See also: IRC log
<scribe> ACTION: addison: check Mati's presence on the distribution list, etc. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-391 - Check mati's presence on the distribution list, etc. [on Addison Phillips - due 2015-01-29].
<fsasaki> [nothing new on my action items and still in a different call]
<trackbot> action-365 -- Richard Ishida to Create tombstone version of "authoring techniques for xhtml & html internationalizatoin: characters and encodings 1.0" as the end-of-life of this document -- due 2014-11-07 -- OPEN
richard: serious change, but not much of it :-)
<trackbot> action-366 -- Richard Ishida to Identify categories non-controversial for line-breaking to support i18n-issue-316 in css3-text -- due 2014-11-07 -- OPEN
close action-389
<trackbot> Closed action-389.
<trackbot> action-390 -- Richard Ishida to Forward issue-401 to indic list and shepherd response with appropriate elaboration as needed -- due 2015-01-22 -- OPEN
<trackbot> issue-401 -- Clarify initial letter requirements and alignment points -- open
close action-390
<trackbot> Closed action-390.
<fsasaki> action-361?
<trackbot> action-361 -- Felix Sasaki to Check status of idns in ml data best practices -- due 2014-11-06 -- OPEN
close action-361
<trackbot> Closed action-361.
DennisTan: raised an issue
<trackbot> issue-402 -- Broken copy/paste behavior with IRIs -- open
richard: program cmte for MLWeb
workshop is actively seeking speakers
... we highly recommend this conference :-)
... please review call for participation
felix: workshop is only one day
this time
... please submit as soon as possible
... there are other events besides the workshop
... other events are related to language technology
... e.g. MT, search, etc.
... submit as soon as possible for MLWeb, tho
steve: will review LDPF this coming week
<scribe> ACTION: richard: follow up on lock-step publishing counter styles WG document to match CSS by checking on their status [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-392 - Follow up on lock-step publishing counter styles wg document to match css by checking on their status [on Richard Ishida - due 2015-01-29].
koji: we discuss form localization
<fsasaki> action-252?
<trackbot> action-252 -- Felix Sasaki to Ping dita folks about contacting html5 about ruby progress -- due 2013-09-05 -- OPEN
felix: pinged dita folks
... above link is the email with their response
close action-252
<trackbot> Closed action-252.
richard: somnath has put in some
edits suggested in tracker
... and added additional examples of non-Hindi/non-Devanagari
initial letters
... want to discuss how best to make some changes
... perhaps I could edit and send to you?
<scribe> ACTION: richard: send somnath proposed updates to the indic layout requirements document [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-393 - Send somnath proposed updates to the indic layout requirements document [on Richard Ishida - due 2015-01-29].
richard: dave cramer needs technical information about how layout are handled
somnath: have gathered
information and need a little time to collate
... will send detailed requirements document
<scribe> ACTION: somnath: send richard detailed requirements for initial letters in various Indic scripts [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-394 - Send richard detailed requirements for initial letters in various indic scripts [on Somnath Chandra - due 2015-01-29].
<trackbot> issue-407 -- Clarification of initial letter example ⓟ -- open
richard: this issue is interesting because fixed already
addison: schedule item for review by wg and include note that not reviewed by WG yet
richard: somnath, working on two issues?
somnath: give me 4-5 days time
<trackbot> issue-408 -- Centred value for intial-letter-align ⓟ -- open
richard: went through a lot of
newspapers in many scripts
... got examples
... many examples use an approach where they make a (colored)
... with the drop cap or initial "letter" in that box
... alignment from edges of box
... not a scenario addressed by CSS
... way spec is currently written
... defines size of letter
... and the alignment with surrounding script
addison: any objection to removing the ⓟ for provisional
koji: different from ideograph?
richard: yes, because additional space around character
addison: illuminated cap
JcK: looks like medieval illumination style in latin script
addison: maybe forward to css?
<scribe> ACTION: richard: forward issue-408 to CSS as non-provisional comment [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-395 - Forward issue-408 to css as non-provisional comment [on Richard Ishida - due 2015-01-29].
<trackbot> issue-397 -- Interaction of variation selectors and proposed emoji modifiers ⓟ -- open
<trackbot> issue-405 -- clarify embedded image vs. character (editorial) ⓟ -- open
richard: no objections to these
addison: any other comments, please expedite
<JcK> Re the CSS issue, and at the risk of channeling Muriel Cooper (or maybe Norbert Weiner) it seems to me that there is a meta-issue here as to when style-based page formatting ends and graphical pay layout art begins, i.e., where does one stop? Again, the medieval Latin manuscript example may be helpful as a way to think about this -- there were some very specific conventions there, but...
<JcK> ...they differ by scribal school and over time and still allowed for illustrator discretion. The mind boggles about what would happen if we tried to devise an formalized typology and encoding for them. Perhaps Korean pages are is a lot more standardized in that regard, but the examples and discussion are not persuasive about that.
<DennisTan> I have to drop off. Thank you. Bye
<r12a> t is important to consider character encoding when producing documents, and to understand how to choose and declare encodings, how and when to use character escapes, etc.
richard: have blessing to continue and publish next tuesday
David: yes
addison: yes
<matial> yes
<r12a> yes
<David> +1
<JcK> +1
<koji> +1
<Steve_Atkin> Steve +1
<scribe> chair: resolved to publish this as a tombstone
richard: put together above after
long call with beihang today
... main action will start in March
... tomorrow will talk with them about Han document
... getting FPWD ASAP
... charter is done
... mailing lists are done
... remainder in progress
... home pages soon
addison: that's awesome