite to its origin; if x1, y1, x2 and y2 are all zero (the default values) the rectangle will thus be the same size as, and in the same position as, the page reference area. The numbers are disances, may be negative.

2.7 Side by Side


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.2.6

Introduce a way to position objects next to each other. Side-by-side includes complex positioning and breaking rules (in some cases similar to the constraints necessary for marginalia).

The approach taken in this draft is to use the flow map to express that multiple separate flows are to be synchronized in layout. A single flow is designated as primary, and contains synchronization regions mrked up to draw content from the other, secondary flow or flows; this secondary content will be rendered alongside the main flow at the synchronization points.

A more general mechanism that supports parallel content from within the same flow is under preparation.

2.7.1 flow-map-dependency-reference

2.7.2 Common Dependencies Properties for Formatting Objects

The dependency-content-begin dependency-content-end properties are used to identify spans of separate flows that are to be synchronized, in a manner similar to that used to mark change bars. These properties can be applied to any objects, including in particular fo:block and fo:inline; the indicated spans can start and end in different elements, and the two end-points of a span do not both have to be block or inline; the spans are treated as being asynchronous with respect to the formatting.

In the example in figure 29, taken from a parallel-text edition of a text for which there are manuscripts in three different languages, corresponding sections from each manuscript are formatted side by side, with the start of each on the same line, even if the section does not start at the beginning of the line.

Figure 29. Dependent Content on non-block boundaries.

The following markup might be used:

Example 4: dependency-content-start and -end properties

2.7.3 Widow and Orphan Management

Synchronization of flows is generally implemented in a formatter by leaving space between blocks, as can be seen in the left and right columns in Figure 29. Widow and Orphan management is a mechanism for specifying how content between synchronized spans should be treated: it can be kept with a block or moved to the start of the next synchronized spam, or the synchronization gap can be suppressed entirely. If the gap is suppressed, the alignmnent of synchronized spans may not be correct, or the formatter may use other copyfitting techniques to achieve alignment.

Figure 33. illustrates the case where widows and orphans are generated.

Figure 33. Dependent Content: Formation of Widows and Orphans.

The following example shows the the keep-with-dependent-content property used together with synchronized flow content:

Using this example as the document structure equivalent for the schematic representation in Figure 33, the result of applying the keeps is illustrated in Figure 34.

Figure 34. Dependent Content: Widow and Orphan Management Using Keep.

2.8 Numbering


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 2.2.7

Add support for line number, column number and region number. For example number only every fifth line, etc.

2.8.1 fo:number

Common Usage:

fo:number creates a number sequence to be processed by the XSL-FO processor and generate a list of sequences in varies of area in the XSL-FO area tree.



The following properties apply to this formatting object:

name = [ string ]

number-area-extend = width

level = "line" | "footnote" | "column" | "none"

reset-level = [ "block" | "block-container" | "column" | "page" ]

initial-value = [ expression ]

interval = [ expression ]

reset-value = [ expression ]

display-when = [ expression ]

display-position = [ "start" | "end" | "before" | "after" ]

number-align = [ "start" | "end" | "center" | "decimal" ]

text-align = [ "start" | "center" | "end" | "justify" | "inside" | "outside" | "left" | "right" | "decimal" | string | inherit ]

text-decoration = [ "none" | "underline" | "no-underline" | "overline" | "no-overline" | "line-through" | "no-line-through" | "blink" | "no-blink" || "inherit" ]

font-family = [ string ]

font-size = [ absolute-size | relative-size | length | percentage | "inherit" ]

font-style = [ "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "backslant" | "inherit" ]

font-weight = [ "normal" | "bold" | "bolder" | "lighter" | "100" | "200" | "300" | "400" | "500" | "600" | "700" | "800" | "900" | "inherit" ]

color = [ color ]

background-color = [ color ]

format = [ string ]

decimal-format = [ string ]

letter-value = [ "alphabetic" | "traditional" | <implementater extension> ]

ordinal = [ string ]

country = [ "none" | country | "inherit" ]

language = [ "none" | language | "inherit" ]

grouping-separator = [ char ]

grouping-size = [ number ]

2.8.11 number-area-extend

XSL Definition:

Default Value:none
Reference:[http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/Group/FO/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:2.2.7_Numbering#Property:_display-position Property:display-position]

The number-area-extend property determines the size of the area to be extended towards the "area before", "area after", "area start" and "area end" to display the number.

