W3C gratefully acknowledges the ingenico, for hosting this workshop.
also to support from the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2013-2015) under grant agreement n° 611327 - HTML5 Apps.
If you're interested in being a sponsor, please contact Bernard Gidon at For additional information, please visit the Sponsorship program.
Important dates
8 February 2014:
Deadline for expressions of
interest or position papers
for possible presentation
(via email)
8 March 2014:
Program and position papers posted on the workshop website
14 March 2014:
Deadline for registration
(statement of interest required,
no participation fee)
24-25 March 2014:
Read the Workshop Report.
Raw Minutes
Format: The agenda is structure with 6 main sessions of 2 hours. Each session will have a moderator and will follow a similar format:
- 1 introductory speaker to speak for 15 minutes to provide an overview of the topic.
- 4-8 panelists to speak for 15-30 minutes to offer seed ideas for discussion with the audience (ideas must have very little overlap w/ speaker introduction)
- The remaining 75-90 minutes should be dedicated to exploratory discussion with the audience to discover areas where W3C could be effective (potential standardization initiatives).
- Use cases and requirements will be tracked by someone assigned to keep track of use cases (separate from the Minutes taker).
Social Media & Minutes taking:
- Twitter: #W3Cpayment
- Irc: Irc is used by minute takers. We recommend participants to join channel: #W3Cpayment
Day 1 (Monday 24th March)
8:00 Registration opens
09:00 Welcome
- Welcome by Sponsors & host
- Welcome from W3C - Jeff Jaffe, CEO of W3C [Slides]
09:30 Keynote Speaker Alexander Gee, Deputy Head of the Payments Unit for the European Commission's DG Competition [Slides]
10:00 Morning break
10:30 Session 1 — Overview of Current and Future Payment Ecosystems
- Moderator: Charles McCathie Nevile (@chaals)
- Minutes takers: Manu Sporny (@manusporny) / Bryan Sullivan (use-cases)
- Presenters:
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Session 2 — Toward an Ideal Web Payment Experience
Identifying how users want to pay is one issue, but implementing this is much more complex. The use cases associated with web payments involves a number of different players; banks, device manufacturers, network operators, security vendors etc. Use experience is another big issue; how do we create a user experience which works for everyone? Do we focus on "one for all" or adaptable systems which cater for different types of users? In this session we will be taking the key use cases for web payments and analysing the issues and questions associated with implementation. Key questions we will be answering include:
- How do we want to pay across devices?
- Does an "ideal user experience" exist and how would this work?
- What are the business, legal and technological issues associated with implementing this "ideal user experience"?
- What steps can we take to solve these issues?
- What key UI features does the "ideal user experience" have?
- What needs to happen within standardisation to help solve the key UI questions?
At the end of the session the audience and panelists should have an idea of the issues associated with implementations of payment systems, and a clear guidelines for how some of these can be overcome or worked through.
- Moderator: Natasha Rooney
- Minutes takers: Evan Schwartz / Martin Hepp (@mfhepp) (use-cases)
- Presenters:
15:30 Afternoon break
16:00 Session 3 — Back End: Banks, Regulation, and Future Clearing
This session will be covering Web Payments as an intersection of technology+people+finance. As the world starts moving toward digital money (nationalized and denationalized money) we will have a series of new issues to deal with from the Institutions, Brick&Mortar Banks, Reguluatory issues, and new Clearing Systems.
- General overview and whats new out there?
- Traditional Banking and how they are fitting into the new movements
- Specific technologies that relate directly to this new space
- How this new movement applies to C2C, C2B, B2B, B2C, P2P (C=Corp, B=Business, P=Peer)
- Reporting and Regulations in the code. Code must include reporting and regulatory entry points so concerns can be address addressed via technology.
- Moderator: Erik Anderson (@datasciencedev )
- Minutes takers: Dave Raggett / Prakash Hariramani (use-cases)
- Presenters:
18:00 Closing
19:00 Social Event partly sponsored by Hub Culture/Ven Currency, Consult Hyperion and Yandex
Day 2 (Tuesday 25th March)
09:00 Session 4 — Enhancing the Customer and Merchant Experience
The customer experience for both the consumer and the merchant is the rock on which a great many payment schemes founder. We all understand the age-old struggle between security and convenience, but perhaps there are one new ways to resolve it. In this session we will explore new architectures for online payments -- architectures that are based on the "Triple A Play" of authentication, apps and APIs -- to create seamless payment experiences founded to a large extent on mutual recognition and trust. So seamless, in fact, that the payment transaction itself might vanish entirely.
