
From Dataset Exchange Working Group

Agenda for DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference 07 feb 2023 22:00 UTC (in your timezone)


Nobuyuki OGURA

Agenda (Draft)

  1. Accepting minutes of the last meeting - [1]
  2. Issue to discuss
    • How to use ODRL in DCAT? issue #1342 - shall we move to future work?
  3. Progressing on CR issue #1509
    • PRs to check/merge
      • adding the inverse for dcat:distribution #1554
      • fixing inconsistent property label for language in catalog #1555
      • Removing DCAT 2 leftover issue 1556
      • Dropping skos:Concept and skos:ConceptScheme in fig 1 as the ranges for dcat:theme and dcat:themeTaxonomy #1558
      • removing the reference to issue 1432 in HTML #1559
    • Any missing issue in the list for CR (issue #1509)?
  4. Implementation report
    • should we consider inverse properties in the list of features to check?
  5. Pending PRs and issues likely to get closed
  6. Andrea's talk to RDA Data Attributes WG - Report and feedback
  7. Any update from Dave on the issues we want to move to future work?
  8. Remainders about work assigned in previous meetings
    • contributing to discussion on #1543 (assigned to Andrea)
    • dcat property for subsets? #1527 (assigned to Dave)
    • check EDITORS' NOTEs and NOTEs to be removed and or updated #1518 (assigned to Riccardo)
  9. Other pending issues:
    • Attribution does not cover most MARC relators and other roles #1521
    • ..

Dial In details

NB These details only apply for the DCAT sub group, they are different from the joint calls

 Joining instructions: (official participants and invited guests only)
 Telecon Details: Zoom details available by email from Philippe Le Hégaret <> or regular attendees.
 For text discussions, minutes, joining the speaker queue, actions & issues IRC channel: #dxwgdcat on on port 6667
 Please be sure to join both IRC and Zoom and use the same nick in both (or it gets very confusing)
 When you join the IRC channel, please immediately type 'present+ {yourname}' (this adds your name to the participants list in the minutes)
 See WebEx Best Practices for further information
  W3C Telecon Resources:
  Zakim instructions in English
  Basic instructions in Portuguese

To start the meeting, check that trackbot is in the IRC channel (it usually is). If not, type:

/invite trackbot

(Subgroup meetings may need to specify the irc e.g. /invite trackbot #dxwgdcat)

Then you can type:

trackbot, start meeting

That should invite zakim and RRSAgent and generally get things ready to go. As a reminder: the Zakim IRC bot handles things like the speaker queue, RRSAgent handles the minute-taking, present and regrets list etc.

Please note that you will see a message that Zakim does not see any meetings scheduled at this time. This is a reference to the old conference bridge (also called Zakim) that is no longer in use. Scheduling is now done under the WebEx system. If you're feeling nostalgic for the old Zakim greeting, it's archived (of course).

Once you have started the meeting, you should see all three bots running:

If any are not in the room, type /invite and then the name of the bot followed by the relevent channel e.g.

/invite Zakim #dxwgdcat

/invite rrsagent #dxwgdcat

During the meeting you may need to set the access permissions on the chat log with this command:

RRSAgent, make logs public

Then to create the minutes, type

RRSAgent, draft minutes