2.8.12 text-align

XSL Definition:

Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#text-align 7.16.9]

2.8.13 text-decoration

XSL Definition:

Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#text-decoration 7.17.4]

2.8.14 font-family

XSL Definition:

Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#font-family 7.9.2]

2.8.15 font-size

XSL Definition:

Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#font-size 7.9.4]

2.8.16 font-style

XSL Definition:

Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#font-style 7.9.4]

2.8.17 font-weight

XSL Definition:

Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#font-weight 7.9.9]

2.8.18 color

XSL Definition:

Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#color 7.18.1]

2.8.19 background-color

XSL Definition:

Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#background-color 7.8.1]

2.8.20 format

XSL Definition:

Default Value:none
Note:indicates the format picture of the number, XSLT 2.0 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#convert 12.3]

2.8.24 country

XSL Definition:

Type:ISO 3166 country code in string
Default Value:inherited
Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#country 7.10.1]

2.8.25 language

XSL Definition:

Type:ISO 639 or [http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php|ISO 639-2] language code in string
Default Value:inherited
Note:XSL-FO 1.1 Chapter [http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#language 7.10.2]

2.8.26 grouping-separator

XSL Definition:

Default Value:none
Note:the grouping separator for the number, same semantics as xsl:number.

2.8.27 grouping-size

XSL Definition:

Default Value:none
Note:the grouping size for the number, same semantics as xsl:number.

2.8.28 Arbitrary Object Numbering

The idea is to add attribute "number-ref-id" in any formatting object that needs to count the occurences. For example if we defined two fo:number objects as following:

Then we can set every fo:block that marks a new paragraph as this:

<fo:block number-ref-id="p1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.<fo:block>

<fo:block>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, 
quis nostrud exerci tation
<fo:instream-foreign-object number-ref-id="f1">...</fo:instreaem-foreign-object>
ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</fo:block>

<fo:block number-ref-id="p1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</fo:block>

<fo:block>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate 
velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis 
at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit</fo:block>

<fo:block>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
<fo:instream-foreign-object number-ref-id="f1">...</fo:instreaem-foreign-object>
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</fo:block>

<fo:block number-ref-id="p1">Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation 
ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</fo:block>

<fo:block number-ref-id="p1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</fo:block>

<fo:block>In above <fo:retrieve-number name="f1"/> in <fo:retrieve-number name="p1"> paragraphs,
we demonstrated the new attribute

Notice that, in above example, the attribute "number-ref-id" is added to only four different fo:block object, which means we marked FOUR distinguish paragraphs, instead of SEVEN according to the number of all the fo:block object in total.

The definition of attribute "number-pref-id" is as following:

2.11 Examples

  <fo:page-sequence master-reference="Letter8">

    display-when="(value()=1) or (value() mod 5 = 0)"
    <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">

    <fo:block>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
    sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.<fo:block>

    <fo:block>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation 
    ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</fo:block>

    <fo:block>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
    sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</fo:block>

    <fo:block>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate 
    velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis 
    at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit</fo:block>

    <fo:block>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
    sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</fo:block>

    <fo:block>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation 
    ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</fo:block>

    <fo:block>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
    sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</fo:block

    <fo:block>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate 
    velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis 
    at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril.</fo:block>

    <fo:block>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
    sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</fo:block>

    <fo:block>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation 
    ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</fo:block>

    <fo:block>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 
    sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</fo:block>

    <!-- flow continues -->



3 Expressions

[not done yet]

4 Inheritance

[not done yet]

5 Composition

5.1 Improved font support


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.1.1

This may include SVG font capabilities, such as referring to an external font pointed to with a URI, or being able to define fonts like SVG fonts.

In preparation. The XSL-FO Subgroup wants to align with CSS, SVG and with the emerging consensus on Web fonts for downloadable font support, and to see what font properties will be available. A future draft of this document is likely to contain a more detailed section here.

5.2 Force line justification


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.2

Allow users to force line justification when the line length is within a certain range. For example, normally the last line of a paragraph would not be justified, but if the last line is longer than a certain threshold, justify it anyway.

5.3 Alignment around breaks


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.3

Add properties to specify what the alignment should be for the 'last line before a break' and the 'first line after a break'.

5.3.1 text-align-before-break

XSL Definition:

Value:relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit
Applies to:all elements

This property describes how inline content of the last line before a break is aligned.

