J. List of Attributes

This appendix is informative.

This appendix will contain a list of attributes defined in this specification, sorted in alphabetical order, with some other relevant information and links to the attribute definitions.

Attribute Name Module Description
abbr XHTML Tables Module Abbreviated form
about XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module Define which resource that has a specified property
access XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Assign a shortcut
archive XHTML Object Module Define list of applet archives
axis XHTML Tables Module Define a category for a cell
charset XHTML Scripting Module Define the character set for a link
cite XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Set the URI for a citation
class XHTML Core Attributes Module Set the class of an element
colspan XHTML Tables Module Set the number of columns a table cell should span
content-length XHTML Object Module Indicate the size of a link's target
content XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module Set the content for metadata
coords XHTML Image Map Attributes Module Define coordinates for am element
datatype XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module Indicate the content type of a resource attribute
datetime XHTML Edit Attributes Module Define date and time
declare XHTML Object Module Indicate that an object should only be loaded
declare XHTML Scripting Module Indicate that an object should only be loaded
defaultAction XML Events Module Set the default action for an event
dir XHTML Bi-directional Text Attribute Module Define the direction of text
disabled XHTML Style Sheet Module Indicate that an item is disabled
edit XHTML Edit Attributes Module Indicate how an item was edited
event XML Events Module Set the event type
handler XML Events Module Define the handler for an event
headers XHTML Tables Module Define the header cells that relate to this cell
href XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Define a URI target when the element is activated
hreflang XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Indicate the base language of the target
hreftype XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Indicate the content type of an href attribute
id XHTML Core Attributes Module Define the ID for the element
ismap XHTML Image Map Attributes Module Indicate whether this is an imagemap
media XHTML Style Sheet Module Define the media type
name XHTML Object Module Set the name of an applet parameter
nextfocus XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Define the order in which this control is accessed
observer XML Events Module Define the ID of an element observer
phase XML Events Module Define the phase for handling an event
prevfocus XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Define the order in which this control is accessed
propagate XML Events Module Define the event cascade
property XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module Indicate the property being defined
rel XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module Define the relationship to the target
repeat-bind XForms Module XForms bind selector
repeat-model XForms Module XForms model selector
repeat-nodeset XForms Module XForms Nodeset selector
repeat-number XForms Module XForms iterator number
repeat-startindex XForms Module XForms model selector
resource XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module Define the resource a property is related to
restype XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module Indicate the content type of a resource attribute
rev XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module Define a reverse link
rowspan XHTML Tables Module Define the number of rows a cell spans
scope XHTML Tables Module Define the scope of a header
shape XHTML Image Map Attributes Module Define the shape of a map
span XHTML Tables Module Define the number of columns a colgroup spans
src XHTML Embedding Attributes Module Define the URI for an external source for the element
style XHTML Style Attribute Module Set the style to use on the element
target XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Set the target window for a link
target XML Events Module Specify the target of an event
title XHTML Core Attributes Module Set the title for an element
type XHTML Embedding Attributes Module Indicate the content type of a src attribute
type XHTML Object Module Define the media type of an object
usemap XHTML Image Map Attributes Module Set the name of an image map to use
value XHTML List Module Set the value for a list item
value XHTML Object Module Set the value for an applet parameter
valuetype XHTML Object Module Set the type of an applet value
version XHTML Document Module Set the XHTML document version
xml:base XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module Set the base URI for the element
xml:lang XHTML I18N Attribute Module Set the language of the element
xsi:schemaLocation XHTML Document Module Set the location for an XML Schema