- Moderator: Dave Birch (@dgwbirch)
- Minutes takers: Stephane Boyera/Bryan Sullivan (use-cases)
- Presenters:
11:00 Morning break
11:30 Session 5 — Front End: Wallets - Initiating Payment and Digital Receipts
Over 1 billion digital buyers will spend $1.5 Trillion on business-to-consumer eCommerce purchases in 2014. Globally eCommerce and especially mCommerce continue to grow. Unfortunately the payment experience is still fraught with friction resulting in lower conversion rates due to the painful task of entering long forms with payment and registration information. While wallets alleviate this friction, there are no “front end” standards that could simplify the payment experience for all stakeholders.
The checkout experience follows a standard procedure (tap the buy button, select payment method, authorize payment and receive proof of purchase..) and standardization would be the logical next step
This session will focus on the following:
- What needs to be standardized at the front end of payments?
- What are the key requirements/usecases ?
- How would the stakeholders benefit?
- Moderator: Prakash Hariramani (@phariramani)
- Minutes takers: Natasha Rooney / Charles McCathie Nevile (use-cases)
- Presenters:
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Session 6 — Identity, Security, and Privacy
The integration of payment in the open web platform requires to approach the problem of identifying the users. How to enroll a user, how to provide insurance related to his or her identity, combining user privacy and security of payment service. This session will be covering the possible means to associate identity management with the following topics:
- What are the existing identity scheme experiences up to now ?
- What would be the ideal features of an identity management in the open web platform, including security merits and user’s privacy ?
- How and where would identity management be defined to support W3C works ?
- Moderator: Virginie Galindo
- Minutes takers: Charles McCathie Nevile / Manu Sporny (use-cases)
- Presenters:
16:30 Afternoon break
17:00 Wrap up & Next steps
- Moderator: Dan Appelquist
18:00 Closing
The table below lists the papers accepted by the program committee. The full list of papers is available from the papers page.
Organization | Name | Job Title |
15marches | Stéphane Schultz | Founder & CEO |
41st Parameter / Experian | Ori Eisen | Founder, Chief Innovation Officer |
5 APPS | Sebastian Kippe | Managing Director |
ABN AMRO Bank | Floris Kleemans | Head of Strategy |
Alcatel-Lucent | Thomas Picard | Head of Service Standards |
ARM Limited | Hannes Tschofenig | Lead Standards Engineer |
AT&T | Bryan Sullivan | Director of Service Standards |
Bango | Keir Kettle | Head of Payment Flow |
bbva | oscar | bbva new technologies |
BBVA | Rafael Hernandez | Manager |
BCS | Dr Louise Bennett | Chair security and Identity Groups |
Bloomberg | Erik Anderson | No Titles at Bloomberg |
BPCE | Cyril VIGNET | Innovation & Payements |
CANTON-Consulting | Jean-Yves ROSSI | President |
China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) | Tian | Dr. |
CHYP | Dave Birch | Director |
Coin Apex | Max Raskin | Vice President |
Coin Apex | Jonathan Warren | Chief Technical Officer |
Conix | Patrice Bernard | Consultant in Innovation |
Crédit Agricole Normandie / Pôle TES de Caen | Rémy LESELLIER | Strategic Marketing & Innovation / Administrator |
Deutsche Telekom - Innovation Laboratories | Jörg Heuer | Research&Innovation Director |
Digital Bazaar, Inc. | Manu Sporny | Founder / CEO | Foundation | Denis Roio aka Jaromil | Executive Director |
Ercim | Aurelien Chouvet | Business developer France |
Espresso Collective | Ricardo Varela | Founder |
Espresso Collective | Ernesto Jimenez | CTO |
European Commission | Alexander Gee | DG Competition |
European Payments Council | Dr. Marijke De Soete | Senior Expert Consultant |
