Tracker summary for Addison Phillips

Internationalization Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 9 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-764 (edit) open Check if unicode describes backwards deletion clearly and develop doc if not Addison Phillips 2018-10-30
ACTION-1109 (edit) open Remind shepherds to tend to their awaiting comment resolutions Addison Phillips 2022-01-27
ACTION-1134 (edit) open Create pr against canvas formatted text Addison Phillips 2022-04-07
ACTION-1183 (edit) open Follow up with ecma-402 on next steps and start tc39 discussion Addison Phillips 2022-08-18
ACTION-1229 (edit) open Upgrade/edit the explainer to address issues raised by google Addison Phillips 2023-01-19
ACTION-1241 (edit) open Pull text from gpuweb as a reference until we have a more permanent solution Addison Phillips 2023-02-16
ACTION-1257 (edit) open Get character styling into w3c stylesheet Addison Phillips 2023-03-30
ACTION-1265 (edit) open Keep track of line-breaking in Korean for i18n-discuss#11 Addison Phillips 2023-05-02
ACTION-1279 (edit) open Develop a specdev section about i18n considerations sections Addison Phillips 2023-07-13

Open Issues

There are 13 open issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-274 (edit) OPEN Status of 'rtlflip' vis-a-vis shapes 2013-07-18 css-shapes 0
ISSUE-302 (edit) OPEN Unclear reference to "value space" of language tags 2013-10-10 rdf 0
ISSUE-303 (edit) OPEN Incorrect note about language tag syntax 2013-10-10 rdf 0
ISSUE-304 (edit) OPEN mismatch between ref:langString and xsd:string types? 2013-10-10 rdf 0
ISSUE-305 (edit) OPEN UCHAR missing character literals? 2013-10-10 rdf 0
ISSUE-346 (edit) OPEN Section 5.2 use of %31 and %30 for characters 1 and 0 2014-05-29 tracking-dnt 0
ISSUE-347 (edit) OPEN Section 5.2: DNT-extension excludes should spell out control, space, double quote. 2014-05-29 tracking-dnt 0
ISSUE-348 (edit) OPEN Non-ASCII not permitted in extensions 2014-05-29 tracking-dnt 0
ISSUE-349 (edit) OPEN Section title for 6.2.7 doesn't match earlier description 2014-05-29 tracking-dnt 0
ISSUE-350 (edit) OPEN IRI/non-ASCII not permitted in 2014-05-29 tracking-dnt 0
ISSUE-351 (edit) OPEN Section 6.4.2: restriction to "URI-safe characters" 2014-05-29 tracking-dnt 0
ISSUE-352 (edit) OPEN normalization of custom property names 2014-05-29 css-variables 0
ISSUE-387 (edit) OPEN AS2.0: Section 3.2: language example issues 2014-10-17 activity 0

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 33573.html,v 1.1 2023/07/19 12:02:14 carcone Exp $