Values have the same meanings as in the definition of "text-align-last".

5.3.2 text-align-after-break

XSL Definition:

Value:relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit
Applies to:all elements

This property describes how inline content of the first line after a break is aligned. Values have the same meanings as in the definition of "text-align-last".

5.4 hanging-punctuation


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.4

Add support for hanging punctuation, both for western [and] non-western languages.

XSL Definition:

Value:none | <list of characters>
Applies to:all elements

This property describes which characters are allowed to hang outside the margins.


This should refer to a "list of characters" datatype, which we have not yet defined.

5.5 Tabs and tab stops


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.4

Add support for tabs and tab stops that people are used to from word processors. The main requirement for this seems to be compatibility with other formats, mainly word processor formats.

5.5.2 tab-alignment-character

XSL Definition:

Initial:. (period character)
Applies to:all elements

This property specifies the character used for alignment for a decimal tab.

5.6 Word and letter spacing

5.6.1 word-spacing-critical-length


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.6.3

Allow users to specify the priority between word and letter spacing.

XSL Definition:

Applies to:all elements

This property specifies a length (x) for the word spacing to allow before invoking letterspacing. More precisely, it specifies a limitation on the effect of a "letterspacing" value; letterspacing may be used in the line-breaking algorithm within a given line-area when otherwise the word-spacing value would be greater than x.

Values have the following meanings:


The permitted minimum deficit is a fixed length.

The value must not be negative.

5.7 Hyphenation and line breaking

5.7.1 hyphenation-push-syllable-count


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.7.1

Allow specifying the number of syllables in addition to the number of characters to control hyphenation.

XSL Definition:

Applies to:all elements

The "hyphenation-push-syllable-count" property specifies the minimum number of syllables permitted in a hyphenated word after the hyphenation character. Formatters must not insert hyphens during line breaking in places that would result in word fragments violating this proerty.

Values have the following meanings:


A positive integer. If a non-positive or non-integer value is provided, the value will be rounded to the nearest integer value greater than or equal to 1.

5.7.3 syllable-widows


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.7.2

Add syllable level widow and orphan controls

XSL Definition:

Applies to:all elements

The "syllable-widows" property specifies the minimum number of syllables in the last line-area of a block-area.

Values have the following meanings:


A positive integer. If a non-positive or non-integer value is provided, the value will be rounded to the nearest integer value greater than or equal to 1.

The syllable-widows specifies the minimum number of syllables in the last line-area of the block-area for which it is in effect.

5.7.4 hyphenation-exceptions


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.7.3

Allow users to specify language-specific hyphenation exceptions.

XSL Definition:

Value:<uri-specification> | none | inherit
Applies to:all elements

This property specifies a set of hyphenation-exception words to be used by the hyphenation algorithm.

Values for this property are as follows:


No exceptions are used.


A URI specification giving a reference to the resource containing the exception words.


We have not defined a format for this resource.

5.7.5 word-widows


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.7.5

Add word level widow and orphan control.

XSL Definition:

Applies to:all elements

The "word-widows" property specifies the minimum number of words or partial words in the last line-area of a block-area.

When a word is hyphenated, the remaining portion, a partial word, brought down onto the next line, is to be considered to be a whole word for the purpose of counting words.

Values have the following meanings:


A positive integer. If a non-positive or non-integer value is provided, the value will be rounded to the nearest integer value greater than or equal to 1.


The permitted minimum deficit is a percentage of the containing block width.

The "word-widows" property specifies the minimum number of words in the last line-area of the block-area for which it is in effect.

5.7.6 min-length-of-last-line


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 5.7.6

Be able to specify the minimum length of the last line.

XSL Definition:

Applies to:all elements
Percentages:refer to width of containing block

The min-length-of-last-line property specifies the minimum inline-dimension of the the last line-area in a block-area.

Values have the following meanings:


Specifies a fixed minimum line length.


The minimum line length is a percentage of the containing block width.

The value must not be negative

6 Further improved non-Western language support


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 6

Improve support for non-Western languages, such as Mongolian, Indic languages, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, etc. The working group invites language experts to identify language specific features that are currently not yet supported by XSL.

Specifically, the Japanese Layout Taskforce has published a document about requirements for general Japanese layout realized with This draft, then, technologies like CSS, SVG and XSL-FO [Requirements for Japanese Text Layout]. This document is being used as an input to the XSL Working Group as a source of requirements, and is currently being discussed within the Group.

