I. List of Elements

This appendix is informative.

This appendix will contain a list of elements defined in this specification, sorted in alphabetical order, with some other relevant information and links to the element definitions.

Element Name Module Description
a XHTML Hypertext Module Define an anchor or a link
abbr XHTML Text Module An abbreviation
address XHTML Structural Module Define an address
blockcode XHTML Structural Module Define a block of computer code
blockquote XHTML Structural Module Define a large quotation
body XHTML Document Module Content of the document
caption XHTML Tables Module Set the caption for a table
cite XHTML Text Module A citation
code XHTML Text Module A code fragment
col XHTML Tables Module Define attributes for a column
colgroup XHTML Tables Module Define attributes for a group of columns
dd XHTML List Module Definition Data
dfn XHTML Text Module A definition
di XHTML List Module Definition Item
div XHTML Structural Module Define the characteristics of a block
dl XHTML List Module Definition List
dt XHTML List Module Definition Term
em XHTML Text Module Emphasis
ev:listener XML Events Module Event listener
h XHTML Structural Module Structured heading
head XHTML Document Module Document meta data
heading XHTML Structural Module Set a heading
html XHTML Document Module Document root
kbd XHTML Text Module User input
l XHTML Text Module A line of text
label XHTML List Module A label for a list
li XHTML List Module List item
XHTML Metainformation Module A link to another resource
meta XHTML Metainformation Module Meta information
nl XHTML List Module Navigation list
object XHTML Object Module External object
ol XHTML List Module Ordered list
p XHTML Structural Module Define a paragraph
param XHTML Object Module Parameter for external object
pre XHTML Structural Module Define a preformatted block
quote XHTML Text Module A quotation
ruby Ruby Module Ruby Annotation
samp XHTML Text Module Sample output
script XHTML Scripting Module Definition of a script
section XHTML Structural Module Define a section of a document
separator XHTML Structural Module Insert a break in a document
span XHTML Text Module Define characteristics of text
standby XHTML Object Module Message to render while loading object
strong XHTML Text Module Strong emphasis
style XHTML Style Sheet Module Definition of style rules
sub XHTML Text Module A subscript
summary XHTML Tables Module Set the summary for a table
sup XHTML Text Module A superscript
table XHTML Tables Module Define a table
tbody XHTML Tables Module Define the body for a table
td XHTML Tables Module Define a table cell
tfoot XHTML Tables Module Define the footer for a table
th XHTML Tables Module Define a table header
thead XHTML Tables Module Define the heading for a table
title XHTML Document Module Title for document
tr XHTML Tables Module Define a table row
ul XHTML List Module Unordered list
var XHTML Text Module A variable
xforms:group XForms Module XForms element group
xforms:input XForms Module XForms Input
xforms:model XForms Module XForms Data Model
xforms:output XForms Module XForms Output
xforms:range XForms Module XForms range definition
xforms:repeat XForms Module XForms repeating group
xforms:secret XForms Module XForms Secret Input
xforms:select1 XForms Module XForms single select
xforms:select XForms Module XForms multiple select
xforms:submit XForms Module XForms submit
xforms:switch XForms Module XForms selection
xforms:textarea XForms Module XForms Textarea
xforms:trigger XForms Module XForms trigger
xforms:upload XForms Module XForms file upload