Chinese layout prep

From Internationalization

Initial setup (now)

Mailing lists set up done:

  • list (archive) is the Chinese discussion mailing list.
  • (archive) is the English discussion mailing focus on Hanzi (Simplified, Traditional).
  • (archive) for Mongolian (Mainly in English, part of threads in Mongolian or Chinese)
  • (archive) for Tibetan (mainly in English, part of threads in Tibetan or Chinese).

Next international, all-hands monthly meeting 5 March

Status Who What When
🗸 chunming change chinese home page joining section to reflect new joining information 01-22
🗸 richard create initial english home page 01-22
🗸 cindy create new chinese home page using english model 01-24
🗸 richard remove red text from charter 01-23
- beihang? set up english calls, one per month, starting in March 01-31
- richard ask the i18n WG if they would like to participate and report back to beihang 01-22
- richard set up a database group for the task force 01-30
- xiaoqian establish work needed to bring Hanzi doc to FPWD and set a target date 01-23
- chunming send an internal email listing currently available sources for all scripts, with links or attachments 01-27
🗸 richard change milestone dates in charter as agreed 01-23

Announcement (mid March)

Announcement to go out about Hanzi FPWD, mentioning plans to work on minority scripts

Status Who What When
- ?? ask chen zhuang to send email to his groups asking for volunteers to work on minority languages -
- Chen Zhuang send email to his groups asking for volunteers to work on minority languages -
- Richard announcement on i18n home page -
- ?? announcement on W3C page -
- All thing of other channels to announce, and add below -

Mongolian task force setup

Status Who What When
- ?? decide, based on group dynamics, how often to hold telecons & set up mechanism to support it -
- angel figure out how the group will work wrt email, voice comm, etc. -
- chunming create preliminary version of document to get started -
- angel find one or more editors for the doc -
- All recruit a sufficient quorum to move the work forward -

Tibetan task force setup

Status Who What When
- ?? decide, based on group dynamics, how often to hold telecons & set up mechanism to support it -
- angel figure out how the group will work wrt email, voice comm, etc. -
- ?? create preliminary version of document to get started -
- angel find one or more editors for the doc -
- All recruit a sufficient quorum to move the work forward -

Uighur task force setup

Status Who What When
- ?? decide, based on group dynamics, how often to hold telecons & set up mechanism to support it -
- angel figure out how the group will work wrt email, voice comm, etc. -
- chunming create preliminary version of document to get started -
- angel find one or more editors for the doc -
- All recruit a sufficient quorum to move the work forward -