6.1 Ruby

Ruby is a small-sized, supplementary text attached to a character or a group of characters in the main text. This section is generally written for Japanese text, although ruby can also be used with other languages and writing systems.

In Japanese, then, a run of ruby text, usually attached to the right of the characters in vertical writing mode or immediately above them in horizontal writing mode, indicates the reading or the meaning of those characters. The characters in the main text that are annotated by ruby are called "base characters". Kana characters are often used for ruby to indicate how to read kanji characters; this is known as ruby annotation or as "furigana".

see http://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/#en-subheading2_3_1

6.1.2 Ruby Formatting Objects fo:ruby

Common usage:

The fo:ruby formatting object is used to contain a string of text that has ruby annotations.


The fo:ruby formatting object generates one or more normal inline-area areas. The fo:ruby returns these areas, together with any page-level-out-of-line areas, and reference-level-out-of-line areas returned by the children of the fo:ruby.


No area may have more than one normal child area returned by the same fo:ruby formatting object.

The children of each normal area returned by an fo:ruby must satisfy the constraints specified in 4.7.3 Inline-building.

In addition the constraints imposed by the traits derived from the properties applicable to this formatting object must be satisfied. The geometric constraints are rigorously defined in 4 Area Model.


In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children.

The following properties apply to this formatting object:

7.5 Common Accessibility Properties

7.7 Common Aural Properties

7.8 Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties

7.9 Common Font Properties

7.12 Common Margin Properties-Inline

7.13 Common Relative Position Properties

7.14.1 alignment-adjust

7.14.2 alignment-baseline

7.14.3 baseline-shift

7.15.3 block-dimension

7.18.1 color

7.14.5 dominant-baseline

7.15.6 height

7.30.8 id

7.24.1 index-class

7.24.2 index-key

7.15.7 inline-dimension

7.20.3 keep-together

7.20.4 keep-with-next

7.20.5 keep-with-previous

7.16.4 line-height

7.17.4 text-decoration

7.30.17 visibility

7.15.14 width

7.16.13 wrap-option





ruby-mode fo:ruby-parenthesis

Common Usage:

The fo:ruby-parenthesis formatting object is used to contain a string of text that is used to denote the beginning or end of ruby text when user agents do not have other ways to present ruby text distinctively from the base text. Parentheses (or similar characters) can provide an acceptable fallback. In this situation, ruby text will only degrade to be rendered inline and enclosed in the fallback parentheses. This is the least inappropriate rendering under the condition that only inline rendering is available. The fo:ruby-parenthesis formatting object cannot be used with complex ruby formatting objects.


When generating annotation areas for ruby is not possible, the fo:ruby-parenthesis formatting object generates one or more normal inline-areas. The fo:ruby-parenthesis returns these area.


No area may have more than one normal child area returned by the same fo:ruby-parenthesis formatting object.

The children of each normal area returned by an fo:ruby-parenthesis must satisfy the constraints specified in 4.7.3 Inline-building.

In addition the constraints imposed by the traits derived from the properties applicable to this formatting object must be satisfied. The geometric constraints are rigorously defined in 4 Area Model.


The following properties apply to this formatting object:

6.1.3 Ruby Properties ruby-position

XSL Definition:

Based on http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-css3-ruby-20030514/#rubypos

Value:auto | before | bopomofo | inline | inherit

This property specifies the position of ruby annotations with respect to their corresponding base glyphs.

Values have the following meanings:


Same as before for fo:ruby-text and the first fo:ruby-text-container, and same as after for the second fo:ruby-text-container. This is the initial value.


The ruby text appears before the base. This is the most common setting used in ideographic East Asian writing systems.

When writing-mode is tb-rl, the ruby appears on the right side of the base and is rendered in the same layout mode as the base.


The ruby text appears after the base. This is a relatively rare setting used in ideographic East Asian writing systems, most often found in educational text.

If the base appears in a tb-rl writing-mode, the bottom ruby appears on the left side of the base and is rendered in the same layout mode as the base (i.e. vertical)


The ruby text appears on the right of the base. Unlike 'before' and 'after', this value is not relative to the inline-direction.

This value is provided for the special case of traditional Chinese as used especially in Taiwan: ruby (made of bopomofo glyphs) in that context appears vertically along the right side of the base glyph, whether the layout of the base characters is vertical or horizontal.