Federal Reserve Bank of New York | Ken Isaacson | Senior Vice President and Chair of the Future Payment Team |
Federal Reserve of Chicago | Connie Theien | Vice President |
Fraunhofer FOKUS | Robert Kleinfeld | Senior Project Manager R&D |
Fraunhofer FOKUS | Stephan Steglich | Director Future Applications and Media |
gemalto | Virginie GALINDO | technical marleting |
Prakash Hariramani | Sr Product manager | |
GS1 | Pierre Georget | CEO |
GSMA | Natasha Rooney | Ms |
GSMA | Saurabh Sethi | Technology Manager |
Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute | James Z. Lei | Program Director |
HSBC Bank PLC | Mark Evans | Senior Manager, Client Solutions & Innovation, Payments & Cash Management |
HSBC Bank Plc | Darren Goucher | Mobile Technologies Specialist |
Hub Culture and Ven Currency | Stan Stalnaker | Founding Director |
ING | Eric Tak | Global Head of Cards Solutions |
ING | Angeles Marzo | Payments Manager |
INGENICO | Michel LEGER | EVP Global Sales & Marketing |
Internet Society | Karen O'Donoghue | Research Analyst |
KDDI | Eriko Hondo | London Representative |
Lyra Network | Gregory Estrade | R&D Manager |
Mahindra Comviva | Vidya Chandy | VP, Product Management |
Microsoft | Timothy Ng | Principle Program Manager |
Mozilla | Kumar McMillan | Web Developer |
Mozilla | Andrew McKay | Engineering Manager |
NACS | David Ezell | AC Representative, Chair of POS / Back Office Committee |
NACS / PCATS | Gray Taylor | Executive Director |
NBREDS Inc. | Danny Jeong | CEO |
Net Mobile AG | Bülent Ünal | CTO ; Payment & Banking |
OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES | Michele SARTORI | Systems Security Engineer |
Opera Software | Lars Erik Bolstad | SVP Web Technology |
Orange | Mohammed Dadas | Content Standardization Manager |
PayGate | Mountie Lee | CTO |
PayGate Co. Ltd. | Jong-Pyo Hong | |
payleven Holding GmbH | Rafael Otero | Co-Founder & CTO |
PaymentsSource | Bailey Reutzel | Reporter |
Payzen | Laurent Penou | Innovation & TW |
PCI Security Standards Council | Jeremy King | International Director |
PCI SSC | Mauro Nunez | COO |
Qualcomm Innovation Center | Giri Mandyam | Senior Director |
Rabobank | Gerben Mak | Innovation manager |
Rabobank | Roy Duffels | Innovation manager |
Rabobank Nederland | Evert Fekkes | Business Information Manager |
Ripple Labs | Stefan Thomas | CTO |
Ripple Labs | Evan Schwartz | Software Developer |
Samsung Electronics | Jungkee Song | Software Engineer |
Samsung Electronics | Wonsuk Lee | Principal Engineer |
Shanghai Hongchuang Web Technology Service Co., Ltd. | Curtis Young | Chief Operation Officer |
Shanghai Hongchuang Web Technology Service Co., Ltd. | Guorong Tian | Chairman |
SK Telecoms | Joe MoonOk | Manager (SW Architect, Engineer) |
Swedbank | Emil Johansson | Group Product Manager E-payments |
SWIFT | Adrian CITU | |
SYMBA IDF | Hayem Etienne | CEO & Founder |
Telefónica | Daniel Appelquist | Open Web Advocate |
Telekom Innovation Laboratories | Axel Nennker | Expert R&D Payments & Transactions |
Telenor Digital | Karl Johan Heimark | Software Engineer |
The Opman Company | Joseph Potvin | Operations Manager |
The World Bank | Harish Natarajan | Senior Financial Sector Specialist |
Trans Africa Solutions (Pty) Ltd. | Neil Mason-Jones | Director |
Universität der Bundeswehr München | Martin Hepp | Professor |
W3C | Stephane Boyera | |
W3C | Alexandra Lavirotte | Admin Support |
W3C | Dave Raggett | |
W3C | Bernard Gidon | EMEA Business Development Leader |
W3C | Wendy Seltzer | Policy Counsel & Domain Lead |
W3C | Jeff Jaffe | CEO |
W3C | Robin Berjon | HTML Editor |
W3C / HTML5Apps | Marie-Claire Forgue | Head of Training |
W3C/MIT and IRI | Harry Halpin | Team member |
Worldline | Jean ClaudeBarbezange | R&D Director |
Worldline | Olivier Maas | R&D Trusted services |
Yandex | Evgeny Vinogradov | |
Yandex / Яндекс | charles c nevile | CTO group |
Tobie Langel |