
Participation policies and recommendations

Before you register to attend a meeting, please read the below participation policies and recommendations, intended to promote participation while ensuring that group Chairs have the tools necessary to run their meetings effectively.

W3C meetings operate under the Principles and Procedures of our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.


Working, Interest, Business, Community Group meetings & Joint meetings

To be eligible to register and attend, you must be one of the following:

Observer and Guest Attendance: Eligible participants may request to attend as an Observer via the registration form. (See Chair contact information.)
Community Group Participants:
Any participant of a CG scheduled to meet will be able to attend other group meetings as an observer if one of the above criteria is fulfilled.


TPAC Breakout week

Participants in a W3C Working, Interest, Business, Advisory Committee Representatives, the TAG, the Advisory Board, employees of a W3C Member organization, W3C Chapters Staff, Team, CGs registered to meet during TPAC 2020 and Guests are invited to participate in the TPAC Breakout week from 26 to 30 October.

This is an opportunity for everyone to propose, choose, and participate in sessions on a wide variety of topics relating to W3C activities. It is a chance to contribute to discussions and connect with people working on ideas that may not fall within the usual areas of activity.

We also offer a set of breakouts open to the broader public.



Platinum sponsor

Coil Technologies,

Media sponsor


For further details, contact