Handling of ruby text that is not bopomofo when the value of ruby-position is set to "bopomofo" is not defined by this specification.


Ruby text follows the ruby base with no special styling. The value can be used to disable ruby text positioning.

If the author has used the XHTML rp element [RUBY] they should set the display value for that element to inline, so that the ruby text is distinguishable from the base text. If no rp element has been used, the author can use the content property with the :before and :after pseudo-elements to set off the ruby text. ruby-group-distribution

Based on http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-css3-ruby-20030514/#rubyalign

XSL Definition:

Value:auto | distribute-letter | distribute-space | inherit

This property specifies how the space between the ruby characters or the base characters (whichever is shortest) is distributed.


If the width of the ruby text is smaller than that of the base, then the ruby text contents are evenly distributed across the width of the base, with the first and last ruby text glyphs lining up with the corresponding first and last base glyphs. If the width of the ruby text is at least the width of the base, then the letters of the base are evenly distributed across the width of the ruby text.


If the width of the ruby text is smaller than that of the base, then the ruby text contents are evenly distributed across the width of the base, with a certain amount of white space preceding the first and following the last character in the ruby text. That amount of white space is normally equal to half the amount of inter-character space of the ruby text. If the width of the ruby text is at least the width of the base, then the same type of space distribution applies to the base. In other words, if the base is shorter than the ruby text, the base is distribute-space aligned. This type of alignment is sometimes referred to as the "1:2:1" alignment [JIS4051]. ruby-overhang

XSL Definition:

Value:auto | start | end | none | inherit

This property specifies whether, and on which side, ruby text is allowed to partially overhang any adjacent text in addition to its own base, when the ruby text is wider than the ruby base.

Ruby text is never allowed to overhang glyphs belonging to another ruby base. Also the user agent is free to assume a maximum amount by which ruby text may overhang adjacent text. The user agent MAY use the JIS4051 [JIS4051] recommendation of using one ruby text character length as the maximum overhang length.

Values have the following meanings:


The ruby text can overhang text adjacent to the base on either side. [JIS4051] specifies the categories of characters that ruby text can overhang. The user agent is free to follow the [JIS4051] recommendation or specify its own classes of characters to overhang. This is the initial value.


The ruby text can overhang the text that precedes it. That means, for example, that ruby can overhang text that is to the left of it in horizontal LTR layout, or it can overhang text that is above it in vertical-ideographic layout.


The ruby text can overhang the text that follows it. That means, for example, that ruby can overhang text that is to the right of it in horizontal LTR layout, or it can overhang text that is below it in vertical-ideographic layout.


This is the default behavior.

7 Images

Open issue: 7570

Should there be a list of image formats that MUST be supported, e.g. PNG?

All XSL-Formatters must support the PNG image format for included input images.

7.1 Images


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 7.3

Allow rotating images over arbitrary angles.

7.1.2 Callouts


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 7.4

Add support for callouts. Callouts are labels in a picture, overlaying text on top of a graphic (which typically needs to be translatable). Allow users to make live links from the image or map to the text and vice versa.

For callouts, e.g. adding captions to an image, with arrows pointing to the text, one approach that makes sense here is to use SVG, remembering that allowing fo:blocks inside the SVG may fall out of the work with SVG.

7.1.3 Multi-page images


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 7.5

Add support for access to individual images in multi-page image formats such as TIFF, PDF or SVG 1.2.

This may be a case of wanting a URI fragment identifier for a specific page of a PDF, or layer of TIFF; for SVG this is a liaison item. If a media type doesn't define a fragment type, we could add an extra property.

Open issue: 7571

What if you don't know in advance how many layers there are in advance in, say, a TIFF image, and want to print them all as pages?

8 Color Support


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 9.6

Improved color support including things that SVG Print does. For example add device-specific CMYK color. Add support for the color names that are supported in SVG. Fills/Shading/Vignettes.

A function is added to support calibrated CMYK colors:

color cmyk-ICC-color(r, g, b, NCName, cyan, magenta, yellow, black)

Two functions are added to support the direct specification of the cartesian and polar forms of the CIE L*ab color space:

color cie-lab-color(r, g, b, Lightness, a-value, b-value)
	  color cie-lchab-color(r, g, b, Lightness, chroma, hue)

A function is introduced to support named-icc-colors (e.g. Pantone™).

color rgb-named-color(r, g, b, NCName, namedColor)

Four new functions are added to support device-dependent (uncalibrated) color (e.g. calibration swatches, registration marks).

color gray-device-color (r,g,b, devGray)
	  color rgb-device-color (r,g,b, devR, devG, devB)
	  color cmyk-device-color (r,g,b, devC, devM, devY, devK)

A conformance class is introduced for implementations which correctly process color managed colors (i.e. do not rely on the fallback colors).

A conformance class is introduced for implementations which correctly process color managed images (i.e. apply, or pass through to a formatter, any embedded ICC profile).

9 Collaboration with SVG


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 10

For XSL-FO 2.0 we want to have a close collaboration between the XSL and SVG working groups. Wherever possible we will try to use SVG functionality rather than reinventing our own.

9.1 Masks


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 10.1

Add support for applying a mask (or clip shape) to an object.

Masks in SVG are only applied to viewports. It would be a good practice to do the same and apply it only to block-containers or regions. Masks are declared in the defs space in SVG and then referenced. This enables re-use and complex effects (e.g. Mask with Gradient and so on...)

The approach is to introduce an fo:mask object inside the fo:declarations that contains a valid SVG document providing the mask definition. An XSL-FO renderer can then use an SVG agent to compute the mask and then apply it to the FO rendering result.

	    <fo:mask mask-name="myFOMask" content-type="image/svg"
	    <svg:svg width="8cm" height="3cm" viewBox="0 0 800 300" version="1.1">
	    <svg:desc>Example mask01 - content masked with gradient against red background</svg:desc>
	    <svg:linearGradient id="Gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
	    x1="0" y1="0" x2="800" y2="0">
	    <svg:stop offset="0" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0" />
	    <svg:stop offset="1" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="1" />
	    <svg:mask id="svgMask" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
	    x="0" y="0" width="800" height="300">
	    <svg:rect x="0" y="0" width="800" height="300" fill="url(#Gradient)"  />
	    <fo:block-container mask-reference-name="myFOMask">

9.2 Rotation and Transformations


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 10.2

Support rotations on any type of object (not just images) over arbitrary angles.


See the XSL-FO 2.0 Requirements Document, section 10.3

Allow applying SVG type transformations to XSL areas.

An SVG-like transform function is introduced for all sort of operations emulating what SVG and PPML do ([SVG], [PPML]) as a property, on "fo:block-container", with the following functions as values:


standard CTM matrix;


move the origin;

scale(sx [, sy])


rotate(angle[ , cx, cy])

rotate about the origin;


shear by distorting horizontally;


shear by distorting vertically.

The behaviour can be completely inherited from SVG [SVG].

Open issue: 7572

Some Web browsers support transform and translate functions in CSS, but do not account for the resulting shape in page layout! We need to see what the correct CSS behaviour should be, and/or align with one or other spec; [it is most useful for the resulting shape to be able to create intrusions, especially if we use layers and z-axis to manage conflicts, so you can choose whether or not to have an intrusion].

10 Other changes

The terms inline-progression-direction, inline-progression-dimension, block-progression-direction and block-progression-dimension have been renamed to inline-direction, inline-dimension, block-direction and block-dimension respectively. The older names are still to be accepted as property values, as aliases, for compatibility.

A Changes since last publication

Since 2010-02-04:

Allow copy-fitting on block-container as well as regions.

Added side-by-side

Added numbering

Added Ruby

Revised copyfitting significantly

Added multiple columns in block-container, and also style properties for individual columns

Change inline-progression-direction to inline-direction

Change block-progression-direction to block-direction

Several new issues linked to bugzilla, and others made into notes.

Various editorial changes

Since 2009-09-29:

Added, change master every n pages

Added non-rectangular shapes

Added copyfitting

Added list of properties

Clarified word-widow definition

Several new issues linked to bugzilla, and others made into notes.

Various editorial changes

B References

C List of properties (Non-Normative)

The following properties are defined in this document, or were defined in XSL-FO 1.1 and are modified here.


The adjustable-properties property is used to define strategies for copyfitting or vertical justification. It takes effect only if the property display-align is set to "copyfit" or "justify".


The bleed-box property defines the size and position of a notional rectangle around the page in which ink might appear: an implementation should not normally render any content outside the bleed box, although it is not an error conition if content is placed there. The primary purpose of the bleed box is so that when a trimming machine cuts the printed page to size, graphics or other content can go all the way to the edge of the page, by virtue of being printed slightly beyond the place where the blade cuts. Hence, the trim box, whose size and position is specified by the trim-box property, is usually inside the bleed-box.


When this property is set and non-zero, the block dimension of each generated area must be rounded up to the nearest multiple of the property value.


The column-count property specifies the number of columns in the region, block-container.


The decimal-format property indicates the name of the fo:decimal-format element that defines the format of a decimal number: decimal values in the generated fo:number sequence eill be formatted using the properties from the named deciaml-format element.


The dependency-content-start is set on an element to mark the end of a region in one flow that is to be synchronized with a similarly-named region in another flow.


The dependency-content-stacking-strategy property controls how content in a flow is treated when it is between to regions that are synchronized.


The dependency-content-start is set on an element to mark the start of a region in one flow to be synchronized with a similarly-named region in another flow.


This property specifies the alignment, in the block-direction, of the areas that are the children of a reference-area.


This property specifies in the block-direction, of the areas that are the children of a reference-area. It is used to express the alignment of a region in the last page or in any page ending with a forced break.


Specifies how to align the last column of a multi-column region. This property specifies the alignment, in the block-direction, of the areas that are the children of a reference-area.


The display-position property of an fo:number object determines where the generated areas will be placed.


The display-when display property is an expression: each number generated by the fo:number object is displayed only when the expression given for this property has a true or non-zero value.


Specifies the distance between the edge of the region-body and the edge of the extension region to which it applies.


The given name must exist as the flow-name attribute of a flow in the same flow-map; the property indicates that content in the named flow will be extracted and positioned alongside content in the flow being defined.


The given name must exist as the flow-name attribute of a flow in the same flow-map; the property indicates that content in the named flow will be extracted and positioned alongside content in the flow being defined.


This property describes which characters are allowed to hang outside the margins.


This property specifies a set of hyphenation-exception words to be used by the hyphenation algorithm.


This property specifies a length (x) for the hyphenation margin for a block. More precisely, it specifies a limitation on the effect of a "hyphenate" value of "true"; hyphenation may be used in the line-breaking algorithm within a given line-area when otherwise the inline-dimension of the line area would be less than the available width in the inline-dimension by an amount greater than x.


The "hyphenation-push-syllable-count" property specifies the minimum number of syllables permitted in a hyphenated word after the hyphenation character. Formatters must not insert hyphens during line breaking in places that would result in word fragments violating this proerty.


The hyphenation-remain-syllable-count specifies the minimum number of syllables in a hyphenated word before the hyphenation character. This is the minimum number of syllables in the word left on the line ending with the hyphenation character.


The initial-cap-indent property distance (either as an absolute value or as a percentage of the actual formatted initial cap width) by which the initial is indented in the inline direction.


The "initial-cap-kern-lines" property indicates the number of lines of text that should be abutted to the large inital.


This property specifies the number of lines spanned by the initial letter.


The "initial-cap-lines-before" property indicates that the initial is to be formatted at a size such that it protrudes in the block-direction to the given distance or number of lines.


The initial-value provides an initial value for a fo:number object. Notice that it’s an expression, and reference could be across a page sequence boundary. For example, an fo:number level=”line” object in the second page sequence can set the initial value to be continued for the last page sequence.


The interval property on an fo:number object determines the amount by which the number increses (or decreases) on each occurrence of the measured unit (lines, blocks, columns, and so forth).


The keep-with-dependent-content determines how inline content is treated at the boundaries of synchronized spans of flow.


The last-line-minimum-deficit property specifies a length (x) for the minimum line length deficit for the last line-area of a block-area. More precisely, it specifies a constraint on the last line-area child of the last block-area L generated and returned by the formatting object, such that the inline L is either equal to the available width (w) in the inline-dimension (as the term is used in the "justify" value of "text-align"), or is less than or equal to w minus x.


The letter-value property disambiguates between numbering sequences that use letters, such as Roman (i, ii, iii) and Alphabetic (i, j, k).


The level determines whether an fo:number is to count lines, columns, footnotes or some other type of object.


This property determines the line stacking method for block elements containing annotation areas such as from ruby or emphasis dots. In all cases the areas returned by fo:ruby-base or fo:annotation-base (tbd) are considered for line stacking.


Specifies the marginalia-reference-area in which to place the block-areas generated by the child fo:marginalia-body to which it applies.


Specifies the alignment of the marginalia with respect to the text to which it refers. This property specifies the alignment, in the block-direction, between two areas.


The min-length-of-last-line property specifies the minimum inline-dimension of the the last line-area in a block-area.


The name identifies an fo:number object for use with level="none" or cross-references.


The number-align property of a fo:number object determines how numbers are aligned with respect to one another.


The number-area-extend property determines the size of the area to be extended towards the "area before", "area after", "area start" and "area end" to display the number.


The ordinal property determined the ordinal format (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) as described in XSLT 2.0.

The ordinal property, if given a value, indicates that fo:number should generate ordinal rather than cardinal numbers (for example, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on, for English) rather than ordinal numbers (1, 2, 3, 4...).


This property forms part of a selection rule to determine if the referenced page-master is eligible for selection at this point in the page-sequence or, when the "sequence-repeats" property value is not "no-limit", at this point in the sub-sequence cycle.


The reset-level determines the level that the fo:number’s internal state in FO processor needs to be reset to its reset-value.


The reset-value property gives the value (an expression) used for an fo:number series when a it is reset according to its reset-level.


This property is a shorthand for the "ruby-alignment", "ruby-group-distribution", and "ruby-alignment-edge" properties and maps.


This property specifies alignment of a ruby annotation with respect to its base text.


This property specifies what the formatter must do when ruby annotations occur at the start of end of lines.


This property specifies how the space between the ruby characters or the base characters (whichever is shortest) is distributed.


This property specifies whether adjacent fo:ruby-text can intrude on each other.


This property specifies whether, and on which side, ruby text is allowed to partially overhang any adjacent text in addition to its own base, when the ruby text is wider than the ruby base.


This property specifies the maximum distance that ruby may overhang adjacent characters, when it is possible and necessary for the ruby to overhang.


This property specifies the position of ruby annotations with respect to their corresponding base glyphs.


This property controls the aspect ratio of ruby text.


This property specifies the size of ruby text.


This property controls the spanning behavior of ruby annotation elements.


Specifies the number of pages in a cyclic sub-sequence of pages that may be generated before the cycle repeats.


The "syllable-widows" property specifies the minimum number of syllables in the last line-area of a block-area.


This property specifies the character used for alignment for a decimal tab.


This property specifies a sequence of tab stop locations relative to the content-rectangle of the closest ancestor reference-area.


This property describes how inline content of the first line after a break is aligned. Values have the same meanings as in the definition of "text-align-last".


This property describes how inline content of the last line before a break is aligned.


The bleed-box property defines the size and position of a notional rectangle around the page in which ink might appear: an implementation should not normally render any content outside the bleed box, although it is not an error conition if content is placed there. The primary purpose of the bleed box is so that when a trimming machine cuts the printed page to size, graphics or other content can go all the way to the edge of the page, by virtue of being printed slightly beyond the place where the blade cuts. Hence, the trim box, whose size and position is specified by the trim-box property, is usually inside the bleed-box.


The value property is an expression that can be used to generate an actual displayed value based on the retrieved value.


This property specifies a length (x) for the word spacing to allow before invoking letterspacing. More precisely, it specifies a limitation on the effect of a "letterspacing" value; letterspacing may be used in the line-breaking algorithm within a given line-area when otherwise the word-spacing value would be greater than x.


The "word-widows" property specifies the minimum number of words or partial words in the last line-area of a block-area.


Use the "wrap" property to specify flow run-around.


When two or more shaped areas interact, the "wrap-path" property determines how text and other inline objects in one area flow around the shape of the other area.


The "wrap-side" property indicates what strategy should be applied for the runaround.

D Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)

This specification was developed and approved for publication by the W3C XSL Working Group (WG). WG approval of this specification does not necessarily imply that all WG members voted for its approval.

During the development of XSL 2.0 the members of the XSL FO Subgroup were:

Sharon Adler, IBM; Klaas Bals, Inventive Designers; Anders Berglund, IBM; Jeff Caruso, Pageflex; Fabio Giannetti, HP; Tony Graham, Menteith Consulting; Paul Grosso, PTC-Arbortext; Angelo Di Iorio, University of Bologna; Xin (Edward) Jiang, (Oracle, and then Microsoft); Liam Quin, W3C; Zarella Rendon, PTC-Arbortext.

In addition, many members of the public, including users and implementors, have given useful feedback in the form of comments.